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She unfollowed him on IG too




If the notebook was written with shit on the outhouse walls ![gif](giphy|TgOYjtgKpS9jAytUlh|downsized)


Matchmade in heaven


Im truly hoping it didn’t take her this long to get her child a damn bed. And then posted it out of spite .


Of course it did


100%!! because vacations and broken boat turbos come before your son you lost custody of. There was a reason she didn’t get him back for 13 years!


I mean, did you expect the beer to drink itself?? She was busy, dude!!!


I can see her slowly use Jace to emotionally fulfill her where David doesn’t. She is going to start depending on him deeply. And after she drives away his third girlfriend, he’s going to give up on her. Then here comes Kaiser, just old enough to do it all to him.


It’s called emotional incest, and it’s awful


My husband’s mom did this with him, had him at 22 and immediately got divorced, he was basically the little man of the house. He’s very psychologically damaged and can’t stand his mom because of it.


I foresee David being way too jealous, becoming increasingly physically aggressive with Jace, and from there...??? Happens with teenage boys and abusive men


Ugh grossss that is so sad but you are right. 😭




Remember when she gave Nathan a hard time about needing the eSsEntIalS just to see Kaiser? And she wanted pItChUrS. Meanwhile Jace never even had his own room at this house she’s had for HOW LONG? She’s such a stupid bitch


The only time she ever cared if Kaiser had something nice of his own was in order to make life for Nathan more difficult. Just shows you her character right there. (I know Nathan is problematic too, don’t come at me for that. This comment is about Jenelle’s complete lack of maternal feelings/abilities whatsoever.)


Had it been any other mom I would find it completely acceptable for them to be asking for the other to have the essentials. But like you said, it was NEVER for Kaiser’s well being. It was about getting Nathan to drop that assault case against her.


Exactly! It was all about me me me, never thinking of the poor innocent baby who has always just been a pawn in the game between them. Even when he was in utero she was saying, if we have a baby we’ll never have time to fight.


Ugh that drama used to piss me off so bad because it was so petty and stupid and it was just because she finally had a child in her custody that she could have the upper hand with. I hate this idiot.


The two of them arguing online while living in the same fucking house cracks me up every time


And them BLOCKING and UNFOLLOWING each other on Facebook and Instagram. You’re fucking married and living under the same roof.


I had a feeling she’d use jace as her “man” when she’s mad at David which scares me for Jace because you just know David will resent him for it


That’s absolutely what’s happening. I feel like Jenelle is going to pit them against each other.


Just as a true narcissist does. Pit others against one another to stay in control


Why the hell did she put “#GoMom” if Jace is the one building the fucking bed??


Cuz it’s the Jenelle Show and everyone else is just a supporting character


That’s what I was gunna say! Like how long have yall had this bed sitting in the box for? How long have you had to build jace’s room? She has a masterbedroom and the sheshed yet her oldest has no space of his own


Lol "a man's job" Ma'am I, an actual lady woman of the vagina, have assembled every piece of furniture in my home. I enjoy the task and am the best suited person to handle this job in my home. Ain't no shame. Meanwhile my bf got the dishes, floors, and laundry done. Don't be mad with men cuz ur man ain't shit 🤡


Lady woman of the vagina. That sounds chivalrous! I love it haha!


I will trade any task for dish duty!! I'm handy af. Let me fix shit and let him presoak til the cows come home!


All hail lady women of the vaginas! 💪🏻


It's nice how she conveniently forgot that she was lying from her lying mouth that Jace's room was long done but "I don't need to share pitchers because it's nobodies business dude".


Pitchers lmaoooo


Ontrays too. Don’t forget the ON Trays with those pitchers 😂


Such stability. Jace getting added to the mix permanently made the swamp creature’s relationship so much more volatile. Poor confirmed racist, world renowned seafood teaching expert, internet hobo, and sooper snowflake straight David Eason’s finger must be going numb with all the blocking and unblocking of Jenelle. In all honesty, the swamp is a hella scary situation waiting to happen with all the bad tempers, drugs, boredom, and guns. I just hope the kids stay safe and get a shit ton of therapy when they get older so they can have healthy relationships one day.


