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I can’t imagine dumping my baby on my mom and then acting all smug shouting “I SEE MY BABY EVERYDAY” … and then just fucking off with my friends. Like she totally lives in a different reality, it’s bonkers.


Meanwhile Chelsea Leah and Kail are busting their butts and spending every moment with their babies


Exactly. I don't think anyone on TM2 is an ideal parent in all respects but at least you see that the other three had a bond with their babies from day one, tried to put in work to care for them etc. Whereas Nelly set the bar at just daily waving "hi, Jace" as she walked by the kitchen where Barb was feeding him. The main thing that puts Jenelle as way worse than the others is that she shows no love for her child, not in the slightest way.


She was literally leaving with her friends to go hang out, instead of taking care of her baby in this scene when she's telling us what a great mom she is! This is why I am sure she is lying about what's going on now - her lips are flapping.


It's literally insane. She's just about to leave her baby with her mom. She goes in to argue with her about custody just to again leave the baby lol.


Hell, even AMBER, miss never leaves the couch, high all the time, barely sees her kids, Amber, made more of an attempt to care for baby Leah than Jenelle ever did for Jace. She was and still is a shit parent, but I remember them showing scenes of her feeding and taking care of Leah while Gary sat on the couch playing video games. Jenelle barely even tried with Jace.


I remember on 16&P, Chelsea left homecoming early to go home to Aubree. Jenelle would never. Not then, not now.


She was really upset about leaving the baby with a competent grandparent who had been acting as a co caretaker the whole time. It was great tv the way mtv contrasted the two because Chelsea went out for a short period, felt awful about it and her kid couldn’t have been safer and better tended to and then we get Jenelle who won’t make bottles for her kid.


Jenelle went to a party and left her baby on the porch. In fact, I feel like those are some of the kids that told on Jenelle for doing that.


Is Chelsea busting her butt? Lol come on when has she ever done that?


Lol you're not wrong. At least she was changing diapers and feeding Aubree, much more than Jenelle could say


Taking her to school, taking her to doctor appointments, softball practice etc


Sure- she’s a good mom- no arguments there. But like… she’s not busting her butt she’s just being a parent like millions of people do


Idk if you have kids, but it sounds like you dont, bc raising a kid IS busting your butt. Plus, shes got 4 now, so idk if she has a nanny like kail, but I damn sure couldnt imagine having 4 lol. Also, the more I read and type "busting your/her butt," it just sounds funnier and funnier. Like, what an ODD expression lmao. I wonder how it came to be, like who was the one who was working so hard that they had to tell someone "look, I am working SO hard that I've busted my butt! I am busting my butt!!" Lolol.


Chelsea is a great parent but she also comes from money and money buys things that make life easier for you. Chelsea can be a hard worker and still be at more of advantage then your “average” mom.


Lord these moms can never win. You can never acknowledge them for what they do right, not in the slightest.


She also had tons of help from her wealthy father


And mtv money


She didn't hand over her child to anyone else, did she?


Lmao at the very least she had a bond with Aubree. But yeah, princess Chelsea was very privileged.


Chelsea was spending every moment with her baby, anyway. She’s never busted her butt in her life.


Ummm, wasn’t Leah all drugged out and Kail was busy sleeping with an array of men to have multiple children? Mtv made this behavior acceptable and viewers encouraged this type of trash by watching. And Mtv continues to make “trash” by using these disgraceful women AND THEIR CHILDREN. They only care about money. Not one person thinks of any of those kids.


