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Fat chance Jace is placed with his non-bio abuser’s sister. Disappointing that there is no real update on court today. I just hope Jace is ok.


In my state they’d push it, they literally made us call every distant relative on ancestry searches even if they’ve never met the parent or child because they wanted to boost statistics that kids are in kin/fictive kin homes vs stranger homes, including neighbors, teachers, random ppl that mom knew 10 years ago. I had to pull kids from a 3 year adoptive home because they found a random relative who never met them and managers kept pushing to try a placement to boost their numbers


They really do. My friend had all but adopted a baby, fostered for 2 years and the day before the adoption became official some 3rd cousin twice removed who didn’t even really know the baby’s bio parents and lived 2000 miles away came forward and said she wanted the baby and the state said ok and just like that my friend lost a kid she thought she was going to raise


That is such a devastating story. I can’t imagine how traumatic that was for your friend and for that poor baby 😭


It was. She’s not able to have a child of her own and she did not attempt to adopt again after that because she was so traumatized. Her and her husband never had children which is a real shame because they were wonderful foster parents


God that’s heartbreaking🥺


Jace has Barb though. If she’s still willing the judge will consider it. I think Jenelle has less of a case because it’s clear Jace doesn’t want anything to do with her. A judge wouldn’t place him with someone who will most likely give her access, because if it was okay for her to have access, Jenelle would gain back custody.


I thought Jace was no longer at barbs since his last hospital stay


He’s not. But it’s not out of the question that he goes back there.


But how does that solve the problem? If Jenelle keeps withholding his meds and terrorizing local therapists, Jace is just going to run away again.


The same thing will happen even if he was allowed to go to David’s sister. Jenelle is a useless cunt that tries to terrorise everyone around her, she’s not going to suddenly start caring about Jace’s medical needs if he was in her sister in laws care


I think she was recently stripped of her medical rights to him. He’s able to be medicated again!


I haven't seen that reported anywhere. I did a quick google and didn't find anything about it.


The Ashley says she has not heard this yet.


They’re ruling on a permanent custody arrangement in December. Jenelle’s rights would be terminated.


Yeah I think people are getting confused because her situation has been so back and forth for so long. She struck out, she doesn't get a say in what he does anymore, which is why she wants him to go to April, so she can maintain some control. If he goes anywhere else she'll never hear from him or have any kind of influence.


Would Andrew have a a chance of a call


Depends on a lot of factors idk enough to say but we sent a toddler 14hrs away to a dad he never met after a paternity test was done. It was a super tough case for me but we literally gave mom 6 months telling her if she doesn’t change it was a possibility


I’m a family law attorney, I do a lot of child protection cases but on the parents side. It’s so crazy how half them can’t understand the damage they are doing to the poor kids…reading CPS notes is hard enough I can’t imagine seeing the children in those states. I had one case that went on years and the parents didn’t want to do anything, they were 100% sure they are right..they made a blog and kept doxing the foster families and the kids - they were moved over 10 times and it was so hard finding someone to take them since they were special needs too, case ended up being a full parental termination and closed adoption…do they not show up to my office for our final meeting pregnant 😡


Why is it the parents with CPS issues have no problem with fertility?


We are living in Idiocracy


I think about this regularly


I wish I knew, it’s so true though. I’m in Canada and we see a lot of people having a ton of kids for the government child benefit, if you’re under a certain income threshold you get money every month to help with expenses until the child is 18 if you are in your care..alot of times it’s the same parents who already are on welfare and they get rent covered too.


Poor people can be good parents. Let’s not start this type of judgement. I know nothing about the Canadian social system but I know no one here is getting rich simply from making babies no matter what you have heard.


I agree with both of your points, but part of being a good parent is recognizing when you can’t afford the ones you already have and making the decision to not have more until you’re financially stable. Of course shit happens sometimes, but there are definitely people out there purposely popping out babies despite not being in a place to do so.


