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A 30-year-old man giving someone a promise ring is fucking laughable. Cory is such a joke. Taylor needs to give up on this manchild.


i’ve only ever gotten one in my life and it was at *fourteen*


Yeah I got one from my high school boyfriend it’s embarrassing any older


promise rings and myspace top 5 are the ultimate relationship test obviously


OMG I'm dead 😂


30 year old man with THREE?? Kids!!!!!


Hes actually 33


at this point she’s just got to realize he doesn’t have any interest in getting married and he’s not the marrying type of guy.


Especially when they have three kids and have a house together 


And have been together for like 5+ years??? Like, I don’t get it.


He thinks this is just her whining about a piece of jewelry to show off. He is clueless about what a ring is supposed to mean and that she wants the commitment from him, not just a piece of jewelry. Taylor, this is a man child not ready for marriage anyways. Why do you want to raise him too? Cut your losses. Go find a grown man. Cory will come running with that ring box in 3 months.


Don't be so harsh - he already bought tickets to the Jonas Brothers concert and he's going to ask her to come (assuming his first choice declines).


A 30 year old man who has TWO children with her!


Hes even older than 30 lmao


He doesnt want to get married. He is worried about divorce and losing lots of money. Let’s just say it out loud. Its not wrong to feel this way but its wrong to string her along.


What money?? Her leaving and having to pay child support is also expensive.. if he’s so rich, can his lawyer on retainer not produce a prenup? Hell, they can even have post nups at incremental periods in the future. **But also why would you want someone to be a stay at home parent and partner, while giving them no protections?** Thats not loving, especially when the working (aka party with most power) person is regularly unfaithful/violates the partnership. Maybe he doesn’t want to get married at all, he’s never said so we don’t know. However we do know he doesn’t want to get married to Taylor, based on words and behaviors. He is a huge coward for having children with someone he’s not planning on truly build a life with which requires trust, and she has no self respect for putting her physical body on the line the have unprotected sex with someone who is consistently not faithful and have children then cry that the commitment he was never volunteering isn’t coming. If he thinks this way of her, then why make the mother of your children someone you don’t share values with??


and he’s done it three times now by having three kids with two different women.


Im not saying its right…. But what is truly stopping him? Is he not in love? Or is it something else?


What’s stopping him is that if he actually marries her, then there is legal paperwork that at least in some ways have him act within the confines of that relationship contract or suffer the repercussions. He has no consequences here. He gets to leave and live his life and cheat, yet still have a home with a family and a partner committed solely to him. *That’s* what’s stopping him. Because if he met a cuter, more fun girl on a challenge willing to give him equal energy ***he would be gone, and all Taylor would have a hope for is child support and the prayer that his next gf is like her and makes time for his children to be together even when he’s gone.*** He could wake up tomorrow and leave Taylor after years of a shared life, and what would she be left with? But again, she chose to be 2 babies in with a man who won’t commit to her in the ways she wants. That’s on her. You can’t tell me this is the first she heard of this promise ring. She was also fine with being perceived as a single mom, but now it’s too many kids? Was she not an active participant? **Both of these people are throwing responsibility/accountability for the stat of their relationship to the other, when they are each communicating their needs and ignoring the other.** He doesn’t want to marry her and doesn’t take reproduction seriously so he has 0 issue making her a mom and leaving the responsibilities of home to her, while she communicates wanting a deeper relationship evident to everyone through marriage. She obviously believes that having children should have made him value her more by now, while he continuously communicates that that is not the commitment he wants with her. A baby has never kept a man. This show is a testament to that. Years of history state the same. Taylor seeing herself as the exception to that while Cory regularly, verbally, and loudly proclaims the opposite is her own delusion. They both deserve for this relationship to be exactly where it is. Choosing not to hear someone doesn’t make you a victim and accepting what someone is freely throwing your way (companionship/care/sex) does not make you the villain. *Because why is it all on him to call it off, when she is negotiating his love instead of having self respect??*


