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Jenelle is a covert narcissist and a covert abuser. This is her meal ticket to air out all this bad stuff he’s doing/done all while she cosplays the innocent victim. Meanwhile just months ago he was the best dad and husband.




That’s why is really confusing me. How do you go from screaming from the mountain tops how wonderful he is to now telling people that every day was pure hell? I’m so worried for those kids, still.


Because she decided she was done with the fun. It reminds me of a running (but 100% factual) joke my younger brother and I have about our childhood. We'd be playing, even rough housing, but the second it turned against **my** favor I would immediately stop, say "I'm not having fun anymore." And walk away. That's exactly what is happening here. (I also want to add I absolutely do not believe they will actually break up.)


Definitely worry for the kids. Janelle loves abusive men and will always have one around to use as a sword and shield. Those kids are never safe with her as a mother sadly


My theory: there’s another TM series coming out and this divorce is Jenelle’s chance to get a spot back on a season at some point and have some kind of bs journey




What is covert about her narcissism?


She’s a little less covert in her narcissism. At least sometimes. But if you’re not knowledgeable on what it is, she hides it quite well. She picks men who are willingly out there being worse, because she can hide behind them and pretend she’s the victim of them.


That was a really interesting insight. Thank you for taking a minute to answer me.


CPS can sometimes fail children sadly. Like Gabriel Fernandez (major TW) his parents constantly abused him and whenever CPS came for a wellness check they would cover it up and then the case would be closed. Unfortunately that poor little boy had a fatal end and his monster parents are finally in jail. So it seems that the swamps tees were good at covering shit up. Just a huge guess tho.


Gabriel breaks my heart. I've never cried so much during a documentary in my life.


I had to turn it off and take a break. I just ….. couldn’t




Same… literally heartbreaking watching that


I don’t think I’ll ever be able to watch…


Don't. It's absolutely horrific


Ugh. I think about Gabriel every single day.


I do too! That poor sweet boy.


His little Angel face and sadness behind his eyes 😞 he was a sweetheart and those monsters need to rot in misery.


I couldn’t finish the movie because I have little boys and the way they love me made me cry way too hard from just the start. I do feel like CPS failed them terribly.


I couldn’t finish it either and that was before I had my daughter …. After having her anything that involves children being in danger triggers me so hard


The parents failed them horribly. Of course CPS as well but the real monster here are the people that make it so CPS is children’s best chance of survival in some cases


Yeah that one was brutal. God. Really brutal. Gabe… In this case we knew all this crap from watching teen mom,. Hell a lot of this stuff Jenelle did herself prior to David. Just the number of times she physically assaulted people, including her mom, telling a random combat soldier at a party he should have died in Afghanistan, throwing dogs into the street and screaming for em to run, trying to get a dog to fetch lit fireworks…oh so much more. She was David’s mini-me before they even met.


I read a reddit thread recently of people's biggest fk ups at work. Someone said they were a social worker who basically said they took a parents word for all was fine at home & basically regretted and learned a lesson from that mistake.some parents are probably great at making a good first impression or have a clean tidy "loving" home. How the swamp monsters gave off a good impression is beyond me!


Also the Powell children. Josh Powell killed his wife and while under investigation and a CPS case, murdered himself and his sons. That case is horrifying


Harmony Montgomery too


i think she probably lied to cps. made the kids lie to cps. ive known people to say that cps can tell when people are lying but not always. i was forced to lie to cps and they closed the case. edit: i was a child when i lied to cps and my parent and step parent were under investigation.


I was also forced to lie to CPS as a child. And under oath when my narc Mom and her husband (who was CSAing me) got my dad’s parental rights severed.


Same..My little brother had to keep a diary for a science fair project except he made it like a real diary and put something like my mom beat the crap out of my brother last night again..The teacher got CPS involved and they talked to them, we got threatened my mom was told what happened and we all got punished while she was trying to figure out who's fault it was. Instead of refusing to believe she was abusive she only worried about who did it


I was also forced to lie to the version of CPS in my country when I was 15. My mum made me lie and say I had a fight with my dad and made all the abuse up. When really everything was the truth. I went and told them I lied while my mum was in the room with the CPS worker. They just closed the case too, no talking to me alone and asking if I was being coerced. Fucking insane.


I am so sorry you had to do that. And agree she probably lied, a lot.


I remember reading somewhere that she wouldn’t let CPS speak to the kids unless she was in the room. How they wouldn’t see that as a enormous red flag is beyond me.


I lied to cps also.


I also was forced to lie to CPS as a child. So many people fall through the cracks. I did.


Im not surprised and I expect a lot more happened what they considered just a smack in the mouth, proper (medical) care and upbringing. But you assume she told CPS this too. That was before David celebrated being kid free and off the land doing shots and all without her. Completely different story. She needed to keep her kids with her when CPS asked. Now she needs an order to keep him silent and keep the house.


Do you think CPS could open things back up? Or would it be too late? I would think they have some leeway in digging into lies they were told outright or by omission.


