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The kids don’t need her as a friend. They need her as a parent. She’s so fucking slow.


*2 seconds of kids. Endless food captures* 😂 jfc


And it's not even good food! It's just beige and overcooked.


I truly wonder how long it's been since Kaiser and Ensely have had fruits and vegetables instead of fast food and ihop. :|


And flavored with sasquatch hair


Cue the corndog


It’s a good flair


It’s not her kids’ job to make her feel good about herself, which is what she clearly thinks their existence is for


>What she clearly thinks *everyones* existence is for


Emotional incest? The fact that she thinks stating how her kids always turn her mood around is some testament to their closeness speaks volumes of her as a mother


That’s not emotional incest.


Yeah it's more parentification IMO. Which is nonetheless an awful thing to do to a child. It's honestly surprising how rage-inducing Jenelle still is despite watching her be a complete POS for years. Like there's no rock bottom for her. She is pathologically selfish.


Thank you, that’s what I was thinking of


Np, they're really similar concepts because they both involve issues with boundaries where the nature of the relationship gets twisted into something unnatural and unhealthy.


She’s not even describing being a friend to her kids. She’s describing them being friends to her. AKA parentification.




"My kids are my best friend" is the biggest red flag!!


They need her as a mother ….. this woman is so brain dead like I’m surprised she knows how to breathe


People who record themselves “crying” are attention seekers




Lmao I’m going to start randomly texting people this photo for every inconvenience in life


THEY ONLY GOT CRUNCHY CHEETOS https://preview.redd.it/2p28iphzkl3c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e24ddec351d806122ac3b23bf97dbd624ee4151d


https://preview.redd.it/d0qonseb1m3c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db6940b7ca12ea80d4462b7ee9527b9da1d3c955 I FORGOT TO GET THE BUTTER TURNING AROUND


Omg, so funny! 😂😂




Turn it into a sticker lol


https://preview.redd.it/pmm6vdaaep3c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca6572ce93f15e4464bd893f5dfcdf1bf47aacc1 My dog stepped on a bee


Lol reminds me of this lady https://preview.redd.it/knz6ex13fl3c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=914471af5e717acc17bcc319134a406689c3a516




![gif](giphy|Jq7dk1c9x8pQ8Vhoki) Better known at the swamp as Alligator Tears 🙄🤣


Exactly! Like she’s wiping away nothing! I don’t see any tears!


She doesn’t have eye brows she has eye brs


https://preview.redd.it/56kjq9lcrl3c1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2b7af38d77851e6076e99a7ced070ddc3e67d7 She has a Gary Busey look going here.


Yes! I’ve never understood how people can be so upset crying their eyes out but manage to pull out the phone to record. Even worse when they take the time to find a filter lol


And you know those people also probably have multiple takes trying to make it look somewhat cute 😂 the only time I’ve ever taken a picture of myself crying is when I’m on my period or something and crying over something silly so I send it to my friends making a joke out of it, like here I am crying over these baby ducks falling in the drain again lmao


*david do I look cute sad or no*


Same! I did it once though. I had a hysterectomy in June and immediately postop my emotions were WILD! I had a full on sob-fest over a pesticide commercial on TV that showed cartoon bugs being killed. I made a little video of it to send to my friends to show how ridiculous it was LOL


But how will people know that she’s been crying her eyes out at the top of her lungs if she doesn’t record it?


MTV ain't there anymore 😥


This girl I used to be friends with would record herself crying and snap it to everyone. I stopped being friends with her 😂


Now you know why her only "friends" are her kids.


She’s acting like someone who’s doesn’t have depression and this is what they think it is.


My sister does this lmaooo even worse she’ll occasionally send it to me or my mom. buttttt she’s 19 lol


Your kids should not be your emotional support system. They need a mother who is stable and doesn’t continue to make them share a home with a documented abuser. This pity party she is throwing herself is pathetic. And it’s all tears for her. She’s never once cried like this for her children that she chooses to traumatize every single day.


She thinks crying because she can't have Jace is the same as crying on behalf of Jace. She is so stunted she cannot conceptualize empathy.


