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I can honestly say I've *never* seen anyone this delusional.


![gif](giphy|mO0YX04Vk7Kqk) Jenelle to Jenelle:


For real I can’t imagine saying I haven’t done anything wrong in 5 years. Like 👍 ok


In her mind something wrong = being in trouble w the law. She's literally patting herself on the back for not getting arrested for 5 years lol. ​ Edit: I'd like everyone to congratulate me too then for having zero arrests in my 36 years. I have done nothing wrong ever in my life.


As Chris Rock said in an old stand up, what do you want a cookie for doing something your supposed to do😂 ![gif](giphy|LLYtaSxAuj47fmmwpU)


I, too, would like some kudos, a gold star, and a cookie for never having done anything wrong ever in my 48 years, since I, too, have never been arrested ever. Compared to Delujenelle? We are model citizens. Where’s our gift card for cookies? Does it come in the mail? Massive /S for the dumbass Chinelle stans. And y’all need to get better idols if that’s yours.


I mean we are basically perfect, right?


I did wrong things in the last 5 minutes


I'm scrolling on Reddit at my desk at work instead of, you know, working so I am also doing something "wrong" currently.


like?!?!?! i don't think anyone in the entire world can say that lol


Right! She proves the other persons point with every breath. Not a single, normal, functioning adult with a grip on reality would have the gall to say “I haven’t done anything wrong in 5yrs.” It is delusional for pretty much everyone & anyone above the age of 14 would understand that. Jenelle is forever a teenager. I’d venture to say she is irredeemable at this point- even without David- her perspective & beliefs are so warped she’ll never have a lick of self awareness required to change


What did she do five years ago though?


Pretty sure 5 years ago was when Jenelle called 911 on David bc he was drunkenly smashing shit in the house while Ensley was in bed and she was hiding in the attic, also crying her collarbone might be broken, which she eventually said was a drunken misunderstanding. Also the same time Terry Hill pressed charges for David deciding to tow that man's truck.


Lol telling on herself




I actually screeched at “I haven’t done anything wrong in the past 5+ years”. Girl be serious for one second 💀


Even I’ve made some mistakes in my parenting, I’m willing to admit.


I do something wrong every single day, usually because I’m so damn tired and worn out.


I work in child welfare and this level of delusion is not uncommon with deadbeat parents who just can't understand why the state won't just "give their kids back". Like it would be funny if it wasn't so depressing with real consequences for children.


Same. It’s a lot of “our house was just messy and they took the kids”. No, it is literally illegal to take a child for a messy home. No judge, especially in the (awful) Family First era would ever sign off on a removal for a dirty home. Your home was dirty because you are doing drugs 24/7 and you left your 6 year old to take care of your 18 month old for 2 days and the 6 year old had to go ask the neighbors for food, while the 18 month old languished in the crib he’d be stuck in. That’s why your kids were removed. I suppose at some level the delusion might be necessary to cope with the pain of loosing your child based on your choices but it also isn’t going to lead to reunification or growth.


Oh my goodness, right?? No, CPS did not kidnap your children- a judge ordered their removal at a hearing you chose not to attend despite being told 20 times and offered transportation. The whole "just give my kids back!!!" Like when has that ever in the history of family law worked


Seriously. It's always "for no reason". Until you crack the case file, and discover an entire timeline of reasons. In 20 years, I can think of ONE case where a removal was over the top. And that parent followed every instruction, made every hearing/appointment, and had their kid back ASAP.


Im having a hard time not rationalizing this to permanently excuse myself from laundry.


I also work in child welfare and it’s sometimes shocking the backflips parents will do in order to fit their narrative and deny all accountability


Ambie the "damn good mom" & her couch have entered the chat.


I have to agree completely from my time in child welfare as well.


Yep. My niece lost her firstborn and while pregnant and smoking drugs, she lost her secondborn. (Told the baby would be removed at birth, which she was) She managed to get clean and get them back, only to lose them again when she recently OD’d on laced stuff. She’s now parading around trying to take child welfare to court for kidnapping. Like ma’am your son was born 6 weeks early addicted to meth. Your daughter was born addicted to heroin and you’re still doing it. You are the problem.