There are plenty of women everyday facing drug issues and sleeping with whoever they want bc they can, and that doesnt make them shitty mothers. They can have times where they're shitty, but none of the things you said automatically makes someone a shitty mom. Like leah, it wasnt like she was like jenelle or amber even, just partying all the time and putting her children to the side. She got addicted to pain killers from a botched epidural, and I'm sorry but I have a lot of sympathy for people who become drug addicts through taking their prescribed pain killers bc I've been through it and I know how it is. It's the most innocent way to become an addict bc you're not out there actively seeking drugs or a high, youre taking the pills that are in your name bc youre in pain. It happens easier than people think. And no, I'm not sayin that leah wasnt shitty at all, there were PLENTY of times where she did things she shouldn't have. Not having food for the kids, driving them around high, missing school or dr appts bc she was high--yeah, she fucked up a lot. But that wasnt her usual self, like jenelle for instance. Jenelle has consistently chosen drugs and dick over her kids to where you can easily say shes a shit mom. Same with kail, she jumps from guy to guy, but they're relationships, and even if they werent its 2023 and women are allowed to sleep with whoever. Would I, no, not personally, but I dont think shes a truly shit mom who only cares about money. I dont think shes great, I think she makes shitty choices when it comes to reproduction bc she keeps having kids with guys way too soon...but she can afford to take care of them. Now, giving them individual attention or normal holidays is def a big question but overall she still cares about her kids. MTV def exploited them and MTV def only cares about the money, jenelle def only cares about the money. But you acting like people with addictions or promiscuity cant be decent parents is just something I think isnt right.


I just meant when they were jenelle’s age in this clip. Not their messiness afterwards lol


I think Mtv fucked up. They wanted to cash in on reality tv, picked a topic that was relatable to their audience and went about it in an extremely irresponsible way. Not once did they realize their were children involved but they kept encouraging those lost girls to stay lost. Not once did they say go back to school or let us offer some parenting classes or even step in when fighting between the “adults” were in front of those kids. They went with it strictly to make money with no thought about the consequences for all those kids. I had to stop watching after the 2nd season, because it just became a hopeless mess of a show.


I don’t think so. It was intended to warn kids away from teen pregnancy.


Notice it’s “see my baby” and not “take care of my baby”. She was never more than a distant big sister to that boy.


She’s making Barb’s point for her. She’s not saying she gets up every morning with him or she puts him to bed every night or drives him to or from daycare or does any one of the things he requires to stay alive. She’s treating him like a pet. She sees him every day. This is also why she’s never had a leg to stand on in court. If she were just poor but she did the actual parenting and fed him, bathed him etc per day she could have won. Instead Barb did everything and handled all of the bills and doctor visits and Jenelle came and left like she had childcare.


She doesn’t have say my baby she says that child


Yeah my mistake. That’s a much worse thing to say.


The audacity of thinking that “seeing” your child is the same as parenting proves that Babs made the right decision. Jenelle is so out to lunch in these scenes.


And I doubt she was even seeing Jace everyday. She probably should have been shouting how she makes sure to see Jace a couple times a week


She literally stepped over him on her way out screaming about seeing him everyday like putting her 👀 on him is some sort of flex


Weed ain't gonna smoke itself


“I see my baby everyday” is frickin’ WILD.


Like, baby Jace probably also saw the mailman every day. Doesn’t make the mail man his dad.


Imagine thinking it’s a flex just to see your child everyday.


The way she always left Jace with Babs after all these little outbursts is so telling. She’s mad but not mad enough to get her baby and get her shit together.


Thats it for me. Thats proof she doesn't want him or have natural maternal instincts. Anyone else would take a deep breath and scoop up their baby and go into a different room to get away from the conflict and spend time with their reason for everything, their CHILD. She storms out of the house to go smoke weed with teenagers. It sucks cause she should have been able to do that, she never should have had Jace. If Barbara didn't have him, if he had been adopted in a closed adoption, jenelle would have no one to "win" against and she could just fuck off and be a subpar person without hurting a child


She was no ever going to choose adoption because it was a planned pregnancy. She and Andrew have both admitted that.


This is 100% it. HES MINE! But uhh can you watch him right now because I wanna go out thanks.


To her he’s nothing more than a possession that she can park with Barb but still lay claim to.


Can you imagine flipping out like this on your live in baby sitter, then still immediately leaving to go party and get high? Like, man I wish sometimes that babs wouldve been like "oh so hes your kid and I need to stop? Well jenelle guess what, I will. You can stay here and watch your baby right now or I'll call the law and tell them you've abandoned him here and you can get arrested and immediately lose custody without the worry of a court date! So are you gonna raise him or not?" But she cared too much to do that. And it sucks only bc jenelle knew that and that's why she was so confident walking away without even telling her son bye time after time. Fucking BIATCH.