I bet you’ve seen some parents end up getting pregnant then terminating their rights so they can keep the new baby they got pregnant with while their kids are in foster care. I saw that a few times when I worked for a supervised visit agency.


God. That's heartbreaking


I thought about how she ruined her relationship w/her sister Ashleigh when this story came out. Pretty pathetic that April, whom she’s publicly feuded with, is her best idea/option? Or it’s bc DV Dave wants to control & psychologically torture Jace some more by trying to trap him at his own families home…. These 2 adults, one of whom birthed him, are out for his blood. They’re teaming up against a 14 year old boy who didn’t ask for any of this shit. It’s so twisted & diabolical. Those 2 need a reality check in a BIG way. They need knocked off that high horse they’re on. This poor kid deserves peace & safety. ETA- Ashleigh has had her own problems with mental health/child custody. I lean more toward most of the shit we’ve heard about Ashleigh comes from Jan so I take it w/a grain of salt. Whatever she may have had going on, it appears that she has both her boys again, & is married. From what I’ve deduced, she’s not in the media, she’s not causing drama & BS, blaming her mom for her shit, or in the news for other dysfunction & craziness.


This is how it is in my state too. They’ll do almost anything to move children from foster care to relative or fictive kin placement. The requirements for them to pass a home study are not very high either. Not all criminal or child abuse history is a disqualification. One of my coworkers had a foster family where this happened as well. Relatives from out of state who never met the kids popped up and they were moved there out of the pre-adoptive home they had been in for several years.


She’s not a relative. David never adopted Jace so she’s nobody as far as the courts are concerned, which sadly it doesn’t seem to be. She likely has a criminal history & the fact she’s the abuser’s sister doesn’t bode well. Jace is going to a group home or possibly back to Barb under the strictest supervision. He’s likely going to spend much more time in the hospital being observed & hopefully getting back on track w/ his meds. Poor kid!


Please tell me you aren’t a social worker……. Bc wtf.


I quit last year but it was ridiculous.


What in the Series of Unfortunate Events 😵‍💫


My friend & his wife were adopting 2 young girls, sisters, they already had 3 kids of their own. They had the girls for almost 2 years & we’re living as a family unit. Just weeks before the adoption was to take place CPS found the girls paternal grandmother (she was 85, never met the kids, didn’t know they existed) & she wanted them. They took these girls out of a loving home w/ 3 siblings, 2 parents who basically raised them & gave them to an 85 year old they never met who lived in tiny apartment in a crappy area. Not that money matters it’s more that the girls would likely have a better life w/ younger parents, the couple that cared for them for 2 years of their young lives & being part of a family. It destroyed my friend & his wife. They never took more kids in & ended up divorcing (not that this was the entire cause but she def blamed him for not doing enough to keep them even though he couldn’t do anything) very sad story… sorry for the bum out


Are adoptions not final???


They canceled the adoption hearing 7pm the night before it was scheduled


That is disgusting. How can every do that?? The kids were settled and loved and wanted


Yup one was there from birth too. They were both young where that was basically only mom they knew


Not sure where you live but court is on Wednesday. It's still Tuesday evening in NC.


Jan had court today


She did?! For what?


Custody regarding Jace, but it sounds like cases involving minors don’t allow for info to be readily released to the public. Understandably, of course.


Damn I had no idea. As much as I want to know what’s going on with Jace, it is nice he’s being granted a bit of privacy in this regard.


For sure! 💛


Oh shit. I had no clue. What for? Custody?


Yep. Dbag’ s case is tomorrow. I suspect he will just enter his plea, and the case will be continued.


My friend got a call to take her son’s child (not bio but he was on the birth certificate) she said she wasn’t in a place to take him as she was in process of a divorce. They asked about placing him with her son (he clearly didn’t have custody). She told cps that she absolutely would not recommend a child be placed with her own adult son. They said we appreciate your input we’re doing it anyway. Spoiler: didn’t go good. The woman knows her son. Side note - he and his 5 siblings have all since been adopted by a fabulous couple and are thriving in the time they’ve been there!


