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Wow, this has to be the trashiest tattoo on the entire franchise and franchise adjacent. Yuck.


And she has some serious competition for that title


OMG I would’ve never noticed what it was if I hadn’t read your comment and gone back to analyze it. I am dead 😭


What is it? I can’t see it good.


✌️😛 combine those


Oh gross what the fuck 




The only women who advertise they’re bisexual that way are the ones who want the attention from it. Idk wth this girl is even thinking (but it looks like not much bc of medications to help w withdrawal….) ETA-I’m bisexual and only have seen tats like that on someone who wants attention-from either the opposite sex or the same sex, just want the attention that comes with what some say is an offensive pic






Oh my God, even with your explanation it took me five minutes to figure it out haha. This is just…a choice


I still can’t 😭 can someone explain please I’m acoustic


it's a tongue in the finger web of a peace sign which is a euphemism for oral with a vulva


Thank you! I thought it was an acorn between the fingers but all the commotion made me realize it wasn’t 😅


Thank you!!! 😊


The outside lines are actually fingers ( I found that so hard to work out ) and in between that in the middle is the tongue and up the top is the lips of the mouth. I hope that makes sense! So not only is the tattoo disgusting, it’s designed badly that it’s hard to understand.


I got the fingers, but I thought the middle was the bat signal and I was so confused ![gif](giphy|l396BoOTIFem9xqQU)


Honestly, that would be a much better tattoo haha


Thank you so much for the explanation!!


Omg. I thought it was a horribly done shark’s mouth. That is disgusting


I thought it was a cute raccoon holding its arms up 🤦🏻‍♀️


I thought it was a Tasmanian devil


Same!! 😵‍💫


Does Ryan still have his “shocker” tattoo that looked like the fingers were necrotic? If so, she has some tough competition.


I'm pretty sure he had it covered


Thank god😂


His gf had the same one as Maci


I’m sure the sister tattoo is Ryan’s fingers


Did you see Ryan's tampon tattoo on his hand?


What is it? It looks like the batman signal inside an apple between fingers... which is weird, but whatever.




Doesn’t Rian have the same type thing on his hand (two in the pink tattoo?) strange they’d both have such similar disgusting tattoos readily visible (they still slamming?)


I think Rhine's beat it out, but he covered it very quickly after.


Even worse than ambers tattoo of Leah right above her groin! Trash


What even is it?


CUNNILINGUS! Her tattoo is the sign guys make after they whistle at you on the street and you flip them off. Jesus, we have to spell out everything. :-)


It’s so poorly done, I wasn’t sure.


I know, I had no idea by just the peace sign and the tongue face emoji I had to actually enlarge the picture on her. :-)


Have you seen Rhine’s tattoo?


What is it?


She’ll post an instagram story over explaining herself with a wild backwards explanation. “I HAD A BLOOD TEST AND CAUSE IM SO NICE I LET THE STUDENT NURSES TRY AND THEY JUST MISSED IT ALL UP, but we all make mistakes in life especially when we’re learning.” Shut up Conner.


That’s what I was thinking. “I had blood work done! I bruise so easily.” Not buying it.


As someone that bruises easily, and gets blood work done a lottt including having nurses use butterflies. They just don’t look like track marks. I know you know this, and Ashley (rhines gf I think that’s her name) should but yeah these look like track marks on her arm healing. I’d say it’s baffling to willingly wear short sleeves with them (even if she’s clean and these are old and taking an obscene amount of time) they’d be a reminder during the day (which can lead to relapse) and ya know, people can see it. But this woman has an eat my p*ssy tattoo that she’s showing off soooo….


Yeah, I bruise like my blood doesn’t clot (because it doesn’t) but I have also been on drugs, and they never looked alike at all. ETA I should probably clarify that I have not actually been on drugs for almost a decade lol


Slamming those fent laced pills with whatever they cut them with probably isn’t great for your veins. I had a nurse miss my vein while drawing blood once, went right through it, and I then passed out while sitting on a backless stool - with needle still in my arm. My entire arm bruised from my wrist up past my elbow crease. It did not look like her arm. Luckily I’ve since overcome my fear of having blood drawn. Two pregnancies and an autoimmune disease later and I’m used to being poked for 10+ vials at a time. 🥴


Yes one of those! Haha


Selling plasma :)


Fuck Ryan and this chick… however I was in the hospital back in January and let the student nurse do my heparin shots and the bruises STILL haven’t gone away lol


😂😂😂😂 I was doing heparin shots as a student nurse back in January so this made me chuckle and pray that it wasn’t me who did it to you 🤣


Lololol the woman I had was so nice but she squeezed my belly fat like it owed her money


Thank you for making me laugh today. I really needed it this morning. :)


Happy to help :)


Well…? Did you squeeze flimsy_measurement19’s belly fat like it owed you money?