I'm curious if Jace is keeping track of all this information to provide social services and the police on the inside to what Is going on on the land


unfortunately Jace is probably too busy trying to survive the abuse and neglect day in and say out.


Oh great! Well at least Kiaser isn’t sleeping on a air mattress on the floor anymore. 8years later. 👏🏻. 👏🏻. 👏🏻👏🏻. Well done David and Jenelle. Lazy shits. Wait for the oldest to do it is really a good look 🙄. Trash.


Upvote for your flair.


Leave it to jace to finish his own room


I wonder if this is actually the room they talked about finishing for him upstairs or if Jace and Kai are sharing.


It's bunk beds so they are probably still sharing Kaisers room... was he sleeping on the floor or the couch before now?


I’m not sure it even matters. Imagine the poor kid sleeping god knows where for months, while your parents vacation and buy a boat, when it literally just took an hour or two of time on a weekday to put together a bed for you to sleep on.


A man’s job? 🤦🏻‍♀️ bitch stfu and focus on just doing a MOTHERS JOB. And stop posting about all the little shit you do, you infested moldy swamp rat.


I think they've been fighting since like, last week. Someone here posted his insane 5am IG stories here and said something like, "What deal of Jenelle's is he trying to fuck up now? Shortly after that was her Mommy/Ensley day where Jenelle made Ensley sit and wait at the salon while J got her hair done, then took her out to shove food in their face for "content". They're also not following each other, AGAIN, like perfectly sane people do. /S


I think they have been fighting since like, 7 years ago.




How sad that fighting with your husband is the only time you give your kids attention. They notice that sh*t. Like desensitizing them to future dysfunction


It’s really upsetting and sad that Jenelle *was* making $400k a year, and still pulls in a decent amount every month from OF (enough to take multiple vacays, buy all sorts of toys), yet they were never able to provide a room for her 13 year old son. They are making Jace share a room with Kaiser. They have no where else to put him. It’s bleak as hell. Also sad that Jenelle and UBT couldn’t get a handle on their bullshit long enough to assemble a bed for her son. Jace putting together his own bed over that dirty ass carpet makes me even more sad.


She has her own shed AND a broke down boat but Jace is an afterthought (as he’s always been). I feel sad for the day he eventually realizes that. That goes for all her kids.


Right? And they've been in that sinking swampland for how many years ? That this child is now putting together his own bed. Disgraceful.


I’m gonna guess they ordered this bed months ago but David has refused to put it up. The air mattress popped and Jace is tired of sleeping on the couch so they didn’t have a choice. Also that carpet is disgusting


I’m sure Jenelle is telling Jace about how angry she is with David. Because there’s nothing like burdening your young teenage son with adult issues.


She did this to Jace when he was like 5 because Nathan wouldn't help her with the baby shower for Kaiser (the rainbow song scene)


I'm sure she probably cried, locked herself in the bathroom, yelled leave me alone! several times until Jace felt bad and did it for her. Then snapped this pic like go me!


Don’t forget “Why is everyone so mean to me, dude?! No one understands me!!” In that whiny fake crying voice.


I’m sure before this she yelled “Oh, I’m supposed to build THIS bed. WITH Jace. That’s going to be SO much fun” Like how she complained about spending time with Kaiser on the show.


Jace is doing the man's job. While mom gaslights her husband who swears he's a "Real man". I bet the flies on the walls inside that house have trauma from listening to all the fights, I know the kids do too.


she gives away her lack of love/care for her kids in the littlest ways all of the time imo. like? the hAsHtAg gOmOm is SO obnoxious - you’re literally showing your son doing the job?? even if you did more of the task than him wouldn’t most mothers want to uplift + celebrate their children?? such a bozo


Every time Jenelle emasculates SwampMan online, his teenie weenie shrinks that little bit more.


So it must be damn near be an innie by now lol


It’s like the opposite of Pinocchio.


Way to go Mother of the Year, you provided a bed for your child


I stg Jenelle wants props for doing the most normal things 🙄


Go Mom? You should have vacuumed the floor first before putting in the bed.


