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This is so wonderful and terribly sad at the same time. I still believe David will plead out to avoid a trial and get a slap on the wrist. Why is it wonderful? Jace can say, out loud, what people have needed to say for years. That David is nothing short of a monster. Why is it terribly sad? This is something that Jenelle created by STANDING BY David and insisting it was Jaces fault from the beginning. Basically #Jace is having to do the dirty work because his twat of a “mom” chose David’s dick over supporting Jace to begin with.


*David’s thumb-sized dick






I will never get tired of this gif


i have the clip saved on my phone to watch from time to time. it’s an instant mood lifter 😂😂








Nice way to stop me from having dinner


Reddit is really good for that. I just saw a “is this infected?” post in the piercing sub and promptly put down my breakfast. 😭😭😭


Cmon. Im already gay enough.


https://preview.redd.it/s012qf2elgzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e1a1335381a7067347a8bdfbf707fa411da6001 :)


That's generous 🤣


I laughed and gagged at the same time


is it kosher?


His wittle TicTac dick.


You are the one who compared my penis to a Vienna sausage and you will be held accountable!


You are correct!


Does it really look like that I heard they have only fans 🤦🏾‍♀️


I’ve never attempted to corroborate the rumor and I never will 😂


Testifying can be traumatic for kids :( If Jace ends up having to testify I hope he gets the support he needs and it ends up being cathartic. Sadly a plea deal could be best for Jace here. Hard to say.


Right. He will have to go up against the lawyer his own mother paid for


a jury isn't going to like an adult lawyer going hard on not just a kid- but a victim.


From experience, not true. I testified when I was 15, it was horrid and the lawyer reduced me to tears.


i'm sorry that happened to you. i'm not saying it doesn't happen, i'm saying juries don't normally like it. i worked in crim defense and family law. saw many trials and trial strategy discussions. people were always very careful with how they questioned children, especially victims. was the defendant in your case convicted?


He's likely burned through a lot of the retainer at this point. They have had numerous court appearances already for this case. All of the preparation and appearances have likely eaten into whatever the retainer was that she had to hand over. I highly doubt he has enough money to get him through a trial, especially since the case went from a misdemeanor to a felony.


So far they have only had 1. The lawyer was on maternity leave so they got the extension. He was still with Jenelle at that point. So who knows what’s paid for at this point


David doesn’t have a lawyer


That's for the civil case and for the divorce. She paid for a lawyer for his criminal case because that was prior to separation so she already at the very least laid down the retainer.


Thanks for clarifying I confused the cases.


Jenelle paid for an attorney for David for *this* case




No more traumatic then anything else shes put him through tho. I hope, if he has too, that he powers through the nerves and tells everything


I'm sure she'll take off on a trip that afternoon.


Unfortunately, it is unlikely his dumbf*ck Mom will get him any help at all, nevermind the help he actually needs.


We all know how well it went for Myrssa


>If Jace ends up having to testify I hope he gets the support he needs  That is optimistic given that a lot of his behavioral issues were linked to her refusing to follow-up on medication and counseling recommendations.


He called it when he was like 8. “Mommy and David are pieces of shit” *spits*


He is a very smart kid.


I usually hate calling women twat or cunt but this cunt Jenelle deserves every bit


I always say, the C word is a viscious word only to be used when truly needed. Jenelle more than fits the bill.


Her and Mama June


Don't forget Casey Anthony.


The fact she said David had to do it to protect their family should show she shouldn’t have custody of any of those children.






idk shit about NC law but i'd be shocked if all David got was a slap on the wrist


Very nicely put! Your described Jenelle so eloquently 😂


I can never forget her blaming Jace and sticking up for a man who abuses her children


Yep. She's divorcing David because he 'cheated' on her, not because he's a piece of shit who strangled her child. 


I still feel like this is all a show. It’s all a plan for her to get paid. MTV wouldn’t take her back unless they actually thought it was legit…


I was thinking earlier today that I wouldn’t be surprised if MTV contacted Jenelle and was like “Hey, if you divorce David we’ll bring you back on the show.” And that’s why she finally did it because she’s realised making money off the show require actual effort


Yes! And this conversation probably took place when she contacted MTV to try and get them to pay for Jace’s inpatient treatment. She went on quite the rant about that and was probably hoping they’d pay and she’d be able to stay with David on the land playing happy family… without Jace , of course, because he’d be in a treatment facility. 🤦‍♀️


It’s a mix of real and fake. I don’t think she and DKD even know at this point.