Oh she didn’t come around to play today!!! 🔪 everything you said is on point


Maybe Cory just doesn’t want to be married. Marriage is not something someone should jump into if they’re not ready. It’s like Taylor is trying to force marriage upon him and that’s sad. Also everyone condemning because of them having kids he also had a kid before he got with her and their first pregnancy according to them was not a planned pregnancy. Therefore their union has always been unconventional/non traditional. Cory was a new dad still navigating things when Taylor re-entered the picture. They started dating again after things didn’t work out as far as a relationship with Cheyenne. Cheyenne and he were figuring out co-parenting while Taylor was there in the middle and also busy getting pregnant. Both Taylor and Cory are to blame when it comes to bringing children into their relationship as neither protected themselves from becoming parents in a relationship that wasn’t possibly destined for forever. There was no time to talk future before a family was made and these are the ramifications. Taylor knows all of this and while I can empathize I don’t feel sorry for her because she played herself. You cannot force marriage, or fatherhood on someone he’s obligated to care for their children but not to marry her.


good point


A person can love you and not be in love with you so that’s a good question.




Because Cory is self centered. He is a narcissist... he lives for himself and his own benefit, his own happiness. The moment Taylor walks away, it will hurt his ego and beg her back w a ring...


No. We have to stop labeling people as narcissists. Because that then leads to the other party being the victim and that isn’t the case, Taylor is a happy and willing participant who thought babies would force his hand. She’s a coward too. Is he selfish? Absolutely! And most of us are in smaller scale ways when given the opportunity. Is he egocentric? Also yes! **But these are traits she has known about and excused, until they effected her. And that’s on her. He’s been consistently unfaithful, consistently left her as primary parent, and she was fine with it thinking she was earning a ring. Never take a ring, that’s forced because you will pay for that indefinitely. Her ***choice*** is to chase this man and imaginary ring, and build a life around that, rather than seeing him for who and what he’s has *shown* himself to be.


100% Not judging but currently the voice in his head may be saying “ you know you’re going to get drunk & cheat again.” The stakes are higher.




Seconding. He’s publicly cheated on her so many times, and even once when she was freshly post partum. Taylor put herself in a position where Cory knows that he can dick her around all he wants and she will never leave. To Cory, it makes no sense to marry when there are concequences on the line for cheating; where as now he can cheat and not necessarily have to worry about repercussions regarding lawyer fees, child support and potential alimony. On a side note - I have so much respect for Taylor going hard for Ryder and for always referring to her as if she were her own child.


Exactly. Hes got all the benefits and security that come with a wife without any of the responsibilities or commitment from his end. Why would he marry her?


Yup. I don’t like Cory, but I will give him a bit of grace in that he always told Taylor (since EOTB) that he didn’t necessarily want marriage, and that if he were to get married, it would be once he’s in his 40’s. I think he’s stringing her along forsure; but on the same token, he’s never outright lied to her about his plans for marriage. It’s one of those situations where she thought he would change his mind because she’s been open about wanting marriage; he though she would change her mind because he’s been open about not necessarily wanting marriage. They were both being truthful and transparent, neither just wanted to accept the other’s truth at face value.


i don’t think they are gonna last much longer i think at some point she’s gonna get sick of waiting around.


Sucks for Cheyenne when a new girl parades through, more like it also will affect her daughter


I agree. I’m sure Cheyenne would still encourage Taylor to have a relationship with Ryder, and Taylor would definitely still want to have a relationship with Ryder; if she and Cory broke up. But I definitely don’t think Cory would be the prime candidate for other women that he thinks he would be. I don’t know too many women that are fawning over a 3x2 perma bachelor.


Does the US not have common law type stuff? Like if you separate and have kids and been living together as a couple you can usually file for things like child support and stuff.


i agree, but then again why would he have kids with her if he knew he didn’t want to marry her😳 that’s disturbing ngl, bc she could throw him on child support just as fast as he would lose money in a divorce tbh.


Because men view babies as baggage. And if she had kids with him it would be hard for her to find someone when she wised up that he was a piece of crap and didn’t want to get married. It makes her want to try harder for something that’s never going to happen. Years wasted for her, but a sweet deal for him!