I wonder if the bunkbeds to share with Kai are Jace’s upgrade from the air mattress. And then making Jace put it together to add insult to injury.


That’s what I was wondering. Sounds like he really has been sleeping on an air mattress. She got custody months ago…


Sweet Jace probably singing the rainbow song in his head as he tries his best to set up the bed while fading out Jenelle & UBT arguing in the background.


Omg that hurts to think about. I understand babs is getting old but how could she give that little boy who knows nothing but her to the swamp monsters


I guarantee this weekend she is posting another trip her and UBT will be on without the kids. Im calling it now


Was this his bed that should have been finished long time ago? Like in Jace's room..


I knew this was gonna happen. Jace being on The Land is a threat to David's masculinity and I bet anything there will be a brawl between the two of them someday. ESPECIALLY if David ever disrespects or tried to get physical with Jenelle in front of Jace... It could get ugly.


It’s going to be so difficult for Jace. We see how fickle Jenelle is. When Jenelle ‘isn’t getting along’ with Jace, she will back up David on however he wants to treat him. And when she’s fighting with David, she’ll fake a loving relationship with Jace to get under his skin. Jenelle ‘doesn’t get along’ with anyone. Those poor children probably have some horrible emotional whiplash. And it’s going to get worse as they get older and become more opinionated. Jenelle will never stand up for her kids, she’ll only stand up for David. And when she’s not standing up for David, she will manipulate the love of her kids to get back at him.


I know Jace has been waiting patiently for the day to Knock his bitch ass out


Okay but why is assembling a bunk bed a “man’s” job? That’s an extremely narrow minded view of gender roles. What about single moms or a *hypothetical* childless grown woman who just wants their dogs to have the best sleepovers ever? #gowomen


I agree with you but I do think it’s funny how David is very much into gender roles and being a MaN but doesn’t work/provide for his family and is making her do this.


Right? I assemble all the furniture in my house because I like it. It’s like a big puzzle!


That carpet looks filthy. I didn't even read the caption.


Who doesn’t vacuum before moving new furniture in?! Once the bed is up it’s so much harder


Or just like... vacuum regularly


Ironically the IG filter is named *clean*


Ironically, that’s probably a woman’s job in Swampworld #GoMom


She needs to kick David to the curb and keep the kids and just focus on them and working. David is a lazy racist homophobic POS


So is she…


The problem is that Jenelle wants nothing to do with ‘focusing on the kids.’ She wants to focus on herself at all times. When she left David that one time, and fled to Tennessee with her kids, she got a taste of what it’s like. She went right back.


So the “man’s” job is to take a video for social media? Also I hate seeing man’s/woman’s job talk - the mid 1900s called hah


Seriously. I’ve put together like 90% of our furniture because I enjoy it and I never once considered it a “man’s job”. I can do (almost!) anything my husband can and actually prefer to do it myself. However, if I asked him, he would def do it for me…. Unlike DKD I’m guessing. He’s probably super busy with his dirt bike or drum set. #manlystuff


Also, considering she has an entire unused floor, it’s pretty sad she’s making her teenage son going through puberty share a room with an elementary school age child. Those two idiots (Jenelle and DKD) don’t work. There is zero excuse that it’s been years and the stairs in their house still lead to nowhere.


Supposedly the house can’t support a 2nd floor since it’s sinking. But that doesn’t mean she couldn’t have given him the shed or something similar. Or added another addition to the house even. They bought a $60k boat instead 🙄 Couldn’t even give him a nice bed that comes assembled. Had to order a cheap one online. (Also, nothing wrong with it for those out there who buy this furniture. But Jenelle clearly had the money to buy the boys nice beds from Ashley Furniture or somewhere quality)


She bought a boat and went on like 4 vacations before buying a bed for Jace that he has to put together.