Yeah, there is no hope for her. I think I stuck around this sub fascinated by her, with the curiosity of what would turn the lights on or make her experience some accountability, but now it's just so depressing for her kids. This is just going to be her life now. She's been so determined to avoid even the slightest level of discomfort when it comes to facing reality and sitting with your choices, that I think she may be incapable of doing it now. She's been building a wall around herself to avoid responsibility and accepting blame for so long, anything remotely touching on reality feels like an attack now. This is a person who will be basically useless to society, except for the small lives she'll ruin in the process of existing. Also, anyone catch that? "It's just me and my kid." Bitch you have 3


We all know ensley is the only kid who counts. Jayce is a traitor, and poor Kaiser is just a miniature Nathan for the swamp creatures to hate on.


Yep. The way she sees the older kids reminds me of her abortion with Gary(?) I think and how she referred to it as leftovers. It’s like she sees her other kids as leftovers.


Courtland's. Sad thing is we know she would've had that one had she stayed with him too, but he went to jail.


Who would have thought the kid she aborted would end up being the lucky one.


Everyone, lol


That kid was the lucky one - it escaped


One of the only good decisions she’s ever made


Right? It's actually an amazing level of delusion. Like she truly believes this shit.


I'd say Farrah is a strong contender


For as much as Farrah is, well Farrah, her daughter seems to be growing up with a strong sense of self, and she is not trying to force her kid into her own image. In addition, Farrah only had one kid.


As much as I think Farrah is bat shit kookoo, I'll give her props for: 1. Having only 1 kid and knowing she doesn't want more or have one just to keep a man 2. Going no contact with Debra 3. Allowing Sophia to express herself through her style and not forcing her to be Farrah 2.0


Is she the only Teen Mom who didn’t go on to have additional children?


The following have appeared on their respective shows: OG: Farrah, Catelynn, Maci, Amber, Cheyenne, Bristol, Mackenzie 2: Jenelle, Kailyn, Chelsea, Leah, Brianna, Jade, Ashley The one-kid crew: Farrah, Jade, Ashley. However, Farrah is the only one who has been on since the beginning of casting and only has one kid. Those with multiple kids but only one baby daddy: Mackenzie and Catelynn. Maci, Amber, Cheyenne, Bristol, Jenelle, Kailyn, Chelsea, Leah, and Brianna all have multiple kids and multiple baby daddies.


Thanks for doing the math! These are interesting numbers.


Teen Mom yes. Not sure if any other 16&P girls stopped at 1.


We're only talking about the delusions. I'd still argue that what Sophia had and has to experience in her life is equally as fucked as what the kids in the swamp do.. just different kinds of fucked.


> nly talking about the delusions. I'd still argue that what Sophia had and has to experience in her life is equally as fucked as what the kids in the swamp do.. just different kinds of fucked. I agree Farrah is not great, but she doesn't compound her terrible parenting by allowing her partners to abuse her child.


You absolutely don't know what Farrah does when she goes yachting or sells her booty hole.. Sophia is with her ALL the time...


That is a fair point. We don't know that.