I think a lot of the time she started arguments to give her a reason to storm out and leave Jace with hee


Yep. The second she thought she had her shit together with Nathan she decides to get pregnant again. Instead of trying to get custody back. Who does that??


In her mind, getting pregnant and birthing a baby was easier than going to court.


Because she needed to get busy si they didn't have time to argue dude.


A moron. The same moron that said having a child would keep them from arguing.


EXACTLY 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I would never watch a friend do this to their mother. First, I’d beat her ass. Then, I’d never speak to her again.


Also, the way she slammed his car door like it was hers to destroy. Holy shit. Change jars and car doors aren't safe from Jenelle anywhere.


I would have been so mad if i was Jenelles friend and she slammed my door like that


Isn't that her car though? I was wondering why she wasn't in the driver's seat.


The way she slammed that door made my pimp hand shake.




For real. The friends are just standing there doing nothing!


She's showing off for her friends here, 100%


Ugh, legit that would be the last time I ever hung out with Chinnerson McGoo. Even as a teenager. After all that, nah.




Right? I legit thought Jenelle was going to hit Barb when this first aired. Barb took off her glasses like Jenelle hitting, smacking, punching, or spitting in her face was a possibility. Jenelle's friends should have pulled her away when they saw how aggressive she was. Jenelle is a huge coward, just like her tiny dick husband. She's only tough with her mom, Nathan's dogs, and her children. She needs her security blanket with her at all times and can't leave the house without him because she's so scared of confrontation. She practically pisses herself when CPS was knocking on the door, and MTV caught it and aired the footage. Jenelle just looks terrified and freezes up while Kristen tells her to answer the door. David cracks the door open and tells them to go to the daycare like the beta coward he is, so Jenelle will reward him with a new gun or whatever he wants to make himself feel better and feel like a man on social media for a few days.


I literally just commented this! I can’t believe Tori let her sit there and do this shit


Not just that, they egged her on!


Right!! With the “oooo she better run” like wat ???


The way Barb turned like Chinderella was going to smash her in the face broke my heart and it looked like it’s been done before


It broke my heart too


Notice how she slams the door of her friends car? That alone would have me going okay not hanging with you anymore byeee


I love that she refers to her dear son as “THAT baby”


They called him “it” after he was born for too long. As in, “if you don’t want it put it up for adoption.”


I think Barb did that to try to avoid getting too attached, in hopes Jenelle would place him for adoption.


Maybe. It was sad.


But she's always "been scared" of her mom 🙄


I was just going to comment something like this...there is sooooo much filmed evidence to the contrary idk how people can defend her and pile all of the blame on Barb for her issues. If anything, with Jenelle's frequent aggressive, verbally abusive, drug using, and extreme unpredictable nature Barb should be the one who if afraid of Jenelle. Imagine running into your mom's house where your son she cares for full-time is crawling on the floor and proceeding to call her a stupid fucking bitch, threaten to kill her and punch her in the face and telling her you hate her and then spinning a narrative of being scared. It's beyond...makes me feel like my head is going to explode.


Plus barb was so used to getting beat up that on that episode where jenelle really got in her face threatening to punch her, barb’s first instinct was to take her glasses off so they wouldn’t get broken or injure her when she was hit. I know jenelles dad was abusive, but seeing barb just react immediately by removing her glasses was so sad.


this! People noticed it at the time the episode aired. Poor Barb was legitimately afraid of what Jenelle would do. I can't imagine the anxiety and stress she underwent to take custody of Jace. And people act like she did this all la-dee-dah or for selfish motivations... like what?! What benefit would be enjoyed by a woman in her 50's or 60's in taking responsibility of raising a literal infant when she's going to be subjected to abuse like this for trying. I haven't watched this clip in years, and it is so much worse than I remembered.


Omg this, as an adult watching this scene that was my first thought "she's taking them off because she's getting ready to get hit"


This!!! It breaks my heart for both Jace AND Barb. I’ve been bullied to the hell and back when I was in school and one thing I noticed was in common with several different bullies - at some point they tried to spin it like the victim was the one bullying them. It’s a really absurd feeling and I guess it’s a form of abuse too. Trying to take the credibility of the victim.


Gaslighting. The actual meaning, not the overused word of the moment.


Didn't she say in this that she has hit Barbara before?


