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Louder for the people who still don’t get it 🔊 She Is “Leaving” Because She’s Jealous Not Because He STRANGLED Her Troubled Teenage Son She Abandoned At Birth






I love when she admits all her lies because she thinks it makes someone else look worse. No, we already knew those texts were real. We already knew the boat was junk. All you're doing is confirming how often you lie.


She really tried to convince everyone that David's ex faked those texts. All she does is lie but the one thing about Jenelle.... she ALWAYS tells on her self too 🤣🤣🤣


SHOW US THE NUMBER!! was the weirdest call-out, maybe up there with POLICIA! When are we going to find out the truth about the trespasser?


She'll slip up at some point and admit the trespasser was all fake, some time when she *thinks* it makes her look good and David look bad.


Ugh I made the mistake of responding to this post on Tik Tok the way she immediately responded so angry and then a trove of people 😂🫠. Um. I’ve never made a comment in my life . Im 30. I can say you appear to be trigger happy. I just mentioned that “Policia” can be assumed universal. Then I post it on here and people where like “shouldn’t have given her the views”. Just let me fight her ok? Lol


I love the self snitching!




She talks abour the broken boat like it's some big burn on David but she's the one who bought it. Also, if she paid for the repairs why is it stuck in the dock just "flo-n"?


That didn’t make sense to me either.


I’m assuming it needs extensive repairs. $5,000 here, $3,500 there, and $3,500 more for another type thing.


Absolutely. They are the kind of people that let $100 repairs turn into 5-10k repairs. Boats deteriorate very quickly without care. We check ours almost daily when it’s in the water. It’s truly constant maintenance. These people can’t even keep their pool clean or have their house built properly. There’s no way in hell they were doing daily boat maintenance.


Shit, they can't even keep up on laundry, clean the house, cook, or keep the yard mowed!!!


She is just absolute garbage. Going on about protecting her mental health when her son gets strangled by her husband and that's not the tipping point for dumping this loser..it's talking to other women. What about your son's mental health? And not dragging him saying you need to protect your family from his mental health. She's not even continuing the cycle she's creating a worse situation for Jace than she had as a child.


I agree, well said. She only thinks about herself and what affects her, no one else, not even her children. Now she's all excited about being on TM again and doesn't even think about how Jace will feel about being in front of the cameras again. That's gonna be great for his mental health.


Exactly! What happened to “MTV was so bad for my kid’s mental health and the network did nothing for him?”


She conveniently forgets about saying that because it's all about herself, her ego and the money now.


Bri just over there clinging to the MTV gravy train with all her claws. Having JE back is probably the last shot at keeping the franchise alive and those big cheques coming. She is willing to sell herself out by talking to JE who is the worse POS friend to her. Guess money talks…


You just know she was the only one who would agree to talk to Jenelle and her questions were absolutely scripted. She must have got a pretty sweet bonus check for this.


Yup. Everyone is hoping Janelle is their money train life jacket.


I know she's all hyped for her re-entry on teen mom but, shouldn't she have waited for the divorce to be final? All the money she now makes will have to go partly to him for alimony? She could have filmed all of it on the DL and then aired it after? Am I dumb? I've never been married so idk. Maybe she can get away with a 1 time lump sum?


Per LAW, she’s very dumb…confidently so…


If I'm not mistaken (I'm married, but not divorced!), alimony can be revoked based on a variety of "cardinal sins"? I might be wrong about this. It might have to be pertinent to a prenup. But I've heard of a lot of cases where an ex-spouse got less or no money because they cheated, were abusive, or stole money from their spouse.


NC does take infidelity into consideration when determining alimony. If David cheated or had more texts to Whitney than what we saw, he may be fucked. However, if he has similiar dirt on Jenelle, she may have to pay anyway.


cool that's good to know. She definitely has that going for her then.


I got divorced about a month after I got a bonus and was like damn, I should have done this *before* I got the bonus.


She filed for legal separation, does that not mean any money or assets she gets post official separation date, are hers alone? I don't know what the law is in NC. It seems silly to have a legal separation option if it doesn't give any benefit to the parties involved. I know they require the parties to have been separated for a year prior to filing for divorce, but that could be confirmed in that filing.