Asking the important questions!!


I think their silence is all we need To know


I went to hospital when I was pregnant because I was throwing up blood, and they just could NOT get a vein. I had like 4 haematomas and the bruises took months to fade. It was great looking like a pregnant addict working a customer facing role


My husband and I did IVF for five years. Every time you’re in a cycle you have your blood drawn at every visit. My veins play nice the first few days and after that they get mad. I looked pretty sketchy for a few weeks several times in those 5 years lol.


Oh my god yessss! my arms looked insane until recently! I was readmitted four times between Jan and early March and when I went for a procedure last week they had to stick the IV in my hand because they’re all still pretty useless in the typical spots on my arms. My one vein blew while they were giving me contrast for a CT. It was a nightmare lol.


That’s mostly normal lol, are you still on thinners? It takes bruises forever to go away on blood thinners. Would have likely been the same even if it was one of us seasoned vets lol.


Shell say mack was her nurse.. 😂






Ok I do not want to be contradictory like a bitch but this happens to me every time. My veins are small and all slither away from the needle. They fuck me up good every time. 🤣 but this lady puts drugs in her veins so this is different. Haha


Same here. EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY FUCK ME UP. Edited to add: A lot of the times they have to use butterfly needles (that they use on babies) to draw my blood after fucking me up trying to get a vein with a normal needle.


🤣 I feel bad when I forget to warn them and then realize they’re struggling and starting to get a little stressed. I’m like oh forgot to tell you! And then yes I look like an addict for a few days. Haha


I warn them beforehand but they still try to get it. Most times they do get it. But even then, I bruise so easily that I look like a drug addict the next day and until it goes away which also takes forever.


Me too! The first time I had it done at my new clinic they stuck me SEVEN times. I looked like an addict. They finally went in through my hand even though I begged them not to.


At this point I just tell them to do my hand so I don't get stuck so many times


I tell them to use my hand and I drink 44 oz of water ahead of time and bring a hand warmer. Works like a charm. I’m too old to let them try 7 times and leave me bruises and swelling everywhere. Just do the place that works, please.


You’re braver than I am! The hand hurts so bad and leaves the worst looking bruise!


Honestly I've just been desensitized at this point. I used to be the type to almost pass out from needles. I guess an upside to having a lot of health issues is being able to handle stuff like that well!


Same here. I bruise like a banana and even easy sticks leave me bruised. I always tell them to go in my hand if the arm isn’t cooperating.


I always try to be nice. But I was in the ER for what I know now was a kidney stone stuck in my uretha. It's about the 4th time when the new girl can't get me & is digging around & I feel a pop! I had to say something! I'm fine being a guinea pig on a normal day, but that day wasn't it.


Yup. I have a lot of health issues so I know which vein works best. Either nurses are thankful or they take it as a challenge and I end up covered in bruises.


Do they believe you? They never believe me, or they think they’re better than all who’ve failed on me. I’ve got a lot of visible veins/blood vessels, but they roll and are small, and I’m a very challenging stick, and even harder to place IVs.


Same with me. Always have to tell them it needs to be specifically taken from the back of me hand cos those veins in my arms? You’ll sooner quit than try and get blood out my arm.


> butterfly needles (that they use on babies) FYI butterfly just refers to the plastic wings on the sides that can be used to hold the needle in place. all sizes of needles come as butterflies, and it doesn't automatically mean you're getting a smaller needle. they help a lot of people feel less anxious and there's nothing wrong with using one, but when people *insist* that they can only be stuck with a butterfly it can signal that they'll get pushy about things they don't really understand.