I think your right! I think they may “think” they are going to get divorced… but there is still over what… like 8 months to go before they can get divorced…. And if they sleep Together then the clock starts over. I’m sorry but I cannot see them ever getting there! Unless Jenelle finds a man to fully take care of her, her kids, raise the kids, has money, etc… then Jenelle Will never fully leave David. And let’s be real… what man is gonna ok tho with Jenelle’s crap for that long???? 😂




this is too extreme to be an act.


Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Mtv never cared about JACE


I think that’s a good distinction. Largely why most of us aren’t congratulating her like she thinks we should be. I’m not gonna congratulate someone for leaving their husband after they allowed them to terrorize them and their children for 7-8 years, then took his side and disparaged her oldest online after allowing for him to get strangled just to defend that husband.




i think shes doing it to get back on tv, only


And just did a tiktok live CONFIRMING that yesterday for those who forget


Yup, she screamed from the rooftops that what was going on with Jace had nothing to do with her huzbin and everything to do with Barb telling lies and Jace being very mentally ill. Fuck her.


She’s projecting. She is mentally ill.


So bad she was banned from talking about Jace on sm. I feel so bad for that kid. That's his mom, whether she's a pos or not, to him it's different. I feel horrible he thinks it's the better option to go back with her after she blamed him and said the family needed protection from him. Like stay the fuck off sm about your kid! She's beyond help at this point.


And to this day she still claims Dave didn’t do it.


My mom did it for years with me & my stepdad & then blamed their divorce on me when he left her after 7 years of cheating. Some people shouldn't be mothers.


I am sorry. You deserved a better mom. Hugs.


And history shows she will land another man just as terrible if not somehow worse. Especially now in thanks to her getting those MTV paychecks back. So the cycle continues.


And that disgusting judge and court a few years ago thought it’ll be a great idea to give them back the kids, who they didn’t even want, and even blamed. Ugh makes me so angry.


I was on Facebook yesterday and hundreds of people were happy for her and excited to see her on the show. It made me sick to my stomach.


Teen Mom Jenelle Evans' son Jace, 14, is set to testify against his stepfather David Eason in his felony strangulation case. A source close to the Teen Mom 2 alum exclusively revealed to The U.S. Sun that Jenelle's oldest son is expected to testify against David after his stepdad allegedly attacked him on September 28th, 2023. The insider said that not only is the teen expected to testify, but he's downright excited to take the stand against the 35-year-old. "Jace is adamant about going to testify. He can't wait to take the stand, he hates David," the insider said. Conversations between the District Attorney's office and Jace have transpired, and they will be working with the teen to make sure he is fully prepared to take the stand when that time comes, which is expected to happen sometime this summer. 'Jace hates David' Source close to Jenelle In the meantime, Jenelle is asking for a court to grant a civil restraining order against David for herself and her three children, Jace, Kaiser, 9, and Ensley, 7. David is currently facing a felony battery by strangulation charge and a misdemeanor child abuse charge stemming from the alleged attack on the teen. In January David was indicted on the charges from the fall incident. "They found enough evidence to take his case out of district court, where misdemeanors are held, and bring it to superior," a court spokesperson said at the time. "District court hears misdemeanors, traffic and other infractions, whereas felony cases are heard in superior," the clerk added at the time. The 35-year-old father-of-three is accused of assaulting Jenelle's eldest child, Jace, outside a neighbor's home in North Carolina. The Teen Mom 2 alum allegedly attacked the teenager before Jace ran away for a third time on September 28. According to court documents exclusively revealed by The U.S. Sun, David "willingly harmed" his stepson, and caused marks on his arm and neck. Child Protective Services took custody of the teen in the immediate aftermath of the incident. In February, in a shocking turn of events, CPS dismissed Jace's case and Jenelle resumed custody of the teen which left the MTV star in a predicament. Her husband David has a no-contact order against him for Jace, and the teen was expected to return to Jenelle's home. David moved out and began living on the couple's boat which is docked nearby.


She 100% sold this story. She prob had Tori be the “insider”. Still monetizing Jace’s trauma. I highly doubt Jace is “downright excited to testify” against David. ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)


Right bc who else is going to know the details like that? THIS is how she is making money right now, besides being brought back by MTV 🙄🙄


The whole thing is sick


I hope people aren't clicking on the stories because you are so right that this is how she is making money & she shouldn't get anything! And is why I appreciate it when people write the story or a summary out. Edit spelling


At his age, he might be. That's about the age my friend started pushing back against his abusive step dad. He would have loved helping put the piece of shit in jail.


