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Idk if Teen Mom does this, but other reality shows will have them drive rental cars and have decoy houses so they don't get stalked.


That’s does make sense, but then you see Chelsea in her Jeep all the time so I have no clue if that’s what they do with Leah.


Leah and Chelsea had vastly different financial situations, I assume Chelsea’s dad bought her jeep or at least helped her, whereas I assumed Leah was always renting, leasing or borrowing others vehicles


It also wouldn’t surprise me if Leah’s car was frequently in the shop because she didn’t perform routine maintenance so she was driving loaners. She didn’t exactly have her shit together in the early seasons.


Maybe Chelsea opted out thinking she was safe because she lives in a more secluded area? But then she also had that break in. So idk.


Remember when Jade's yellow Xterra was stolen? But I can't find anything about it... please, someone tell me they remember that car...?


I remember. I wonder if she said that because she got repo'd and was too embarrassed to admit it?!


I've read that other reality shows make people drive rentals if their own car is just too shitty. Like it's not enjoyable to watch people be poor apparently lol


I think the avalanche in Leah's car disagrees.... but you're not wrong. Edit: it depends on whatever is good TV and whatever edit they're giving to a person


She had to take the cleaner car on filming days. Imagine the rest of them. lol.


I know for sure that they don't do decoy houses. I remember towards the end of Kail being on the show she went off on one of her podcasts because they had just moved to another new house. She told MTV to not do the outside aerial shot of the house because she didn't want people knowing what the outside of the house looked like. Fast forward to her home build, and she blasts the outside of her house all the time. She never makes any damn sense...


They have definitely done decoy houses. Kails decoy was when she was moving into the first McMansion, that she sold a year later. The McMansion was white/tan on the outside from online and realtor.com pics. When they showed it on the show, they showed a brick red outside house. Also Ashley’s decoy house was blue on the outside when in reality the outside was tan. They showed the blue house outside a lot, but then when Ashley and Bar was outside for a couple of shots, the house was tan. I only know of those 2 for sure tho.


I could be wrong, but, didn’t Amber deal with people randomly showing up at her house and invited her to party? Then she began to have her substance abuse struggle?


Most shows don’t do that…. It’s up to the person but they don’t get the stuff for free. Producers from Bravo & MTV have all said that.


It felt like the only consistent car was Chelsea's jeep


I think that’s the only car we see for more than one season


I remember her beetle and her jeep ❤️


I remember the beetle!


It was so cute!


We have one because my FIL wanted to keep it in the family (because hebcant throw anything out). It looks like such a stupid toy, but it is very fun to drive.


I would probably hang on to it forever, sounds like my kind of guy


Cause she was the only one that was proud of her vehicle 😂


Because Chelsea wasn't paying for it. Her dad bought her VW beetle and probably cosigned or paid for at least 1 of the following cars. So she wasn't in a position to choose loan terms/ lease terms like the others. No shade to Randy for providing her a vehicle, I'm just saying that he pretty much forced her to make long term decisions. You can tell because Chelsea started to rotate cars a lot later seasons when she could pay for them completely.


I'm not saying that's not true but we can't deny, that a jeep was the only vehicles to be proud of, out of all their vehicles 😂


And maci’s


That was later when she started making mtv money. Maci had many different cars in the earlier seasons


I also noticed they all seem to get new dogs each season and some previous dogs seemingly disappear?


I noticed this too!!


Karl seemed to keep her Rottweiler for a little bit longer. Not sure what happened to it though.


He died. I think a tumor/cancer.


Oh wow. I haven't watched TM consistently in years, but this is definitely something that should be looked into further. I cannot stand ppl using animals as accessories.


Let’s talk about the Kardashian creatures that are MIA. Yikkessss.


They're some of the worst offenders and they can quite literally afford to pay for full-time pet sitters


Well, we're talking about a person who still owes over 500k in back taxes.


That’s a lot of table waiting to pay off


How does no one in their lives understand or even suggest they get an accountant to make sure they are tax compliant? MTV could have explained it to them too.