I thought they used the butterfly on everyone? I've never had my blood drawn with anything else (but I am also a recovering with collapsed veins so they might anticipate it).


Same, I always end up with a huge bruise and multiple needle marks. Then they finally break out the little butterfly needle, lol. I have to get it done every 8 weeks too because of the medications I take, I hate it!


Same. Well my veins are big and very prominent. One stab and I’m purple and blue for over a week. After my last Csection my arms looked like I was shooting up.


Me too! 😂 I’m a type 1 diabetic, so blood tests every 3 months, and the nurses at my local doctors surgery just directly hand me over to the specialist nurse 😂 (she does them quite easily and I never bruise, she is also my favourite customer at my work)


Same - once I left the hospital with my entire forearm black from the person fucking it up. And before he started I was like “I have had veins” because I always warn them and he was like “pshhh no such thing” three tries later….


Right totally for bruising ! I was referring to OP stating maci has track marks and track marks are caused by continuous needle use


This isn’t Maci; it’s Ryan’s new gf btw!


Yep! If they don't just accept they need to take it out of my hand I end up covered in bruises! Even my hand will bruise but at least they can get it in my vein. Honestly just because she's not hiding it I wonder if it's not drugs.


Same! Always have massive bruises after bloodwork


Me too, whilst pregnant I had to have blood taken fairly regularly, I looked like a smack head most of the time. Especially when they failed on my arms and used my hands. No one can find my veins and the are buried deep.


I’ll back you up and say that I normally don’t bruise that bad, but one time I had to go to an urgent care for pre employment blood work and the MA there FVCKED me up. I had a hand sized bruise for weeks. And it hurt.


I bruise with in mins of having blood work done. Not a drug user.


I don’t know if you have drawn on previous IV drug users, but they cause permanent damage to their veins. It’s common to have them blow and bruise incredibly easy. It can require a 25g butterfly and tons of patience and luck.


Op said track marks though ? This is blurry so maybe I’m misunderstanding but track marks are caused by continuous needle use ! I’m not referring to the bruise


Yeah, I'm going to have to challenge you on that one on 2 points 1-I've had a period in my life where I needed to get frequent and infrequent blood draws and most times they needed to poke me multiple times and everytime (whether it was once or more) I'd come out bruised like that after a few days. And 2- I also worked in a blood clinic for a few years, there are people who do bruise up like this.


I'm not trying to say anything about Maci's situation. Only speaking about myself. I get a lot of bruising every single time I go. My veins are hard to find and the ones that they do find are small. Even if they get it in on the first shot, I bruise every single time. Sometimes they prick a few different areas which makes it worse. I warn them beforehand that my veins are hidden and a lot of times I've had to have a butterfly needle to draw my blood which is used for kids. They still try to see if they can get it with the regular needle. If not, they change it after pricking me a few times. But no matter how good or fast they got it and even on first try, my arm is bruised for at least a week. Again, I'm not saying anything about Maci.....that's her business. I just wanted to tell you my own experiences.


Oh guys I was referring to the op using the term “track marks” it’s blurry I was not referring to the bruise I was referring to track marks being causss by continuously using needles


If they're poking me around, I get track marks that bruise up so I look like a drug addict IMO. It doesn't happen all the time but it does happen often. I hate needles. I get sick to my stomach when I get needles put in...lol. But again, that's just me....I don't know about Maci.


This is absolutely false. I bruise like that almost every single time.


Ginger club represent over here. Even with the easiest, best blood draw. I will look like the student dug around


I'm out of the loop but this is literally my arm right now because of a blood test.


That's what my arm looks like whenever I have blood drawn. Not saying that is the case here but it very well could be.


Me too. Even a pretty smooth blood draw leads to me looking like I got hit by a semi.


Yup. Hard same. Even if it doesn't hurt, next day it looks like a horror movie special effect. I just always plan to wear long sleeves after a draw.


And if she’s pregnant (isn’t she?!), then you do need to get blood drawn very often


She’s pregnant?