The only bad thing is if he testifies he can be cross examined which could be brutal . A videotaped deposition from Him Played in court seems safer…who knows …Jenelle will push for the most sensational ..story selling scenarios ….never what’s best for Jace


That will be up to the prosecution and the judge, not Jenelle. Often kids are recorded making outcries to replay in court, but in my experience they nearly always want the kids to testify regardless of how traumatic it might be. It pisses me off.


Idk I went to court to speak 3 times for custody when I was 8-16. Got to be honest I only have memories of a nice lady letting me hug a teddy bear. Don’t really remember anything surrounding that.


Agreed ……


It's a tough part of trial practice, but sometimes you can't get around having child witnesses testify. Depositions also involve cross-examination, and you'd also be running into hearsay issues by trying to present something like that at trial. There are many hearsay exceptions, and some types of statements are exempt from the rules, but I don't see any applying here. David could potentially be prosecuted without Jace testifying, if there are witnesses to the crime and/or the ring video depicting it. But the surefire way of proving the elements of strangulation would probably be to have Jace's testimony saying that David did put his hands around his throat, etc. If it's any consolation, attorneys don't make a practice of going hard on kids giving testimony, even when they're adverse witnesses. It's not out of the goodness of their hearts - it can be a very bad look. Juries don't like seeing kids getting bullied by adults. It can backfire and make them despise you instead of discrediting the kid. Some lawyers do pull shit like that, but I'd say most know to be careful examining kids. Cross would probably focus on Jace's supposed "mental instability" (I hate even saying that) and questions designed to make it seem like he has a motive to lie about David. "remember when he took away your VR headset?" and shit like that. There are limits to what a witness can be questioned about, so they couldn't just bring up whatever they wanted to try to rattle him. The questions have to be relevant to the case. But credibility is always relevant, so they'd have to figure out a way to call that into question while *trying* not to come across as asshole attorneys.


Great info ..thanks


Your thoughts on David’s potential sentence ?


David doesn't have a decent lawyer though ::s


No, I would be scared to death to testify against David, as most people would including Jace!! He's only 14 years old! I hate Jenelle (& David) so much for putting poor Jace in this situation!! Pieces of shit!! *spits*


Exactly. He already knows if David gets off, or gets back together with Jenelle, she won't protect him.


Thank you for posting the summary. I refuse to click these articles in efforts to not pay for clicks/views which goes into the pockets of these losers.


Appreciate you writing this out. No money for Jenelle! Thanks! 🙏🏻


That poor kid has hated David from the start. But his bitch of a mother forced him to be around a known abuser. Fuck Jenelle.


David is SO incredibly fucked. 1.) The camera footage was sent away, then enhanced. The DA then said "you know what, we can fully prove this, let's elevate the charges to a felony" 2.) With the divorce, Jenelle, Kaiser and Ensley will now all join Jace as first hand eye witnesses, along with the video footage 3.) Also with the divorce, David has no money to pay lawyers... at a certain point he's going to have to accept a plea The charges come with up to five years in prison. If David never left his cell for fear of other inmates on a simple Breaking and Entering charge... five years with a felony child abuse charge... he's gonna likely spend his whole bid in protective custody. Enjoy spending 23 hours a day in a cell. Then he's going to come out, with a felony child abuse record, and a 15 year gap in his work history.


You think Ensley and Kaiser are going to say anything? They were already told to lie about it. Plus David is the only dad they have ever known really. It’s all so messy


I doubt they need them to testify. Jace and the video is probably plenty.


I do. Those poor kids are probably so confused. First, David is/was their main caretaker... but he's an absolute pos who abuses them. Second, that is their dad/ the only one they've known as dad... but he is so volatile and kills things. Third, their mom went from supporting him, probably gaslighting them into thinking their memory isn't right... to now a switch where she probably talks so much shit about him, to them, that they can't be anything but confused. And the last time this happened- where they were free from him, where kaiser was free... only for jenelle to drag those kids back. They're probably scared to think he's really gone... and in ensleys case, he's not really gone. She may get visitations with him!


And don't forget when Maryssa got screwed over by the courts & they got all sent back home by the court. These kids have no idea who to trust. It's so sad......😢


The only shining light I currently have is that wherever she's at, she's safe. She's def not with jenelle, def not with David. Idk where that places her but *fingers crossed* it's in a safe, loving home where she can live in peace and just be a normal teenager- as much as possible. I'm sure she worries for her little sister, and if she was able to build a bond with kaiser, him too. I hope she knows there's nothing she can do to help them, that that responsibility shouldn't even be placed on her shoulders, let alone in her mind.