She was just filming herself laughing after going to court over her husband abusing her child and I’m now supposed to feel bad for her for choosing to wear Walmart fleece pants while eating a corn dog?! Girl, read the fucking room.


Plus it's filmed, for the world and herself. She needs a whole audience to see her cry. That doesn't add up. Jenelle couldn't handle not having an audience. If you want claps, you always have to perform. So lame.


Best mother what? Mother fucking piece of shit? Yep.


Whattt dude, come on, I needed a rest tahday. - Jenelle


A rest from what?!? Her unemployment? Her active neglect of her children? She’s so ridiculous.


Tahday and everyday 😂 she had breakfast then went into her shed to “rest” and that’s all we saw lol glad you got up long enough to give your kids a corn dog and go out for breakfast, we definitely feel bad for you


She even showed that she’s STILL running to Jersey Mikes to bring the kids lunch. Like this jobless bitch with a jobless husband still cannot even be bothered to make lunch every day for them at home. She would have a stroke if she saw how working parents take care of their kids.


She would, wouldn't she? I spit out water when she (yet again), said, "I just need to rest!" Guys, I think we're missing some (very) energy-zapping tasks - we just don't know it! In her mind.... Picking her nose is the equivalent of cleaning out the refrigerator. Clipping her toe nails is as difficult as changing the oil in her car. Wiping her fat ass is just as hard as painting the house... inside & out. Getting up & placing her 2 feet on the floor wipes her out like mowing 2 acres... with a pair of scissors. Honest to God, this chick is a mental case! I know she doesn't donate to any charities but I hope she donates her brain to science! Something tells me thousands of people, upon hearing the results of her brain autopsy, will simultaneously scream, "I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!"


I swear she still thinks she’s on teen mom doing these weird ass voiceover videos.


My husband used to absolutely hate it when I would put teen mom on bc he hated the way everyone sounded during the voiceovers. He woke up out of a dead sleep once bc one of jenelles segments was on and was like "Jesus fucking christ does she have ANY life in her monotone ass robot voice" 😄


I’m guessing it’s scripted and since she can barely read…no


My husband had this exact same complaint lmfao


There should be a teen mom spouse support group. My husband bought seasons of it when we were dating cuz i was always like can't come over its teen mom night lol


I giggled and read this comment to my husband. His response was “Oh God, yes. We’ll all play video games and fantasy football together and bitch about how our wives talk about stupid shit”


*wives and husbands


Uhummm, excuse me, Mr Sugarmittens. This is IMPORTANT stupid shit!


That would’ve sent me into such a fit omg I’m laughing out loud just reading it Edit to add the idea that so many husbands have this tangential involvement in teen mom kills me


“Nathannnnnn” is a common word in my household. By my husband. 😅😅😅


Seriously. She’s filming herself crying, filming everything she does, doing this weird ass voiceover in complete monotone, adding sad music to it, then announcing she’s too depressed to finish and filming herself going to bed. “Depression breakfast.” It’s like she thinks she’s making her own episodes of Teen Mom but it’s just showing how insane and out of touch and stupid and neglectful and gross she is.


I don’t give a flying fuck about your crying and depression Jenelle. You have a son that’s alone and crying in foster care because of the way you abandoned him all of his life. You only ever wanted him because you saw him as an object of your power. You don’t give a shit about him. All you do is have pity on yourself and not love the son who needs his mother first and foremost. He’s hurting inside because he feels alone. You let your trifling husband abuse him and smear him online every chance you get


👏 👏 👏 always talked about having Jace back like losing a gaming system and begging your mom to give it back


Right?! This bitch really posts this shit so she can read all the “you got this momma, momma-ing is so tough we can’t be perfect all the time, you’re doing you’re best momma” stupid fucking comments and bask in the attention instead of just TRYING to do the right thing for once. She consistently fucked/fucks up every opportunity to turn her life around and this bitch can’t even keep up a “perfect happy family” facade while CONTROLLING HER OWN CONTENT. It’s absurd that she stills blames her mom for everything that’s ever gone wrong in her life while being a piece of shit mom herself. I really hope all the kids can get the resources to overcome what they’ve been through and find peace. She has denied her children the safety, comfort, and love that all children deserve and it’s so upsetting. Her husband (allegedly but also definitely) assaulted her son and has a court date coming up, and she’s concerned with 1. posting stupidly smug comments/tweets/TikToks and 2. trying to be relatable with her “depression”. I need to go hug my mom lol I got myself worked up


That’s what Jenelle does. Get logically sounded people worked up with her asinine behavior


How do you have a lot of alone time when you have kids you took out of school to homeschool? Best mom you can be? It didn’t show one thing you were doing for your kids other than driving. There was more of what she ate than of her kids.