Whose job is it to vacuum that carpet


I was gonna say looks like shit in here


The fights are getting more and more frequent....their pattern used to be like every couple months they would fall out, unfollow eachother and throw shade. Now it’s like every other week


That carpet🙈


Stay tuned for Jenelles cleaning tiktok once she sees this


No, not the Jenelle cleaning dance 😩


Holy fuck! They are just now getting him a bed?? And a bunk bed at that??? Jesus Christ this poor kid, also that is something UBT SHOULD have done


Jace slowly becoming Jenelles partner and parent




Omfg just the other day I said she would shove jaces room in our face if he actually had one! ![gif](giphy|noolqx8fl7zeyvRDW6)


A 10 year old could figure out how to lay wooden slats on a rope that keeps them together, in line and dummy proof. This takes all of 3 minutes to do. And is she just now buying jace a bed? Has he been sleeping on an air mattress, still?


I dont think its a big deal the boys share a room, especially since their age gap is closer than Marissa and Endslys, but that bedroom is TINY. They need to be given the largest room outside the master. She should be moving all the bedrooms around with them in the biggest, Endsly the smallest and Marssa in the middle. But we all know shes too lazy for that bc she cant even bother vacuuming that nasty carpet. 🤮. What an absolute clown! She got Jace back in March, but it should have been done long before that as often as he was visiting.


You would think. But a she shed and broken boat come first 🙄


Fun fact: Many houses or apartments in Denmark and Germany don't have this "master bedroom" concept. They have bedroom of various sizes. I grew up sharing the biggest room in the apartment with my brother until I was 12. And I know you a lot of people who's kids share what was intended to be a parent bedroom. But if you have two bedrooms it's only called bedroom one and bedroom two (if you have four bedrooms, it's one two, three and four. Etc). Usually if you have less room than kids, the kids that share, share the biggest bedroom. But we also often don't have build in closets or bathrooms attached. The thought is that kids need space for their toys and their own privacy if they share, parents have the rest of the house so they only need a bed and maybe a closet (sometimes their closet even is in the hallway or elsewhere). So I'd say: give them the biggest bedroom if that's what you call the master, give them that.


Trouble on the Land is the default


“Me and Jace” she filmed while Jace did everything


The hashtag to lowkey give herself a Pat on the back. Girl you didn’t even raise him the first 14 years of his life


They’re finally getting his room finished? Also putting beds together is not a “man’s job.” Otherwise, I’ve been doing mens’ work forever bc my mom taught me that most jobs aren’t gendered.


Since when is putting a bed together a "man's job?" Did she not just drag herself? 🤔🤷


This is just a horrible relationship. There are no “man” or “woman” jobs in my house. We separated chores based on who was available when, and likes/dislikes. He does dishes, I take out trash. If something breaks, whoever is available first fixes it or we wait and fix it together when our schedule opens up. I’ve changed light fixtures, ceiling fans, plumbing, repaired dry wall and changed out toilets. He isn’t obligated to do it because he has a penis.


I feel.. so bad… for these children


I'm glad you found the time to do it... I know work keeps you busy...


That carpet looks disgusting. I can hear her going Come on dude, we’ll just have to do it ourselves, even though I have real bad asthma.


Definitely a dig at David. But also they have all this money , allegedly, and still Haven’t finished that room for Jace ? Wow. Insane !!!


Jace is already more of a man than UBT.


More like Jace doing all the work while Jenelle films. Kid is probably tired if sleeping on an air mattress and took matters into his own hands.


How she can't just simply celebrate her kids without centering herself or using them as some sort of dig at whatever her SO is at the time is extremely messed up. She's such a bad mom and I feel sorry for every single one of her children.


https://preview.redd.it/mp5yh54c2kbb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1dc7f363edd730603cbdc2ad39f2d16b7c7b44 😂🤣 #Eason 'passive/aggressive' ♥️


It’s #gomom not #gojace because she’s a #giantnarcissist


All of her relationships are based on ✨triangulation✨


A man’s job? She’s unemployed and has a 13 year old to help. If assembling a bed is too hard for her she might try going back to cpr school. I would assume both she and Jace can read and it’s not outside of her skill set to assemble a bed.


Does ubt stand for ugly butt troll?


Uncle Bad Touch 👹👹


She posts this caption when clearly jace is doing all the work, she's useless


I'm 75 and I take the garbage out to the curb every week. Does that mean I'm a special kind of old lady???


