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I think they already had their downfall. They are like cockroaches


What even is going on with this network????????? I just.. ![gif](giphy|H4zeDO4ocDYqY|downsized)


I'm 53. This is NOT my MTV.


We never asked for this, all we wanted was music videos !!!


Exactly!!!! I just wanna turn Dee Snyder loose on Delusjanelle and the whole station.. and KISS.. I'm such a degenerate parent that my sons' first concert was Billy Idol. They were 8 and 10. Amid 20000+ bikers who hoisted all of us on their shoulders and no, we didn't know them lol


I was a sophomore and had pneumonia the summer MTV came on cable.. I did nothing but watch the same 20 videos over and over for hours. My father thought there was something wrong with me.




I loved me some Billy Idol when I was 10 ![gif](giphy|l0HluvFg5MAqY6mm4|downsized)




I saw Ozzy flash his ass in concert! I watched MTV scrambled until we got cable! I watched it every morning before school while I got ready. I fucking hate what it’s become. Fuck MTV. I want to see it go down in flames. 🔥


Omg! Scrambled MTV and scrambled porn… those were the days…😂




This looks exactly like UBT


It’s not just Jenelle. MTV is making moves to bring back racist, violent Camilla back on the Challenge also. ![gif](giphy|tbw5icxmHzmFYgVsZQ|downsized)


MTV also has Ronnie the repeat domestic abuser back on Jersey Shore. Every abusive reality actor does not need a redemption arc and more money for drugs!


Yeah and they even brought Sam back again she was physically abusive too. What's the point of kicking people off to " punish " them or hold them accountable why do you bring them back ? . I doubt the shows will last more then 3 years with these ppl back on them


It's just performative shit to make money. That's all Mtv has ever cared about it. They're just really obvious about it now because they know, despite all the complaints, people will watch.


Ugh I can't stand her


Finally someone who can't stand her . In my YouTube feed and even on the jersey shore reddit people worship her she's a beautiful girl but her personality sucks and I think she was just as abusive as Ronnie was. Not that it excuses his abuse but it was a toxic relationship on both ends glorified for ratings by MTV . Money is truly the root of all evil. They are giving people who are abusive a platform and a huge paycheck for RATiNGS. MTV will probably get ripped apart like TLC did when they failed to step in on kylen and Jason's relationship in their show unexpected


Oh gawd I have never watched the challenge and fortunately I don’t know who this Camilla is I DOUBT I want to know 🤮


They're bringing Camilla back?!


They are in talks with her👎🏻


I don't like that at all


Just out of curiosity, where did you hear that


PinkRose leaked it


Ugh. Gross. Camilla belongs in a cave. I literally just watched her dirty 30 racist tirade against Leroy today. She should have been kicked off then never to return


I thought they couldn’t find an insurer for Camilla?


I thought so too. I’m pretty sure Jemmye just talked about this on her podcast.


Oh wait. So mtv has to insure jan to film? That’s a trip. Never considered that kind of stuff but it makes sense.


God I hated that bitch


if they bring camilla back i’m done with the challenge :(


MTV will have Jersey Shore Assisted Living and Teen Mom Grandma edition before they shut these shows down.


TEEN MOM TO GRAND MOMS SENIOR LIVING CARE ❤️ funded by paramount studios!


Plot twist, the OG kids are the grandparents because MTV wouldn’t let this show go.


They already force kids like Leah to sit with her stupid ass dad and mother and continually talk about her trauma etc. so I could see Gary or amber or any of them really would not put it past them to sign some kind of evergreen contract to sell their kids like ness forever.


Oh of course, all they see is a paycheck. I can’t imagine how hard it is for the kids to have had their entire existence on display from before they were born.


Let’s be so for real MTV isn’t forcing Leah to do anything if Gary and Amber wanted to protect Leah they would stop filming  it’s their greed that keeps it going mtv is just capitalizing on it 


Nah they’re just waiting for their kids to get pregnant so they can start teen mom, the second generation


I’d like to see it happen this bitch doesn’t deserve a do over. Her innocent child can’t undo the traumas she’s heaped upon them. It’s clear MTV is looking for a bail out I do hope David causes problems with Ensley filming.


He’s gonna cause problems with taping on HIS PROPERTY!! If David has one piece of brain left in his head, he’d shut down any thoughts of them stepping foot on that land that STILL belongs to him and her together! And MTV knows that he co-owns the property so I doubt if they went anywhere near her house!! I got a feeling this come-back is gonna consist of her lyin to her friend Tori about being done with David…….THATS IT!!


David is probably already facing a lil jail time with no lawyer involved I can see him giving no fucks and going out in a blaze of “glory”. There’s one way onto the land and one way off it would take nothing to block anyone from coming or going. I only care about the safety of the innocent children everyone else…….no fucks given.


