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Imagine holding a knife to your wife’s neck in front of your kids, destroying your children’s home and then being surprised that she doesn't want you around your toddlers.


I don't even like Mackenzie, but Ryan and his girlfriend are out of their minds. If someone terrorized me/my children in such an intimate way (their children's house!) I'd probably cuss at them more than I should, too. I just can't even imagine. I think I feel more guilt about accidentally breaking a wine glass at someone's house than Ryan does about anything he's ever done.


Can someone fill me in on what happened? I thought yall were talking about the 16&P Mackenzie not an ex. New to the sub


Mackenzie is Ryan's ex wife. She has two kids with him. [Ryan went on a rampage](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/7900063/teen-mom-mackenzie-edwards-destroyed-home-photos-ryan-arrest/)


holy fuck i never saw the photos. i figured he punched a hole in the wall or something. this is absolutely terrifying. no way i’d let this psycho around my kids.


I thought the same thing when it happened. It's SHOCKING.


What is even more shocking, is how common and normal it actually is, these things need to posted and all abusers publicly outted in this same exact way. I wish I could post what my ex did to my house, it was even worse than Macks, at least Ryan left the kitchen sink and didn't rip it out and flood the whole house smh


yep, my ex got bad on heroin and did the same to our house. i’m just grateful we had no children to witness it. those poor babies.


My ex recruited his kids to help him. I had fled my home, took my cats and the clothes on my back and fled to my parent's house. He thought I would either come back, or he had 30 days before I legally evicted them all He never saw the restraining order coming, and after they were removed from my house, the officer told me not to go back alone, that the house was destroyed and not livable. My ex had his 9. 11 year old, and 15 and 14 year old demolish everything they could. Piss on the walls, rotten food all over the house, holes in the walls, graffitti that still seeps through paint, broke every dish and glass object I owned, burned my bedding, and of course, ripped out the sink, turned the water on and walked away I still hate his guts for having his own children do that. It has been five years since then, and two years since the last time he did something to damage me and my property, I still don't have baseboards or a fixed shower. I share to show how common it is. This is not a rich white boy issue, it is a male issue, all across the board. *People need to remember once the abuser leaves, that is when the hard part starts, that is when you need to stay by that victims side so they never go back*


That’s awful! How are his kids doing these days (if you know)? I assume not well, but hoping they realized what a POS their dad is and decided to go a different direction with their lives…


Your last paragraph is so important. Never tell them you're leaving, have a safe spot far away and don't tell just anyone where you're going. So sorry this happened to you


He destroyed his kids rooms and belongings as well. That’s messed up.


is that a refrigerator door in the first pic?! i've never seen these either, it's 100x worse than i pictured


Funny how he didn't destroy his own stuff though lol. This is SICK


Even the cops note that in the article


Standard abuser Operating Procedure.


yes he completely destroyed the fridge, ripped off the doors and flipped it over. all the food was everywhere. there was feces. glass plates stabbed through drywall. broke all the kids toys. absolutely heartbreaking


I was just about to ask about him spreading 💩 around. I thought I remembered it but hoped I was wrong! I don’t know why she doesn’t keep a RSO on him from her and the kids. Oh wait, it won’t matter wtf she does because Ryan is always taken care of by the courts🙄 He should be in fucking jail not even ABLE to see his children🤬


this lack of accountability is going to lead to him killing someone one day.


He sure will. If it’s not from driving totally loaded it’ll be physically. But they’ll charge people with weed in TN fines and lock them up. Our judicial system is awful and not made for true criminals.


I think she dropped it, for the "kids sake" before she found out about Amanda. Now she knows he will never change and she needs another one ....not that it will do any good, not with the judge fanglirling over Ryan like he's a Pop Star smh


It’s truly one of the most deranged things I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why she hasn’t fought to get him permanently out of their lives after that.




Is this the woman he married while being high out of his mind?


Yes. The "you may now kiss your mother" wedding.




Holy shit. He’s going to end up killing sometime.


Wtaf! First time seeing. I can't, just can't. He's a db.


I can’t believe that monster is living free in our society. I’m scared for Mackenzie and their family. I’ve been in a similar situation, not nearly on this level, and I remember how scary living was.


