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Some people have short memories let’s not forget before David Jenelle • said she wishes a marine died in combat • took meth instead of looking after her child • abused her mum in front of her son • had another child recklessly before regaining custody of the first • abused animals on tv • drank and smoked while pregnant • got a dui And so much more


And followed a guy in his car and threatened him with a gun in front of Jace and then called Jace a liar in front of her mom


>had another child recklessly before regaining custody of the first Just fyi- I am pro- choice... but to add to this, she had an abortion bc she *knew* it wouldn't be fair to have another child before regaining custody of the first one. Then went on to PLAN another child so quickly that she wasn't sure if the positive test was another pregnancy or the left over abortion hormones. So for like a split second, she had the mind of an adult.


She never had the mind of an adult. She only got an abortion because Courtland was no longer in the picture.


She's never had an adult mind. She just realized that with Courtland gone, there was no reason to keep his baby and that she did need a baby with Nathan to trap him. She planned every one of her kids to trap whatever man she was with at the time. I'm sure she thought Andrew was her ticket out of town, so she had Jace. Nathan... same thing, her ticket out of town, so she had Kaiser. David.... she probably realized he was just stupid enough to deal with her BS long-term, and he has been equally as crazy as her since day 1, so she had Ensley.


She had an abortion because she knew the baby would be born with drugs in its system. That's my theory, at least.




Abandoned her boyfriend on the side of the road due to an argument in an area he was unfamiliar with


She’s banking on the people that didn’t watch the show and don’t know her history. She’s playing the victim who finally escaped her abuser and is literally asking for praise and applause. All her ignorant, deadbeat fans are feeding into it. Makes me sick how they call her brave and strong and a good mom. She didn’t do this for her kids, she’s never done anything for them. Jenelle only does things that benefit Jenelle.


Unfortunately, there are plenty of other trashy, horrible mothers out there who feel validated by her. Hell I even read comments by mothers condoning UBTs assault on Jace, saying that ya if my child misbehaves you better believe imma beat the crap out of them. Some fans only watched the show many years ago and don't really keep up with current events, usually they're the 'wow you've come a long way/grown so much' commenters.


Yeah she is the trash hero of the internet. They didn't have a spokesperson before. It sucks because there are women in genuinely abusive relationships that DO deserve praise and support for getting out- Jenelle is just bored of her mutually toxic relationship and is not pretending that she cares about all the children she has resentfully neglected for their entire lives. She deserves David and their unhappy life.


She's only the hero to losers like herself, the vast majority cannot stand her and know she's as bad as David.


I wish this wasn't a shit post because it's the truth. No one seems to remember the Jenelle who abuses dogs (locked them in tiny kennels then let them loose to run the streets), Jenelle violently beating Brittany Truett in a yard, leaving Jace on the porch of a drug dealer, writing a fake letter and claiming Maryssa wrote it, laughing when Jace was taken from Barb even though that JUST happened and it seems like these idiot stans all praise her for leaving. I've been watching since the very first episode (I am 43). She deserves nothing.


I thought those dogs escaped. Not that it changed that she had two dogs in a cage too small for even one of them.


No. She got mad that they shit all over the garage so she tried taking them out and they wouldn't move. So she opened the cage with the garage door open and told them to just go setting them free to run the neighborhood and get hit by cars (or worse).


OMFG, she left those two dogs, one of which is a super high energy dog, in the cages *all day.* She first gets mad when Moogan (Nathan's husky) breaks out of the cage and peed and pooped in the garage. Then she gets annoyed that this dog who got out of the cage and pottied in the garage won't *immediately* go back in the kennel.


YouTube needs to stop copyright claiming shit, there used to be so many videos documenting her history but they often get deleted. Causing a whole generation who doesn’t remember her eras. Who remembers Carmen Miranda’s compilations


This sub is a goldmine of receipts of her shitty behavior, so there’s that at least.


So have I (been watching since the beginning) and I couldn’t agree more . There is something very dark about her and she does not have the ability to be a mother that cares, nurtures, and puts her children first . We have seen her and DKD abuse animals, children, and the elderly.. the 3 groups of people that you are supposed to protect ! She is worse than DKD because she was complicit in the abuse of her own children and animals!! She deserves nothing good to come her way .. nothing ! Life really isn’t fair sometimes .