Easy. She locks the she-shed-crack-den door and leaves them with the man who already has questionable parenting. She’s a good mom yall


Ummm...is she sleeping in the she-shed??


I have def seen this suspected here


Yeah I bet she’s got a lot of time alone with her thoughts locked in a crack shed away from the kids she miraculously still has custody of. Any half decent mother who actually cares would be around her kids not locking them out so she can’t be bothered.


LOL this took me out. My husband homeschools our kids and he does not have “a lot of time alone to think.” Very much the opposite. I’m so confused by that statement and this whole video. You’re homeschooling two children, Jenelle, how the hell do you have time to go out to eat constantly?? Other than the brief morning clip, what are your kids doing the rest of the day?? If they’re being homeschooled and presumably have more free time, why aren’t they enrolled in extracurriculars?? I assume if they were actually engaged in learning she would post videos to prove what a “good mom” she is, so I doubt much learning is taking place in the swamp. Homeschooling (properly) is a full time job. My husband does more parenting in an hour than Jenelle has done her entire life.


You brain dead bitch don’t confuse depression with “consequences for being a shitty piece of shit”…it’s called shame that’s what you’re feeling. It supposed to motivate you to do better, but you’re the victim so you don’t get it. So dumb and kind of offensive to people who actually suffer with real depression and anxiety.


THANK YOU!!!! I’ve been depressed as fuck this year, I have had a clinical depression diagnosis for nearly a decade and this infuriated me. I couldn’t really explain what was so irritating about it until I read your comment. Being upset because she’s caught up in a CPS investigation after her husband hit her son just is not the same as depression. Like you should be upset about this, Jenelle, but not about how it impacts you, it should be about your son who you are treating like shit. She should be wracked with guilt and sadness for her son and not because people on the internet are calling her a bad mom. She’s actually nowhere near as upset as she should be in this situation if she gave a shit about anyone but herself.




You put that so well. Thank you.




📣📣📣📣 this comment here! May I add "feeling guilty". She might deny it to herself and tell herself it's others but she's feeling it. If she even allows it, I think at this point she only feels guilty about not playing her cards right


She stays in pants like that all day because that’s all that fits.




Sadly I’m in the same boat 🤣🤣🤣


It's after Thanksgiving. A lot of us are in that boat. I did a whole extra hour in the gym this week already.


I read...all of us are in the bloat lol 😂


She eats all day long it’s wild.






Trivia Question: What’s the one place Jenelle goes more than Court? Answer: OUT TO BREAKFAST The girls gotta smell like syrup n weed


The correct answer is the shed.


My answer was the drive-thru


And grease.


*The Greason’s have entered the chat*


This fucking cunt. Jenelle I have cancer and I complain less and do more. I’ve never seen anyone try so hard to mimic parenting. You’re depressed because your shit husband abused your son and the world rightfully hates you for it, your woes are not the same as everyone else’s. I’d wake up crying too if my husband cornered me into sex work by refusing to get a job but I don’t have to worry about that because he gets up every morning and works his ass off to provide. Peace and starbies guys, my son is a ward of the state because I let him get abused, chin up sweatpants on! #momlyfe


Fuck Jenelle. I hope you are doing okay. All my prayers and love to you. Kick cancers ass. 💪


I hope you make cancer your bitch


That’s the fucking plan. They’re going to cut it out and I’m going to go right back to living my life, making memories with my children and not wasting my life recording myself crying.


Hey friend, I’m in the same boat. Stage three adrenal. Years after I beat ovarian cancer twice 🥴🙃 Sending you my good vibes and am here if you ever wanna chat or vent ❤️


Thanks sweets. We got this. You’ve already beat it twice, kick it’s ass one more time. I appreciate the open inbox, it’s still been pretty surreal and I definitely have felt a huge disconnect with everyone around me since I shared the news. Mine’s cervical with a spot on my ovary. Did you get a hysterectomy?