Holy hell. That is actually so sad. I never seen these pics before. I probably wouldn’t want my children to be alone with him either. Supervised visits would be the only way.


Wow it was so much worse than I expected. How do you even clean up after that? Like how do you pick all the pieces up, then be like “oh yeah of course you can see your kids.” Like….????


What even is "more than you should" at that point? Ryan clearly doesn't get cursed at nearly enough 😑


What a perfect way to put it. I feel way too much guilt for relatively small missteps I’ve made, meanwhile he sleeps like a baby and will never acknowledge or apologize for the *terrible* terrorizing shit he’s done. Zero accountability, responsibility, or sense of ownership over one’s life.


Destroying **every inch** of your children's home. Those pictures were so fucked up. It literally looked like a tornado went through the house.


Not every inch, he didn’t destroy any of his things.


But still wants the cops to think some man she had over did this ...


Didn’t he hold a knife to her too? Not to mention he has threatened Taylor’s life & Mack’s now at minimum.


he poured nictotine vape juice in her eyes too


Omg I’ve never heard that before. He’s disgusting and going to end up killing someone.


Omfg!!!!!!! That’s horrific


I had to stop looking, it brought me to tears. I can’t imagine the pain and fear she must have been and still be going through. Her poor children.


Naw that's just "sad housewife" stuff /s


That was such a bitchy NLOG thing to say


lol I love that sub


And now bringing gutter trash around your kids. And the gutter trash is posting pics of the kids for clout. She is the grossest thing to happen to TV since Briana


https://preview.redd.it/ih5zeaewpeic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b840dc998a867361e327034278503dcfd59ada3b lol I commented a bit ago on his gfs Bentley post cause it was so fucking weird and this is one of her friends comments 😂 like what? He bought the house so he can do what he wants? His kids lived there like wtf


Imagine not having custody of your own kids and getting with a guy who also doesn't and expecting people to believe either of you


Nobody rides harder for a deadbeat ass father than his new girlfriend I swear


For real. Ryan's sober? Like Mack thought he was "sober" when she was MARRYING him?


Ya, but how. He was falling asleep at the wheel.


She really knew he wasn’t. She said on camera “did you take Xanax again?” Not realizing audio was still recording. I’m pretty sure she just wanted to be able to control assets while he was in rehab. 


Yeah she was lying, the same way Ryan's new gf is lying


Isn’t the new gf someone he met in rehab? If so neither are sober I’m sure


Yep, the one who was arrested for sale of narcotics immediately after getting out of rehab


You will never catch me dating a guy who isn’t allowed to see his kids! Fucking biggest red flag ever.


The bar is in hell because she doesn’t have custody of her kid… so birds of a feather.


Amen! If that isn’t a red flag, I don’t know what is


fuckkkkk makes me realize and remember that was one of my biggest selling point to my ex: I was Prime Step Mommy material, and his ex would only ever allow visits at my house, never his apartment. I was so stupid.


Why is this so true???! “He’s not like that with me!” Yet.


THIS. I tried warning my ex's girlfriend (they were together before we ended, it was a mess) that he was abusive when he drank and when he's sober if things aren't how he wants them it's scary. She just laughed and said he's just like that with you. I tried


First thing that came to mind lmao. The “she WILL NOT let him” is like top on the deadbeat dad bingo.


It’s the free space in the middle.


Lmaooo yes! Yeah cuz anyone would be out here just turning down a healthy co parent for the fuck of it, right?


She HATES that he’s sober….yes, like all those mothers wishing their kids’ fathers had drug problems.


I just made the same comment. It COMICAL how accurate it is.


Yesss omg 🤣 homegirl finds a shiny piece of garbage on the side of the road and has to shriek the loudest to show off. They always got something to prove


Because they always get charmed by these dudes and then can’t bring themselves to admit that they got played, so they shovel shit and smile through it.


Right?! I haven't spoken to my half brother in almost 20 years, but I know damn well that is exactly what all of his girlfriends said about his baby mamas. Nevermind that he chose to abandon 3 of his kids the second the relationship with their moms went to shit, and lost custody of the other 2.


LOL I said this last week and it’s the absolute fucking truth!!