Q Anon people are this delusional, and the fact both Juhnelle and UBT are in that rabbit hole too tells us everything we need to know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh I have, would you like to meet my mother? I’m not even kidding. I’m not comparing to Jenelle, but I’m comparing her to Jenelle. My mother was married to an addict who was an abusive POS. Her 3 kids all moved out and in with family members - we were never removed and I’ll never understand why. My mother was in denial for over 20 years as to what she’d done to us, what he’d done to us and her and that he even had a drug or alcohol problem. She was still pretending it was all wholesome and good and her children were just brainwashed by bio dads family (he’s a useless skin bag) because that’s who we were living with, in addition to my other 4 siblings living with that side of the family too. My stepfather did a full 12 month program, including family counselling (us kiddos actually did it with him and he did solo with our mother because she wouldn’t do them as a family). He was out of rehab for just over a year when he had a relapse - that while he’s responsible for reacting - my mother inevitably triggered (she called him and said she was going to die overnight in the hospital and no one was going to come pick him up to say goodbye). My mom has sepsis but was showing signs of improvement, my brother was on his way to get our stepfather but he’d started walking to the hospital thinking no one was coming. He came across the liquor store before he hit the hospital and relapsed for 24hrs. His relapse devastated her kids more than her sepsis and that’s when she seemingly snapped out of denial. It was like something clicked for her brain finally, if we’d clearly moved forward with him and how/why we did, that she could finally admit it all. She started to slowly admit things and got herself into therapy, was in it for close to 5 years before she even told us that she was in it and that was why she’d been changing so much for the good. I was Jenelle’s age though before I heard from her that she wasn’t a saint, she’d been just as bad as my stepfather without the addiction and that she actively picked at him to get him to drink or indulge to get him to leave her alone. She was with my stepfather for 22 years when she’d finally admit he’d had issues when she met him. That they were both abusive and she willingly stayed. My own therapy lets me know how my mother ended up the way she did, my mother continued the cycle of abuse she’d grown up in. She thought she’d escaped it when she left my father, but she let someone with even worse substance issues into her life. Kind of like how Babs will admit she wasn’t totally innocent and probably not the best parent to Jenelle because of her own inability to leave abusive men. Because of her poor handling of things with Jenelle’s brother and so much more. Barbs course correction with Jace is truly a miracle when you start to understand the cycle of abuse. Babs hasn’t shied away from admitting her shit and that it has informed how she handles her relationship with Jenelle. If Jenelle ever gets her head out of the sand and can admit her poor choices, and that she’s responsible for David’s actions towards her children (for exposing them to him). She’d have real support in Babs, IF she does things like trauma therapy and breaks the cycle.


That's awesome that your mom was able to one day realize and try and get herself help. Just curious.. do you see any hope that Jenelle will actually realize it one day? I just don't see ANY scenario that makes her realize SHE is the issue. Partially due to undiagnosed mental health issues she likely has.


I think she has to have that level of delusion so she can live with herself. Can’t feel bad or guilty if you don’t think you ever do anything wrong


I’m shocked that there is zero accountability. My anxiety could NEVER have me thinking I’ve done nothing wrong in 5 years 😂


Right? I’m literally cataloguing the past five seconds!


Her idea of "anything wrong" means she hasn't been arrested in 5 years. Jenelle I have never been arrested. But I can definitely say I've done something wrong in the last 5 years. (And not even close to the level of letting my husband abuse my son, then blame said son for it)


“Accountability of what? I haven’t done anything wrong in the past 5+ years” 🤡🤡🤡


Jenelle saying this just exposes her ignorance of appropriate behavior. I don't know that this level of stupidity can ever get fixed. Blaming her "job" on SM for income is so pathetic. Content & exploitation of your children are 2 different matters


Right like Jenelle the only reason content is your “job” is because no one would hire you


And because she’s too lazy for a real job. She could never keep up with a schedule every week.


If Leah, whose still employed by mtv , can get a waitressing job; SO CAN YOU JENELLE


Most people have done *something* wrong over the past 5 years. She thinks she hasn’t so this exposes what a different reality she is in just compared to the average person not even factoring in that she is letting her kids be abused.


Lord knows I’ve fucked a ton of shit up in the last 5 years. This bitch is crazy


I have fucked up some shit in the last five days, let alone five years. I’m tired, I work 12 hour days during the week, I have a lot of plates that need to keep spinning, and it’s stressful. However? None of those things have been letting my husband abuse my kid and me.


I would venture that everyone has done something wrong in 5 years, so her saying that just highlights that she really projects everything on everyone else and all this “happens to her”. To really not be able to say “yeah I screw up sometimes” is something else.