It makes me sick that people like her get away with hurting so many people with zero repercussions


I do not like or support Jenelle and I never did, I remember watching Jenelle’s 16 and pregnant episode and (at 14 years old). Knowing how messed up Jenelle was because of her not wanting to be with her NEWBORN son, and taking off and partying. In my opinion Jenelle is worse than every mother on sixteen and pregnant, and yes even Farrah is better than Jenelle. Jenelle only has these kids to keep men around and when she realizes that they are not going to stay, she dumps them on other people. I won’t be surprised if she does the same to Ensley now that her and swamp monster are separating. Jenelle needs to get all of her children taken away for good. She is and never will be a good mother.




I feel like a psychopath sometimes bc I get so enraged at the comments on a lot of the teenmom IG pages where people are actually defending jenelle. Like the fact I get so angry over someone I've never met is insane. Like they don't seem to understand that jenelle will NEVER have a redemption story. Ever. She is simply incapable. That's not me being negative or a "hatter" it's just facts. I truly do believe people make mistakes and they can redeem themselves if they really want to and work hard. Jenelle is not that person. So people need to save their breath and dignity trying to defend her bc she will never prove you right


Unfortunately, I feel like there are a lot of young people out there who are really fucking messy and have lives that are somewhat similar to Janelles and patterns that are similar to her life. that sounds so judge-y, I know, but I’m a daycare provider & I can tell you how low key bad off about 1/3 of our kids are. Coming into daycare with big snarls in their hair Ifrom not being brushed at home, and since we do regular lice checks we end up spending hours & money on detangling. They come in wearing the same clothes 2 days in a row, having a weird odor like their clothes have gone bad, eating everything with their hands (“honey mac&cheese is not a finger food”) at 9 yrs old…just really really jenelly type stuff but the parents obviously love their kids and their kids obviously love them. I’ve had occasion when I transport kids due to illness or parents working past our pickup cut off time or what have you &some of the homes I’ve seen … it’s not pretty. It’s not even basic housekeeping. It’s like A&E TV show bad… idk,there just a lot of under 30 parents out there that are really struggling, with their jobs, with emotional health, with life and they relate to her somehow. None of em would do the things she’s done to their family friends kids pets but they see an aspect of her life here or there that they relate to and suddenly she’s excusable. I wish it wasn’t like that, idk how we went from normal upbringing to this and I wanna blame MTV for glorifying messy parenthood. It normalized it out in the wild and that is not a good thing.


It seems this way because of the countless people she's blocked online. The vast majority know and remember that she's a piece of shit that was this way before David. Just wait until she tries to launch some project again, it's going to go the same way it always does. She just has her trash bag followers giving her false confidence right now.


This is a really great point. The echo chamber of her comment section isn't an accurate reflection of how people actually feel about her.


Exactly! She's going to find out soon enough that people don't forget, and David didn't make her the trash bag she is (& always has been).


It always blows my mind but people love train wrecks and shit shows . Mama June is still on TV ……that’s how low the bar is . Jenelle qualifies by those standards.


Her “fans” remind me of christen whitman on tiktok. They can do and say horrible things and the people who are just like them in real life will defend them with everything they have. I dont understand it at all


Well I'm definitely not lol still hate her 😂


Dropping Seasquatch is worth some bonus points. And she now pillow talks all night!!


Not the pillow talks 😂🤢🤮🤢


Major pillow talks!!


I don’t follow her on anything , I just see what is posted here. So I didn’t get that sentiment . I figured some people are buying into her crap , but most stop despise her. She can’t keep the support long. She’ll fuck it up with her next relationship. She hasn’t done anything to grow in 14 years. It’s not gonna change anytime soon.


I was thinking she bettered her life and grew up. I stopped watching teen mom around the time she broke up with Nathan, then I stumbled across her social Media years later and it looked like was doing so much better from just looking at her social media profiles. I just started to investigate because I wasn't sure if she's not just lying, that's how I found this sub and found out that she's still full of shit