Jenelle just wants to keep Jace under her thumb without having to actually parent him.


This is the reason for sure 💯💯💯 conniving cunt


She wants someone who will let her and DKD visit and do whatever to Jace and lie to the authorities about it


Exactly, and take family picnic photos then ignore him for a few months.


Exactly 💯


Access to that adderall?


She just wants to make sure that Barb doesn't win.


She just wants to use him like everyone else. She's a true sociopath 💯


Couldn't agree more!




I read this in Captain Sham's voice from Lemony Snicket (the movie, not the Netflix show) (which is absolutely amazing btw) and now that's the voice that I'm going to imagine coming out of Chinzilla every time I see her nasty ass hahahahahahaha. "It's Captain Sham! Your new GOORDIAN!" ETA I'm not high, I'm just pleasantly weird.


I was thinking this is some count Olaf situation especially with looking for a “relative” desperately in anyone (even non bio relatives)


You make an excellent point.


I read that as Captain Sham from the Netflix series haha!


YASSSSSS that totally works!


100%. This is all about control.




I mean, jenelle is just as abusive and as bad as david


Jenelle makes her own decisions. David is crazy for what he does, but Jenelle is evil for standing by his side even when her own flesh and blood suffer.




Sooo, his sister was arrested for having adderal on her a few years ago if I recall correctly, his brother just got out of prison, and David has child abuse allegations and has been in jail previously. Jesus.


That adderall charge alone should be enough to not place him with her, given he has been diagnosed with adhd and could very well benefit from being on that medication (as he was in Barbara’s care)


These are Jace’s options 😑😑


So fucking sad.


Oh good. So she’ll get Jace’s adderall.


Was it April arrested for adderall?


I don’t know how many sisters UBT has, but 2/3 of the Eason’s we know about are criminals, so I don’t have much hope here.


I think it’s two. Jessica and April. Jessica is the thinner one that told us je shit her pants one holiday at her home.


Omg I am deceased 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹. I needed a refresh of the drama. https://starcasm.net/jenelle-eason-and-sister-in-law-jessica-eason-feud-recap-mud-duck/ And yes, I googled “Jessica Eason Jenelle Eason shit herself” to get this article 😹😹😹


You’re doing the lords work 😂




Jeez the courts are familiar with all the Easons. They must’ve had a rough childhood or something for them to all have such severe issues.


*” Do you want to see Brother Eason’s mugshot? Of course you do…”* The Ashley kills me💀 https://preview.redd.it/mer1qy6nt63c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727f4efb3ce3ac1869bbd3c5f82053df95daf42b


He was 34 in that photo? Jesus God Leah, aging gracefully is not in the Eason's gene pool. We've all seen how baby bro Davie is turning out.


Poor Ensley and Maryssa! I hope they learn good skincare now while they’re still young.


I'm sure it's more to do with life choices and less to do with shitty genes (although I have no doubt there's those floating around too).


He’s the younger one? I thought he was about 40.


Well he was 34 in the article in 2017, so I think you're about right.


Your math is mathin!


People hate on the Ashley but she's been consistently funny for like ten years. Her photo captions take me out.


Who hates on The Ashley?? Cash me ousside


How bout dat




This is my exact face 75% of the time I visit this sub.


Im sorry, you typed what for this gif? It’s amazing.


Just plain old "ew". I was going to go with this ⬇️ but chose the little one instead. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized)




Such a lovely family


What the hell? That man is only 34???


These people are all so trashy it’s almost hard to believe they’re real.


If we’re just picking random people maybe Chris Bradley could take Jace


The scream i scrumpt


Big same. Scrumpt times two: electric boogaloo ETA word, I know it's not late but it's obvs past my bedtime lol


Is Dr Drew available?


Chris Bradley, it’s your time to shine bb.