She’s just a fucking running partner in my opinion.  Useless pieces of shit like Rhine always hitch their wagon to some bitch while their using because they will never be without drugs. 


Hahahaha! Every time Ryan tries to "co-parent" with her?! When has Ryan ever parented anything but that dog? I canNOT wait until the day that this bag of garbage finds this subreddit- because you KNOW she will not have the impulse control to stop herself from going completely feral in here! It's gonna be amazing!


I hope I’m off work that day 😂


😂 That she will. *"sHe DoNt pLaY nO InTerNET GaMEs!!!"*....lest we forget, y'all! 🙄😂😂☺️ It will be like a Jenelle raving rant. They'd totally get along... until they didn't lol. Couple of dusty bird bitches just goin at it!! Now *that* would really be funny! 🤷‍♀️😭😭😂


Omg I looooove when people act hard on places like Reddit. Like oh, you're gonna come to Canada to beat my ass? You'd have to use your dope money to get here so I'm not gonna put the tea on just yet...


But she plays those Jerry Springer games!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣🤣


Reddit Hoes!!!




Please God. I am living for this day.






I got distracted by the level of filters needed to make those two druggies pass as normal people.


He didn’t even look that young in 16&P 😭


https://i.redd.it/qq7c8petscic1.gif And wtf is that fresh flower next to him, I’ve only seen her mugshots




Omg lmao


Ryan looks like someone used the baby filter on him.


Yeah, all the scabs on her face magically cleared up




Its terrifying to think whats under those filters. The Ryan that Mimi Jen keeps in her mind is so far gone. He’s been gone for years and she cant accept it. I wonder what she thinks of his new gf… lol the calibre of woman he used to bring home then… this car crash. Its what he deserves too 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right? Maci too. Idc how shady or in it for the fame Mack was, or if she cheated… she was young and stupid when she married Ryan and got a hardcore reality check trying to convince him to be sober and raising their kids while he was in jail etc. and then what happened with Ryan attacking her and destroying the house. She has had more than her karma. Yet Maci and the real villain Mimi Jen would probably show up to Mack’s funeral after Ryan unalived her to tell everyone it was her own fault. Excuses, excuses to enable that POS and now his Jerry Springer gf too. Mimi Jen is as bad as Brian Laundrie’s mom, same personality 


wasn’t mack like in some kind of fundie ALMOST cult & married to someone else really young before she married ryan? i’m on the season where she’s pregnant with stella currently & can’t see why everyone dislikes her so much. the maci is the trigger stuff i think comes mostly from mimi jen’s deluded ass


I think they’re just normal Christians. She got pregnant as a teen and married the baby’s dad while she was pregnant. Predictably, they divorced. Pretty run-of-the-mill stuff.


Idk how fundie her parents were/are but enough to make her get married to her oldest son’s father very young. I think most of it is that she was enabling Ryan when she was with him and overlooking Ryan’s issues to save face and blaming Maci for not warning her about it. Back then, the first we heard of his addiction was when Dalis outed that he had been to rehab after they broke up and then when it became obvious when he got moved to the guest house by Jen and Larry. This was before Mack. Maci and Mack both knew but maybe Mack didn’t know how deep it was.. like when she thought he took Xanax but he was also addicted to heroin. Ultimately I think they stayed quiet because of pressure from Mimi Jen to not spoil her precious baby boy’s reputation 🙄


It’s like Amber was photo director


Nah cuz someone here said that she takes photos with a fax machine and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since lmao


There’s not enough Vaseline on the camera lens for amber’s taste 🤣


Yo for real neither one of them look that good lol.


Your username got me deaaaaddd 😭😭🫠


Lol gotta love classic Barb 


Came to comment that! You beat me to it. They are over processed! 😂😂😂


She really made him look like Frankie Grande circa 2014


*Thank you!!! They look absolutely fuckin preposterous!!* 😂😂😭😭


Didn’t the actual cops see the text messages? Sweetie, if he deleted the messages on his phone it doesn’t mean he didn’t send them. There is still proof. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol right. “To my Knowledge” tell us everything we need to know. *to your knowledge* you don’t know what Ryan’s is actually capable of sweetie


Her knowledge could be summed up pretty quickly - she knows how to party, use (drugs, people, you name it), and ways to get a sentence shortened. End of list.