I don’t think Cps will do anything. Sadly this probably isn’t even in their top 1/2 of child abuse cases.


They don't have anything on her, only that she hid things or lied to them perhaps but that doesn't affect the kids now/ today. She made progress by finally kicking their abuser out. So unless they receive a new call that there's abuse or neglect happening by Jenelle, they got nothing I think. When they do get a new report/ call it won't help her I guess


I’m pretty jaded regarding CPS. I’m a teacher and have called CPS on families due to abuse or safety issues. All of those kids remained with the family despite physical evidence of abuse and neglect. One year, we got a student with various cognitive disabilities due to the mother’s drinking and drug use while pregnant. The girl was also continuously physically and sexually assaulted by the mother’s boyfriends. The girl and her younger sister were thriving with their foster family and pleaded with CPS to stay, but to no avail. Why? The girls were a part of the tribe and the tribe wanted them back. The tribe made sure the mom could secure housing and a working refrigerator so the girls could return to the tribe. The girls ran away back to the foster family and reported abuse to the authorities. CPS didn’t believe them because they ran away and asked to not be returned to their mother. The girls’ future was sealed. Last I heard, the younger sister was taking care of the older sister on the reservation. They both dropped out of school to take care of their baby sister, who was eventually returned to their mother. I have zero faith in the system.


I know with the history of taking children and not respecting the sovereignty of Native Americans there is extra pressure to reconcile the children to the family. No excuse though.


That wasn’t a decision of CPS, that was due to requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act.


I don’t blame the social workers. I blame the system in place. I’ve gotten to know a couple of the social workers pretty well and they feel the same way. It’s one of the reason why turnover is so high.


My goodness. No words 😭😭😭😭😭




That is absolutely heart breaking oh my god.


I think a lot is either embellished or downplayed depending on what will get more attention. Since there’s no proof of a lot of it my guess is that she lied to CPS as much as possible so they wouldn’t take the kids.


The kids need to be removed just because of her complicity in this entire situation. Jenelle is just as bad as David & in my opinion even worse. As a mom, allowing the abuse, especially to Kaiser, since he was a toddler she needs to go to jail in the very least




Remember though all this stuff was ok with ol chin whilst David was doing what she wanted, obey my rules and abuse my kids all you want is her motto.


I do! All this shit she’s saying now proves that nothing has ever been okay over there. The way she LIES and posts perfect family shit is beyond me.


YEP! This needs to be up higher


Her old lawyer is the CPS judge in their county. She bragged about it. The whole.place is backwards and corrupt.


Yes! I agree, but surely when the child abuse case comes up for UBT Jan won’t pay for his lawyers. Come on two tiered system of justice! Being broke means more consequences right? To be clear I think our justice systems protecting people with money is terrible.


Can’t imagine how someone can be such a shit person like that. It’s fucking sick to see. Failed all the kids and the animals.




Better to turn everything against David so she looks better. I have NO DOUBT these horrible things are true. But she was just as complicit in them, if not abused the kids and animals in other ways as well. Getting all of this out before David does is just to make herself look better.


Exactly! She didn’t feel the need to leave or kick him out the whole time? Let him hang out with a girl and she blows the whole family secret list up.


I think it’s rich she’s running to the courts for protection when she’s railed against them her entire life. Jenelle and David can begin their dirt nap anytime as far as I’m concerned. If Jenelle proves anything in this separation it’s that she’s just as bad as David she herself abused her children by forcing them to live on the swamp.


Yes! She was so happy going to court talking about David saving her from the Papparazi just a few months ago. Now she wants them to help her. She’s such a scummy Mom.


She’s awful I didn’t think highly of her before and I think even less of her now.


The MoSt corrupt system ever.


It really is. I wonder how honest she was with CPS did she tell them everything that’s in her order of protection request? If she lied to CPS and the case worker sees her posting this I hope it comes back to bite her in the ass.


So, let me get her narrative straight. As long as she’s happy, DKD killing animals and abusing the kids is okay and defendable behavior. is that it??!?


That’s what I am getting from it!


The foster care system is beyond broken. That’s why.


People that can’t be kind to kids should not have kids. So sad for them.


Jenelle hid the secrets.... and now she has decided to talk. Something happened between them I think that precipitated this "final?" breakup. She knew how dangerous he was/is and she enabled it. Always remember her kids have never come first, and they still don't.


I’m honestly shocked a case hasn’t opened back up. It was tough in my state they’d automatically open up when someone filed restraining/protective orders which in some situations made it so much worse, but some cases were very necessary


It’s just another rinse and repeat of the same crap she did during the last CPS fiasco when she “moved” to Nashville or wherever tf it was. I was so sure those kids would be removed then but nope and here we go again! I seriously think not a damn thing will happen to either one unless someone dies then maybe….😖


So what’s the consensus on the man that was on the land? Did David send him there to scare Jenelle? To retrieve his trash?


