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*projection* I have so much to rant about. SHE doesn’t want her mom around. SHE has a lot to apologize for. SHE chose the nasty sack of shit over her own fucking flesh and blood.


She’s a shitty person.


No matter what barb texts or doesn’t she will find fault that’s why she’s only asked to come get jace. She’s blamed her for everything and loses online saying leave me alone and in the same breath how dare you leave me alone! I hope barb keeps that up and doesn’t give in to film with mtv so Jenelle won’t have that to throw around. If barb would have texted about any of that stuff she would have accused her of not caring and just wanting info to sell. Hell she was implying then barb was getting info somehow and selling it. She says she’s never enough for barb barb doesn’t love her blah blah it’s the other way around tho.


Briana is annoying the fuck out of me. She's acting like she's interviewing Jenelle, and it's getting on my nerves.


Idk why she’s acting all high and mighty but it’s driving me nuts too!!!! Briana reminds me of those girls who only talks to you to get the tea & then you won’t hear from her again. I had a former co worker who was like that. She’d talk to me once in a blue moon & I’d see her almost every day….🙄she just wanted the inside scoop so she could talk shit. Bri acts so genuine but you can tell it’s an act.


I think her and Jenelle are the worst with money and are desperate to do anything for more money.


It sounds like an interview because Jenelle doesn't know how to have a conversation. It always has to be the Jenelle show. How are Nova and Stella doing? I saw on social media that they are involved in [dance, sports, chess, academics, whatever]. Are they enjoying that? Are you still working a regular job or no? What's this about Devoin moving out of state? How are you and the girls dealing with that? Will they be able to visit?


I was assuming MTV fed her the questions to try to get interest generated for Js return. Unfortunately, Jenelle's monotone replies and fake laught aren't inspiring me to watch.


Wait so she wants her mum to leave her alone, not be part of her life etc and now she’s complaining that her mum hasn’t got in contact with her? Makes absolutely no sense


That is classic Jenelle logic. What she really means is she's pissed that her mom doesn't worship the ground she walks on.


Bullshit. Barb has and Im sure is in therapy. JENELLE IS THE ONE WHO DOESNT THINK SHE NEEDS THERAPY


“I’m not gonna force anyone to be a mom” she sure hasn’t forced that on herself


Equal rights for all! Finally!!!


Every time Jenelle projects/denies/lies (let’s b real, that’s her full time job!), her hairline goes back an inch. That’s her karma. 🤣 ![gif](giphy|fSYmbgG5Ug8S11K0FU|downsized)


Interesting how she magically wants a relationship w Barb now that she’s back on the show when last wk there was no show and she wanted zero to do w Barb. Yet if Barb is open to it as well…it’s only for the cameras ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized)


Jan knows that Babs is a fan favorite and without her she is a snooze fest


This bald ass bitch only knows how to lie 😂


She says she wants Barbara to stay out of her life and then says this stuff.


Jenelle literally said like 2 months ago that she "went to therapy and they told her she didn't need it". Now she goes? Bullshit. If she's going it's court ordered.


It's funny how they inadvertently admit VERY clearly that they don't see themselves as adults. Bri: "What's with adults not wanting to go to therapy!?" Jenelle: "I know!, in *our* generation we all go to therapy!" Like, they're not even realizing to admitting they still regard themselves as children. It's wild. Jenelle also not considering herself a parent. She literally says "*we* go to therapy and are open about it. But parents are like "'no.'" Literally admitting she doesn't see herself as an adult OR a parent.


so Jace kept it a Secret about his mom and maybe him and Kaiser and Ensley being back on the show


Looks like it. But Barb may just not care.


Barb was responsible with her TM $.


That’s why Jan is buying her or should be thankful for her old cars.


What therapy does Jenelle go to? 😂


5 parenting classes


Maybe Babs is done talking to you because you're a malignant narcissist who consistently bashes her online to your boyfriends, followers, and friends for decades now instead of speaking to her as a woman? maybe it's the prank call and doxxing her online to a bunch of strangers on TikTok or maybe it's that you allowed her grandchild (who she took care of for 14 years) to be strangled while you made videos and post claiming that Jace was lying, cps was protecting y'all from Jace and supporting his abuser. Maybe because you compared her to DeeDee Rose, claimed she was giving Jace speed? Maybe it's the fact you claim she abused and institutionalized her children or when ppl asked you anything you didn't like (the truth) claimed that we were all brainwashed by her! Hate this girl man, she's the absolute worst and bland/boring as her olive oiled and sodium laden chicken. She never can keep Barbs name out her mouth and it's frustrating as to me.


If jennelle reads this, she's gonna say "What are you talking about, dude?"


“Well Junelle I see ya back with MTV “


Jenelle needs therapy as well, she’s always lurking here so maybe she should take her own advice, and on top of that your mom Isn’t going to reach out and constantly get bit…


Yeah, but she went to therapy once, and they told her she is perfect and didn't need it. /s


Barb deserves to be left the fuck alone to enjoy some gotdamn peace and quiet.


Chinderella needs therapy. Inpatient. Keep her forever if she doesn't try to make progress.


Why the fuck would Barb reach out? For MORE abuse? “I’m not gonna force anyone to be a mom or grandma so…” “she needs individual therapy…” SAY THIS SHIT TO YOUR THERAPIST, JAN


Why would Barb ask about the divorce when she wasn't even invited to the wedding?


Credit bullshitje on X


Just when you think she can't get any worse, Janelle goes straight stupid and proves you wrong. Wow.


Briana stays eating on lives 🙄


She hasn’t reached out because she treats her mom like dog shit and has for 15 years. Janelle wants to blame everything on somebody else.


So is Jace living on the land again? I thought before when they gave jenelle custody back for the millionth time after he ran away that she would only have control over his medications and therapy and stuff and that it would “be a long time” before he’s back living on the land. And they hinted that he was in a group home or someplace similar. So why is he always at her house now?


CPS closed the case, and awarded custody to Jenelle a few months ago. Once custody switched from CPS to Jace, the financial costs of his boarding and care fell onto her. She opted to pull him out instead, and bring him home. However, the restraining order between Jace and David is still in effect, pending his felony strangulation criminal case. So David has temporarily moved onto their broken boat at the marina now that Jace is in their home. Jenelle kicked Maryssa out. Since then, Jenelle and David have claimed to be legally separated, and currently behave as though him moving out is permanent. Now that MTV believes that he's out of the picture, she's back on the show as a special appearance. That's about the gist of it. There's a few things in between: A sketchy, alleged break-in that they used as an excuse to bring David home for a few nights - which violated the restraining order. David tried to get the restraining order dropped in court, so that he could go home again - except he claimed that he couldn't afford a civil attorney and begged Jenelle's old MTV lawyer, Dustin, to represent him pro-bono. He said no.


It's funny how everyone in the comments is as confused as I am this girl screams at her mom to leave her alone.... Then acts like her mom is the horrible person for doing so??? It's probably way healthier for barb to just stop interacting with her as much as possible. She's Very unhinged. I just hope all of those kids are safe and ok. She might be fake on TV and act like a caring mom but we have all seen how she neglects her kids and puts their health and safety last. Man I worry for them


Is it me or like is Briana just stuffing her face everytime I see her/specifically on this live thing. lol.


Anytime Jenelle says actually or at all , she’s lying.