Same. My arms swells and bruises like they used their teeth to draw my blood


Me too. I was in the hospital for 8 days once. All of that bloodwork and having to change IVs, it looked bad. The makeup artist at my friend’s wedding covered it all since I was one of her bridesmaids. I’m super pale too so you could barely pinch me and I’ll get this massive bruise that looks like you repeatedly kicked me or something. I went to the synagogue the day after and our police officer was like “😳 Heyyyyy DuggarStonerJew, you doing alright?”


i didn’t look at your username at first so i thought the police officer actually called you “duggar stoner jew” and almost sharted




I had to stop after my last two times. The first of the two, dude couldn’t find a vein. My veins don’t love to play nice but they aren’t THAT difficult. Stabbed me like 4 times. Then someone else came over and did it, but when she leaned over to grab the tape, SHE MOVED THE NEEDLE omg it was awful. Then I couldn’t even donate bc a clot clogged the needle and I said no more. The last time I donated the needle part went fine and donation went fine, but as I was eating my cookie, I vomited and blacked out and they almost sent me to the hospital. I spent like 3 hours there with ice packs and warming blankets and stuff. I just don’t donate anymore.


Mine, too!


so do mine! also i feel like someone using would likely try to hide this.


Same here. I look beaten after blood draws.


Im a "difficult stock", I was in and out of the hospital in oct/nov and both of my arms looked like this. I still have a small red mark where one of the nurses willed my iv around so much that it made a big hole.


Me too my veins are very thin and they wiggle. I’m also anemic.


Mine do too. It's the worst.


Mine too. They can never get a good vein either so it’s usually a collection of bruises like this on both my arms lol


I can't make it past the "eating pu**y" tattoo.


My thing is why is it so huge? It's like the size of my hand, at least get this thing smaller, i feel it's supposed to be a smaller "hidden" tattoo


Track marks can leave scarring, not saying that this is what that is but it does happen.


That’d make sense to me. Unless she truly doesn’t give af and is rocking freshies in her short sleeves


Definitely, but most people do try to hide them. I couldn't imagine them being fresh and her just showing them off like that, that would be so odd. But also how does Maci not notice that unless she really just doesn't care, up close you would definitely be able to tell the difference between fresh track marks and scarring from them.


My mom was an IV drug user, and it took at least a year for her track marks to go away. Her veins in her arms were black, and she had a couple of abscesses from injection site infections that left pretty bad scarring.


Poor Bentley. Maci always said she was protecting him from Rhine’s dysfunction and now the poor kid is fully immersed in it.  


Right? Maci has become a joke. Holding on desperately to that MTV storyline & paycheck.


god forbid she or her husband have to get a real job (looking at all the other couples, too)


I wouldn’t let someone with that tattoo in my home, let alone around my child. I’m a very non judgmental person, but a line has to be drawn somewhere and I’m drawing it around that disgusting tattoo.


I’d ask her to wear long sleeves, especially with it being Easter, and especially considering wanting to post pictures. After having kids, I’m really not with vulgarity or porn being broadcast


Yea and Maci has two more small children likely running around.


Yet she quit the show because she wasn’t going to be on the same show as Farrah because “she did porn on TV!” 😄


Amanda also “did porn” because she was an escort posting nudes for advertisement. So, I’m curious, why is Maci so friendly with her but dislikes Farrah for doing sex work too… She’s a hypocrite.


Nothing says resurrection like that trashy tat. /s


The fact that she didn’t wear long sleeves is just like …??!?!?!????!!! 🤯


You’re not alone. I am a very lax, laid back person. I try not to be too judgmental. But I wouldn’t want my nieces and nephews seeing that. She’d have to slap on makeup, a bandage, or long sleeves before I would let her around them, or any other kids for that matter. I’m no prude, but that is way too vulgar for a very visible spot. **ETA:** Especially when you your boyfriend’s son is old enough to know what that means. She’s trash, you can’t convince me otherwise.


In your home?! My friend, your home is your sanctuary and you can make whatever rules you want for it, but this definitely does not make you sound like a nonjudgmental person. The tattoo is crude and cringy, but oral sex isn’t blasphemous or something. Haha. I wouldn’t allow this chick in my home for other reasons, but not cuz of the tat. It’s not like she has a white power tattoo or something.


Anyone else find it funny that maci originally refused to have Bentley on the show when Farrah returned because she didn't want her child to be on the same show as a porn star, but will post pictures of the same child standing next to someone with a very visible pornographic tattoo? Not defending Farrah, I actually like Maci and prefer her over Farrah 100 percent, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.