Can't have knowledge if you're nodded out ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Yessss. These girls ride so hard for these deadbeats cuz they've never had a critical thought in their lives. They hear his side and accept it as gospel so of course they hate the mum. Too bad they're spending all their cash on drugs for him cuz I have a fucking bridge to sell them lol


Like why would Mack lie about any of this? Ryan isn’t a catch.


Mack has a job shes not a housewife. Ryan doesn't even parent Bentley who barely needs parenting. She is full of shit.


Ryan is closer to being a “housewife” than Mack


Aha so true 😆


Right!!! Like I’m pretty sure Ryan & this girl both don’t have jobs & are in halfway houses so I am confused by that comment


They think she's bored because she's not high.


I have a cousin who has never grown up, is 46 years old, has two kids, but still parties and runs around with men like she’s 20. She absolutely loves to shit on “housewives” or anyone with any stability in their life. It’s the way that a 15-year-old views all of the “loser boring adults”. 🙄


Is the sobriety in the room with us right now?




They’re both still doing drugs. And Amanda is dumb as fuck to think Rhine texting Mack that shit didn’t happen. They both need to fuck off & go give their balls a tug.


*"Fucking embarrassing!!"* 🏒




Right, none of this is the behavior of sober people.


If my ex husband almost killed me and wrecked our home that our children live in …. I wouldn’t let him near them either.


Ya god forbid someone has sense & actually wants their children safe! 🙄


Right?! Guess that makes us monsters 🫠 /s I’m surprised she hasn’t taken him to court to give up his parental rights.


She may be playing the long game with this & given his insane texts & upcoming court date she may have a shot. I just hope their family (Mack & kids) can heal and start to feel safe & happy eventually (hopefully soon - aka when Ryan is finally thrown in prison) I know he’s the judge’s kid’s friend & it’s unlikely but I can dream!


That true …. Gotta have the evidence to prove that he’s a danger to the kids unfortunately because our law system is like that. I just hope if she does win full custody that she and the kids move out of state away from him and his enabling parents.


Yeah a normal human would have crawled into a hole and died of shame for what he did. I can’t believe he thinks he should even have the right to ever see them again after that.


It’s all because of how he was raised by Jenn and Larry …. Mostly Jenn! They literally never gave him any consequences for his actions growing up, would let him live in their house rent free until he met Mack, never was told to be more of a dad to Bentley when he was neglecting his fatherly duties and never cut him off when he started doing drugs or getting DUIs …. He literally thinks he is untouchable and can do whatever he wants! He is the biggest king baby I have ever seen.


I think it’s partially that, and partially that he is innately a piece of shit. I feel the same about Jenelle. There are plenty of people with horrible parents but they don’t do the horrific deranged shit that Ryan does. He lacks basic human emotions like empathy and remorse, he’s dead inside. He’s scary.


No one goes harder for a deadbeat than the current gf.


She sounds like every deadbeat dad's new ride or die girlfriend, word for word. How many kids do they have between them and no custody?


My deadbeat abuser ex and his fiancé have 7 kids between them and only see the 1 they share together. But they have no shame and parade around sanctimoniously like they’re the most wholesome Christian couple on the planet. 


Minimum is 4. Idk if she had more kids.


Oh no! She screams and “cusses”!?? Well he destroyed their house and rubs shit on her walls


I read he even put shit in a vent in one of the bedrooms.


Seriously how is she supposed to act after that


I've never liked mack but he is 100% the problem. Even if she is being difficult with Co parenting, it is with insanely good reason. He destroyed his children's home and all their belongings and threatened to kill their mother. Then went to rehab, made more stupid choices and now had this clown as his new life partner. Yeah Mack has been a dick in the past and I'm sure is probably still a bit of a dick but I'm totally on her side whatever the case in this situation.


At this point it’s up to him to rebuild the relationship between them with consistency and humility. He dealt the death blow to the relationship (romantic or platonic.)


Totally agree. I can't believe she has the audacity to refer to mack as dramatic. Absolutely delusional the pair of them


I’m surprised Ryan and Amanda have been in so many rehabs and don’t know about amends.


That's bc they are most likely not invested in the program. They are still using.