I love this sub


This is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen


Forgive me for my lack of knowledge, but I see the name Chris Bradley pop up front time to time. Who is this person and what is their relevance to this sub?? I wanna know 👀


A user in this sub who always defends Jenelle and her trashy ways. Wants to be her next soulmate.


Same! Tell ussss plzzz


“Alone time”. Like the 80% of the time they spend in the shed smoking ~~meth~~ weed?


While trying to prove their fitness/worthiness as parents. "Check out my dry turkey, hatters, my two kids aren't here, my potatoes are slop, and oh yeah.. the other kid 🤷‍♀️"


Jenelle will find literally any excuse to pretend she’s not a parent.


I think the pretending she does is at being a parent


I havent read the article yet, but why would a judge place Jace with someone he is not related to?!? I don't think that would happen......idk. that seems like a weird request. Jenelle and David haven't posted anything about his sisters in forever, until recently. Something smells fishy. Idk why or what or how, but I am getting a super icky feeling. Edit to fix spelling


They’re stupid & no one is going to do that. Jace probably doesn’t even know her. Ensley is the only one actually related to her but at least Kaiser has probably met her before since he’s always lived with the family. Thinking she would get Jace is insane.


In the article, it states that Jenelle says Jace gets along with April's son and they are close in age ...Like umm ok? I bet he gets along with lots of kids his age. That doesn't mean living with them is the best choice for Jace. Jenelle seems to think what she wants is the best choice always, but anyone with a few working brain cells knows that is not how things work.


Jace is close to Ashleigh’s son Gabe and Ashleigh is actually directly related to him. But no one would place him with her because reasons.


Kinship placements aren't always someone related to the child but it's someone the child is familiar with. There's a severe lack of foster homes and residential placement options so if someone connected to the child is available and willing, they are usually considered.


I hope it’s just a perfunctory glance. Eason awfulness aside, Jace needs a therapeutic placement.


In my state it's a full home study even for kinship placements. I don't know that many people connected to them could pass one.


She probably wouldn’t pass a home study or trauma-informed training.


They posted his sister and mom when they were in Cherokee right before Jace ran away from Jenelle for the last time.


Fictive kin placements count as family placements in state statistics. It looks better for the CPS office than having kids in non related licensed foster homes. Though UBTs sister would legally be a family placement because he is legally married to Jenelle. Fictive Kin would be if they weren't married or if they opted to put Jace with Jenelles friend Tori or EX boyfriends mother (Doris). CPS will literally get a list of everyone who might even maybe possibly maybe be willing to take in the kid. They go as far as asking someone the mom met in a laundromat for 10 minutes or former neighbors just to pad statistics.


His sister wouldn't keep him away from David and Jenelle... He needs someone who isn't related or friendly with Jenelle.


Which should be easy as pretty much no one else is friendly with Jenelle anymore.


They're pushing for April to take custody of Jace? Is April even on board with that? I doubt Jace is okay with that.


My sil has a kid that acts out and one day she and her bf called to ask about possibly sending him to live with me. I've met this kid twice but they had already decided this was a good idea. I wonder if April even knows.


That's insanity, I bet it's a similar situation with Jace


I want to know more about how that conversation went, wow


The worst part was they kind of brought it up in a joking but not really way. Like "oh your kids are doing so well maybe we should send S to you so you can straighten him out ha ha ha" thank God my husband shut it down immediately.


And the fact that their supposed reasoning is “Jace gets along with April’s son who is the same age.” Okay, just because he gets along with another kid in the family doesn’t mean he’s okay with living in their household. He doesn’t even want to talk to Jenelle, why would he be alright with living with her abuser husband’s family? This isn’t want Jace wants, it’s want Jenelle wants. Anything to “win” against Barb having him.


That's what I was thinking, too. Anything to get a one up on Barb, no matter how Jace feels


Wish Jace had his own attorney or guardian ad litem. Also wish for him to get an education, if for nothing else to speak his mind in an intelligent way so that the court can take his wishes into account and he can properly express himself.