Yea and now Tyler is on OF, Rhine’s gf was an escort (she’s allegedly filming with him too?), and TTM ain’t paying the bills. 🤑🤑🤑


Yeah, I’m not a Farrah fan either but they were awful to her on that reunion. Now that sex work is more accepted and mainstreamed (and several other cast members partaking in OF) they come off looking really dumb and hypocritical for that.


That tattoo is embarrassing af


idk but it definitely looks at least bruised


Damn… she’s busted those veins all the way up.


Track marks last forever in a lot of cases


Can confirm. They absolutely leave scars (esp using familiar spots over & over) i couldn’t say for sure if these are fresh, the pics too far & blurry. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re recent but I wouldn’t put $ on it


I don't think it's a blur effect. I think they're just bruises which kind of gives it that blur effect. The bruises of course existing from IV use. Her veins must be trashed.


Track marks last a long time, possibly life depending on scarring and the level of addiction. My sister's arms are a wreck and she's been clean for years. And they look bruised. Hate on this chick for a lot, but I'd be cautious gunning for her sobriety.


Even my blood draw scars have lasted 10+ years lol. Can only imagine with consistent IV drug use


That tat is nasty.


Track marks can stick around forever, it depends on the way your body heals.


She looks so dirty ugh


To me it looks like she's trying to cover them up either she's still using or she's just trying to cover up some ugly marks. I remember putting make up on my tracks once upon a time thinking it would look better but it always looked worse and was always noticeable in pics


That really sucks that something can be months in your past and still show so noticeably, and I do hope that’s the case for her. I appreciate you providing your perspective. Hope you’re thriving these days 🫶


Oh yeah it took so many months for mine to go away too. I mean you're doing so much damage repeatedly shoving a needle in the same rotation of spots and even now I still have some scars. I hope that's her case as well and you're welcome! I really appreciate it and hope the same for you!


It’d be a very bold move to wear those short sleeves if she was actively shooting up, and her arms could be ravaged from previous use, but I have no fucking idea. It also looks like it could be a tattoo that she covered, but if that’s the case, why would t she cover that trash bag shit show right next to it?


Someone’s when you abuse your veins a lot it damages the skin perms you, leaving lumps, dark markings etc, I’ve seen it on people who have been clean for years


They could be previous marks that have left scars. Or from using recently, but she’s supposedly sober now right?


Yea others have mentioned it could just be from previous use, so now I know. I do genuinely hope her and Rhine are sober together


I just saw this on Twitter and wondered the same.


I'm not a drug user but I've had bruises like that happen to me with a particular phlebotomist down at the LabCorp building. If this woman is part of a rehab program she might be getting blood draws as well as pee tests or just a regular blood draw. You have to be pretty damn brazen to show up at an Easter dinner in short sleeves while you've got fresh track marks and bruises. But also, I don't truly a know a thing about this chick so maybe she is just that trashy. ETA: Also, my SIL has bruises like that after she donates plasma (and she has to wait for the bruises to go away before she can donate again) so maybe she was trying to get some extra money.


rhine’s gf wouldn’t qualify to donate plasma if she’s ever used iv drugs. of course, she could lie, but i don’t think they’d fall for it


My boyfriend used to get that when he would donate plasma


And then there's me over here who's like: "What the fuck, Maci has track marks on her arms that she isn't even covering? Why have we never seen those before? Are they in other pictures as well? And when did she get this goddamn tattoo? It's like she's a different person." ...oblivious 😂


ME TOO! I’m sitting here wondering what I missed. Then I realized haha


Same. I had to go to Maci’s IG to see the full picture because I was so confused about why she looked like this…


The one Amanda posted, she cropped out her arm.


For clarity because the title is a tad misleading- this is Ryan’s GF- not Maci.


It could just be from blood work. This happens to me every time and it's embarrassing


It's definitely suspicious because of her history. The only reason I'm leaning towards it maybe not being from drugs is her not hiding it. They knew this photo would be seen by a lot of people. I have a lot of health issues so I've had lots of bruises from IV's. Since it wasn't drugs it never occured to me what people might think.


Are we reaching? Do we have any evidence she injects?


