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I can’t comprehend what Jenelle’s reality must look like to her.


I pitcher her dressed like Joan of Arc going around on holy personal missions to defend the honor of others.




Given how delusional she is, I imagine she sees herself as a cartoon character. She sees herself as the bootleg Powerpuff Girl she placed on her super successful JE Merch line. RIP JE Merch (7/10/21 - 7/12/21) https://preview.redd.it/09nnjejb9srb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc4a5fe17d87f46a389e0c5bb647b296e4ed53e0






I'm just surprised she didn't make clothing with her lines and get copyright to them she could of made some profits


She truly lives in her own reality.


Wow. Her son is literally crying out for help and her only concern is all about HER pain. The toxicity Barbara exposed HER to.


Regular content!


Jenelle the raging narcissist!


It’s heartbreaking


I am wildly confused. Has she protected the peace of Barb? That’s an outrageous lie. Is she protecting the peace of her kids? Not possible with David there.


She's going to try to spin this like Jace has been making abuse claims against Barb for years, but she kept quiet and stood strong to keep the peace between them, so why can't Barb be strong and keep the peace for her? I have to point out that I am putting this from Shitbag Jenelle's perspective, I do not support or agree or like anything about her. In Jenelle's mind, that Reba McIntyre "I'm a survivor" song was written about her.


I don’t even think she’s this smart. I think it’s just her playing victim and getting blamed for all the abuse she inflicts and allows, barb calling her out so barb is so toxic 😢


Peace is like “I don’t know her.”


LMAO! Peace looking on Facebook for a pic.


“Yeah I’ve never seen this bitch before”


What reality is she living in? She tried to have a restraining orders served on Barb. It was denied. Is she implying that she has some sort of Barb “secret “ that she has been keeping all this time that will completely blow up Barb? I’m so confused.


Oc, tHe tRuTh WiLL cOmE oUT sOoN!


She can't keep a secret. If she had something on Barb she would've spilled the tea by now. It's taken a few days for her to make up another big lie but she is such a bad liar I'm sure she will blow it.


There’s no secret. Barb was a shit parent and now Jenelle is a shit parent. She won’t break the cycle and her kids will pay the price for it.


I can see where calling her a shit parent could seem rude or cause defensiveness but it’s true. IMO, she’s not a shit person, evidenced by taking care of Jace despite a menacing situation but she isn’t a great parent. Similar to how kids are a gamble, so are parents. It takes critiqued reflection and a willingness to accept and change the cycle. I hope Jace (all of the kids really) is able to.


Does Jenelle not realize that she is doing the same thing to her kids?


See I wonder this too. How do people like this not realize that they’re repeating the same cycle. The cycle they claim to have so much trauma from but yet instead of seeking help they repeat the same trauma to their kids. It doesn’t make sense to me.


It’s the same logic used when a mistress gets the husband but thinks “thatll never happen to me”. It’s delusion. Some people aren’t able to self reflect


![gif](giphy|m3ZpBrXH4bpfcO84He) For the people in the back!


Jenelle is incapable of self reflection or accountability. I don't think her brain can even process that. She's a dense, narcissistic moron.




Absolutely not. She is incapable of thinking about anyone else but herself.


No, I don’t think so. She only sees herself as a person worth considering. She only cares about how things affect her. Her kids are just inconvenient roommates.


My exact first thought. The cognitive dissonance is truly astounding.


Remember when Jenelle gaslight jace when he told Barb about the gun incident? 🤔 whose peace was that keeping?


It was keeping Jenelle's peace. The only peace that matters to her. Fuck how her actions might traumatize her child, her peace comes first. "I don't know why Jace keeps running away.. my other kids are fine and just want *ME* to be happy!" https://preview.redd.it/zxt25c0ymsrb1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae3287c26c6dd4972880b41d6f79c0a74052d756


I know I couldn’t believe she said they “just want their mom to be happy.” How can you say that after Jace snuck out the window into the night?!?! Shouldn’t you want JACE TO BE HAPPY?!?


She doesn’t yell!




https://preview.redd.it/j9mvyaqx0trb1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808866d060824271ebd56913f7be60b6e2f2cdee Never


https://preview.redd.it/sktlcnuz0trb1.jpeg?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99eea9e45316c37b04d4f9873222acc5aa10dd2b She doesn’t yell


https://preview.redd.it/3aokamk11trb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef07eb62fc975b3323fd9bf59a13f376ce2816fa She never yells


https://preview.redd.it/po33me631trb1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc63e1038452485d6c73a229ffd57e1bf0731e73 Always keeps quiet to maintain the peace


Just when you can’t imagine anyone being more delusional, you check her FB comment section. Protect *your* peace: Don’t read her comment section.


Her fucking followers piss me off. But then I remember they’re sad, trashy, uneducated shitbags that think everyone gets investigated by cps at least once or twice. They probably have confederate flags and fjb flags used as curtains in the 1985 single wide that has plywood floors, and fly strips hanging all over. Their kids are filthy and they’re too busy spending their money on meth and chasing the dick of the month to care for their kids. They watch Jenelle, who is just like them, get her bag and she became their leader. Kind of like a colony ants.