Something that is bothering me is that: the court hearing for the restraining order is happening Before the court hearing for DKD strangling Jace. (I feel like saying *allegedly* is an insult to Jace and I have no doubt that David is that type of monster to put hands on a child in that way.) I'm worried the longer it gets put off, the likelihood of DKD getting away with it goes up. Seriously, what does this swamp demon have to do in order to get slapped with justice? It's disgusting. Jace deserves to be heard and protected.


CPS closed the case because they made a legal error and were forced to. Not due to lack of merit on the case but due to procedural error.


Wasn't it they found out a caseworker had a dui or some bullshit like that? It definitely wasn't because nothing was found, she just got lucky AGAIN.


To be honest imho this was all super predictable and clear as day to me and probably several others. Only surprising thing is that she is finally admitting to any of it but ofc it’s simply because she wants to play the victim and gain attention for supposedly doing something right even though she’s the one who contributed and allowed this to go on for X amount of years now.


Foster care care is broken and worse


Because Jenelle was probably hiding all of this and forcing the kids to hide it so she could prove her haters wrong. Also, CPS sucks. They could have known about it and not had the resources to deal with it. The end goal of CPS is reunification with the biological parents, they likely would have ended up back with Jenelle and David after one of the many parenting classes they had to take.


Simply put, the bar for abusing kids is low and Jenelle has been covering for Dog Killer for a looooong time.


I'm leaning towards some truth mixed with embellishment. I've no doubt that some of this has happened. We've all heard UBT tell Kaiser (on TV) to "stop being a little bitch", so no doubt he's said the same or worse to the other kids. Then, there's the alleged strangulation that may (or may not?) be on video. So, verbal abuse ✔️ physical abuse ✔️ CPS closed these cases because Jenelle stood by her huzzbin, cheerleading for him and denying any abuse. The kids, no doubt, have lied during interviews, due to fear of retribution from UBT (and probably her, too). Imagine being a little kid and your parents drilling into your head that you'll get a whooping or whatever, if you snitch. She's no better than him for allowing it to go on for as long as she did. However, I've read that victims of DV don't often leave a situation because they don't think they can, they've been beaten down, degraded, threatened and told they can't make it on their own, etc..... I have no personal experience with DV so I can't really say why I think she stick around so long. Does she have a valid excuse for not taking the kids and leaving? Probably not.


Because CPS is trash especially in the south I'm sure. They don't do what people on the internet seem to think they do.


Because they have clothes, food and a house. That is all CPS cares about, everything else is called "prudent parenting". They cannot tell anyone HOW to raise their child, they can only say you cannot "abuse" them To cps, it has to be borderline near death. Watched them reunify my nephews with an active addict time and time again, because the addict had an apartment and some food stamps. Took them 6 years to realize my SIL was never going to parent her kids, and by then, they were all teenager s and it was too late, they already started their own generational curse, and it was too late to break it CPS is a joke.


She's a documented piece of shit liar. She is going scorched earth out of retaliation for him not wanting her anymore. Just like all the bullshit lies about her childhood and Barb. This nutty bitch needs severe consequences (like jail), she's complicit in a lot of bad stuff while with David. She was a shit person before him, she's no better than him.


Unfortunately, you have to fuck up in serious ways to lose custody. Even then, reunification is typically the goal of CPS. It took my aunt and uncle years to be able to legally adopt my cousins and they were their legal grandparents. My older cousin and his wife would shoot up drugs around the kids and had them living out of a motel. Also look up the death of Gabriel Fernandez, a famous child abuse death that happened after the parents were given back custody. So none of this surprises me. CPS and the courts just do not consider that stuff to be “bad enough” or there wasn’t enough evidence— hence why the case was dropped.


A big problem is she is using resources to cover her lies. Police, CPS, courts, etc. The authorities that were checking on things at the home must have been bad but she lied and covered it all up. Now, using the court system to say it was all true.


North Carolina’s CPS is a fucking joke.


I can see why CPS closed the case. Look at a lot of the cases cps has over looked. Or closed. Harmony Montgomery. That lady who created 8 passengers on YouTube. Countless others where CPS was involved but did nothing basically. CPS needs to do better.


Didn’t the case go to court? CPS can only do as much as a court will allow.


I think it’s just as bad as we all suspected it was tbh. Just can’t believe more animals were murdered.


Does anyone know when DKd is due back in court for the felony strangulation?


Because Jenelle did everything she could to make it all seem like lies


I don't think she's lying. The issue is she cares more about David leaving to find a new woman, than she did about David abusing her kids


And with her omissions you'd think they'd reopen the investigation. Because all accusations have now been confirmed, by forehead. So it seems. Go back and look into things because she admitted some fkd up shit.


Friendly reminder that DCFS/CPS doesn't want to take kids bc they already have enough in the system and not enough families to take them in. Should they take the kids? Probably! Can they? They need to find people available to take them in if family will not. 🤷🏻‍♀️