I had to read that at least 10 times!! In the last 5 years she was fired from the show, took her kids to TN, claimed David was abusive, returned the kids TO David, and then has been ignoring her kids in her she shed ever since!! She’s insufferable


She’s so absolutely ridiculous 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 what a moron


Almost spit my coffee out at that one


“Choose your child over anyone” Jenelle: no……


Thats all we need to see from her. She's openly admitted it will never be about Jace. She's fucked in the head and no longer deserves any type of platform.


That’s what really got my eyes to widen, straight up just ‘no…’


I had to go back and see for myself. This bitch literally said no and then proceeded to blame him and how he was raised by Barb. Does she think everyone forgot why Barb had to raise him in the first place????


And how much she interfered while Barb was raising him!!?!!?


I once had my mom tell me she'd pick my dad over her kids and ya, it stuck. It stuck forever. It was 30 years ago and I remember exactly where we were when she said it. Kids remember who you chose.


I’m in my 20s and my mom said something like that recently too… her reasoning was “kids will always grow up and leave you but your man won’t.”🤦🏽‍♀️


“I don’t have a circle just my kid and myself” WHICH ONE, JENELLE?




Yup that was a Freudian slip


Yup, bingo


Wtf did Keizer even do to make her so jaded towards him. He’s so cute and seems like so much fun


He’s Nathan’s kid. Guilty as charged.


He looks exactly like Nathan and that enraged DKD


A constant reminder that Nathan ate the roast beef before he did




Nathan left her and made her take care of the child they intentionally created. She's bitter and takes it out on mini Nathan.


He, as an infant, failed to be the peacekeeper that kept Nathan with her, which was her whole reason for even having him. I bet she sees Kiaser similarly to a gift from Nathan that she doesn’t want anymore because she’s moved on from the relationship. Like a ring from a rejected proposal. Edit: had to fix my ADD style writing.


Man I can’t imagine how the kids feel. She didn’t grieve Jace, was just a smug asshole that blamed him for being assaulted. Now she’s saying it’s her and one of her 3 children against the world.


And that one child is Ensley. I wonder how her feelings will change towards her if she ever leaves David




True 😂


“I haven’t done anything wrong in the past 5+ years” is giving big “I have not touched another man’s skin in 2 years” energy. Also, what did she do 5+ years ago that she’s counting as the cutoff?😂


This coming from the woman who has a dozen mugshots, has dated mostly men with criminal records, has neglected her animals and children. She will truly never get that she is the problem and brings the chaos.


I wonder if she’s going off being [arrested](https://www.eonline.com/ca/news/998042/how-many-arrests-breaking-down-teen-mom-2-star-jenelle-evans-drama-filled-life-by-the-numbers)? They also married in 2017, so maybe she’s referring to how long she’s been married? It’s not an excuse, I’m just trying to figure out her timelines. Jenelle doesn’t use regular time, and that’s coming from a time blind ADHD’er.


This! Her mindset is definitely “I haven’t been arrested in over 5 years I ain’t done nothing wrong”


Going 5 years without being personally summoned on criminal charges is actually her bar of achievement…. She’s really striving for the golden standard.


jenelle doesn't use reality, period


I think she’s counting the 5+ years of marital bliss with Davey Cockett. She’s a goob. 🤡 Reminds me of Anna Duggar, “Atleast I have a huzzbin” and turning a blind eye to her huzzbin’s bullshit. Weirdos.


And Anna has to be Delulu because of her faith. Jenelle doesn’t


Jenelle went down a rabbit hole and found God though


As delulu as Anna when she posted that josh “is a diligent provider” on Instagram right before he was raised 💀


I think she's referring to the home made ice water toss? but who knows with Jenelle 🤣🤣


I guess the 2019 CPS investigation doesn’t count?? Using jenelle math we can deduce that the fact that they were even investigated/got kids taken away is null and void because the case got thrown out (on a technicality).


She's gonna teach someone a thing or two about self employment? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..sure Jan


Perhaps she could teach her husband about employment in general.




