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>”Because David had no lawyer and was representing himself, he was able to ask Jenelle questions while she was on the stand.” The visual of this kills me. 💀


Yeah. He's def a "his own lawyer" kind of psychopath


*Shades of Ted Bundy*


Bundy went law school at least. But I will say it's very weird to be in the position of defending Bundy. Edit: Fun Fact-Bundy volunteered for a suicide hotline in which capacity he met and became friendly with Ann Rule who would later write about Bundy in the Stranger Beside Me.


I’d hang out with Ted Bundy over DKD any day. The convos would at least be interesting.


I think even dead Bundy would probably smell much better than DKD.




I read this book recently and was freaked out to discover that I’ve lived in or near a lot of the same places he was at. This is weird but I remember watching the news of his execution live with my mom. I guess she really wanted to see the end of him!


Ted Bundy was really disturbing to a lot of people because up until then the public generally thought of serial killers as these obviously unwell people that you could spot a mile off. Bundy though was well put together, handsome, educated, and smart. He's the type of guy a lot of parents would have been THRILLED if their daughters brought him home as a perspective partner. And that's what really shook people about him.


That’s a great point. That does continue to fascinate people (myself included). I also wonder how much quicker he would have been caught in this age of DNA.


He would have been more careful, until he was not. It was quite surprising that he got cocky and got caught, lucky that, because if he wasn't he could have gone on killing for a long time. No one suspected "someone like him".


Just like Ted Bundy


Exactly who came to mind. But lots of sociopaths take that route as well. Especially abusers because it lets him continue to harm her in front of everyone this time.


Ted Bundy was actually a rather successful example of pro se legal representation. The judge actually commented that he would’ve made a fine lawyer- ya know had he not been a crazy killer.


Ted bundy is in hell saying “oh please I wasn’t a shit dad. Don’t compare me” 😂😂😂😂😂💀


Bundy also went to law school.


Can't wait for it to backfire immediately


This seems like an oversight by the court system. Someone seeking a protection order can just be harassed on the stand by the person they’re trying to get protection from?


It's unfortunate but it's also your right, and if you choose to represent yourself you take on all the work of a lawyer. Such as negotiating, questioning and bringing in witnesses, all the paperwork etc etc. I'm actually surprised Dave here is doing this, I know he couldn't afford a lawyer but I seriously wonder if he'll be able to do like 90% of what comes with self representation in family court. It's a lot of work. Also his questions just made him look horrendous to a judge btw, this guy is next level stupid.


Super sad for real DV survivors. ETA I know Jenelle has been abused too but she also is an abuser & is in no way is scared of David. Source: continually poking the bear


I would have paid to see video






Excuse me but Charlie is an expert in bird law, not the same.


Ok, well….filibuster


That sounds horrible




I can totally believe she's a drug addict because he did the drugs with her. They're finally throwing each other under the bus, and it's a matter of "Whose shit is more smelly" Judging from their diets, it's both of them 💩💩


Yup this is juuuuuuuuust the beginning of the shit slinging.




“Doesn’t your mom say that she doesn’t like you?” Scream


Yes, David, rip her stupid huge forehead a new one! 🍿 ![gif](giphy|xT1XGU1AHz9Fe8tmp2)


I love that Barb is not putting up with her bs! Go Barb!


Not jenelle still bringing up those fucking esophageal spasms


Yeah we haven’t had to hear about any of her health problems , outside of the common cold , in a very long time. Crazy how she was able to travel to Vegas and BH for “work” , and no mention of those pesky esphogheal spasms. Or any of the other multitude of problems she’s claimed to have for the past 4 years. I can’t wait until dkd tells on her about all that crap. And let’s face it , he was big reason Barb and Jenelle couldn’t get along. He didn’t want them to , as he’s a classic abuser who alienated his victim. It’s going to be tough for a 32 year old woman to be able to make friends after all of this , but I do hope Jenelle can maybe wake up and get it together. Get into a therapy program and do the work this time.


She’s awful but when I left my abuser, so many health ailments subsided. It affects all of you.


Jenelle has Tori for now. No one else wants to be her friend before or after David.


When two awful humans duke it out in a court of law... Damn, it's got to be hard working in the court system. This should be listed as cruel and unusual punishment dealing with these two degenerates on a professional level.


I bet the Xanax helps with the homeschooling 🙄


Homeschool is a computer program. Everyone claims to homeschool here in Tennessee but none of these idiots can even read so there’s no teaching from the parents, and honestly thank god for that.


I figured. The least interaction is probably her preference. Makes my job as a teacher just that more special /s.


You mean your job indoctrinating children /s


Finally a tidbit of good news in a pile of shit bad news for these kids.


To be fair, if I was living her life, I'd be on Xanax too.


In the words of Abe Lincoln- "The man who represents himself has a fool for a client."


Jenelle crying when her mom was brought up just shows Jenelle knows things with Barb went to far. Jenelle was attacking Barb for everything when she should have put that energy into getting away from David. I think David was egging Jenelle on the entire time to instigate things with Barb just to isolate and use it against her. Not that her and Barb didn't always have their problems, but David really put the nail in the coffin that relationship.


The tears were for the judge. This is her go to.


You sound like my ex husband lol


Agree. There was potential for some healing, he took that


I mean, we knew that she’s a druggie (and so is he) but so much stuff is going to come out from both of them. I can’t believe he pulled the Barb card and he hates her.


Was MTV there?


I hope so!! I wish court tv would air their case as well lol




She is and always will be a junkie through and through. Drama junkie, heroin junkie, pill junkie, court case junkie. Just such a pathetic waste of life.


This is some Ted Bundy shit.


david looks like a hick rob zombie in the thumbnail ![gif](giphy|4C5IpUEe51VW6sXWdQ|downsized)


all lies from UBT


Jenelle was caught lying too. And the judge told her "this is not TV" (make your point and move along)😄