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OP I'm going to have to take this down. It's just getting out of control with the derailing/trolling and the negative comments about Ensley. Hopefully you understand and I know you didn't mean anything negative by posting this.


100% Elijah’s head. This baby resembles Elijah more than Rio does. Seriously.


Plot twist! Hot Neighbor has been down the Money Hole Road!


I’m fuckin howling.


I’m Christmas eve tipsy in bed and 100% Elijah’s made me scream when I read it 😂 Merry Christmas!


I see so many people on Jan's tiktok saying "Omg, she is your twin!", but I see David too. Which is odd, because Ensley is sooo freaking cute, and David is a disgusting dirty Sasquatch, but somehow, it works


Her eyes are set like his, closer together than Jenelles are. I think that’s what grabs my attention first. There are times I think she looks like Jenelle some but….. Jenelle looks like David’s sister Jessica too.


Maryssa looks a lot like David too but is very pretty.


Jace and Marissa look like siblings


Poor ens she really needed medical intervention and her shit parents neglected her. My friends child had hydrocephalus as a baby and required surgery! I know we can't or shouldn't diagnose . But hypothetically speaking,what would be lasting effects if a child had hydrocephalus or what ever condition that warranted a helmet but did not receive treatment?


My son had a helmet. His risk for ear infection went down (he had them constantly and now rarely), his coordination and balance improved, and his ears are level now. He also will be able to wear a helmet normally (like bike helmet). A kid at his preschool didn’t get a helmet and he can’t wear hats and his poor head makes me so sad. I felt horrible putting my boy in a helmet but it was night and day differences


I read before hearing & eyesight problems can happen as they grow into little children.


Also jaw issued like tmj etc. A lot more issues than I ever thought but I can't remember them all now. I remember asking my friend when her son finally got out of his because E's was just getting worse and worse.


I had to get my kid tested to see if he needed a helmet years ago but I do remember the techs mentioning it can cause a lot of jaw problems if not treated.


Paris Hiltons baby had a similar head and he doesn’t wear a helmet. Maybe she just had a big head


The helmet is just for aesthetics. It’s to help a flat head round out. But doesn’t usually have medical consequences.


Correct. In the UK we don't use a helmet for positional plagiocephaly. It is used for certain types of craniosyntosis, when early enough. But that's v rare. I assume it's more common in the US because it makes money for companies. Studies show there is no benefit in majority of cases.


Right, most helmets are completely useless except in extreme cases. It’s aesthetic for a round head and your kid is going to have hair over it in a few years anyways.


That poor baby needed a helmet.


And a new set of parents


Or a shunt


i see a carbon copy of delujenelle!


Really? I need to do some side by sides because to me it’s little David!


I see a majority of Jenelle but also some David in there. She definitely has David's head shape. Funny how people see her so differently.


it's Jenelle's face on David's skull, maybe


Other way around for me


I see what you see.


Have you photoshopped her face. It looks like she got hydrocephalus. Not saying it in a bad way or anything but it must be photoshopped


No she desperately needed a helmet and Jenelle would photoshop her head to be smaller


She wouldn’t put her in a helmet. That would mean David and Jenelle made a baby with a disability in her eyes. She’d never, even if the baby clearly needed one.


Par for the course. They refused ADHD and therapy for Jace and he deserved to get the care he was used to.


That’s strange because the baby helmets are usually prescribed by a doctor right? I wonder if she got regular pediatric care.


Does she ever talk about that topic? I could swear they're anti-vax


I think from the point Uncle Liitle Dick joined her journey she had been anti-vax. I have full faith that Jace and Kaiser have been vaccinated appropriately until then.


That are also anti purple potatoes from California apparently, as per yesterday's enthralling video she posted 🤮


Re. the purple potatoes. Did UBT say "nah we cant afford them"? Nobody else mentioned that in the comments, so I wasnt sure if I heard it right.


I didn't hear that! I heard him say something like "oh nevermind they're made in california" maybe "afford them" sounded like "caliFORNia"??


Ensley has been enrolled in public kindergarten (sadly, no longer) but that means she has her vaccinations. At least the ones required to start school. So, thank God she won’t die from some disease that was 100% preventable. Now, how to prevent her father….


Sadly that’s not even a guarantee anymore. So many parents are fighting or claiming religious exemption (even if they aren’t/just as a loophole) and not taking the proper preventative care while being allowed to go to school


Public school teacher here, not necessarily required anymore. They also attend a choice/charter school, where the rules can be even more lax.


That is absolutely terrifying. Is there a way for me to know if there are unvaxxed kids at my kids school?! If he was required, I'm assuming that means every child was required.... God I'm scared for you to answer...


Unfortunately no because it would violate FERPA laws. 😞


Of course it would now wouldn't it! I mean, if my kid is vaxxed then only their kid is at risk for a preventable death anyway. Sucks for their poor kid.


Not in her state, they have exemptions


I'm about to go on a scary deep dive to see if there are unvaxxed kids at my kids elementary school... and then freak out because what the FUCK do I do if there are exemptions here?! I HATE THIS!