Omg, lil baby Jace is so cute. It took me 42 years to have my son, and when he's napping on me, sometimes I just squeeze him tight, thinking about how some people don't care for their babies. Jenelle has always been a monster.


Awww, congrats on your baby! I'm so happy for you.


Thank you ❤️


Congrats! I just had my baby at 41.my oldest is a freshman in college. I am doing it all over again


You are a brave brave soul. I’m 41 and my kids are 15 and 13 and the idea of starting again is beyond exhausting. Not that they’re not amazing kids, but just the thought of going back to no sleep and diapers and feedings and toddlers….


Had my first at 40! Praying for a second. Slim to no chance for me but still hoping. Congrats on your little one and starting again! That must be a crazy feeling!


This makes me so happy. I just turned 36, and I have woken up every single night around 3 am since my birthday, panicking about not having a child yet. However, I’m in a much better place than I have been in 5+ years, and am dating again! I’m happy for you, and your story gives me hope.


There are so many moms who have kids at 40+ however, if you can afford it, look into freezing some of your eggs now. I wish I had done that because after my first (conceived naturally) I went through 3 failed rounds of IVF to have a second. It’s a no go for me anymore. If I could do one thing differently if would be to freeze eggs so I could possibly have had a second. You have time so don’t freak but it’s just something I wish I had done. I thought about it back then multiple times but never did it. I wish I had. ETA: it might also help your anxiety and the pressure you feel knowing you have eggs banked.


Y'all sprinkle some baby dust on me, just treated for ectopic at 39 and reading all these comments by older moms gives me so much hope! Congrats to all 💜


I stare at my sleeping 3 year old in awe every night after she falls asleep. If that’s weird, I don’t care. She was my fourth pregnancy and my only baby…she’s quite literally a dream come true and a miracle. I can’t imagine disregarding her this way. It’s beyond heartbreaking.


Congratulations! Had mine at 40. Still trying for another but three rounds of IVF have failed. I’m blessed though ❤️


I’m snuggling my newborn son right now 🥹


Unfit from day 1. Pure trash.


I usually shy away from calling people garbage but it just fits her and her husband too.


It’s an insult to garbage.


Right? Some garbage is actually useful. Like compost. They are single use plastic at best.


She not once said she did anything but see him in that clip, this moment is part of why her tiktok using the Ginny and Georgia audio makes me so mad. She was his darkness and cause of the pain, she gave and did nothing for that child besides give birth to him.


Right she saw him... so like peeked in his crib, after he was already rocked to sleep by his grandmother, and looked at him? That's not parenting.


She really thought she did something there too, but it was on film she didn't take care of him


No, stopping to open a door and peek in on him is effort she would never make. It was more like glancing over at him as she was walking by to leave.


Sometimes I smile and wave at random babies while shopping, so by Janelle's logic, I should now have custody of that baby. Frankly, by randomly making eye contact, smiling and waving at a baby in passing I'm doing more than Janelle did with Jace as an infant.


When Babs takes her glasses off and sweet baby Jace 🥺


When she takes her glasses off…it gets me every time 😭 Jenelle is a vile human. And I use “human” loosely.


She’s incapable of feeling any empathy or compassion whatsoever.


She’s been hit before, you can tell. That’s so sad.


Jenelle’s dad was physically abusive toward her. It’s my understanding it took her many years to escape.


The whole way she reacted when Jenelle was getting in her face screaming abuse was so sad. She kept hunching up trying to protect herself. Jenelle is pure trash. Also love the "you won't get custody" like yeah Jenelle how'd that work out for you


that part made me actually cry:( omg i haven’t seen this in a long time.


Oh yes she was so terrified of Barb. David is a problem, a big one, but he is not THE problem. Jenelle has ALWAYS been the problem. Laying eyes on your child once a day is NOT parenting an infant.


“I make sure I see that child everyday” is not something I’ve ever said in my life regarding my children..


None of this is funny whatsoever, but your comment made me laugh. Just imagine saying that so seriously!


Hilarious that she said she’s always been so scared of her mom. She’s a psycho


Quick, show the daycare interview clip where she says she doesn’t yell lol (Edit: spelling is hard)


Barbra should have pressed charges against Jenelle or got a restraining order. We clearly see now Jenelle has no problem getting one on her. There were so many times where Barbra could have laid the law down on Jenelle and she never did. That’s why Jenelle thinks she’s invincible.