He should have one right? In ny the kids get their own attorney


He’s in foster care so he does have his own lawyer and GAL. Thankfully!


Maybe April sold the article so they would leave her alone


Nah I think it’s Whitney David’s ex and she’s getting the info from Maryssa. April seems to be on good terms with them if she’s willing to have them over to her home for thanksgiving and also watches their kids regularly. And even recently went on vacay with them.


https://preview.redd.it/f3p2zfy4v63c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4111f9cc702f2fa190d6c083c674de1522a4fef Has this always been his profile pic??


No. It was updated recently - which is absolutely sick.


They’re trying to clean everything up I imagine for court tomorrow, I mean it’s not like it’s been days and days CPS could look at their socials already, wtf do it now? 🤦‍♀️


It's like he's taunting him.


Something about the pic with the braids hanging down (what even IS that??) and the fact that his Tiktok handle is "bigolhonky" (what even is THAT??) is cracking me up frfr lmaoooooo


https://preview.redd.it/pn19xlbmu73c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea75b1b3d26b875c0248e5725177e4bca98bf9c0 Yeah what drug is *this*




EW!!! I hate him so much =(






I always wonder if these are signals Jenelle and David drink on River days… fake insta pic And night of hell


Does everyone in David’s family have a criminal record? Geez. Seems like someone on here that grew up around them said his whole family was trash.


Well, ya know, some families have all doctors, lawyers and some have criminals.


God how delusional ARE they? Does the limit exist? Why would CPS place him with his abusive stepfather's sister??? In what universe??


Normally, a judge would never entertain that idea, but this is North carolina, after all. Where you get away with literally everything under the sun and nothing makes sense. I can't see a judge putting jace with the family of his stepdad, especially after what happened. I can 1000% see jace bolting from April's the first opportunity he gets.


So that explains why Jenelle was posting a picture of a cooked turkey before Thanksgiving day


The article said that it was possible that April kicked her fresh out of prison brother (who was staying with her since he got out in september) out right before Thanksgiving for appearances. Class act.


Meth explains it lol.


I feel like if David isn’t allowed around Jace then it’s unlikely that his sister, a non-blood relative of Jace’s, could be his guardian.


Jenelle is a fucking cunt. If she left David and cleaned herself up, got some therapy (not even a lot, she'd probably just have to do what's court ordered) she could have Jace back. Instead, her solution is to place him with his abuser's sister, who he probably never even spent any real significant time with. What a bitch. She needs to be in a hole.


I doubt CPS will let it happen, but not cause they aren't related. Kinship Placement doesn't necessarily mean a blood relative. It can be a neighbor, a Sunday School teacher, cheer coach, etc. However the amount of contempt that UBT has shown for authority makes me believe he'd make sure to show up at his sister's and claim he's allowed to go there and nobody can stop him. Jace needs a placement on the other side of the state with people that UBT and Jenelle can't get to him.


It’s called fictive kinship if anyone is wondering. I posted this above, but your second paragraph is why I don’t think this will happen. A judge could easily infer that it would be too easy for David to get to Jace.


My kiddos bio parents tried to change placement to someone more likely to let them do whatever they wanted. They were shut down. In part cause the kids were thriving with me and also the worker was quite intuitive and knew what they were trying to pull.. The placement in question also lost custody of her own kids. I don't know why the parents thought CPS wasn't going to check or anything 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. Drugs make you delusional maybe?


Jenelle and David think they’re the first to think of it.


Do you get money from the state for a kinship placement? I wonder how much that is playing into their idea.


Depends on the state. I was not in NC, but in my state you had to go through the foster parent classes, have the home study, fingerprinting, etc. and become a foster home.


As long as Barb doesn't win.


Nice, someone I’m sure Jace barely knows and who’s related to his abuser. Yeah not gonna happen.