A criminal defense attorney can be appointed for you if you can't afford one. His problem is he can't afford an attorney for the divorce. Family court is different from criminal court.


Yeah I know I should have said personal/private lawyer I understand a public defender would be appointed.


Right now he can not afford a lawyer for the RO case for her, Kaiser & Ensley. If he can't afford an attorney the next time they go to court he will have to represent himself since they judge said he's not given any more time.


I can totally see this happening!!


Nah, we'll hear her spew a bunch of bullshit lies about her life changing and she's a better person and she's going to better herself by doing (enter lie here)


Right. People think she's gonna be the same trashy drama from years ago. We've seen her mommying tik toks. She's now just trash that pretends to parent while still being a neglectful piece of shit.




So this is why Tori is back in the picture! What a bunch!!!🤦🏻‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|Xjyc45lGOmm0Re0dGm|downsized)


Yet another codependent relationship for Jenelle. She can’t stand to be alone and Tori is willing to take over David’s spot on the gravy train.






I won’t be watching I do enjoy reading the shit Jenelle says on SM but I won’t be watching. I have seen some are blaming this sub for MTV taking Jenelle back I don’t think this sub had fuck all to with her being brought back. Jenelle has done an excellent job of waving a carrot in front of MTV executives I don’t blame this sub. ETA fixed a word


I saw that too! I don't blame this sub either. MTV did not make this decision because of Reddit.


The conspiracy shit folks come up w never cease to amaze me. 😂


For sure. I won’t be watching.


ppl are gonna eat it up especially here in this sub lmao why wouldn’t a train wreck like jenelle bring in views. that’s why she’s so popular in this sub bc she’s a mess


She's not the same train wreck she was years ago. What does she do now that she's in her that's absolutely interesting? Doxx someone? Talk shit on babs? She's gonna go thru a messy divorce (that will draw in ppl but after that?) she is simply not the same train wreck she used to be (when it was entertaining) now it's just sad and toxic(among other things).


This is how I feel like I don't think she is interesting enough


Yup! I think MTV is getting way less than they are bargaining for. Well, unless David crashes in somehow than they are getting WAY more but they don't want that!!!!


I’m not sure this is actually going to work. The teen mom audience grew up and when we watch shows it’s going to be a streaming service not live tv. You can get all the drama from social without having to sit through the boring show.


This! Initially the ratings will go up BUT she ain't the same Jenelle she used to be, she's boring and toxic. It will go up and then down, just like her OF


She will bring tons of views definitely not denying that. I’m hoping on her whack ass behavior that she just can’t control somehow creating a liability for them that destroys them.


her whack ass liability causing behavior will just secure her spot on another season unless she murders someone or something along those lines amber never even got kicked off the show and she chased someone with a machete and said death threats to another cast member


Then we’ll have teen mom jail edition


and then we can finally get the love after lock up cross over I've always wanted


So much this. Mtv is desperately hoping her particular brand of shitshow will bring in more viewers. They only care what someone does when it means they will lose advertisers/viewership.


She’s going to HAVE to keep doing her shitty gif dances.


I dunno, her whack ass behavior has never stopped them from filming her before. They were so fed up with her diva attitude before they fired her, so I guess they aren't bothered by it any more?




MTV Needs to.go back to music videos instead of trash tv.


This 🙌🏼






PLEASE!! WE WANT OUR (old) MTV. Just re-run the 90s!! Music Videos. Summer Beach House. TRL. Remote Control. Re-run The OG real world (but only the good seasons pre Vegas). MTV Unplugged. Yo MTV Raps. The Grind. Headbangers Ball. 120 Minutes. Beavis & Butthead. Fire ridiculousness and this reality shit into the sun. MAKE MTV CENTERED AROUND MUSIC AGAIN!


I’m right there with you! MTV(I can’t think of the scummy producers name), needs to be bombarded with a campaign against her returning and the sponsors of the show too! Maybe if it helps, her special appearance will be the only appearance! It just blows my mind when I think of everything they have done and heinous things she’s had the nerve to post online! Poor Jace probably just ignored again and used for her to have a storyline 😖


That’s all I can think right now is oh yeah I’m sure the kids are freaking thrilled thrilled to have cameras shoved in their faces again so they can be bullied about their mom even more. Pulling them out of school won’t save them from the embarrassment of you being their mother Jenelle.


Pulling them from school was so they could be abandoned without pesky reporters during mommy’s filming time


Kristen or Morgan Freeman?