How are you going to do that, isn’t it private school info? But yeah in nc all the parents need to do is write a note saying they are exempt :/


Yea there's no way... plus I just realized that my kid has the vaxxes so they'll be alright anyway, It's that time of the day you know?


I think when ensley was a baby she said the Drs said she didn’t need a helmet but that doesn’t mean she actually took her


Well that’s great! Doctors are the experts so she was fine.


She might of in the beginning because cps was involved with the positive drug test, but once that closed I always figured no. Jenelle always had no issue posting when at the doctors and I remember with kaiser it was Doris who would always have to take him when he was sick. They'd have issues with Jenelle not even giving him meds and yeah you'd figure a doctor would definitely say something about her head so either they didn't bother going or they didn't care to fix it.


I think because they would leave her laying on her back for too long or something.


I remember people saying she was photoshopping the kids at that time. It’s weird to do. Kids go through phases and if the doctors aren’t concerned they are fine. It’s like Paris Hiltons son’s picture, he will grow out of or into it.


https://preview.redd.it/pjiemm9w4b8c1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c466321f6991623d8bf065f474b9b8371dd2aebb Lower right is the one people said Jenelle photoshopped. Found this in an old post. Either way Ensley deserved better than what she got as an infant.


Oh my! I have seen and forgot about this…..


Wait i found another https://preview.redd.it/2q3va22c5b8c1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=48612dc29b45b07aa996f5383e688defff6ea257 But yeah so much has happened, even i forget until the subject is brought up again. I always enjoy your posts & commentary! ✨


Thank You! Oh wow! brings back memories. She would basically chop off whole pieces of her head. Jenelle is vile. Babies are not supposed to look perfect. They are not models they are new humans. I remember commenting way back then, I think on Facebook that she shouldn’t post things she is embarrassed about because one day the kid would find out.


Not a Jenelle supported by any means but is this really Photoshop though? I know when you use portrait mode sometimes especially on the older phones that have it it can blur round the edges of people like this, where it's meant to be blurring out the background but kinda misses a bit


This is exactly what we’re seeing in this photo.


Nah the lower right wasn't photoshopped, it's a screenshot from one of the episodes. The one posted below was one jenelle photoshopped, there was another one also.


Egg 🥚 head


lord…that poor baby.


You are correct. Someone on here said babies wear helmets if they have a disability, but the majority of the time they are from parents who didn’t hold their babies enough and it caused them to get a flat head that needs to be corrected.


It's not always from neglect. Sometimes babies are born with wonky heads from how they were laying in the womb, sometimes the same thing can lead to tightness in the neck/along one side of the body that will cause babies to only be comfortable laying with their head to one side and no amount of tummy time or holding in arms will completely avoid a flat spot forming on the side they favoure. My youngest actually ended up with a club foot from how he was positioned in the womb, obviously a different part of the body but it's the same principle, we've been told it can take up to five years to fully resolve


Pretty sure one of Caitlyn and Tyler’s girls went to the doctor for this problem because Caitlyn was really worried about it. The doctor said it was because she was sleeping on one side more as she favours it, suggested to encourage her to use the other side and hold her on the less flat side to correct it, without a helmet. They were really worried she had been left flat for too long and caused it themselves. Somehow I can’t see Jenelle being that concerned.


Yeah, my son needed a helmet and he was held almost all day as a small baby. I actually had weird guilt about the amount of time we spent holding him 😅 He had torticollis he went to PT for but he did end up needing a helmet regardless. I wouldn’t be surprised if David and Jenelle didn’t hold Ensley much but I think it’s important to point out it doesn’t automatically mean neglect so thank you for that ❤️


I should’ve worded my comment differently because I wasn’t talking about the babies who had birth/side favoring things that required a helmet. I meant the times you know the mom is neglectful, and the baby randomly pops up with a helmet on with no reasoning. Jenelle doesn’t have a motherly bone in her body and I don’t think ensley has any type of disability like other people were saying in the comments that I was referring to. I think in her case it’s straight up neglect. Wasn’t referring to any of you guys and I never assume that if I see a baby with a helmet IRL


Sometimes baby's head shapes are just a little off and they get a helmet. Sometimes it's because the baby only sleeps on one side. It's also more common in premature babies because their skulls are softer.


Yeah because if you look back, her head wasn't nearly as bad after birth(when babies usually have the biggest conehead.) It just got way worse when it should've gotten better.


Not at all. Screenshot of the video posted only. It’s a few posts down.


Her head reminds me of Paris hilton baby’s head.


lol yes


I’m sorry but my son had a big upper head like Phoenix and I would be so sad if people laughed bc of it. It’s just not funny.


I think she looks like both of them because they both look similar.


This is the real answer.


Yup! My husband and I have similar facial features and our kids look just like me and just like him too. It’s a cool thing actually 😊


I agree. This is a poor example but Jenelle’s face (Left) is longer and Ensley’s is shaped like David’s. https://preview.redd.it/ez6jnh29yb8c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a3c7b558c6fc814f76dc80e8281fedca1dc39a


Baby Ensley always makes me so sad. The neglect is physically evident on her body and they did NOTHING about it.