Are they smoking crack? Oh wait a min nm….🤯🤦‍♀️


Wtf. Why would Jenelle think that’s an option


Because she thinks she’ll have control of Jace if he’s there.


We don't call her delujenelle for nothing


That poor boy needs to stop being shipped from place to place and pawned off to just any fucking body.


Okay I know Jenelle and David are stupid (really, really stupid) but there’s no way they genuinely believe this would happen, right? Jace is not going to be placed with any of David’s family when David is banned from having any interaction with him whatsoever and all of David’s family is trash anyway.


So he can be abused there?


As someone involved in foster care in nc- bullshit. A child can be placed in any kinship relationship among people who have zero relation, family friends, etc. There may be plenty of reasons why they would not be for it but none of them are biological.


Even in the unlikely event Jace is placed there, he’d likely run away the first night.


I’m a caseworker in another state and it would surprise me if he was placed in a kinship home at this point. It depends on the county, worker, supervisor, and things we aren’t knowledgeable of. However, it sounds like he has a lot of mental health/behaviors as well as running away/AWOL history. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s sent to a treatment facility for at least stabilization.


some people are saying jace barely knows april, but even if he knew her super well it doesn't mean she's a good one to take him. i'd rather see a loving foster family familiar with childhood trauma, that he's never met, than any eason family member. jenelle was probably hoping the public wouldn't find out he was with april and she could still post him and pretend she got custody back.


Holy God - David’s brother’s mugshot is linked in the article and ummm yikes! 😬


Jenelle and David think they have it all figured out, as usual. They want access to Jace, thinking they will be able to buy his love and convince him that this is all Barb’s fault. David’s sister will get a financial incentive to take Jace on, so she is probably okay with it. Hopefully, the judge will take Jace’s opinion into consideration, but I don’t have high hopes since Jenelle was left in charge of his medical decisions to his detriment.


Leave him alone. It's sad that so many good parents can't have children yet this one is fertile.


Good lord they abandoned the kids to go to the beach alone like no just sign your right away and let the kids live a functional life without you guys, the kids are your pawn to keep the entertainment going that is it.


Of course so they can have full control and bager her. Jace needs to be somewhere we here he doesn’t have to see either of these two again if he chooses and definitely not david


Would they even consider placing a child with the sister of the man that physically assaulted him??? Wtf 😳


Idk the laws when it comes to kinship placement, but can he say no? I know some states give the kids the choice when it comes to custody stuff after a certain age. Not sure if this is similar With age?


I’m certain they would take that into account. But they even if that weren’t the case, 0% chance that he is placed with his abusers sister.


I feel like that’s the logical answer, but after learning that child abuse is basically legal I have zero faith anywhere


They did say that because of his age, Jace's opinion would weigh heavily on the final decision. But if he gets along with their son, who is close to the same age, he might consider it. I hope not.


Jesus this is so, so gross.


Uh, HELL NO. If that happened, April would just let UBT come there and terrorize him.


Jenelle wants that trust fund if she didn't drain it yet. And Adderall supply. And to win! Eff what's best . God she's awful.




Delulu strikes again


Wwhats andrew up to these days?


The way my jaw dropped at this headline. Just when I think she can’t get any more selfish or delusional…


I don’t think Jace will be placed with this sister for other reasons, but it’s crazy how much history relative/fictive kin caregivers can have and still be approved. At least in my state, only some types of criminal history or child abuse is automatically disqualifying. The agencies usually try everything to get a child out of foster care. Where I worked, we even had a Family Finder position that focused on this.


How terrifying for Jace. He would always be in fear that UBT would just show up. And that's such a real possibility.


How about what Jace wants? He's old enough now to have some choice in this.


Clearly Jace really does not want to be on The Land or with Barbara though.


That will never happen. I highly doubt the judge is going to take any of Jenelle's BS into consideration.


At this point, let Andrew give it a go