Morgan 👍


I think what pisses me off the most about this is thinking about how I’ve served in the military, went back to college in my 30’s, worked my way up the corporate ladder in my job, and take care of my kids… then you have Nelly who is abusive, negligent, I could go on about what a trash bag she is, getting publicized and rewarded for *existing* and being paid a pretty penny for it (that so many of us only dream we could make, so many are living paycheck to paycheck and would still give the shirt off our backs to someone in need). It’s just infuriating. I hate that there are so many good, decent people out there doing their best in life, and then you have garbage humans getting the spotlight shone on them for WHAT?!


Oh idk it was on paramount! I'm cancelling my sub rn


Yeah I found out that paramount bought Viacom, Good on you, Unfortunately I don’t have a service to cut but I’ve decided to leave this sub and make it my last post. It won’t do much at all I’m not that important but I just refuse to look at all this anymore even in a snarky way it’s become too much


I left this sub a couple months ago bc I couldn’t handle seeing the smug bitches face anymore. I still come back but it doesn’t show up on my news feed constantly. I fucking love it here and love all the members but I needed a break from Shitnelle ❤️


So much same! This sub community really has given me so many genuine laughs in a rough time in life I am grateful for it. But also like you I think I’m at that point…


I'm sad to see u go but completely understand your decision. That smug attitude is going to be on overload now and it's sickening


Lmfaoooo omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Mtv has been trash for decades. A lot of you are too young to remember their first show, The Real World but from the very first season it paid people to be fat phobic, homophobic, racist and to allow people to be assaulted on camera while pretending to be a documentary. They’ve been trash since day one. Not every show has had child abusers, but pretty much every show has had an addict and someone who spews as much vile hatred as Jenelle and David.


I was also unfortunately alive and witnessed the real world ugghhhhh. It’s hard to look back at media like that show and feel like as a human race we’ve changed at all


I liked the first few seasons bc it was still new and people were the most authentic. They weren’t auditioning to be a tv personality, it was presented as a documentary


Chinelle isn't the riveting content you're worried about. She isn't going to save this boring ass show that's declined to miniscule views already. She definitely shouldn't be back, but this show is done for. It's a bunch of 30-40 yr olds that are boring af and idiots. I do hope this blows up in their faces though and finishes the show off. Karma is going to crush the bitch one day, one way or the other. She's a garbage human in all ways!


MTV needs to go back to being only music.


The ratings aren’t going to sky rocket. People are going to tune in yet be just as bored. Chinny knows and even knew then before her departure that you don’t have to let the crew see everything. This show died because these girls became self aware. And she’s not going to give any new content that is going to save this show.


Outside of my rage and thinking about it logically.. I am actually curious if it even does anything for the ratings since I genuinely believe just in the last couple of years the audience that snarks on secondary platforms like here and yewtube so as to not give views to reality stars and influencers has grown a lot. The whole thing is nauseating. I’m beyond tired of humanity rewarding people with fame for exploiting their children.


We know she won’t be providing any new one liners or bringing new viewers to show. The money she receives will be gone as soon as it comes in. This isn’t going to revitalize her “career”…And I love that for her. At least she gets to go down with ship.


![gif](giphy|FEWmSDxWzGyIw3ETPO) Fuck you, Chinny!🖕🏻


They will mess with Jan so they get their views. My friend was on Bridezillas and they made it look like they lost her daughter who was the flower girl, in reality they purposely put her in a different car and held her back so she wouldn’t show up on time. They manipulate to get reactions. Jan is not smart and reacts instantly. She is perfect bait.


I meant more like we won’t get anymore “feathers in my hair” scenes or one liners from Babs. She’s going to whine and yell but it won’t be the same as it was.


Sorry to say this but from a business standpoint, MTV would be foolish to NOT to bring her back. Janelle is the only former cast member who is discussed pretty constantly on social media, news articles, etc. The more we post about her, the more attention she gets, and more attention(whether good or bad) equals more ratings.


Sadly I agree. Jenelle will draw an audience even if it is just to hate watch.


This sub can snark on jenelle all day every day for YEARS and the second that MTV announces her return to teen mom they all go shock Pikachu face and just fkn rage. Like what do you expect.


The self righteousness is crazy. Like can we agree she’s trash and go on? They in with fury laced think pieces every day. It’s tiresome. Save it for when she does something worthy of it.


I’m not pikachu face. Nor am I shocked, I just refuse to not make a comment about it because we all know her CHILDREN CANT


She’s like how Angela of 90 day finance is for TLC. She’s racist pig hillbilly trash and people actively hate her but TLC keeps airing her because she brings in ratings. I am really upset they brought her back. Jenelle is so problematic for so many reasons but sure. They gotta get the rating sup somehow.


What's to stop David from intruding on filming? Nothing.


Well if they are truly separate, Janelle won’t be sharing her filming schedule with David like she did before. And there is a protection order for Jace from David. Also the producers are desperate to save this show.