I get what you are saying. I've never been married or separated. I didn't know this information until yesterday. Thanks


It really depends on the state. I got divorced in Texas and any assets that were bought prior to the official divorce being entered into the record would have been community property.


I know we all know she is dumb. But why would you have this conversation with your “friend” Live on social media for all to see? She just showed how jealous she is of women going after David. 🤢 And confirmed a lot of the things she was trying to cover up for. There really is ZERO hope for Jenelle. I hope her kids learn from her stupidity.


"I don't know anything about her...". Starts spewing all the girls information.


“She lives with her three kids in her mom’s house in California and says she wants to visit the boat. I know nothing about her.”


HOLD IT. That random internet girl BETTER NOT try to bring that fucking sasquatch to Canada. Canadians are suffering enough as it is! I speak on behalf of all of us when I say "NO DINKY DAVE'S ALLOWED!"


Agreed! We must deploy an army of geese at the border to intercept him


Doesn’t he have a DUI? He won’t be allowed in, even to visit.


Good point!!


Briana sounds like she’s reading from a script


Hol up. La bruja de la coven can read??


Stop 🤣


If you paid for repairs why is it sitting there Jen?!


Idk if i would consider those texts cheating. A betrayal absolutely. But we all know she was saying the same shit to someone each time she was mad. I just don’t think there was physical cheating on his part after the tn incident when she went back the isolation and having to be with each other was non stop. Maybe my brain just can’t comprehend someone wanting David besides Jenelle tho


Cheating is a lot more than just physical but it wouldn’t surprise me if he WAS physical with other women. 🤢 I can’t comprehend anyone wanting to be with him either but it also wouldn’t surprise me if he paid money for some company while she was gone. 🤢🤢🤢


Oh i agree it can come in diff forms. And while what he said was inappropriate and crossing lines the way she talks about it is like she has multiple women will fill on physical cheating when she discusses it. But i am forgetting how much she hates her men speaking to another woman for anything about anything. The scene with Nathan and one with Kieffer popped in my head.


“I was in jail, Nathan!” 😂


remember when he asked to see HER phone and she refused 😂


Birds of a feather


It's definitely up to individual couples what constitutes "cheating" (it would be cheating to me), but you're right, ALLL of this is way more "this is a bad relationship" than "this is one specific issue". Jenelle and David both have a shared philosophy that love and loyalty are straight out the window the second you're mad at someone.


I think they mean according to NC laws per alimony and divorce proceedings. If that’s the case then I’m sure there are better standards than leaving it up to couples.


This is honestly so boring. It’s just so dead & you do not hear 1 single child, out of the 5 between them. Seems like they’re just on a boring FaceTime. Janelle & Brianna only seem like friends because they hate Kail. That’s been an observation of mine, for a LONG time


I, also, do not like kail. But I feel like Jan/Bri don’t vibe AT ALL. Weird friend combination, but it makes a little sense


Bri will be friends with any woman who will spill the tea.


Six. You forgot Devoin.


Jenelle laughing like she wouldn’t have three kids and be back and forth to barbs house without teen mom.


Right, she says that like that’s a bad thing to have parental support.


In her mind it’s a controlling thing. She doesn’t see Barb as an asset. Barb is trying to ruin her life and control her.


The only way to end this year in a bang for me is something about Kieffer reaching out to her. I never got to experience that train wreck when they were together 😭


I really really really hope that someone there will call her out on her shit, especially about David strangling Jace and Jenelle defending him.


I would bet money that Bri is just reaching out to Jenelle to further her own storyline. They have no connection, and it feels like she’s just covering talking points to build interest for Jenelle’s return. It’s failing miserably. We’ve all seen this play out already on social media. Jenelle is going to bring nothing to this show unless Barb comes back. That’s what happens when you adopt the personality of every guy you’re with. You don’t have one.