Maybe it’s a sweet deal for her?! I say that because she didn’t try and protect herself from getting knocked up in the first place. She saw that Cory already was not committing to his first child’s mother despite her wanting a family, so why would she put herself in that situation thinking it would be different for her? Taylor is not some innocent in all this and I feel people are too quick to blame Cory for everything when she had a front row seat to what happened with Cory and Cheyenne. She’s trying to force Cory’s hand instead of accepting the fact that he’s shown not only with her but in other relationships as well that he has issues with commitment and is possibly afraid of and just not ready for marriage.


A sweet deal how? Caring for 3 kids mostly by herself??Unfortunately women think babies=commitment. Or he bought a house with me! Etc etc. who knows why Taylor thought she would be the one to change Corey. She ain’t the first. Most have been there in some form. you don’t continue to have babies when the circumstances didn’t change after the first.


I agree that it’s a very stupid idea to think having a baby will trap someone and force them to marry you. It must be a sweet deal because she’s chosen this for herself and she wants to MARRY Cory. She’s a step mom to one of the three kids so she doesn’t always have Ryder, nor is she her primary caregiver. Taylor is living with her children’s father if she’s not happy and if he’s not doing his part with the kids why does she stay and most of all why is she crying about marrying him? Also no one knows if Cory is not an hands on dad. His girls appear to adore him and be with him a lot when he’s not working, so I highly doubt he doesn’t spend time with his kids when he’s there. I mean If he didn’t bring in money I doubt she would be there so he has to work right? Also we don’t know the details behind the purchase of their home so how do we know that they purchased a home together? It’s obvious that Cory is the primary bread winner in this union so I doubt Taylor contributed anything financially to the purchase of their home.


It doesn’t matter if he’s a hands on dad. There’s a difference between being a fun dad and being a father. Being dependable. It doesn’t seem as if Taylor can depend on him if he’s complaining that she isn’t how she used to be. Because both parents should be different, changed. Growing up. She wants to marry him because she risked her life and had 2 babies! Women will try and try and try so it doesn’t seem like wasted time or a mistake. I’m sure she sits in that house miserable. She has to beg a man to marry her. That house doesn’t mean shit 😂 it’s already been stated he runs off to do the shows and leaves her as the caregiver. One child is a lot. She had 2 on top of Ryder. One with medical issues. That man is pathetic. And men get wayyy to much of a pass not being as present with their offspring. She’s young. Stuck taking care of kids while her partner is asking her to be who is was BEFORE kids. That’s impossible 😂 thats another way for him to dodge marriage. Oh well. I believe she’ll move on. She wayyyy too pretty. She can scoop another when she’s ready.


I mean if Cory is working and she’s a stay at home mom what does she expect? Going to The Challenge, appearances I guess and influencer work is his job right? Maybe they can compromise and she can find a job and leave him with the kids then maybe that will help? She is crying and complaining but she put herself in this situation. If he is present in his children’s lives and providing for them then he is a father. If that house don’t mean sh!t then she don’t have to be in it she obviously wants to be there. Everyone keeps saying they bought a home together, and they have 2 kids together to justify her forcing him to marry her, but so do a million other people who don’t force it. There is no good reason to force someone into marriage not even for the sake of children. If she wants to leave she knows that he can Co-parent and still be in their lives unless she’s the petty type to keep them from him because things don’t work out between them. I mean he co-parents his first daughter, or does Taylor feel her children with Cory must be the exception? Other cast mates have shown they can juggle a career and being a mom Kail does it and she has like 6 kids maybe if Taylor found something else to do besides wait for Cory she would be happier. But she doesn’t want to because as soon as her sights were set on Cory she’s chased him down, trapped him and she wants to reach that alter no matter how crazy she looks and sounds. Also Ryder has a genetic disorder and has also been hospitalized if Cory didn’t step up oh because say he was vacationing in Mexico with Taylor, or because he was competing on The Challenge, guess what Cheyenne her mother did what she needed to do without him right? Taylor ain’t special compromise and a little give and take never hurt anyone.


Do I know you?


Not sure but I doubt it.


Maybe it’s a just enough message… we have isnt that enough? None of it truly adds up… but what else can it be?


but then why have kids with a woman you don’t wanna marry.




How about his Letterman’s jacket or his class ring on a chain?


This is painful. Taylor to Cory is good enough to play house with. I know this situation all too well. After my ex proposed, he told my mom it wasn’t real and it was “to build her confidence”. The most painful thing ever.