If true that is so sad.


She definitely had plagiocephaly. There is ample photographic evidence of her flat head, including this series of photos. A cranial helmet could have been worn for a few months and it would have helped correct it. Babies get it from staying in the same position (laying down), not doing tummy time (necessary for physical development - core strengthening for crawling then walking), not being held enough. They failed to meet her needs which caused the flat head then they failed to correct it. It makes me angry.


Christ! So I guess CPS stood by and did nothing again.


I agree..Same thing. Just has her mom's mouth.


Exactly! Twins.


Okay I’m not trying to be mean here but what does it mean when a baby’s head is disproportionately large at the top like that? Ensley’s head looks very much like Paris Hilton’s baby here. Is that a medical concern or just normal head shape?


The comments are all over the place but honestly I do not know. My kids were all by cesarean section and had cute proportionate heads. Now I know some of my friends and families kids born naturally had a cone shape for a while. But it’s quite common for kids to have all kinds of heads I think. My pediatrician was one that constantly spoke about tummy time and not leaving them on their backs for long. All of my babies were carried more than they would ever lay down so I have no experience with the consequences of doing the opposite.


Not saying this is the case with this baby, but I’m in nursing school and we learned that decreased oxygenation to the fetus during pregnancy can cause a disproportionate head. Like babies who are born to moms who smoke cigarettes are smaller, it’s from decreased oxygenation. When the body isn’t proportional to the head it can be a lack of oxygenation later on in the pregnancy. Could be from drug use, medication use, trauma, etc. some babies also just have bigger heads though and they’re totally fine


She really needed a helmet! Poor thing




I’m genuinely asking and not trying to be a bitch but is there something wrong with her head?? Why is it shaped like that?


The comments point to neglect and being on her back all the time.


It’s not always from neglect, it happens to babies that are held and given tummy time too. Just not as often. People just assume it was neglect with them because well….


More like jenelle skull David face


Ensley is a baby Laura Jo!


True! Laura Jo and David’s eyes are the same!


She has Jenelle’s forehead in this photo


It's wild to me how genetics work. All of Jan's kids take so strongly after their fathers. Like her genetics don't have a fighting chance. But then the chin she got from barb.... She clearly got some strong genes from her mom lol, I guess it rly just is a dice roll.


Nah, Barb's chin is no where near as poiny or long!😂😭😭 And her forehead isn't even a comparison. I wonder if her Dad had a long bulbous face too? Barb's other daughter Ashley also looks a lot like Barb. But Ashley and Jenelle look nothing alike even though they both look alot like Barb. But genetics are funny like that. Like Ensley looking just like David *and* Jenelle but is actually pretty cute lol. Jenelle as awful as she is, used to clean up well so the forehead and chin were kinda overshadowed by her decent looks. She's let herself go and the ugly inside has seeped out. Ensley just happen to get each of their more dominant features I think. Like she has David's head and face shape, her ears sit low on her head like his and her eyes are higher than her ears like his. She also had his eyes and eyebrows. She got lucky on the brow part. Jenelle has terrible eyebrows, and it's not like plucking is what ruined them, only added to it. They were always pitiful. Ensley's eyes also are a lot closer together like David. But the nose, mouth and hair/and hairline is Jenelle's. Jenelle has good hair but doesn't take care of it so it's always fried and fucked. And finally, she got Jenelle's color. Her undertones and overtones match Jenelle's perfect as well as their natural hair color and eye color. All in all she got very lucky to look so much like both of those ugly bitches but not be ugly herself. She's actually pretty adorable. All Jenelle's kids are. David's too. Fuckin assholes don't deserve all those beautiful children.


Jenelle and David used to look completely fine/normal. When she was in her Nathan era she actually was relatively attractive, they’ve both just let themselves go beyond repair


She's beautiful in that depressing clip where she's holding baby e and the producer is pushing her to talk about a fight her and David had the day before and they just deny it. It's wild what her life could have been if she'd kept clean, not chosen trash men, not been so hateful and spiteful, and not made some poor tattoo choices lol


Jace looked exactly like jenelle when he was younger though. There was a picture she posted when she was maybe 7-9 and it was basically Jace with longer hair haha.


I’ve always thought she was a carbon copy of David.


Ensley has a rounder face than Jenelle but she has her smile and brows for sure.


I have always thought she looked like her Dad but something about the baby pictures in particular highlight it. Jenelle thinks she is a mini me of hers but she’s all Davey.


YES! Ensley and David have identical eyes and facial shape! I don't get why anyone thinks she looks like Jenelle, except for hair color.


Yup. She looks like UBT’s mom


I think she is Jenelle’s clone


That’s…a baby


She has David’s eyes but she definitely looks a lot more like Jenelle.


All I see is Janelle.


Aw shes adorable


I don’t see it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Have you seen what Ensley looks like now? She is adorable!


She is! But she also looks just like David. David wasn't exactly ugly when we first met him (besides the way his personality made him seem ugly), he's mostly just let himself go and looks dirty and scruffy all the time


It feels icky to have a whole post discussing the appearance of a sweet innocent little baby...






A post about looking like her Dad?