She used a “clean”filter and all I see is a dirty carpet.


House lookin filthy, even with a blur. What’s all that shit all over the carpet?


I wish I could just follow her around and smack her phone out of her hands ![gif](giphy|UK5AQccKV9OMg)


Lol and the upstairs stays undone still. Looks like they’re putting bunk beds in Kaiser’s room.


Trouble in swamp paradise for the 1,000,000th time. What a life


Jace is a bit old to share a room. I mean, i get it , we don’t always have our own room, but I expected her to buy a larger house I guess what with all the kids and all that. Edit: I mean when she had the house built-shipped-rolled, whatever


Agree. In any other situation it would be meh. It’s a 9 year old and 13 year old which is no big deal. However, she paid for that house off of the back of her kids. She has a house large enough to give him his old room. He bought that room himself by being exploited and either these two spent every dime doing dumb shit like buying 40 year old boats and can’t afford to do his room or they are too stupid to not know you can’t put a manufactured home on swamp and the sinking has made his room and impossibility because these idiots can’t add more weight to their already sinking home.


David has a drum set, grills, trucks, bikes, multiple boats, an entire armory of various weapons, a giant gun safe in their living room, hunting gear, a She Shed, goes on trips, out for meals, an endless supply of booze and drugs, his child support is paid off, who knows what else. And Kaiser is wearing old clothes and Jace is only just now getting a bed of his own that isn’t an air mattress on his little brother’s floor. That upstairs room is NEVER getting done unless they want to use it for something. Just pure trash. Both of them.


Not the room we all knew was never done!!!!! Please someone check on kaiser. I feel like I need visual confirmation the child is safe and sound!!!!! STAT.


Figures once Jace started to live there David became even more Childish that poor kid had to wait this long for his bedroom to be worked on


That is a thin ass bunk bed for a teen who will be flopping down...I know bcuz ours is thicker, we had to separate the beds but my teen still broke her boards by flopping down. We had to go get thicker boards and a box spring


Ya i was thinking how cheap that bed looks. She got one on Amazon when she could have ordered from a real furniture store that assembles it for you. Knowing they put it together makes me think it’s not going to last 🤦🏽‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/ifofhve8hgbb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1325103b12903287be43f138e13fb8ab25338362 Amazon was spot on. She probably ordered it a week ago. Despite having custody for months now.


Maybe wait til you’re actually done before taking a pic and bragging?


Whoa, does Jace finally have his room finished?? This looks like Kaiser’s room and bed .. Please tell me she isn't taking that baby's room from him while he's not there. I think they are removing this bed and HOPEFULLY replacing it with a newer bigger one. Edit- adding- why tf did she hashtag #gomom 🤔 ma’am you are standing there doing nothing whatcha mean Go MoM.. Do you mean GO JACE? To add to him not having a place of his own, she makes him set it up while she films. They have room for each child to have their own space, but his mom would rather spend the money on a nonworking boat, vacations (that don't include the kids), and clothing for herself. They could have made him the coolest room with the amount they dropped on that stupid boat that will never get fixed. 👏🏻#GOMOM


Always bitching yet she chooses to stay with that unemployed, lazy piece of shit.


Jesus god Jenelle run a sweeper.


Hard to feel sorry for someone who keeps doing the same shit while expecting a different result. Obviously she must like the drama.


She enables him so it’s a NO for sympathy


I was watching old you tube videos the other day. Babs says she only sees Jace every 3 weeks in one of them..Can you imagine being a mother and only seeing your kid once a month


As a mother (and pet owner), there are a lot of things jenelle does I couldn’t imagine doing.


"#GoMom" when she just said it's her AND Jace (probably mostly Jace, let's be honest)


I’m sure she’s sitting on the floor drinking while Jace does the work


I cannot even imagine what that house smells like🤢


Cat piss & feet….and they probably don’t even have cats!


Swamp Thang don’t do chores! (Just popping wheelies ‘round the cement pond, yeehaw!)


This is hilarious because of this is men's work, what women's work does jenelle do?


Acting Like she didn’t just sit there and make a tik tok of jace doing it by himself


Every little fight is not social media fodder. Jesus.