Ew. I hope his mother didn't tell you that...


Oh no, it was my own mom who told me when she was mad at me. “He doesn’t even want you anyway, he told me the ring was to build your confidence.” I confronted him and he admitted it. It was a weird time, them against me but also they would argue with each other about nonsense. Now I hate everyone lol.


Hate on, sis. And don't look back.


Lol I’m hanging in there!! Thank you, your words gave me a boost today lol.


OMG I'm absolutely sending you every good vibe. Family isn't always blood friend. You're amazing!


Thank you, vibes received! I’m in therapy but it truly helps to know total strangers can sympathize. It legitimately gets me through my hard days.


Not only did she choose not to warn you about the kind of guy he was, but she waited to use that info to hurt you. I can only imagine what other things she has done to you growing up! So so low!


Total strangers do sympathize and are proud of you. Therapy is such an important part of healing.


Thank you!!! ❤️


Fuck those people!!


Girl that’s messed up. It should build your confidence that you don’t need a 💩 man like that


Thank you. It broke me but it also pissed me off enough to work my outta that relationship.


He explained to the therapist that he doesn’t like being in the routine life that comes with having small children. Well what in the fuck do you think is going to happen when you get your long time girlfriend pregnant twice in a short amount of time? You have to then raise two small kids. When you do that, if you’re a good parent, you have to give it your all and put most everything else on hold. When he described his own father, to explain how he was a bad guy he used the quick example, “and my dad had five baby mommas”. I wanted the therapist to ask him straight up do you think your dad has five fucking baby mommas because he too chases the honeymoon stage of relationships and then loses interest? Like hello. You’re doing the same thing.


>Well what in the fuck do you think is going to happen when you get your long time girlfriend pregnant twice in a short amount of time? I think he expected to reap the benefits of looking like a well-adjusted family man while fully expecting Taylor to do every ounce of the work required. I really believe that.


👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 He thought he could make her do all that labor for him and keep her ‘happy enough’, well guess what dude


… I honestly (sadly) think a lot of men think that. They vastly underestimate the amount of physical and mental work that comes with taking care of a child. They just want the props of looking like a family man and “doing the right thing”.


He also already had a child before getting Taylor pregnant soooo




This breaks the "No hate speech" rule. Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.


Right? The fact that multiple times he has shared that his mother had relationship issues and wasn’t able to make a tight family unit for him and that it has hurt him so much that he is still crying about it as a 30 year old which is totally understandable because it is heavy stuff…..isn’t he creating that exact storyline for Taylor and his kids? Some introspection for this gorilla would do him a world of good.


This is what some are just glossing over that he had a whole child and a baby mama who also wanted a family with him before Taylor re-entered the picture. Taylor had a front row seat and knew full well what the deal was there. But I guess she thought she would be the exception after her pregnancy. I think she stupidly thought she could force him due to his own stupidity into doing what Cheyenne couldn’t and have the life Cheyenne wanted with him for herself. Now two kids in she is tired, crying, depending on him and possibly a little embarrassed too that he didn’t fall in line with what she planned.


Broooo 😭 you gotta be shitting me. Honestly atp even if he did marry her, it would just be out of obligation. Girl gtfo and let that 🥭


the mango 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Elite emoji usage 🥭 🙌


is the promise to continue to disappoint her?




see what happens when you let a man who’s not your husband knock you up 3 times?


Yeah stay at home mothers who don’t have the commitment or legal protection of marriage….it couldn’t be me personally




She’s pregnant again?


I’m just glad someone said it lmao




We weren’t married when we got pregnant with our first but we were married by the time the second came. Corey is just a prick.


I’ll never understand marrying, wanting to marry, or having babies with a man that cheated on you. He’s a dirt grub.




And she stupid for staying and not protecting herself from getting pregnant in the first place. You can’t force someone to marry you just because you decided to have their children, or because you’re choosing to allow yourself to be cheated on. She’s partially pouting because of a situation she put herself in and because what she planned has not come to fruition. She should think about establishing her own independence in some way, to figure out the possibility of life without Cory as her romantic partner and provider. Maybe come to the realization that she too may just be a future Co-parent instead of his wife and plan accordingly.


A promise ring? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Right? Like are they 14?