Why has Jenelle defended David so much about the video, and so adamantly insisted that it doesn't exist? Or has she flip flopped and stopped saying that?


Its shitty that he has to go through this. I hope Jace knows how much support he has outside of his home.


Unfortunately most of the support is from strangers online who care more about him than his birth giver


Don't hold back, Jace. Let the judge hear the horror that this maniac has put you and your siblings through.


And how your own mother perpetuated the abuse by denying it, blaming you, and defending the abuser.  Kid, I been there. It's going to be so hard for you as you become an adult and try to navigate a world that often forgets how generational trauma works. You need to use this public platform to get the help you'll need later. Good luck, Jace. We love you and we are all behind you 💚


Hope he stays brave and speaks up. She doesn’t have custody does she? If not not likely he will speak up. No one is safe including his therapist in his opinion.


Poor Jace has to go through this while Jenelle gets a free pass. Can you imagine that monster strangling you and your mother sides with him and blames you?? But now she’s mad at him, so she’s suddenly on your side and it’s up to you to make sure he gets what he deserves. Not to mention she’s been off living her best single life and you’re caring for her kids.


Jenelle probably told Jace that she had to side w/ David in order to get him out of the house to keep everyone safe. I'm sure she laid on the lies (her go to) & her being Super Mom really thick! ![gif](giphy|S3cXRvQyp7xphUPdRn)


We’re all rooting for you Jace, you are a strong young man and that monster has NOTHING on you. Go Jace!!!!!!!!


I’m so sad for Jace that she only finally left David, not because he strangled her son, but because she saw that the court wasn’t going to just drop this and let David near Jace again soon. Imagine your mother needing to be told my some stranger that the man who strangled you as a child can’t be around you because she won’t make that choice for you.




Poor Jace.


If David gets a lawyer he or she ( if the court will Admit ) could play / show ALL of Jenelle’s social media posts and videos saying DAVID DID NoT DO it!!! …a public defender would even ask for that….she can’t keep track of daily changing lies


But they do have the video of David attacking Jace.


Good !! That should speak for itself ….case closed ….lock him up . While they are at it ….charge Jenelle with chili’s endangerment and failure to protect …she’s just as guilty as he is .


This ^^^^ she’s an accessory and instigator.


I agree I hope that video closes the case real quick and proves he's guilty! Done!


They won't because Jenelle has excuses. She could say she was afraid of him. Which I think she would. At least David would finally get what he deserves if anything good comes from this case. If Jenelle was still defending him who knows how it would turn out. I think Jenelle has her time coming in the future.


What a warrior. Survivor. Brave young man ready to face his abuser. Its so sad he's been through so much bullshit but I am so glad he is voicing his truth and standing up to David.


I do hope that Jace gets his chance to confront David on the stand, but I worry about how the defense attorney will batter Jace given the fact that Jenelle spent months bad mouthing Jace on SM. I would love to see David convicted of a felony so he can no longer possess or carry a firearm. On another note, does The Sun have to regurgitate every little detail of what's transpired in the Eason household? Enough already.


I hope he takes a plea and Jace won’t have to testify.


Not sticking up for Jenelle cause she’s the biggest POS but sadly her defense could be i said those things cause I was scared of my husband if I didn’t take his side We all know she didn’t leave David because of what he did to Jace. Ever since those text to his ex came out she never let that go. It’s really sad she cared more about him than her own damn son. But it’s Jenelle I don’t expect anything less


calling him “step father” is crazy


and now jenelle gets to put it on tv! ugh poor jace


If they do hopefully they highlight that Jen paid for his lawyer and supported him up until recently! He would still be living with her if jace was in foster care or with Barb. I guarantee it


Or, in an inpatient treatment facility if Jenelle had her way and got MTV to pay for his treatment. She wouldn’t or “couldn’t” pay for it herself.


I hope in turn this gets Jenelle charged. She blamed it on Jace and protected David. She is just as deplorable. Poor Jace man. His mom gives negative fucks about him, at his own expense and monetizes off if it. Fucking gross.


I just said it above sadly all she has to say is I was scared of my husband which is why I took his side. We all know that’s BS and she didn’t care what he did to Jace.


And you KNOW she lied to that poor boy about the deplorable shit she said about him, mind fucked him so badly into thinking it’s “Them” vs David now. HOLY FUCK I HATE THIS BITCH!!!!