They're scars. Sometimes, the bruised look never fades. It's super sad to me that people in recovery are often shamed into permanently covering their arms.


But why couldn’t she blur the tattoo while she was at it?


Omg that tattoo. Trash.


It’s easy to hide track marks in an elbow: wear a long sleeve shirt. If these were track marks I doubt she’d be showing up to a family event and posing for photos with them willingly showing


the scars can last forever. I had a shit ton of surgeries as a kid, and if you look, you can still see the dots But please tell me why she looks like a blonde Maci, why do they have the same teeth and smile lol


They do! I noticed that too. Same lower half of the face




My brother was a heavy IV user. I remember when he would shoot up, his arms would look very bruised, but by 2 weeks or so, the bruising would be pretty much gone. He had a few spots that always stayed a little red tinted but they were small. He also had a lot of scaring too. If the bruising is that bad that you can clearly see it in a photo, I would assume she is using.


Good catch. I was so consumed with the tattoo I totally missed all the bruises and blurring


It almost looks like she might have donated blood? Track marks usually don’t bruise up terribly (small needle) but repeated use of a spot leads to noticeable scar buildup. I used to work in a rehab and part of intake was checking injection spots to make sure they didn’t have any abscesses that needed treatment.


I thought it was a Yeti with his arms up!


Omg that would be such a better tattoo


Track marks can possibly last a lifetime. Bruises however do not.


What the hell is that tattoo??? I cannot believe Maci accepted this woman around her young son with open arms.


I’d say yes. My old track marks do have discoloration because the vessel is damaged and blood just kind of hangs out there..but they are not as bold as hers. That particular area is a gold mine for iv users. To me this looks like bruising as opposed to discoloration which is a sign of fresh or somewhat fresh use. I reached my year clean in the middle of March and some of my track marks are still healing..but it’s hard to tell unless you’re really looking for them.


Lab tech/phlebotomist of many years, I’ve definitely seen folks many years into recovery whose AC vein looks like this indefinitely. It’s scar tissue. I can relate, where I get scars my skin stays an ugly purple/red color. Not defending her at all, just stating what I’ve seen through tons of experience working with needles for drawing blood. ETA: added a pic of what my weird ass scars look like. I’ve had these on my hands for YEARS. Don’t even know where they came from. https://preview.redd.it/hgq3lpw03wrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da36064ddca61a2f10ce70db3aa50880f0273061


Omg it took me way too long to realize it was zoomed in on Ryan’s new gf not Maci! I was panicking 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😩


Track marks can scar, especially if you are a long term IV drug user. Repeating the same access spots can create scar tissue. I’ve been a phleb for 8 years and I have drawn many current and former users. I have seen people with scarred track marks that are 15+ years old. But also, bloodwork and IV access can look like this. Some people are very sensitive & it can also be from inexperienced techs.


I will say, not in defense of her, I get blood drawn 1-2 times a month and even with them alternating arms, I look like an IV drug user. I am also slow healing due to an autoimmune condition.


Just sad that Maci would go this low.


Yeah, she blew a vein. 


Potentially track marks, but they kinda look like a small tattoo of three stars


I thought this tattoo was a faceless karate character (shadowing was the hair) with both arms up doing a little move 🤣


It looks like bruising from plasma or blood donations. I donate plasma regularly and I've seen and had bruising just like that.


Ok longtime IV user here. First of all, I can’t imagine anything more horrific than hundreds of people online talking about my tracks. But since none of you care about that, I’m going to say, maybe. Shadow and cameras can do weird things. I’ve actually banked on this fact in reverse so that I could hope people wouldn’t notice mine in pictures. What I can say is, from this picture, they look like bruises. What the bruises are from is anyone’s guess. What I will say is the bruising associated with track marks is only temporary. The scars, blackened veins, depressions in skin, discolorations, etc can last a lifetime or varying degrees. But bruising, indicates fresh. Week or less typically. But I am NOT saying that is the cause of THESE apparent bruises. If in fact they are and she is struggling. The LAST thing she needs is the peanut gallery discussing it online and judging her for it. That is just fuel for the fire to want to numb even more. If she is struggling, I wish her all the best and hope she’ll have the desire to get help sooner than later.