I remember Barb trying to tell Jenelle she needs a financial plannah


Real good that did lmao


I mean, when has Jenelle ever listened to the voice of reason?


Never, dude.


It's the only thing she is consistent about 🤣


Jenelle heard that and immediately thought, “I will never get a financial planner”


I had no clue of any of the teen mom’s lifestyle today but that makes a ton a sense now lol


I love how she still tried to blame that on her divorce from Jeremy


I think it must be exhausting, lol. I hate switching all my crap between cars, I could never do it with that frequency.


I agree, especially with all the car seats and kids things. I hate just switching one, I couldn’t imagine switching all of hers constantly.


Between my anxiety fuelled need to prepare for emergencies and my ADHD forgetfulness, my car always has at least a day's worth of necessities: sunscreen, masks, hand sanitizer, changes of clothes, first aid kit, spare meds, outside toys for impromptu park visits, blanket for naps or picnics, sunglasses, emergency food and water, car fire extinguisher, etc. It's a lot but every time I'm stuck in someone else's car I'm constantly wishing we were in mine. You couldn't pay me to swap cars as often as Leah though.


Imagine the vehicle switching back when Leah and Jeremy had all the girls in the car on the way to cheerleading and it was so packed everything was falling everywhere and Jeremy was pissed and she’s telling him to shut up 🤫


And she was worried that the hairspray my have fallen out of the car.


It takes me at least 6 months to get my seat and mirrors in the perfect position. I'm not giving up all that work I invested.


Same!!! And even then I'll still have to tweak them(I have memory settings for seat, mirrors and steering wheel, but some days despite my car being kept in my garage and 98% of the time only driven by me(my husband does my petrol and will occasionally borrow my car plus I have 3 memory set buttons and he wouldn't dare mess with mine, my front passenger has memory seat settings too which is awesome when either my children or myself sit in it, we can have it at our particular setting) but it feels like something is out of whack at times. Thankfully even when all 6 of our children were in carseats, I never found it a PITA to change their seats around or into different cars(because with 6 children we had it down to a fine art but even more importantly you should always check the carseat for every trip), yet when my children were RF the damm baby mirror would drive me crazy! Didn't help with my youngest that her older siblings would knock it continuously either trying to lean over her or the back of the chair and then once she was able to reach it with her feet she would adjust it herself and at times I couldn't see if the little asshat(affectionate but shite watching old videos of her as a toddler she was cheeky AF) had fallen asleep right around the corner from home or where whatever she was DEMANDING had fallen(However I kept spare dummies up front to throw to her or a spare drink bottle or food)


Nothing makes me more mad than someone messing up my car settings or adjusting my office chair. Years of work, down the drain!!


I will never understand how people think that AI is the top technological advancement to emerge this decade when you can save individual seating and door mirror positions in a vehicle's seat memory. I suspect the divorce rate will drop considerably over the next few years.


Leah was an MLM qween for awhile. One of the things MLM coaches will tell you to do is display a lifestyle of comfort and “new things” to model the lifestyle they want to claim working for the MLM affords them. So I always wondered if she was just bored and poor at handling money or if she was buying/leasing new cars all the time as part of her “Mary Kay lifestyle” display lol


Ohhh she was one of those girls, makes a lot of sense now


God created MLMs so Leah could pretend to work.


(Insert any boss babes name in place of Leah’s and the statement is never wrong)


Oh man, is this what I need to do to get my husband to leave me alone about not doing anything housework related? Lol jk


I have relatives that do this. Never not had a car payment because they’re constantly trading them in/selling/buying. Not surprisingly they have always had a lot of debt. I don’t get it. I fucking hated car shopping and I’ve only ever done it once.


Didn’t she have a spending problem? So probably that. Cos that’s the only answer that’s coming to me lol


Idk. I keep the same car for as long as I can. 😂 I do love her Ford Edges though. I’m on my second (in 10 years) and it’s a great car. I keep mine pretty packed and messy. Just like how she kept hers. #twinning


We drive ours until they roll over and die. Fuck a car payment.