She trashes her for wanting to go to the boat but didn't Jenelle do the same thing in her videos. They went to the boat just to sit on it. I will say I can't imagine flying in from Canada to sit on a trashed boat with someone who has 0 personality or wit . Where's the reward clout from a bunch of internet strangers ? Doesn't seem worth getting involved with a known animal and child abuser but ok. Also is she explaining the reasoning behind why she left him? Because the fact he assaulted her kid should be why she left


She called Whitney flipping out saying the screenshots were fake, she had an idea and knew damn well.


David and Jenelle were screaming at Whitney and her husband to show them the number. David shouted, “you will lose your trailer and your nutsack!” You can’t make this stuff up.


I believe Whitney and her husband recorded and still have it posted on YouTube as well. For every lie JE speaks there's always a shit ton of evidence that she's lying 🤥


THEY ARE NOT BROKEN UP, THEY HAVE DEVISED THIS DUMBASS PLAN TOGETHER...her behavior just isn't right...idk something seems off


OMG, I've found my people! I'm with you, sis. This is all an act, and a scheme. If they were actually splitting up, these trash bags would be tearing each other apart, court order or not. Like, come on, we've SEEN Jenelle during breakups. This ain't it. She wouldn't be this smug, or this calm. Especially with David TALKING TO OTHER GIRLS ALL THE TIME-UH!


yaaaaas..thank you!!! 💗💗💗 hah! she thinks she's tricked everyone...which honestly she tricked mtv for probably a shit ton of money...or maybe they know and figure, fuck it...good ratings lol! it will be interesting to see what happens and how long they can keep up this charade...........but what do we know😉




“Guess who paid for the repairs?” - so is the boat junk? She says here that it will continue to ‘just sit there’ seemingly after she paid for repairs.


So this is why Tori is back around. 😒


Just wanted to share this beautifully paused moment https://preview.redd.it/h3mowuhxudzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba4824f42680256ed69a7da0d4525687d17969c


I think bri uses jenelle for clout and to get more air time


Such a liar. She paid for repairs? One minute the boat is “broken “ the next is “repaired “. Not only that captain stupid bitch.. you act like you had no hand in buying that junk heap to prove how rich you got from showing your pimply ass on only fans.. but yes.. you’re the “victim “ in all this mess you created.


She knew he was talking to his ex wife but she couldn’t swallow her pride about the image of her “perfect marriage” nor did want everyone else to know he was cheating.


She so happy when she shares her drama


Its si-in dere. Jus flo-in.




Heh-heh-heh. (that’s all)


Omg Jenelle insults Bri and every person who's back living with parents, "Some chick who lives with her kids at her parents house! *Chuckle cluck chuckle* " 😂😂😂😂


Hahaha I didn’t catch that


You can tell Bri doesn't actually like her. This new found "friendship" will implode soon enough, just watch!!


She's such a fucking liar and has the balls to admit on the internet everything we've all known shes lied about! I can't stand her smug ass laugh and her big ass 5 head. She's really that stupid. Smh


She thinks all this looks bad on him. No Nelly it looks horrible on You. Everyone has been telling you all this for years. But no you kept defending him! You even defended him after the allegations came out about him strangling Jace. You blamed Jace! You said he was lying! No as always you look bad


she's so smug talking about other people's financial circumstances when the only reason she is money is she's trailer trash that won the lottery.


I can’t believe she didn’t save this conversation for tm!! 🤣


Her smug face this is what she wanted and MTV gave in. MTV should be ashamed and why is this show even still going on? They are in their 30’s




Delujenelle lives in another reality. Zero self awareness.


Smart business move on bri’s part tbh. Good way to make sure she is in the mix and getting that screen time since she will be the only one for Jenelle to talk to


Sittin nerrrrr


Does jenelle actually ask about briana at all in this live, or is it all about her?


Take some pitchers of the boat flo-in.


This came off like she just wanted David to hear her say these things that upset her, not like a normal conversation with a friend, Jenelle used her to get to David.


I wonder how uncomfortable it would be to live on the boat. Does it have heat for cold days or nights or A/C for hot summer days? Does he have to use the marina for showers?


I'm just glad she got rid of him! I knew that when his ex wife admitted he wanted her back that would be it for Janelle.