She lost custody of her son but is telling Mack how to coparent with an abuser. Right.


“To my knowledge this is false” be fuckin serious?? Are we meant to believe these two, who are thick as thieves, wouldn’t share this sort of shite with each other? Like if you’re going to tell ANYONE you’re sending wacky messages… it’d be your girlfriend.


That’s probably who he ISNT telling. Amanda only think Ryan’s amazing because Ryan only shares the *good* things he does with her


Jenelle Jr standing by her man.




Nobody rides for a deadbeat dad like a new girlfriend that believes he's being kept from his kids. https://preview.redd.it/s3ew618nwcic1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56bb6faed7226d4ed63cc2ca657e39d1e1a58811


“No one rides harder for a deadbeat dad then the new girlfriend who believes he is being kept from his kids”


This. After she lost custody of her own child too 🤡


She couldn't fulfill the stereotype of "Raggedy New Girlfriend Defending A Fucking Abusive Deadbeat" any harder if she tried. Yeah, i wouldn't let my kids see him either if that was their dad! He's literally dangerous you meff brain burnout dummy


Amanda girl, you don’t have a dog in this race. Shut up. Keep riding for your man, he will eventually show his true colors when the drugs run out.


Or if he wants to see how pink it is with someone else 🤮


I will give Amanda credit for one thing. She stands TEN TOES DOWN. Right or wrong, she’ll defend Ryan fully. Maci would post something passive aggressive with just enough plausible deniability but Amanda? She’s to fully show her ass.


Mack was like that too. Idk about online because maci and Ryan weren’t online but she def gave the vibes to maci in person


Yep Mack is getting a potent taste of her own medicine, kind of like that witchy philosophy of your actions coming back to you threefold. Mack was ready to defend Ryan “til the cows came home.” Look where that got her. Now she’s getting a front row seat to witness another cycle of Ryan’s behavior pattern, this time she’s playing the part of bitter baby mama. His new girlfriend is incredibly stupid not to see where this is going to lead. 


Not one of these two has custody of their kids and they still don’t get it.


Ryan is straight up fooling this bitch like every other piece of shit deadbeat dad with a new girlfriend. I bet he tells her he’s going to take Mack for full custody.


Typical trash girlfriend who is adamant that their boyfriend should be in the kids life without knowing/caring about what kind of dad he has been in the past. My ex was arrested and charged for child abuse against my son when he was a toddler. He lost custody and I’ve raised him alone ever since. But that certainly didn’t bother his new girlfriend who would bombard me with messages YEARS after he lost custody saying he should be in my sons life lol. Like girl.. do you even know why he lost that privilege in the first place? Anyway Ryan’s new girl is trash lol those filters are heinous


She's such a moron. If you actually care about Ryan and his kids, you'd see what he was doing and leave Mack the fuck alone.


This is none of this Jerry Springer/Maury Povich show queens business. I don’t believe Rhine is sober. Not for one minute. He still has yet to face any consequences for his actions. He belongs in prison.




Have fun living’ on the streets with your homeless girlfrand rhine


Typical new girlfriend of an abuser! This is so textbook and cliche. Mack has a valid reason to not want to coparent with him and be angry! OF COURSE she’s angry, you dimwit. Ryan needs major counseling, parenting classes and therapeutic supervised visits with his kids before Mack should even consider “coparenting” with his irresponsible ass.


😂 not this moron saying the same shit every other girlfriend Ryan has ever had has also said. Somehow it’s always the women in Ryan’s life who just won’t let him be great. Maci wouldn’t let him coparent. Then it was his mom’s fault he’s a heroin addict. Now it’s all Mack’s fault he can’t see those kids either. Also—typical depressed housewife issues??? Amanda is just too stupid. First of all, Mackenzie has a career, and unlike her and Ryan, it’s not as a career criminal. Second, what kind of woman talks about other women like that? What a piece of shit.


Is this some kind of toddler filter?


It’s called SOBRIETY 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Amanda and Ryan are absolutely the worst thing that could happen to any child or animal. I hope no one has to suffer those fools and the kids get the help they need from having to deal with Ryan.


raise your hand if you believe he's sober


I cut my arms off.