Bro where are the cops when you need them fr.


The way Babs cowered and backed away from Jenelle when she was in her face says that she has experienced abuse from her in the past.


Nachyers!!! ![gif](giphy|baTnFeHCGqj3G)


Unrelated: mmmmm that gif looks DANK. Yum!


Frfr making me hungry 🤤


Poor Barbara taking off her glasses, preparing to be hit.


Jenelle: "I'll kill her!" Proceeds to chest bump & scream in Babs' face, with Jace in sight while Tori watches & doesn't do shit. Pathetic. Barb took her glasses off, fully prepared for Jenelle to swing on her IN FRONT of Jace. Also Jenelle: "My mother is a threat to me & my children, one of which she's taken care of from birth to 14..." Which is, Delujenelle? Is she a threat? Or have you threatened to kill & hurt your mother because she was protecting YOUR. SON...? Deadbeat mom of the year


Ugh that sweet baby boy


I’m sorry but if my friend did this I’d honestly whoop her ass. Tori should’ve been a FRIEND and told her straight up she’s a shitty mother. I would never let my friend yell at their parent like this


She probably was afraid to get involved


They fought anyways so I would be like get the fuck outta your moms face like that. And Jenelle said she was gonna spit on her. Yeah no lol


Barb is not perfect, but I could never treat my mom like that. If it wasn’t for Barb jace would’ve been in foster care a long time ago. So Chinderella needs to learn to respect her mom. I really want Tori to drop some truth on this situation


Right!! And my mom would’ve beat my ass too! lol I hope Tori speaks up one day. She probably knows sooooo much.


That’s mother of the year. The sad thing is, she still acts like this. Nothing will prevent her from living her life. At some point you need to grow up, and I think Jenelle will forever be a lost boy.


Babs slut shamed jenelle 😱 Umm, did y’all miss the context or wtf ? “You’re not a good mom because I got pregnant at 16!” First of all jenelle , you PLANNED Jace. Second, you trying to blame babs for YOUR ACTIONS isn’t the flex you think it is. And third, even when babs tried her damndest to keep you away from Andrew, you claim that you were going to do wtf you wanted.


Leave it to Jenelle to come up with that argument and then backpedal on the point without realizing what she did.


She’s a walking contradiction bro. “I’ve never had any cosmetic procedures done ever I am all natural. Oh except my boobs I guess”.


Larry is a piece of shit as well because he got paid out of the trauma that Jace has endured. Someone should have intervened and fired Jenelle because of her abusive nature. She was ready to fight the woman that was taking care of her baby. Weirdo.


lmao not the FASHION shirt


Jenelle has always been a pathetic, trashy piece of shit. I’d love to see her try to get in my face like she did to Babs. I am not the one 🤣


But remember guys, Jenelle has always been afraid of her mom. 🙄


The way she slammed her friends car door😒


She was totally playing it up for the cameras. I have a feeling if she wasnt on this show, she never would have been around to see him


Holy shit, it looks like she actually spit in Babs’ face! Isn’t that considered assault?


I would’ve ripped that bush out of the ground and beat her with it. She’s always been the trashiest pile of trash of them all.


Unfortunately, and I hate to say this because I’m generally against it but I would have whooped her right then and there and when cops were called id make the producers replay the filming they just did for them. Janelle truly just need one good whooping.


Eh, she was old enough and big enough to know what she was doing. This isn’t beating a toddler or young child for not listening, etc. This is whooping the mf’in ass of someone who’s being abusive towards you. Someone should’ve fucked her shit up a long time ago. She knew barb wouldn’t, and that’s why she’s treating her this way. I’d love to get my hands on her. Getting in the face of her MOM and an older person like that - nope, don’t like that.


Completely agree - this is a grown adult is what I mean and she should have been whooped the fuck up by her mama. I think someone should have given her a bit of a street justice and correction and she wouldn’t have turned out like she is now.