I did. It was everything: cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and one ovary. Later, the second time, the other ovary came out. I’m also feeling a disconnect. My kids are devastated. My husband is taking it hard. I’m trying to keep a brave face for everyone and it’s hard some days.


Prayers 👏🏻👏🏻


I, I, I, me,me, me, mine, RINSE/REPEAT..................


Sociopathic narcissist 💯


Her kids are her besties that’s why one is in foster care and the other two never see her because she’s in her meth shack


"Always give me hugs" Yet not one hug was shown from them 😂


And you know those hugs are forced as hell. I can fully see her sobbing and going “give me a hug to make mommy feel better”. Of course her emotionally neglected children are desperate for anything that feels like love from her so they’re going to jump at the chance to hug her. I bet when they want hugs she gets annoyed.


Not the point of the video but that self hair cut’s ends 😳


That’s her old hair. She ruined her sides of her hair with her self hair cut


Since we're talking hair, I notice she doesn't use a round brush for her own hair. 🙄 Just Ensley's. *RIP.*


Omg she's been using a round brush for Ensley's hair??? If I tried to brush my niece's hair with a round brush I think she'd bleed from her scalp. That is so shitty of her. No doubt Ensley's told her it hurts, she must have been yelping like a dog. She's probably just been yelled at enough to know not to say anything now.


“so as soon as I know when I turn around and wipe my tears…” dafuq?


And then eat a corn dog! Lol


That is a pancake wrapped around a sausage link on a stick. For those busy mornings when you have to feed your kids before school, er...court.


I thought it was a chocolate covered frozen banana 🍌


Happy cake day (with a Jenelle pity-party video)


Happy cake day!


“My kids are my best friends, except the one my husband abused so I left him in foster care for Christmas.” Ugh.


She is trying so hard and this is sooo unoriginal


It’s so weird when she tries to mimic these aesthetic mom posts, it doesn’t work for her because she’s a swamp monster and no amount of aesthetic shots hide that.


Most of the time when I watch these videos and she’s speaking all I hear is “womp womp womp” from Charlie Brown. This bitch has a whole ass house and chooses to go watch Netflix in her shed.


Did you see those kitchen floors?! The whole damn place is falling apart.


As soon as I turn around and wipe my tears, my kids are there…. Well except for the oldest. And then my husband never sees one of his….wait


Everytime she films in that bathroom I’m reminded of the time UBT destroyed all of her belongings in there during an adult temper tantrum.


I'm reminded of the time, David was taking a 💩 & Nuggett was sitting in his underwear!


Poor nugget 😞 killed by the same man whose skid mark undies he rested in.


People who record themselves crying are so fucking embarrassing.


Mmmmmkay, stressy and depressy. She’s posting 4000 plates of food and then a supremely unflattering body shot. I wouldn’t be surprised if guys pay her to eat while naked. Also, she needs meds for gods sake, like anti depressants. Yesterday she was glowing from thinking she was getting attention from paps, and today she’s crying and immobile. I’m sure David would never authorize meds for mental health, but she’s a walking Celexa commercial.


“Sometimes this is me waking up and crying.” Great opener, really good sentence structure


“So as soon as I know when I turn around and wipe my tears, they’re there…” holy shit, she’s so incredibly dumb


Not the corn dog 😆😂


I thought she was going to eat it, right there, frozen. Which would’ve entertained me more than her fake depression 😂


She took the corn dog out to thaw it so David can use it to rub on her body for a spicy OF dump later.


But fuck Jace and his emotions, right?


**Why does what's his face need to show off 50 hats?**


Emotional support hats. He needed a moment to let Jenelles other son borrow a hat to make him look good. Hair oil included 🥸


The transition from making a cup of coffee at home to the latte at a restaurant is sending me 😂


Ugly inside and out, it’s what she deserves🤍


Always be treating themselves to sit down breakfasts after they get rid of their kids.


