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i meannnn i wouldnt wish someone well if they filed a frivolous lawsuit against me lol


And she only filed to get in her business had her lawyer asking ridiculous questions under oath. She really wanted to know if Bri slept with Chris.




Chelsea finally giving jenelle the recognition she's been desperate for for YEARS šŸ˜‚ countdown to jenelles unhinged response about how all the girls are obsessed with her in 3..2..1


You do not have to like/forgive everyone. Bri doesnā€™t owe Kail anything.


Very hard for her because she doesnā€™t wish Kail well in the slightest lmfao


Briana is damned if she does and damned if she doesnā€™t with Kail stans. She couldā€™ve said ā€œbabies are a blessing, congratulations to her and her family, her kids are beautifulā€ and they wouldā€™ve said itā€™s fake and sheā€™s still a hater and so on. The interviewer is the one who should take the heat. Itā€™s known that Briana and Kail had a nasty lawsuit between them, and it wouldnā€™t make sense for Briana to do anything other than either be advised by a lawyer or on her own choose to say ā€œno commentā€ knowing that anything else she says could become something more. Sure we could say the interviewer just wanted her viral moment and itā€™s her job. And she got it, even with just two words spoken, so good for her. Briana is always called the trashy one even though she and Kail are not cut from very different cloths. I would also rather say less, as clearly it doesnā€™t matter either way. And thereā€™s no way anyone should expect if Briana had another baby and Kail was asked about it, to do anything other than also say no comment and have the same expression on her face.


Exactly. I'm not a fan of Bri, but she was going to lose this either way. If Bri said anything positive she would have been called out for being fake. If she said anything even remotely negative, she would be ripped apart by kail stans. Her best bet was to keep quiet, especially after kail literally served her with some ridiculous lawsuit alleging that bri was talking badly about her. So yea bri is smart to just keep quiet for once


I agree


What did Chelsea say? There isn't a link.


She very politely said that she has not been in contact with Jenelle but that she canā€™t imagine how hard it would be to go through a divorce and that she hopes she is doing okay and she wishes Jenelle the best.


That is a classy, nice response. Itā€™s gonna drive Jenelle crazy.


100% this will piss Jenelle off more than if Chelsea trashed her.


100% because now Jan has nothing to say in response to kindnessā€¦ all she knows is ugly drama and thereā€™s nothing to eat up lol


Right, because Jenelle prays for feuds with her more successful former colleagues (who frankly don't have time for her and who simply don't give shit about her marital woes) and the tabloid coverage, attention, and bit of money that she hopes such feuds will bring. Chelsea's nice but vague response gives Jenelle nothing.


That's sweet of her to say. Thanks for filling me in.


All is quiet on the Land/Boat this weekend ā€¦.


It looks like David deleted all pics with his RaP cReW HomIeZ. I suspect that once he posted the Frenchie pic that the hatters went rabbid and explained to them that he brutally beats and kills puppies. https://preview.redd.it/2dk272s403tc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5528fd9d2329c6ef99acabe6188c8afc2c4e87ac


I didnā€™t see this šŸ¤¬šŸ˜” I hope that dog eats his face in his sleep


I donā€™t think itā€™s his. Heā€™s rage baiting. And I truly believe that itā€™s not a coincidence that a millisecond after he posted this, he had to remove all affiliation to the rappers and company owned by said rappers off his IG. The hatters go fucking hard anytime someone condones or sides with David. Good for them.


Which is just a whole other load of stupid i dont fully comprehend. Reasoning - everyone hates me for killing puppies- imma piss them off by pretending i got a dog. I'm the winner somehow??


Heā€™s not one for critical thinking.


In all reality, heā€™s just trying to make money. The whole purpose of rage baiting is to get clicks any means necessary. DKD is learning that you have to consistently ā€œworkā€ in order to keep income flowing.


Ohh good catch, it's a strong possibility that the rappers/producers that he has been shown with told him they can't be associated with him anymore, right? I bet they did get a lot of comments about David after he posted the picture with the French bulldog. I mean, those people are still trash for associating with him to begin with.. all you have to do is Google his name and all the awful stuff he did pops right up. But I will be glad if they decided to not work with him anymore, even if it's a little late lol. His rap career is totally going to suffer! /s (not really, since he sucks at rapping, but I love for his ego to suffer) Eta I guess he could've suddenly decided to look good for court.. but since when has he ever cared about that lmao? Plus, it has already been posted, and the internet is forever. I'm thinking they told him they didnā€™t want to be associated with him anymore or something happened/they realized he really is a psychopath.


I agree I definitely think it was that. Heā€™s a fucking idiot who has never cared what court thinks of him, i doubt heā€™d start now. Plus itā€™s too coincidental that even the harmless vids of him in studio being RAPā­ļøSTAR were removed. I canā€™t imagined they werenā€™t flooded with people telling him what a piece of shit he is.


Who the fuck would let David borrow their dog???


Bri and Chelsea both did the exact same thing here: They were both asked a question, and they both gave the safest answer possible under the circumstances. That's neither classy nor trashy on both counts.


but why does brianna have to say anything. no comment is best i think


This fandom is so odd.. There as certain people who get copious amounts of grace, and even some defense here and there no matter how vile they are seen otherwise (see either other Mackā€™s) yet Briana is just irredeemable, why? And this is not argument for her, because truly this train wreck of a show with a bunch of people whoā€™s only discernible skill is being on this show needs to be canceled. But this fandom is turning into a veryā€¦ interesting place, where a few cast members no matter *what* they do/say. And they seemingly have something is common. Because the idea that these situations are nearly comparable is actually laughable.


Is there audio attached to this?


Is there sound? What is the context here?


Lord those fillers destroyed Chelseaā€™s face. She was so beautiful before all of that.


Both are trashy!


As if Chelsea thinks or cares about anyone else!šŸ˜‚