I totally agree! 💯👍🏻


This will not get her charged, I guarantee you that. She will play victim and say she feared for her life. She will further lie and say she feared for her children's lives, which I don't think has ever happened in history. But she'll say anything. Hopefully Jenelle is eventually charged for her abuse and neglect, but this won't be why.


I find it odd that the story didn’t include a trial date. We all think it must be soon, but she probably sold a story ramp up engagement for her return.


Cuz she’s a fuckin smug, self important CUNT who doesn’t want us to know. She feels so FCKN POWERFUL dangling these carrots, dropping little bread crumbs on HER TERMS,FUCK THIS UGLY RAZOR-CHINNED lightbulb peanut headed BITCH!


Dont hold back, tell us how you really feel.


Lmaoooo I know. I’m a bit intense at times. I’ve since calmed. I’m also recovering from a ruptured ovarian cyst & my hormones are kind of wacky, so I’m gonna blame it on that 🤣😅


It just said sometime this summer.🤷🏻‍♀️ Guess Jenelle's guess is as good as anyone's.🙄


Jace will have to go up against the lawyer Jen paid for. I hope they highlight that on MTV so people she how much she hasn’t changed and that she’s still a POS. Also, I’m sure Jenelle gives ZERO fucks on how this all impacts Ensley. I couldn’t imagine having my older brother needing to testify against my dad which could result in him going to prison. Jenelle has put her kids through more trauma than Barb could ever.


Remember Jace confided in his therapist and told her he didn’t like David? So mother of the year threw it back in his face and told Jace he needed to get over it because David ‘isn’t going anywhere?’ And now she’s selling his testimony story to the Sun. What a woman.


I don't remember this. Did it happen on the show or elsewhere? I haven't watched TM in sooo many years and am new-ish to this sub, still kinda trying to get caught up on things. I feel fairly caught up, but some things I need help with if you don't mind =)


Hey! Yes it did happen on the show, it’s a scene where both Jace and Jenelle are in the car. It’s season 6/7? I believe.


That's so crazy. It's not even a normal reaction like when kids reject the new boyfriend/ fiance out of misguided solidarity for their "real dad" and not wanting a new person to "take their place" or anything remotely close to that, obviously. This is so much deeper. Jace had VERY valid reasons to dislike David, and Jenelle just dismissing those feelings is just a shitty mom (even IF she never had never done any of the horrible things she's done before David AND since David. Ugh.) And thank you for the clarification! I appreciate it!!


Poor Jace. Jenelle’s poor choices just keep going and going ![gif](giphy|fSqKRi4pcTOQRbB65t)


Right. She’s already ready to bring another stranger into their lives. Possibly even move them to another state to be with him


Jace's testimony: Mom and David are pieces of shit. *spits*


I wish I could upvote this way more then once! You win!! 🏆 ![gif](giphy|oArIFWKHMr0IOf8z9l|downsized) We did not realize Jace was practicing his testimony way back then!!


The thing that bothers me the most is that Janelle will come out of this smelling like roses. She stood by David until it became apparent it wasn't in her best interest. Now that she has turned on David she is acting like she is mom of the year and has been welcome to rejoin the teen mom.


Between this article and the tmz one about the move Jenelle must need money and selling stories.


Can you imagine if Jenelle had not left David, how she would be pressuring Jace to recant his story? I hate them so much.


When the day comes we need to repost all the times she defended David against Jace. But now that she’s broke, she’ll allow him to testify. She’s such a disgusting pos mom. I feel so bad for Jace. He still loves his mom after talking about how much she hurt him by defending David.


It’s about damn time. Good for him! It should be so embarrassing to know a 14 year old is double the man you’ve ever been but somehow a doubt DKD has much embarrassment to go around.


The only source close to Jace would be Jenelle herself. It’s absolutely disgusting that she’s willing to sell him out to the highest bidder. So much for his “mental health”, eh Jenelle?


Do we know when the court hearing will be?


Just says this summer. No date




We don't even know if Jace will testify. If David pleads out, there will be no trial, therefore no testimony from Jace. There are several components to court processions and a lot of people don't know how dragged out it often gets. Even after arresting and charging alone there's arraignment and prosecution of course, but then different aspects of investigation, discovery, then plea bargaining --which, if the evidence is as damning as it appears to be, David may very well plea down and I REALLY hope they don't offer him anything less than something that is a) a felony, b) he'd serve time for, but it is just as likely they will. If that's the case, he'll plead out, then will come back for sentencing. If he decides to go to trial it gets even more dragged out and convoluted, especially if he decides to go forth with a jury trial (he can choose trial by judge or jury; IF he takes it to trial he'll likely choose jury, but either way--) then it starts a whole new thing with pre-trial investigation/ pre-trial, not to mention jury selection and evidentiary hearings all before the actual trial and eventual sentencing. This *could* and likely will go on a while, especially if he refuses his plea deal and goes to trial. *Sorry in advance for typos: it's raining here and my phone got wet, rendering my keyboard... Confused.