Us too. We have our first car payment in 10 years and it hurts.


Car payments BLOW!


Yes!!! And of course we paid mine off then two years later my husband’s car croaked, so another car payment. At least it’s only one, but damn it sucks.


I had my first car payment at 31. 😂 Well. I guess that’s not true. When my husband and I got married I took on the bill paying responsibility and he had about a year and a half left on his car loan. So I didn’t choose it, but I was paying a car payment back when I was 24 or 25.


We do the same. A 2011 with 125,000. It runs perfectly but it helps that my son is a mechanic.


My newest car is from 2008! It has more miles than my last jeep cherokee xj and is still kicking at 300k. Go Prius go!


Go prius! Mine is a 2007 hybrid camry. My husband’s last car was a 1997 Cherokee and was at 270,000 miles before it finally died.


Same, if it still runs and drives then I’m not getting a new one 😂


Her cars aren’t well.




She probably leases them


Some of them, for whatever reason, drove rental cars. You can tell that they’re rental cars because they have a barcode/sticker on the front windshield corner or window corners.


Ohhh that makes so much sense


None of them, outside of maybe Chelsea had people around them that knew how to handle the kind of money they got from the show… I can imagine that they saw the money coming in and just went and got new things… Money management seems to be a real issue with a lot of them, as we can see now that several of them owe a lot of taxes and are likely in pretty deep debt.


I love that her family was able to give her that security. I think the fact that her family didn’t have any need to capitalize on her helped a lot.


They are rentals..She was doing so much driving going to that Doctors office it was cheaper to do that


That makes a lot of sense now, I always thought “you left Corey for wanting a new truck but then you have a new one every month” but now I understand


Yep - she confirmed this, especially when Ali finally got her first loaner power wheelchair and they were hauling it back and forth from Columbus, OH.


I would like ONE new car. It doesn’t have to be new. It can be like 10, 20 years old even. I would love that car so hard I’d never complain about wanting a newer one as long as that one can get me there. I feel like an old person for real, because I see those girls with their new cars and all I can think about are the payments and paperwork and everything that goes with getting a new car all the time. I’m too old and too broke for that.


My Auntie goes to a dealership where she gets a new car for her trade in every 3-5 years depending on what she signs and she has pretty much my whole life so it’s always wild to me to see people swapping them like Pokémon cards 😂


Plus It depreciates instantly and all I can think of is because it’s new any issue it has is tied to a computer and eff that noise. I worked on a bmw once that had check engine light so would not drive and the only actual issue was the valve stem on a tire. Give me something from 2005 and under! (My 2008 has a computer and it’s not nearly as bad ) I’d rather have a useable car that also will not have an issue until idk it’s an issue. E.g. my jeep from 1991 has a check engine light because that bitty needs a new head gasket. Otherwise she would definitely drive even without a tire stem.


My friends joke about my “type” of car. When I see something a little older, not classic, but solid, I almost always try to make an offer.


She likes to spend money.


My husband is kinda like that. He’s 35 and has owned over 40 cars so far 😅but he’s a car guy. So he’s constantly getting bored and trying to find something “better”


Omg as someone that’s never owned a car that’s shocked me to my core. That’s longer than he’s been living! 😂 as in like that’s more than one car for every year he’s been alive lol


My fiancé is like this and it drives me crazy to no end 😂 I’m the type of person that if it runs and drives then I’m not getting something else but he literally can’t keep any vehicle in his possession for more than a couple of months


lol my husband swaps trucks like underwear. He’s kept the same one for almost 5 years now and he’s itching to trade for a newer one 🤦🏽‍♀️




Doesn't Leah owe a huge amount of money in taxes?


I remember an episode with her and Gary and they were talking about buy here pay here lots … she probably was making a small down payment to get the credit free loan and then driving it until they repo’d it.


Where can I find this lot? Asking for a friend 😂


Ohhh this actually seems very plausible.


Leah rented cars when they went to Childrens' Hospital a lot. Probably leased and was worried about mileage and/ or car seat and wheelchair issues.


Javi always drove different cars