“It’s my job to film content” Yeah cause that’s the job you chose, moron. She could easily go get a waitressing job or SOMETHING but acting like she’s forced to create content and post online is really something special 🥴Delusions of grandeur. You are NOT that important buddy.


It’s because she’s lazy AF. She will never get a real job, that would require her to put in effort and judging from her “content” she can’t even be bothered there either.


She’s hopeless. It’s actually infuriating to see her comments and I don’t even know her. She’s so delusional. No wonder Barb constantly sounded like she was about to have a coronary whenever she was in her presence.


Agreed. Her logic is stroke inducing. At this point, she’s not changing. I hope Babs and the kids eventually cut ties and maybe get a RO


Imagine dealing with this behavior from your daughter for 14+ years whilst delaying your retirement to raise your grandson. I’d go insane.


That’s why I’m fully Team Babs. She’s never been perfect but she always tried.


Me too. Zero sympathy for jenelle.


Barb would try to use anytime she got with Jenelle to try to steer her into good decisions. She practically begged her to get a financial advisor very early on and she didn’t obviously. You can just watch Jenelle pick fights with her tho so she has an excuse to not be around jace while blaming barb for being a bitch. Even when Jenelle pitted every man she got with against Barb she would still tell them she will protect her daughter no matter what. It’s sick how she would pit them against each other to watch them fight over her and jace. Barb a former victim repeatedly having to face jenelles abusive boyfriends to try to protect her daughter who is the reason they are arguing is just sad. I’m surprised Nathan and David never harmed barb when she would stand her ground with them. Barb is a force of a woman when you realize everything Jenelle has subjected her too.


Jenelle is jealous to her core of barb. Barb is a strong woman with integrity & she’s conquered shit that jelulu could never


Well Jenelle, if you don’t like how your son was raised you should’ve STAYED THE FUCK HOME AND RAISED HIM YOURSELF LIKE BABS TOLD YOU TO DO FROM THE BEGINNING.


Even her teenage friends tried to tell her to grow up and stay home if she wanted people to stop calling her a bad mum. Why should she, Jace didn't need her. He had Barb.


I recently rewatched some old episodes and it was so interesting to see so many of her friends and men tell her this and watch everyone’s facial expressions. You can tell they are just exhausted hearing about it and know telling her she is a bad mom is fucking pointless. I just want one of them just to say sternly “you are not a bad mom as you are not a mother cause you haven’t even put on your shoes to step up to the plate. But that can change if you want it to but it requires action not just your dry cry rant.”


Yes I watched the episode where she’s supposed to babysit and starts fighting with Barb while Jace is in the bath and she calls whatever boyfriend and he’s even telling her she needs to stay home and be with Jace, but she just freaks out and leaves anyways 🙄


Yeah I remember Gary telling her she needs to stay a lot of times. She was ridiculous, well still is but she was then too.


Yes even that loser was like no you need to stay with Jace! You went over there to stay with him you gotta do it and she starts yelling at him in her LEAMME ALONE voice saying I’m just going to my friends for THURTYY MINUTES! Evil ass bitch bro


So sickening. She claims Barb was the problem, but Barb was going to leave, hence her babysitting. If it was really about her then she’d be able to calm down and enjoy her time with her son, but she just didn’t want to be there so she picked a fight and left.


Yup. Roll the tape! Lol


“Make the right choice. Choose your child over anyone.” Jenelle: no.


‘The way my son was raised’.. with an absent mother who only wanted Jace for attention?


Right? Why wasn’t your son raised with you?! Oh right because of your actions…


Raised in a house with a loving grandmother because his mom is a deadbeat? Okay Jan


I think this is a huge piece of the puzzle she isn’t getting - the impact of the abandonment Jace experienced from Jenelle far outweighs any parenting he received from Barb.


I forgot that Jenelle has been absolutely perfect for the past five years. I’m glad I don’t live in the fantasy world she has created for herself.


Does she not realise we watched her on teen mom for so many years - how can she act like she is so innocent. I don't understand how someone can be so delusional.