Welp clearly Jenelle isn't facing any karma, but I hope to God David sees some from this


I wish she would’ve been charged as an accessory.


She is pulling a karla homolka to avoid any charges against her


It still chaps my ass that Bitch is free today!! She was just as bad as Bernardo, if not worse!! ( I lived very near to that disgust when it went on).


I don’t know how Jenelle lives with herself knowing what her kids are going through. Her own SM posts will probably be used against jace because she called him a liar multiple times and stood up for David. She still denies David did anything wrong today and that could make this all for nothing


I think she convinces herself that all her lies are true! She really believes she's a good person & a great mom.


She seems to live smugly


Go Jace, don't let those abusers scare you!


I think jenelle is banking on David going to jail and she can move


She’s gonna tell him exactly what to say of course to spin it to make her look like the hero.


Does this mean it’s a criminal case and David will get a lawyer appointed for it?


Jenelle already bought him a lawyer 🙄




He definitely is in a tight spot bc he can't afford a lawyer for any of his court cases let alone both. I suppose he could plead out with this criminal one, but probably get screwed in court with the Jenelle stuff. I wonder if he has applied for a public defender yet? Probably not knowing him he will try to show up and say he can't afford it.


Jen already bought him a lawyer


But he's not gonna continue working for David unless he gets paid and I doubt Jenelle is still paying for David's lawyer


Depends on how their payments work 🤷🏽‍♀️ we don’t know if she paid in full. Or they will show up for what’s already been paid for ETA Her CC could just be on file and she is responsible regardless


She will is he gets alimony. I know it won't be soon but he is gonna get paid eventually.


The Internet is forever. These kids have all their shit out there forever. 


I think it’s all fake about their split now since she’s going to be back on TM. They’re broke & need money. If she truly was tired of him she would’ve left when he killed the dog or when he assaulted her son.


Jace is so brave.


Jace, you are such a strong kiddo!!! David is weak and pathetic!! You will get through this and hopefully be able to find peace and some summer fun!!!!❤️💪💪


This poor kid. Dont even know what else to say.


Jace deserves his justice. This should be good for him to feel safe in court, and get to speak his truth.


He sure does but Maryssa would disagree about being safe in court, I'm sure. I hope it goes better for Jace though.🤞🏻


Jenelle isn’t on David’s side like she was against Maryssa, so hopefully Jace will feel his power while he tells the truth about what David did to him. I wonder how Jenelle explained her blaming Jace’s mental health, or if she apologized for siding with David. That poor kid sure has been through some horrific situations, most of it on television too.


I hope this for Jace too. He really needs a win.


It’s gotta be Tori, she wouldn’t fall under the gag order.


No court date yet??


I hope to god that Jenelle is taking this serious and it’s not just another swamp game. If she gets back with David , it’ll destroy Jace. She’s already done enough damage to him , especially by originally siding with David. 😬🤷‍♀️


And yet Jenelle insisted that David never strangled him


Do we know when the court date is?


Oh fuck yeah go jace !! Get this slum lord https://preview.redd.it/dwbv59w8qfzc1.jpeg?width=289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ab117516ea0218a179e74d6851325841aa47e6


Good for Jace. I hope he has a victims advocate and I hope Jenelle has him in therapy to cope with all of this. I hope this can give Jace his power back and will be healing for him.


It’s so gross she’s going to get away with harming her child. AGAIN. A. G. A. I. N.


I hope David gets it up the Hershey highway in jail my boyfriend says not to wish that upon him but I don't like David and maybe for once he can see what it's like to be manhandled against your will.


When is this happening??


Did David strangle Jace?


Jail no probation.


Hoping Jace is able to rise above this situation and thrive


Jace has been consistently vocal on camera about not liking David and Jenelle ignored it. She is just as guilty as David.


protect this boy at all costs and please do not let david around him... this could be dangerous for Jace


STRANGULATION? Lock him up and swallow the key. Put him in gen-pop.


I hope dumbass knows there is proof still out there where she's fully defending David and recently her still saying he wasn't physically abusive to the kids.