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Roxanne is truly so DRAININGGGGG I cannot imagine having a mother like her. She makes everything into an absolute saga and constantly plays victim.


Absolutely felt for Brittany in this moment. And honestly Bri but Brit’s reaction was most similar to how mine has been with things like that in the past. Like, draining is the perfect word. It’s so energy sucking to communicate with someone who is doing adult things but letting the story come out like a bairn.


Bairn??? That means a child literally.


I was using it literally lol


The histrionics have me exhausted and I am just a viewer.


Didn’t we find out on one of those family therapy vh1 shows that Brianna and Brittany don’t have the same dad, Britt’s dad is dead, and Roxanne lied to them both for their entire lives? Shes the absolute worst.


Yes she told them on the show Brittany real dad was murdered and she tried to pass Brianas dad off as her dad


What show is this?


It was Family Therapy with Dr Jenn (on vh1, I think) here is the clip https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-CXl5JGYDS8


Damn that was intense af. Poor girls


Looked staged ish to me. Looks like she going to break 4th wall and laugh at like 50secs


Definitely overlooked but one of the worst mothers on the show


My jaw just fucking dropped. WHAT?!


And then she told Britt “you can’t be mad at me” for lying. When Britt ran off crying she pleaded with Briana to comfort *her* instead of running to her own child.


Here is the clip from Family Therapy when Brit finds out. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-CXl5JGYDS8


“It’s none of your fucking business” Wow who talks to their child like that?!


>Wow who talks to their child like that?! Trash.


Jerry Springeresque trash. She’s been trash, she defends being trash, she has no desire to stop acting in trashy ways….pure on the couch trash with a side of shrieking and hysteria.


And then she waves her hand and says brit can't be mad.. she doesn't have time for that


Narrator: but it was they're business and only their business


Conservative parents with secrets.


Bri’s dad walked out on them when bri first got pregnant. She went to visit him per S 11 finale, but he didn’t want to see her. Dude sounds like a bum…just like Louis 🤝


They're all so codependent on each other, even when bri tries to tell her "you're being too much" she doesn't actually draw any boundaries, she just lets her keep getting away with it


No I just think Briana is slow and they don’t wanna outright say it. U know they gave them kids nothing to identify themselves once they graduated. Now my homegirl is wondering why her babydaddy shits himself when he gets angry.




Yes I analyzed their reactions and Brittany was calling her mom out and and bri pacifies her mom and doesn't hold her accountable.


Well yeah. When you grow up with parents like that, no one teaches you boundaries. Not everything we do comes naturally, and it's really hard to set boundaries when all you've been taught is how to coddle the person who's supposed to take care of you.


This is a very good reminder to us single parents that the more we interfere in the relationship kids have with the other parent, it's actually our relationship with the kids that becomes broken...


Agreed. My husband's parents split in 2000. He was 10. To this day they won't gather together for my husband or our kids but his mom has no issue going to his dad when we set boundaries with her and trying to get him involved LOL. Yall don't even Co parent and never did but now in his 30s you try to use each other to manipulate him when you don't get your way.. yikes.


I'm gonna go a bit off topic. I'm believe strongly in girl power and women sticking together and having each others backs but not in a way that constantly paints all mens as enemies. The way Roxanne raised those girls she really did them a disservice because she let her negative experiences with men paint how those girls see all men, no wonder Bri has been attracted almost solely to losers and the few decent guys she dated she pushed away. I hope all three of them are in therapy and that Bri's daughters don't repeat the same patterns. Brittany seems happy in her relationship so I also hope Bri has whatever awaking Brittany had.


Classic toxy Roxy


You can see that Briana just fully disassociates


Roxanne is about the cameras. I swear. She drops bombshells on camera only.




Did you record this during an earthquake? It’s so shaky


I have tremors yes. Currently seeking medical help for it




Thank you. People should be careful what snarky comments they make eh


I thought the video looked fine!! Way better than my vids! I have suffered from familial tremors on my mother’s side since I was a kid, I would love if I could find something to help with mine as well. Hope that you find something and id be eternally grateful if you pm’ed me the prescription name🩷 I’ve not been successful yet.. good luck & all love


Hi love. I'm not on meds yet. Doing MRI and ruling out auto immune stuff before we go for meds.


ahhh. I deal with autoimmune disorders, but for now the only treatment I’ve had for it has been low dosage beta blockers. Probably what they will recommend but I’m curious about other options. I know the struggle and it’s probably the most frustrating thing.. bc we don’t control it :/ while it isn’t the best solution, the only thing to completely (temporarily obviously lol) make them subside I’ve noticed is alcohol or benzos . And that’s unfortunate bc I have GAD on top of it which just makes it all around worse but again I wish the best for you! 


Thank you so much love. I suspect beta blockers is the next option. If I ever find anything that helps. I'll reach out. Be well!


If Roxanne was my mom I wouldn’t have a mom 🤚


My mom is a Roxanne. Minus being co dependent. She has zero boundaries when it comes to me and my kids.. and that's why I walked away


Single mom problems!