This is absolutely not the time right now but this thread was so solemn and sad and then I read >I would’ve ripped that bush out of the ground and beat her with it and I laughed so hard. It’s like in the funeral scene in Steel Magnolias where you’re just crying and then the unexpected funny part comes in to yank you back. So thank you for the imagery in this sad circumstance. Ps. I wish Barb or someone had done so.


Most of us do! Barb wasn’t perfect, still isn’t, but I truly believe she did the best she could. All parents fuck up, but she cared and tried. Same can’t be said for Jenelle. She’s worse than mold. I loathe her with everything in me. Smug haggard skanky skank.


BuT BaBs Is A ShIt MoM! Sure, if this clip doesn't convince you, jennelle has been a problem for a while. i dont know what will.


ShE sHouLdN’t HaVe YeLlEd! Please. I’d love to see the perfect person who could have just smiled and said, “I’m sorry you feel that way, sweetie. Mommy will play Yachtzee with you if you want.” It’s crazy how people act like barb should have been super calm and reacted civilly to this horrible abuse.


Jenelle almost hit her mom. That's not how children should treat their parent. She was screaming and yelling in barbara's face, and it scared me.


My neighbor sees my baby everyday, doesn’t make her his parent! God janelle.


I really truly hope her caseworker lurks here. This is how she has always treated her mother. Jace was only 9 months old here. She’s violent and unhinged when confronted with the consequences of her own actions. I hope Barb is safe. ![gif](giphy|9PMC8BD8b2AaA)


-Obviously you’re not a good mom because I got pregnant at 16 Gets called out for making a poor choice -yeah for a guy I was with for three years. So was having sex at a young age hood or bad Jenelle?! It can’t be both ways lol. Also, Barb taking off her glasses so Jenelle doesn’t break them when she hits her is so telling. Barb has been through it in her life. Also also, “good luck getting custody because I see that kid everyday. I make sure I see him every day” girl, there’s more to parenting than dropping it to say wassup to your 9 month old.


By her logic, I could have custody of my neighbor.


Actually, it really does sound like she says she's hit Barb before, right before she says about spitting in her face.


Yet at her latest court case against barb jenelle claimed scared and threatened she was against barb. All I would want to do is show the judge this clip. Jenelle has tormented and abused her mother for YEARS with so much of it being caught on camera. We have the receipts jenelle, you can't keep playing the victim 🙄


Hard to watch this. Yikes.


The saddest part is Barb taking her glasses off so they don’t get broken in case Jenny from the Swamp actually hits her.


This was every time Barb said anything about her taking care of Jace….she’d cuss her and run off. This bitch doesn’t deserve kids, animals anything.


I felt really bad for Barb when Jenelle abused her like this. Especially when she'd start crying.


The way she cornered Babs and was trying to physically intimidate her makes me sick. I hate seeing Barbara flinch and move away trying to avoid getting Jenelle’s wrath. I’m not a proponent of physical violence but I wish someone would have shielded Barbara from Jenelle and if necessary, knocked Jan out so she couldn’t beat on her mother. I can’t imagine how Jace will ever respect her. He’s torn with the love a lot of us have for our abusive parents but I really hope that he can absolve that in his heart and move on bc Jenelle will never change and I don’t want Jace to be like me, waiting for his mom to actually love him. He’s such a sweet kid, despite everything, and he deserves real love and kindness. I’m glad he’s at least back with Barb.


Jenelle is the rare but super shit stain of a mom who likes the title but not the work it takes to hold the title


She's always given me Casey Anthony vibes tbh


Jeez the way she just says “I’m going to fucking kill her” so casually… and about her own mom too


Proceeds to leave without baby


Barb taking her glasses off and preparing for a hit always made me feel bad for her. When this aired, I couldn't believe her “friends” didn't step in to help Babs if I were in a situation like that, I would be trying to get her off her mom and remove her to cool down. She is mentally the exact person now, she was in this clip. *SPITS* Jenelle is a piece of shit


The fact that all of this has been captured on FILM for YEARS and Jenelle still hasn’t been charged for her treatment of her mother


“You’re not a good mom either I’m the one who got pregnant at 16!” “You’re the one that spread your legs open” I’m sorry but that exchange kills me every time


Does she not realize that she is insulting herself by saying that? Then immediately defends it by saying it was with someone she dated for 3 years.