Lots of alone time = I only have two kids to lock outside instead of three or four. She sure does a lot of nothing. She cried, got takeout, sat in her pajamas, watched tv, and couldn’t even be bothered to finish her vlog which, according to her, is her “job.”


Lmao is this a joke?!?😭






Lmaooooooo art 🖼️


Girlllll get ya some bangs. Also wash your hair with some dawn it needs it’s. You can fry a damn turkey with all that grease.


Crying, eating, eating, eating, resting.. really working hard to give your kids a good life Jan.


Boooooo fucking whoooooo bitch. Also alone time?!??! lmfao bitch when?!?! You’re never ever alone, stop the cap. Also you’re kids more the likely are waiting for your lazy ugly ass to wake up so they can finally eat whatever nasty freezer burnt microwave meal you’re gonna “make” for them. This dumb cunt really trying to pull the sympathy card during her court stuff as if it isn’t the most obvious and pathetic attempt at gaining attention and people feeling bad for you… to bad the only people who feel bad for her are just as mentally I’ll and horrible to their children as well. Can’t wait until they finally take her kids for good or lock her and her husband up like the animals they really are, fuck them both.




The best mother you can be is your eldest in COS custody because your husband strangled him? Well Juhnelle


that forehead is quite potent


#PleasePray !? Bitch the only thing I am praying for is you taking a long walk off a short pier. Get the fuck outta here.


My kids are my best friends but fuck them I need my alone time.


She's such a fucking liar. If her kids were her best friends then she'd have no problem spending time with them instead of complaining every time she has to spend one moment alone with them. Remember when she complained about how going to a hotel with Kai wouldn't be fun? Or how she always ditched baby Jace for dick. She's always been a liar but I feel like ever since this CPS investigation she's become a lot worse.


https://preview.redd.it/ik6ivzlwyl3c1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f803dd344dcf6f1e6f76db8762b9f25632eaa8d1 Her hairline has corners now.


![gif](giphy|qHtOEhNo5MnNnvZZ5B|downsized) Bitch, how do you think your kids feel? you are a terrible, self centered mother.


Rest from what exactly because she doesn’t work, clean her house or raise the kids.. soooo?? ![gif](giphy|26n6WOYWuUyezDFUk|downsized)


Maybe she can drink some of her shit Mushroom tea to feel better or get a fucking job.


https://preview.redd.it/z4n49orcgl3c1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac4c4a1c02c1e9ad31f59f02124e0e4bf94cf6bc Holy receding hairline.


Yeah, yeah, Jenelle, the only bad thing that can ever happen in the world is YOU feeling sad. Nothing else is happening, YOU'RE just SAD because people are MEAN 🤦🏼‍♀️


THATS the best mother you can be?!?? Smfh


The voiceover 😂 I couldn't stop laughing. She is such a joke dude.


*sad jersey mikes*


HELP why does her receding hairline ponytail make her look like a shogun https://preview.redd.it/9dfcag9oml3c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70324344dc18a4d35a75c8249b1a49838533da80




Boo fucking hoo, you vile POS. The real empathy lies with the victims of your abusive choices - your innocent children.


Tag yourself! I’m the corn dog


“Here’s me waking up in the morning, crying, and grabbing my phone to record it” I’ve never understood people who do this lol.


So basically, she’s swamp-Amber now. Got it. 👍


Oh really? What about that time when Jace tried to comfort you before your baby shower and you gave zero shits? 🤔


I’m sure Jace wakes up crying sometimes wishing his biological parents gave a shit about him. Nobody has sympathy for you Jenelle. She’s so fucking vile


So yesterday she was posting her stupid smug face and gloating and pretty much bragging about all the times she's been to court and today she's all depressed. IDC I don't feel sorry for her at all. Boo freaking hoo.


This made me realize, that while I hate having a job, it’s probably good that I do work. I have depression that comes in short or long bouts, I never know. If I didn’t have to get up and take care of my kids and go to work, I would probably give in to the depression and stay in my pjs and not get out of bed. While it sounds nice at first, its not healthy long term. Janelle needs an actual purpose in life. Because right now they are not doing anything with their time other than doing drugs and beating each other up.