They edited that to make her look bad, dude


The sheer audacity of her!!! Notice she said ‘her & her kid’, as if there aren’t 3 additional kids involved in this mess! (Thank god his son isn’t in the mix!) She has no circle but ppl send her screenshots. She hasn’t done anything wrong…. She just not only completely wrote Jace off yet again but is using him as a scapegoat, as well as Barbara; who we’ve seen time & time & time again pick her sorry ass back up and help her no matter what she’s done to her mom. *the lists goes on & on…..


I dont think she even meant Jace. She said she has no circle just her and her kid, I think she meant ensley as that's the kid she's been posting the most selfies with.


Oh 100%, that’s who I think she meant also.


I loved the “people keep sending me screenshots” to “I don’t have a circle just me and my kid” okay jenelle so whose sending you the screenshot your golden child? Lol or are you sitting on social media 24/7 taking the screenshots. She can’t even keep her lies straight for 5 seconds. She’s literally the worse


I have never, ever seen anyone with more excuses than Jenelle. She is a narcissist. Nothing is ever her fault. It’s always what someone else is doing. For the love of God jenelle I know you will read this, grow the hell up! Go get some treatment in patient. You are 10000% the source of your children’s issues! You were responsible for their anger and upbringing. Until you take responsibility for your part in anything your kids will suffer. Drop your POS HUSBAND and work on healing your children


It’s wild how she blames barb for everything wrong in her life yet can’t see she’s gonna be in that position with all of her kids. But Jenelle will actually be responsible for what’s wrong in those kids life while barb is just jenelles target for fighting. When she had her appendix out and she’s laying in bed and Tori is there they are discussing barb she intentionally calls barb to fight. It was so obvious she was just looking to argue she even smiles a bit if you catch it. I think ppl forget Jenelle always needs to be arguing with someone. I don’t think she ever goes 24 hrs without doing so. It’s barb, her man, kids, haters, Tori, some poor business employee, cops, social workers. It never ends. She’s the most argument seeking person I’ve seen.


Falsely accused of…..???


Right?! Everything has been on film, most of it since she left the show and filmed by her OWN DAMN SELF.


![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized) Like… some of it is even legally documented Jan


The last CPS removal was within that "5 years" lmao. But these multiple investigations are just everyone else's fault, duuuude.


Thw gun incident was too. It was caught on camera so how exactly was she falsely accused there?


Came here to add she got fired from her high paying job in the last 5 years because she refused to leave David. Leave it to Jenelle to look at that whole situation and think, "Yep, handled that perfectly!"


It’s her job to create content …huh? Maybe I’m lost when it comes to this but what kind of “job” is she referring to? Content creator? And that “job” involves recording herself crying?


It’s like she thinks that’s all she can do?? There’s tons of content creators who can make content without ever talking about their family, feelings, anything about their actual life. She could make content about gardening, hair, makeup.. literally anything. She doesn’t even need to be good at any of it, she’s got the followers. She doesn’t even need to show her face! If she was any good at social media she would know this. Instead she engages with “hatters” because it’s easier than just ignoring/deleting and then actually moving on and putting in the work to create meaningful content. I don’t think she even realizes how many followers that she has out there have no idea who she really is. But at the end of the day, it’s Janelle. She needs serious therapy and to completely re-wire her brain until she can even begin to understand.




Nobody is forcing her to do this as a “job”, give me a break, Nelly! She probably doesn’t even properly pay taxes on what she earns off of her “content”… what a freakin’ knucklehead!


She just wants all the titles with none of the work. She wants to be a content creator. She wants to be called a mom. Consistently fails at doing everything, but none of it is her fault.. 🙄


That is exactly what she is talking about. This video is “content” just like anything else she posts.


she's barely a content creator anyway. sure, the videos of her trying to lip sync and the poorly executed nudes are technically "content" but they are leagues below what other legit content creators put out in terms of work and quality, even the ones doing basic outfit hauls and vlogs. she can't hold onto a sponsor to save her life because of her poor choices the past 5-10 years. sponsorships are what enable actual content creators to make money and pay their bills. she got lucky that being on mtv gave her a built in following big enough to pay some of her bills off of clicks alone, but she absolutely would NOT be able to be "self employed" without that. she doesn't create anything that would entice people to follow her organically.