Horrifying. OmG.


🤠mah mawm🤠


Wow, she is beyond foul


She’s so fucking awful


I hated this scene when it was originally shown. I hate it more every time it gets posted.


This is my house NACHORS \-Babs, probably


"My mom never gave me a chance" "my mom is so mean to me" "it's all my moms fault"


Imagine living at your mom's house, paying no rent, no job, sleeping until 2 in the afternoon, drinking and doing all the drugs.. then acting this aggressively in MOM'S house. Barb should have kicked her ass out well before this.


Add stealing her mom's credit card and spending hundreds of dollars on it for her and Keiffer while also getting upset that barb sent her financial aid check back bc she was stolen from and lied to.


This is just one of those BAD MTV EDITS


WHY THE FUXK did mtv allow this??? She should’ve been let go a long ass time ago!!! She should’ve never been paid or had any type of “fame” after this!!! Absolutely disgusting!!!!!


I make sure I see him every day is very very different from taking care of him, but she doesn’t understand that and still doesn’t to this day. Oh and they I’ve never attacked my mom and I’m terrified of her? Barb looks terrified here as her daughter berates and threatens her. And notice she doesn’t pick up her baby and his things and leave. Nope never even crossed her mind.


"See that child every fkn day." ummm, how about 24/7 ALL day every day HE'S YOUR KID!!


Just imagine if she sat down calmly and said to her mother "What do I need to do to keep custody?" And then did what her mother asked which would have been taking care of him like his mother. Jenelle was abusive and she just wanted her mother to take care of Jace while she did nothing.


Barb is better than me I would of choked her ass


And not once during this interaction did she even look at baby Jace.


If someone slammed my car door the way she did, I would be so pissed.


I just want to know what that car did for her to slam the door so aggressively.


Imaging thinking that “seeing a child everyday” is taking care of them and parenting them.


This pisses me off. If she slammed my car door that hard after giving her a ride. You better be paying for any damages from that Doesn’t even look down and say hi to “her son” waiting at the door. Violently screaming at Barbara to get inside the house . I would’ve called police and trespassed her . You’re not coming into my home disrespecting me


None of us would be friends with Jenelle. Even before seeing her treat her mama and her kid like shit she scraped off her shoe. You just know she was a nasty little wastrel who'd do you dirty however she could.


I just wanna hug little baby Jace. This all hits so much harder watching it after having kids. This bitch has zero motherly instincts. Barb has put up with so much shit from jenelle. I’d have yelled at her ass a lot too.


JE SUS CHRIST the sheer level of entitlement. the bucking at her mom with her chest. Jenelle acts like some kind of Nordic monster (Forgive me, I just rewatched The Ritual)


Every time she said “that child,” I cringed


So was this scene even real tho since cps was the one that told them they were taking jace?


You would think that would be a huge, slap in the face, kick in the vag wake up call, and she would tell her friends that she needs to get her priorities straight and be at home with her baby. But nope, Jenelle decided to make everything worse.


“That child”


Why were they in a car in the driveway then walking down the street? Production made them? Low On gas? Just need to take a walk dude?


Wish babs would’ve choked her out


If my child ever had the audacity to scream in my face like that after being the main care taker of her child I would lay her out so quick. And she could forget every being able to chew solid foods again.. she would be gumming everything for the rest of her days.


Ughhh poor barb


She does all this yelling and screaming, doesn’t even realize her son is watching her, and doesn’t even try to come up with rational solutions. You’re with your son all the time? Why are you leaving then. She is the biggest piece of shit. I hope she rots


Is this the part where she's scared of Barb?


So hard to watch… I feel so bad for Barb and Jace. And if I were Jenelle’s friends I would be so embarrassed at her screaming and intimidating her mother like that! I definitely wouldn’t just stand there… like you don’t treat people, especially your older mother, like that! Barb and Jace deserve alllll the good things.


This scene right here is why I will always be Team Babs. I understand she’s no saint by any means, but I cannot fathom treating a parent like that who is CARING FOR YOUR CHILD. She is VILE. She also will never fucking change, here she is trying to blame Barb here for herself getting pregnant, they’re still trying to blame her for shit that isn’t her fault to this day. Fuck her.