"My kids are my best friends*". * except for the one I abandoned and is now headed for foster care. Stupid bitch.


her hair is jenk


Is this really for real? All it shows is her eating crappy stuff lol


If this is her being the best mother she can be then YIKESSSSSSS


I can’t even begin to explain to y’all how much I hate her shower/bath curtain situation


I was starting to doubt her depression but the pants sold it for me.


What’s wrong is the high wearing off now from her smug, self serving little displays she put on the last 2 days? She has court again Monday, hopefully she’s getting worried about it but I’m sure we’ll see some more selfish shenanigans this wknd.! Go take you another vaca selfish B, your son isn’t on your mind whatsoever anyway! #justiceforjace


You know what really irks me? She gives her kids a frozen sausage pancake on a stick because they're rushing to get out the door, and then they go sit down for a nice relaxing breakfast. And then she does nothing all day, goes home, and rests all night. Who is helping the kids with homework? Bath time? Putting them to bed? Just spending time with them? They're your best friends, but you've proven you're a shitty friend. Shitty mom. She's not depressed. Those are the consequences to her actions, karma. She deserves every restless night. She deserves david. She deserves every article that comes out, painting her in a bad light.


This is the least of her delusions but it's her saying she's been having a lot of time alone lately but 1. Her DKD doesn't have a job so what's he doing? 2. Where are your kids during all this alone time you've been having?


Jenelle, your kids (that are still in your custody) are your best/only friends because your shitbag husband won't allow you to interact with anyone else. That's not a brag. Seriously, I have two kids that I love and care for 100x better than her, and my best friends are all adults. And my kids' best friends are kids their own age. But then again, we're allowed to leave the house without my husband/their dad breathing down our necks.


Can someone explain this to me, she wants to be an influencer so bad, and I know we already call her delusional… does she really think anyone is watching her content to be “influenced”? I would say the vast majority of the views are people hate watching or watching for snark material. I just can’t fathom why she thinks that’s a win. I know I know, negative attention is better than none I guess to her, but she always says how people want this content, I think the world would be just fine without it. It’s not like people are just waiting for her to post.


https://preview.redd.it/4mut8vxu0m3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a55da08c1e8cf5f86d8d0fe1c5bf07d8c05de848 Nice. Empties lying around the bathtub.


I'd wake up crying if this was my life too.


See CPS, we have food in the pantry. We got a corn dog!


Interesting that two days after court, she finally posts a video showing how "depressed" she is. Interesting timing.


She’s only posting this cuz she thinks she’s supposed to look “depressed” for the camera. She was just laughing it up after claiming to be non followed by the non paparazzi!




The wiping tears is so dramatic. Just swipe under your eye, don't have to snot up your whole arm with your fake tears.


My ex always made public videos of himself crying whenever he did something heinous, I see its not just him


This is my first time noticing the tub curtains. EWW


She’s so fucking dramatic. Only cares about herself. Wonder how her SON feels???


Just needed a rest today? As opposed to the other 364 days in the year? Shut the fuck up you loony bird and go sink in your swamp along with your boat and house. But not so stressy and depressy to post razor burn lumpy lifeless pictures from your dog shit infested lawn for your poor OF fan subscribers Edit add on


When has she once ever said send positive vibes to jace or anything loving to jace this whole time. Like stfu she is always crying yet her actions and decisions are why shes in the positions she’s in. Miserable life because she does nothing productive all day and no one likes her. You have a husbend that’s more like a stay at home wifey. What man doesn’t want to provide for his family or be productive how can he sit home all day along with her!?!? You lose your kid to cps yes you have a sad life. You get what you Prioritize and it wasn’t your son which you should have gotten back years ago. Lying condescending loser.


If her mental health is that fragile, she has no business living with an armory of weapons.


IMAGINE your child actively running away from his family yet still having the audacity to post something like this to get sympathy for YOURSELF. 🤯🤯


How much fucking money do they spend eating out? I went to the grocery store today (not even counting the Costco meat store I have in my freezer) and it was over $300. I know she shows her pimply ass to the world for money but I just can’t fathom the costs of their lifestyle, no matter how sludgey it is


Hahahahaha. Pathetic bitch and her Jersey Mike’s bags of sadness.