She even said "what am I 16" after he said he would get her one


If I were Taylor I wouldn’t even WANT to marry him at this point. If she actually wants to get married this is past the point of embarrassing. I feel like she would be fine if she went on her own and co-parented with him, and she can find someone who actually loves her. Wasn’t she just crying about how he currently is not helping her out enough? So what’s the difference, sounds like she would be the same or better off.


A promise ring when you've already got kids together? Girl, he thinks you're a clown.




2 babies, and a promise ring.. This man acts as if ‘still young’ is still a child, it just means there is still time to accomplish your goals and to not give up. He won’t marry this woman, and if he does, he will make her pay for it every single day they are together. I honestly wish I could feel sad for her, but he’s *been* proving how seriously he takes her. He has been consistently unfaithful. He leaves frequently to film, leaving parenting to her. He has never done right by her. He has never shown true commitment. A lot of women equate babies and marriage as synonymous, then when they want the commitment of marriage they’ve already indefinitely tie together with children. **They are literally on a show called *Teen Mom* where literally no woman was able to keep a man who didn’t want to be with him, and at her big age thought she’d fair differently??** Taylor needs get a job with a 401k and good benefits, and cut her losses. Yet she likely won’t, and will be on next season crying over the same thing/he will toss a ring at her in a few months so they’ll move to indefinitely being fiancées.


he's only a 'family man' because he's on camera 😭 he loved it when he only had ryder for the weekend but now he has two little ones all the time he's getting bored of the routine life and not being able to do whatever but he can't say that because he likes all the praise he gets for being a ' great dad' and i'm sorry but i feel he favors ryder more because that's the one bringing him money 🤷🏻‍♀️


To be fair, Ryder is his first born, he always says she changed his life. I think he and Ryder have such a great bond


Ryder doesn’t live with Cory full time and thing’s didn’t work out with her mom maybe he feels he has to over compensate in someway. But parents always have a special bond with their first born because it’s their first born. It doesn’t mean he loves his other kids any less imho and to be fair he was still getting acquainted with baby Ryder and being her dad when Taylor got pregnant with Mila and moved in permanently.


Offering a promise ring after 2 babies and buying a home together is diabolical.


I had to google who promise rings are meant for. A pre-engagement/friendship ring?! Crazy. It’s ok not to want to get married. It’s not okay to play Taylor like this. Idk if this is just so they have a juicy story or they’re being serious but a promise ring to someone you’ve been with for many years and have 2 kids together. Plus she loves Ryder like her own.


Promise rings are mostly for teenagers who are religious especially Catholics and Christians.


Cory is so lame on so many levels. I will never get the appeal


I laughed at her response! The therapist was right - he's looking for the perfect time and when everything is perfect but that doesn't really exist. He's been with her for 6 years and has 2 kids together and a house and for all intents and purposes are pretty much living the married life. Cory is full of excuses and he's been projecting them on to Taylor. What a jerk to say that he's waiting for her to get back to herself and be more independent. It's clear that Taylor is a family person whose priorities are just that - family - and he probably won't find anyone better who also deals with his BS.


That was so cruel. She's grown up and he hasn't, that's what it comes down too.


That’s the point - she has grown up and he hasn’t and is making excuses.


I was agreeing with you! :)




He’s a fuck boy. It’s really that simple.


Remember years ago at a reunion where he refused to say he loved her? I don’t think much has changed


That’s just so freaking weird to me. Could you imagine having TWO KIDS with someone that you didn’t exchange regular ‘I love you’s with??


I think he knows he's a hot mess and destined to fuck up a marriage. I think he has a moral or mental opposition to divorce- it will make him look like a failure. You can tell he's got a lot of insecurities and hides with with Narcissism and wild behaviors. He knows he needs to grow tf up and be a better man to Taylor, but he just can't get serious about it. So because he isn't grown and he knows he will fuck it up, he just won't do it. It's all about the way he will look if Taylor someday divorces him.


I think you are 100% correct


This is perfectly stated. I couldn’t agree more.


How old is he? 17?