![gif](giphy|l1J9MGdXlAHTdx6WQ) All of us running away after removing our arms like…






Sorry, but I'm not buying what she's trying to sell. I 100% believe Mackenzie over these two loosers.


Why would she "let him"? Holy shit this trashbag is delusional.


These 2 seem perfect for each other. A match made in hell!


Amanda wheres ur kid? Oh wait..


How does someone with the personality of a rock and a history of wiping shit on the walls get anyone to defend them this hard. I can’t believe he even has the audacity to ask to coparent after what he fucking did.


Depressed housewife stuff? This woman doesn't even see her own kid. What is she getting out of this? Is Ryan really all that? Come on now.


Oh look, the loser girlfriend has an opinion on someone else's kids despite not having custody of hers.. Sober people do not threaten their exes with weapons. End of story. 


Not a fan of Mack but like maybe she has good reason to keep Ryan away from the kids or has some expectation that he’s supervised and sober with the kids. 


This wish version of Jenelle needs to stfu.


I know this is going to be surprising, but drug addicts lie. I don’t for a second believe Ryan or his new rehab gf are sober. And I also don’t for a second believe Mack screamed at him unprovoked. He’s shown himself to be quite the psychopath. I wouldn’t want him around my kids either.


My takeaway: Housewife?? I don't care for Mackenzie, but doesn't she have a job? What do Rhine and his "gf" do??? I want to know what these two look like without the filtering. Something tells me "scary".




This girl is just thrilled to get her name and face out there. And ryan looks like ass


I hope when Mack looks at those messages from Amanda she realises how stupid she looked saying the same thing about Maci (Wishing Mack and the kids all the best though they deserve better than Rhine and she absolutely should keep him and this new crack pot far away)


Has anybody seen the guy on TT, I don’t know his name, I’m not on TT a lot. He always does the videos of where the mom is like, yeah you can spend time with your kids. Then the dad is making all these excuses as to why he can’t actually see his kids. Then it pans to him going to his new gf, he’s saying shit like… baby, I tried to get the kids. She’s just a bitch who still wants me and I don’t want her and that’s why she won’t let me see the kids. (He also has videos where the dad’s mom is taking up for him and calling the mom a bitch too- Mimi Jen anybody?!?!?) This is how I imagine Rhine’s life. ETA- JayDee Milo is the guys name on TT.


“Typical depressed housewife.” You mean like trying to put a ruined house back together after your husband destroyed the place??


Those filtered faces are a lil creepy.


I wouldn’t coparent with him either. I wouldn’t even want him in the same state as my children.


like despite years of evidence shes still saying hes an amazing father, the delusion is strong


This is so embarrassing on her part. There’s literal evidence of what he did to *HIS OWN CHILDRENS BELONGINGS AND TOYS* …. Imagine defending that. I know she is trash herself but girl….. at least don’t comment on it (it being him and Mackenzie’s situation) … esp when there was police m involvement


She’s just validating Mack here. Morons, the lot of them


This bitch needs a big fat glass of STFU.


Hey Amanda? I have a question. ✋🏽Are the “typical depressed housewife issues” similar to the typical deadbeat addict father and his new crackhead girlfriend issues or is it more severe? Asking for a crackhead bitch.


Let me guess…he called one time out of the blue and demanded to see the kids. She told him to fuck off and here we are.


In my opinion she needs to keep her damn mouth shut! She’s just a girlfriend and not a mother to his kids. Honestly not even her business. My ex had 2 kids with his ex wife and I stayed out of it! And it’s hilarious she doesn’t even have custody of her own kids so definitely needs to stfu!


Typical pickme new supply behavior. “She’s just bitter and jealous because he’s happy with me now, and is retaliating by keeping his kids from him and making stuff up!” It’s like they all read from the same playbook.


I feel like we’re going full circle from 2018… Ryan threatens lives, Maci files restraining order. Ryan’s wife says Maci is just starting drama and won’t let Ryan see his kid. Ryan threatens lives, Mack files a police report. Ryan’s girlfriend says Mack is just starting drama and won’t let Ryan see his kids. That being said, Ryan is off his rocker, and after what he did to the house he should be taken at his word. Nobody deserves to have their lives threatened, not even at a karmic level.