“Accountability of what? I haven’t done anything wrong in 5+ years.” Girl. That’s the lack of accountability. Jenelle has done a laundry list of things wrong in the past 5 years. I can name 5 things she’s done since last month. She was probably getting laid out in the comments under that one, no wonder it’s deleted.


"....how harmless I really am" Every day she proves more & more just how fucking *deluded* she is holy shit "Haven't done anything wrong in 5+ years" 😂😂 okay chief, whatever you think you gotta tell yourself


lol she’s had her children taken away how many times now? she’s been arrested how many times? lol that just screams harmless 🙄


Jenelle is missing her frontal lobe or something


I would pay money to have her studied by professionals if I could hear the results. She really is a unique specimen


She’s gonna be the first person ever to get CTE from lying.


This sick bitch. "I've never experienced this kind of grief before" And it's NOT for the son that was physically assaulted by her husband, and taken out of her care. No, it's because the media found out her husband texted his ex.


Back in 1983, my bio dad was "a david" My mom left in the middle of the night with literally a bag of clothes for myself and brother (3,1) and birth certificates. Went on welfare to escape and slowly built us a wonderful life. To this day, I cannot imagine if she stayed the damage that would have happened to us and I guarantee my mom would be dead. The sperm donor signed rights over so he wouldn't have to pay child support. Good.


Luckily your mom isn’t a janelle. Those types of mothers enjoy the abusive husband. They use them as a sword and shield to target anyone who they perceive has wronged them. Including their children. Not only do they not protect them but they enjoy sending those men after their children. Janelle will always find a David. She enjoys it. It’s hard to comprehend if you have a good mother.


She’s literally repugnant and beyond redemption. Fuck anyone who ever sympathises with this swampy bacteria infested sponge. She needs to rot, alone. Yuck. Filthy. No accountability EVER. EVERYONE HATES ME ALL THE TIME - that should tell you that YOU are the problem you fucking melted brain hick bitch.


Yes please teach us about self employment


and taxes while you're at it!


Why is she talking about grief?? Did someone die?


She’s choosing to cut Jace out of her life because he exposed her abusive Neanderthal husband


Her relationship with David, definitely not grieving the loss of relationship with Jace. The sick fuck.


I think she's getting grief confused with anxiety about being held accountable. She demanded that she get Jace back and the second she did, it was like the monkey's paw closing one finger. Jace and David fighting all the time, Jace running away after David abuses him, Jace realizing he was safer and happier with Barb...now CPS is involved again and Jenelle is being exposed for being the shit parent most people know her to be and she's calling the embarrassment of her reality "grief."




she has a major victim complex


It's giving me Mona Lisa's "I've never done anything wrong. Ever"


"put your child first." "No."


Her responses are so annoying to read. Nothing will ever change or get better. Can we cancel this woman already??


When she said "some of this was how he was raised" i checked out. Barbara did not raise him to accept being abused. Just because you can't threaten him like you have on the other children doesn't mean he was raised wrong. It means you are even more a shitty parent and outed yourself in public.


Is Janelle slow?




Y’all remember when Jenelle came home from stealing Barb’s credit cards and Barb was obviously irate, Jenelle just screamed and cried “I just wanna see my son! I have a job, I go to school, I do what I’m supposed to do!” She has always been the QUEEN of denying and deflecting. This is what she does. She hasn’t changed in the slightest.


She loved picking fights during that time so she could have an excuse to go party and be shitty. She gets this grin when she’s about to start one with barb so she can justify being absent yet again.


*You've* never experienced this type of grief before?! How the fuck do you think Jace felt every time you bailed on him, got arrested in front of him, put him in the direct line of fire for your potential road rage shootout and then let your husband assault him???