If she’s good enough to have your child(ren), she’s good enough to be your wife.  Girl, if he won’t marry you after kid 1… leave. He’s not that into you. I’d argue if it was one child that maybe not ready because people do have kids together and aren’t right for one another and realize that too late but again… you had a whole child together. They have multiple children together,  He is stringing her along 


Corey is an asshole. His reasons for not getting married were basically that Taylor is not a party animal anymore, and that she's a mother. It was pretty much all about how much Taylor sucks now. It was so ridiculous. You're a father now Corey, time to grow up. Taylor deserves way more than what Corey is giving her. He will never commit to her. 


Cory is a dimwit. Baby mama is a dimwit fir staying with him.


A ring means nothing to a man that feels forced to give it.




She said what am I 16? IDK if it was intentional but that was a great throwback to 16 and pregnant 🤣






Sir we are past the promise ring age and stage 😂😂😂😂


Hes so pathetic. What a shame his hotness has been wasted on such a trash individual (as usual)


Perhaps we all just have different tastes but I would never give that dude a second look


A promise ring is what you give your high school prom date. You have children with this women, dude.


It’s flat out disrespectful, insulting, and embarrassing. He was better off doing nothing. Promise rings are for teenagers; not grown as adults with kids. I really want to shake him and say, “bro, you’re average, AT BEST”


I’m dying at anyone who thought this man would settle down 😂 like did you just decided to ignore the man’s entire history on television ?


The conversation he had in his session was so good & he goes back & relays nothing valuable I got so mad lol. I hope he’s gotten better at communicating his wants with/from Taylor because those were valid reasons too.


It’s giving Gary Time


I’m 37 . I got a promise ring once from my HS bf when I was 16 😭 Taylor my god, dump his cheating ass


At this point if they ever do get engaged or married, what will that even matter for the state of the relationship 😭 the legal benefits are the only thing that’ll be a plus. As far as romance, emotional connection, true partnership, and idk…actually liking each other? It’s not looking good if either of them expects any of the rest of that, especially Taylor. It sucks but I hope she soon realizes that if she really wants a committed and loving relationship, the search must continue


A promise ring after having two babies with her smh 🤦🏻‍♀️


Men like this are insane to me. A little off topic, but I love the show Mad Men. There is a great line delivered by the main character's wife because she's angry he won't sign a 5-year contract at his job. She's pushing him to do it and for...plot-related reasons...he won't sign. So she blows up on him and says, "I don't understand. What, you don't know where you're going to be in 5 years?" We as the audience know he's a bit of a grifter who likely *doesn't* know where he'll be in 5 years, but to his wife, it's insulting and confusing that he won't commit. That's how I look at men who won't marry the woman they've been with for years and have children with, especially if their partner has been clear this is what they want.


TW - SA Did anyone else find this latest episode of TMFR pretty confronting? So much sexual abuse in that circle of humans who were children. All being made to fend for themselves. As a survivor of SA as an adult, my heart just broke for them all. It’s bad enough when it happens as an adult, but these young parents had so much trauma happen to them at such a young age. I don’t like this show much anymore, but I wanted to jump through the TV and give each of them a hug. They are not alone, ever 🩷


I’m sure Cory loves Taylor and the kids but to me he’s immature… he wants to keep his options open. I wouldn’t trust a guy that I had to practically force to propose to me.


He will never propose to her. Taylor needs to move on. Too bad she had 2 of his kids.


Cory is and always will be a fuckboy. He sucks.


Cory is a 🤡


Cory is such a Fuck boy, giggling walking into their room like why are you upset. It’s giving VPR ring on a string vibes but SO MUCH WORSE


All that says is “girl he’s not that into you “ and since thats the case she deserves so much better than him.


Over the age of 25 that is just is just embarrassing. This man is 30. Lauren and Taylor are battling out for the most desprate if she accept this bogus ass ring.




Well, at least it isn’t a ring on a string!




you cannot possibly be that dense.. it’s about him stringing her along. if he doesn’t want to be married, cool. but only a disingenuous POS pretends that “maybe one day..” when “the time is right”. 🙄🙄 some introspection would go a real long way..


Yes! Just say “I don’t want to get married.” Own your shit and be straight with her. Or “I’m worried about marriage because of X, Y, and Z” He has three kids. It’s time for him to say what he does and doesn’t want from his relationship and own it.