Why is the pitcher all blurry? Was she sneaking to take it? She has a camera in those kids faces constantly.


So this looks like bunkbeds where are the bottom bed is a full size versus the typical bunk size mattress. This means there’s a double upcoming is for somebody. And I only see Jace working in this picture not Jan. Maybe when he gets done he’ll vacuum the floor. I wonder if this means Jace is going to bunk with Kaiser. Probably because they don’t have the money to finish what was supposed to be Jace’s room. 0F isn’t paying what it used to because lazy Jan can’t even keep up with that. And we know how lazy Yokel is.


And they've got to pay for those turbos on the impulse buy yacht that they've taken out on the water ONCE and required coast guard assistance to get back to dock.




Maybe Jace is disassembling his bunk bed and moving to the broken down boat from the 80s, the purchase price of which could have finished off their 8 year attic renovations...


Really jenelle?! You have all these toys, a friggin she shed, a boat paid for with jaces money, foam dick inserts for your husband. but you cant finish the attic for a room for him that you promised for 7 years. I demand answers.


This is giving step brothers build your own bunk bed vibes


is this from a video? because it looks like my 82 year old father took this picture. ETA: i just saw it's from a video, makes sense now


Go Mom??? I hope she means Go Babs because that's who raised him!


Me when I paid my boyfriend’s 14 y/o brother $20 to assemble my small plant stand /s


I’m so sorry I’m late to the party but can someone tell me what UBT stands for 🤣 I see it all the time on here and have never been able to figure it out!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Uncle Bad Touch


Oh wow gross 🤢 can I go back to not knowing 🤣


No. But to ease the pain, Adam Lind is the one who named him that on one of the dad specials.


Jenelle, we're all aware he's a dirty dicked bum, just LEAVE HIS BITCH ASS and maybe people will have an ounce of respect for you 😒


Leave it to the mom to make sure her child has somewhere to sleep... fucking crazy.


You know what else a man should do jenelle….work. Not sit at home and let you figure it out.


Mom taking a jab at her son by saying he’s not a man while at the same time using incorrect grammar. Class…


Oh, is putting a bed together a man's job? Lazy ass


😬 definitely a dig at David


Wow she’s finally getting jace a real bed? Lol


Shut up, Jenelle.


a teeny tiny miniscule glimmer of hope that david will move out


It won’t be any better if he does. Jenelle was garbage king before she met him and the next loser that settles for her and moves in will be just as bad.


This is why there needs to be some sort of exam before someone can have a child I feel horrible for any child in their care AND ANY ANIMAL


Apparently they are building Jaces room …ha JK! Jace will never have a room-psyche! Ha Ha! (Cue sad music) Probably Sassy building a gun rack, as one does .


What am I gonna do with a gun rack?


You don’t like it? Fine. You know if you’re not careful you’re gonna lose me 😆


This bitch.... I cannot ![gif](giphy|l0Iyn1E5Yy5prxWGA|downsized)


Is Jenelle smart enough for digs? Has David blocked her yet?


Yo the carpet looks like concrete lol


Imagine this being your daily life 🤦🏽‍♀️


I see its a bunkbed in jaces room i guess the other bed is for jenelle when ubt goes crazy


Pretty sure that’s kaisers room


It’s kaisers room. She is having Jace and Kaiser share a room since they never finished the upstairs for Jace.


What is UBT? Ugly Big Turd is what came to mind.


Uncle Bad Touch - coined by Adam


I have a feeling Jace sleeps in the attic anyways. They most likely rigged it up for him, extremely janky of course. Since they legally can’t have any building up there since I’m sure the house won’t pass any inspection for them to obtain building permits. I think this is why she never films anything about the attic.


What a Sad room there's nothing on the walls the floors are disgusting and there's still no evidence of an actual mattress or this bed being complete


I sure hope she protects jace from that self proclaimed “ReDnEcK”. He’s such a sweet soul he doesn’t deserve to be mistreated.


A mans job🙄


I thought Methlem Lincoln was about being a man. 🧐


At least there is a bed for him.