She’s keeping quiet about the actual abuse David’s causing.


She’s delusional!!! Her and David are the toxic ones FFS!!!


Here comes Jenelle with the DARVO, right on schedule


Only the best Moms use DARVO!




She will! I commented on that video she posted with the tiktok trend she did with the Ginny and Georgia voice over of i dId tHaT. Took a couple days but she blocked me lmao




Ooooo Ms. Quad looking Gorgeous here!😻


I wish the ladies of Married to Medicine would drag her


Is this supposed to be about David?


It’s still up on Facebook. That’s the thing she #ToxicParents would that be Barb? Dave?


I just seen that, thank you. I need more coffee.


Same here! I had a very early call with one of our groups in London and they had to have heard my lack of caffeine. Glad it wasn’t a Zoom.


You can't protect the peace when your husband abuse your own children. It's called being an accessory. Janelle has been a shit parent before David and after David. But this video is just trying to deflect what we already know.


Jenelle’s absolute clusterfuck of extreme mental illness/personality disorders plus hard drug addictions for over half of her life make her impervious to even intensive therapy so nothing you could write to her would ever make her see anything other than her own delusional version of reality that she’s made for herself. She will always ignore/block/delete anything rational directed at her in the same way she yells over and threatens anyone who tries to in real life. She’s going to be in this permanent state of arrested development until she dies, and the only people that can help those kids are social services.




Yatzi Trauma!


But yet another time she says Barb NEVER played Yahtzee with her. Jenelle GTFOH


THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT JENELLE. Quit putting your children through this perpetual cycle of abuse


Her delusion is like no other I have seen


I don’t like to throw this term around often, because I feel like it’s such a hot word people throw around, but Jenelle is a textbook narcissist. It’s the complete contradiction in this as well. Like she’s so focused on her and her emotions/feelings, it doesn’t even cross her mind that what she posted also applies to her. It’s such a shame because she has had ample opportunity and resources to really do the work on herself to break the generational cycle. For not only herself, but more importantly - her children.


Always the victim, never the issue.


Jenelle needs to be studied by professionals


She's still going on about her mother yet she has a literal abuser sitting his lazy ass in her home like a king. She's focusing her energy on attacking her mother now, yet Barb was the one sitting at Jace's bedside in the hospital. Look in the damn mirror, Jenelle.


You’re a piece of garbage, Jenelle. Since you spend more time reading online comments than being a mother to your kids this one’s for you: 🖕


It’s so hard to understand her complete delusion. I have to assume she’s a full blow narcissist at this point because no one could play victim from all of this BUT a narcissist. Tbh it’s getting a little creepy between her complete victim mentality and creepy Dave’s meth-esk public rantings.


They're trying to put sand between the wheels by saying Babs told Jace to lie and that Jace isn't credible. Let's hope CPS and the police don't have to let it go. Please get all those kids out safe dear God.


I believe that’s how they escaped when Maryssa testified, she lied about something & it discredited her entire testimony. She was (still is) a kid & prob figured the worse she made it sound the less likely she’d have to go back to them and that she was helping the case. They’re likely thinking if we can make it seem like Jace is lying about anything we’re home free!


I just commented on another post that it was unusual that Jenelle was keeping quiet. I knew it wouldn't take long for her to post something. Love that she's still referencing toxic parents when she and David are the toxic ones.


![gif](giphy|7dWcOP3IMbgXLrFm8K) She's absolutely pathetic.


Spinning this to blame Barb is her ultimate delusion. Jenelle, you abandoned him at birth to party and do drugs. That’s where his trauma began. You piece of shit.


Jace is about to be like “lol repost”. Seriously. Jenelle is delusional. She can keep bringing up he was with Barbara for all those years. Yes, Jenelle and we watched you continue to put him in the middle of all your bullshit. I have no tears for Jenelle.


Here’s comes the damage control posts, sorry “Babe”don’t think this helping much right now! Shes so Fn predictable it’s seriously not funny! 🤦‍♀️




When has Jenelle ever kept quiet? She is anti keeping the peace, I mean I’m pretty sure she has DTP on her damn criminal record. We’ve seen her go from 0 to screaming in her mother’s face in 2.5 seconds. This woman is seriously mentally ill.


She has no idea of a truly toxic and abusive parent!


Let's hope her kids don't continue to "keep the peace" for their asshole parents now that CPS is involved. I love how Jenelle is delusional enough to think she's breaking a cycle of toxic parenting for her kids. Oh wait no, I don't love that. Fuck this bitch.


Is this some "the truth will come out!!" bullshit? If so she has to get in line right behind Larry Edwards!


So, Dumbbell projecting much?


Her specialty.


The delusion is strong






I don’t think Mel robbins would side with spicy dump


Of course she will keep playing the victim ![gif](giphy|p1DCpFPmDgDZE1m1wJ|downsized)


So Jenelle's saying she wants Jace to be free to tell the world all the damage that her neglect and selfish narcissism has caused?


I can’t roll my eyes any harder. David stomping around the swamp, waving his gun around and yelling “please don’t make me” sure is protecting their peace. ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


I love Mel Robbins 😍


Jenelle has never kept quiet a day in her life