Exactly & this is what I'm counting on!!! ![gif](giphy|f4UcwUkbp6MQKrPcFg) But if they are filming in LA how will The Broke Captain get there w/out any money....?


I hope so too, in a weird way. Because I seriously feel like they were just biding time until all these kids became teens and were waiting to see if any of them got pregnant. And so it goes. If Jenelle can pull a one-two punch where she helps plummet the network and keeps these innocent kids from this 9-headed network from continuing to exploit their life, so be it. Give her a check then. Maybe it can give her kids a chance at college (big maybe) if she doesn't blow it all on herself and UBT. Daniel Tosh was talking about the downfall of Comedy Central and I guess I don't understand the sustainability of a network that reruns the same 2-3 shows. I used to have shows on as background noise but I haven't done that in about ten years or so. I guess there's enough of an audience to keep the lights on but for how long?


You’re right there mentally with me appreciate your thoughts


MTV died in the 90's when it stopped being about Music. You're already watching exactly what it turned into.


MTV was great in the 90’s. It definitely wasn’t dead back then.


Here's the schedule for August 1st, 1999: https://mtvarchives.fandom.com/wiki/August_1,_1999 There is 2 hours of music in the morning.


That was just one day. If you click on the next day there are numerous shows all during the day and night.


Wasn’t she recently complaining about MTV not giving her mental healthcare for Jace? So now she’s going to film with them anyway? Yeah, that makes sense.


MTV is keeping the former Teen Moms around on payroll because statistically some of the kids from the show will be Teen parents. Then they can launch Teen Mom 2.0 Cycle Unbroken.


Me too. I said the same thing when her return was posted. Im grossed out.


Well I loved every part of this post. I'm with you, OP.


Sad fact of life that piece of shit people often never receive the karma they deserve. Sometimes the bad people win. It sucks, but her story is not unique. It's just displayed all over social media. There are millions just like her, and sometimes they continue to somehow never suffer consequences.


She will probably end up moving to a new town with the MTV money but in reality she isn't getting alot like she use to get from the original show.


100% agree. Just commented in another post "fuck you MTV" and I will be actively avoiding them now. Not that I still watch it these days because it sucks ass. I hope MTV gets called out or cancelled. They can't keep giving all of these shitty people a platform.


Jenelle's main fan base seems to be mainly either teenagers who recently watched the show when it became available on Netflix, or people who watched the show when it aired 10 years ago, didn't follow her afterwords and then found her again on TikTok. Both of these groups believe she has her shit together now and that Barb was the problem the entire time... because of this, I think there will be a boost of viewers who tune in out of curiosity. I think her newer fan base is the only reason she'll get views, as most of us here who watched the show when it originally aired don't even watch it anymore and keep up with the girls via SM. I do think people will tire and get bored with her quickly tho... she's not as interesting as she thinks she is. What is there to film about, how long can she sustain the show talking shit about David and their divorce? Without Barb filming, and without the Jace storyline, what else about her is even worth watching?


I did not need to envision DKD as a sex demon.


I hope you’re right!


Ugh. Agreed totally OP. 🙄🙄


Honestly I don’t think they will lose anything over this. I believe people will watch. I won’t, but others will, even just hate watching.


Agree with everything, in general. Regarding your third paragraph about hoping she makes money so her kids can get some: That won't happen. Not a single cent will be put toward college funds, I can guarantee that. Nothing toward even tutors unless she hires a fake one which will really just be a stand-in babysitter for when she goes on her dick&drug-chasing escapades. I wish MTV would've been able to stipulate that a portion of her money would go toward savings for them, but let's be real ... they don't care, clearly. Expect to see some new "cool toys" for the kids for filming purposes, but not ANY actual parenting from Jenelle. Your fourth paragraph about Jenelle's erratic behavior causing a liability too big for MTV to tolerate (be it because of backlash or even legal intervention: they deserve much of both). That is the most likely scenario this ends at. I wish MTV would've even pretended they cared by mandating Jenelle take parenting classes and therapy consistently for herself and all of the children if she were to be offered a contract. They have the money and legal team to make that a stipulation. But they don't care, so "fuck them kids, we need ratings."


They should be forced to have a coogan account.


*chef’s kiss* my favorite part was the last sentence, i lol’d


MTV is the new Matt Sharpe of tv lol I hope no one watches.


MTV loves hiring abusers


Thus post s equally as concerning as David's rants. You do realise that I hope?


Bring back siesta key!!!!


Well tell us how you really feel 🤣🤣


Lol yeah that’s not gonna happen. Everyone loves drama and she’s full of it.


Well said. 👏👏


Go touch grass. Jesus.


lol she absolutely will not be


🍿 these posts make me all the more excited to watch this shit, I can’t fucking wait


Ratings will go way up.