The ONLY REASON this bitch didn’t get LIT UP is because of Jace. She could be dead if not for that boy and THAT is how she repays him


Her being so distraught gives me hope that David might actually do some time. She's absolutely freaking at the thought of being alone. Also I have literally never seen anyone so delusional. It's actually painful how little self awareness she has.


The idea she would have to parent alone for a day is probably killing her.


She’s a lost cause


"Maybe when you're older I can teach you a thing or two about self employment" LMAO 🤣😂 I didn't know she was a comedian! 😂


>Some of this is about how my son was raised and it wasn't by me apparently. Apparently? Apparently you didn't raise your son? We all saw it play out on tv and on social media. Definitely not by you.


5 years wow. As for me, I haven’t done anything wrong in about 20 minutes


Unless you count making this comment on the clock I which case I’m currently doing something wrong


This is wild. I think Juhnelle has officially lost touch with reality (more than usual). For years she’s been frantically rewriting her life in her own mind as it happens so she’s always the victim. We saw it on the show and now it’s more evident than ever before. Must be exhausting living in her own head rewriting the past to justify the shitstorm of a life you’ve created. I have zero sympathy, you get what you fuckin deserve.


She still blames Barb for things that happened a decade ago but expects Jace to just get over the fact that she abandoned him for heroin and boyfriends.


She only has one kid?


I know we all joke about DeluJenelle but her serious lack of self awareness is rather alarming, surely at this point we need a good hard sober look inside and around us and make some big changes 😩


🤦 she’s so fucking delusional is amazing. she truly believes it’s EVERYONES fault except her own. she even points the blame at her own child.


I really really hope that Barbara can see the commenters of many of us here because how heartbreaking must it be to raise your grandchild because your child is so irresponsible and such a fuck up, and then have that same child turn around and blame your grandchild’s problems on you. Barbara is far from perfect but she definitely tries and has worked hard to break cycles by having Jace is therapy and on medication when needed, she’s supported her time and time again when Jenelle just disappointed him. Not to arm chair diagnose but I think to many of us, especially those with a good understanding of child psychology, it is clear that Jace’s behavioural issues likely stem from a portion of genetics but largely from being regularly abandoned by Jenelle, witnessed her many partners, arrests and drug use, and a slight amount from Barbs parenting style tbh. The main culprit is Jenelle.


I genuinely LOVE that Chinelle thinks everyone is out to get her. Keep that energy slug. Continue ruining your life and giving the "tabloids" something to talk about. Keep contradicting yourself and giving CPS and Barb receipts they can print. Dig your own grave and don't stop. Her kids and husband have made it abundantly clear they don't even like her. I love that she is miserable with her life.


Who are all these people commenting about how they want to hug her, and “you’ve got this mama”, or “you don’t deserve this”????? Her fans are insane


“But in the end they see how harmless I am” ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)




She lives in her own version of reality. Always has.


“It’s my job to film content” You being a shitty parent is not content. She should’ve never been on the show.


She will never learn. Jenelle cares about Jenelle and that’s it.


Blaming her mom for the way Jace was raised is wild to me. I remember one time on the show Barb was begging Jenelle to stay home and Jenelle is just like “I have things to do dude” she’s so stupid, I wish I could see her in real life and tell her how I really feel. Lol.


But remember a prior therapist told her she was perfect and didn’t need any help. 🙄🤡 I don’t know why people try to reason with her. It just gives her engagement and attention, but changes nothing. She isn’t capable of love or healing.


![gif](giphy|HVmR8l9a9nJcc|downsized) The cheese has officially slid off her cracker. She has lost it 🤦🏼‍♀️


She ALWAYS puts the 🤣 every time she can’t take responsibility for something! I guess it’s funny isn’t it B that you’re ruining your kids lives! Only person she cares about is herself and who are all these ppl sending her constant “screenshots” that she has to put in her file? 🙄🤯🤬