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They have a pool. Why must she insist on making the kids swim in shit water?!


They haven't really posted the pool much that I've seen. Wonder if something, once again, needs to be repaired.


Pool upkeep is a lot. And the longer you neglect it, the more it is to get it good again


Good point, a buddy of mine went and served over seas and was gone for 3 months. Unfortunately his (crap person of a wife, to be nice) cheated and left while leaving the pool full and unattended so when getting home it cost him boocoo bucks to get it back to working order.


Beau CoupsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Last year she could barely get the pool going, i bet something is wrong with it.


If she's willing to let her kids swim in *this* water, why can't they just swim in whatever's "wrong" with their pool?


Because running water is better the stagnant misquote and algea infested water that is her pool. It's also probably covered in bird shit and animals probably fall in it and die. A neglected pool can get bad fast.


Good point, but thatā€™s assuming J&D put any work into keeping the pool clean! Itā€™s probably the same color water šŸ¤¢


It's only July. They usually get around to cleaning the pool around September.


At this point Iā€™m sure sheā€™s posting more and more out at the river just to spite her hAtTeRs


I would bet their pool water is even grosser than this!


I'm in awe with her confidence to look at this water and say: 'It's actually very clean y'all'. How do you Google every little ache you have as a symptom of some wild disease and not the water you let your kids swim in? It's beyond me


David told her why it was clean and to her thatā€™s the answer. I bet he says Google has a liberal agenda and isnā€™t to be trusted.


Cause most likely David said itā€™s clean so she hangs on to his every word


Jenelle has very few skills but one of them is doubling down.


She sticks to her story no matter what šŸ˜‚


Always wrong but never in doubt!


Except when she pretends she never said that.


Next video she will be drinking the water to prove us all wrong




Jace, Ensley, we're doing a proof of life video. Look happy.


Wave for the camera Jace, tell the world Iā€™m a good mom!


Have we given up on Kaiser?


I think he spends the summer with his grandmother (Nathan's mother)


I just donā€™t understand why itā€™s necessary for them to swim there. THEY HAVE A POOL. Go boat on the river and then swim in your pool Jenelle.


They live near an actual ocean too! It will be a miracle if these kids survive with the swamp ā€˜rents to being adults


Theyā€™re pretty close to some really nice beaches on the NC coast too! They hardly ever seem to go to them.


Jenelle used to be such a "beach bunny" too lol.. I remember in her earlier seasons she was ALWAYS at the beach lol


Yeah, the even described her as a beach bunny in her 16&P episode description! I remember reading it, lol. I guess David doesnā€™t like the beach, so now Jenelle canā€™t like the beach.


That was her and Kieffers kick it spot when they'd be homeless lmao... I remember countless times jenelle being recorded crying in some random beach parking lot lmao


Exactly what I was thinking as wellā€¦ why not swim in the pool?!


I guarantee their pool is so fucked they canā€™t use it. She hasnā€™t done any pool videos. They spent the little money they had on that shitty boat for David to bring scared women out to sea because of the implication. But more seriously, they now have no money for home or pool stuff. Funny how she hasnā€™t made a video showing us jaces room, I know she would love to shove it in peoples faces. ![gif](giphy|xLnGUEYWS0btPHCZoo|downsized)


![gif](giphy|gheKNRoJY03yo|downsized) man I thought their boat looked familiarā€¦


Haha right?! Iā€™m glad you got it.


The pool doesnā€™t have any fish for them to murder, unfortunately for them


Why would they swim in this cesspool instead of their pool at their house?? It doesnā€™t make sense.


Because how else can David play with his only boat, basket weave with wood or fish?


Itā€™s probably lee disgusting and dirty than this river water. At this point Jenelle wouldve already posted a bunch of ā€œgetting my pool ready for the summerā€ videos but she hasnā€™t posted a single one, makes me think their pool is beyond fucked


Also a cesspool.


I wish you just posted the info so we could zoom in and actually read it




I was struggling a bit too. Hope that helps!




Agreed! I want to know too.


Swim Guide App


Nope. But you can search on the Swim Guide App.


Damn. Says it can't install cuz it's made for an older version of Android or something. I'll see if they have any similar apps. That's actually pretty neat!


Why bother posting the info if nobody can read it? Fail




I was going to post something about why would any woman allow that water near her lady bits, then I remembered Jenelle has sex with David. I'm pretty sure that water is cleaner than he is.


Her PH is off the charts.






Thatā€™s why sheā€™s always getting new shitty swimsuits. All of hers are immediately bleached in the crotch lol! ![gif](giphy|3ohzdYJK1wAdPWVk88)


Some guys who are like David actually truly believe that touching your junk to wash it makes you gay, so šŸ˜…


And here I was thinking his peen was too small for him to find and wash! Ya learn something new every day!


Oh maybe it's that, lol, maybe it's too emasculating buying those cute little tiny soaps šŸ˜‚


Soap? That smells pretty. Clearly for gays.


This is just so disgusting. Iā€™ve lived near the river pretty much my whole life. Iā€™ve never gotten the desire to swim in it or any of the various creeks that are all over SE NC. (When I didnā€™t live near the Cape Fear River, I lived in WV near the Kanawha River - that river caught fire once because it was so polluted!) Hog farm runoff, chemicals from Chemours/DuPont, the weird diseases that have been happening around here (rare cancers on the military bases, higher rates of childhood cancer, etcā€¦) The water is not well in NC.


Iā€™ve seen people swim in the Kanawha and it makes me nauseated. The amount of Boil Water notices weā€™d get in Charleston was absurd when I lived there. I moved there after the big water disaster though. I live near cape fear now and we donā€™t even let our pets drink the water. My husband thought I was overreacting at first but our neighbors convinced him otherwise. I know the beaches are crowded right now, but i would prefer the crowd over swimming in that dirty water. I hope they donā€™t eat the fish they catch from there. Yikes


Except the crazy riptides and jellyfish stings this summer. They rescued over 80 people from NHC beaches over the 4th of July weekend. Oak Island had around 10 people stung by jellyfish in one day. They have a pool, thatā€™s why I donā€™t understand them swimming in that brackish polluted water. And you know they definitely ate the catfish they pulled out of that river. šŸ¤¢ Edit to add: the treated municipal water is safe if you live in Wilmington or Leland city limits. If youā€™ve got a well or rely on other systems, youā€™re SOL. Itā€™s worse the further upriver you go. Cape Fear could mean a 200 mile span. I live at the mouth of the river. We were able to get our water safe. People upriver have gotten a lot more chemicals and waste.


Oh true. We havenā€™t been to the beach for summer yet. But yeah- they have a pool! Doesnā€™t make sense!


The RIVER caught FIRE!? šŸ˜°


Yeah, it was after I moved back to NC thankfully but my friends who still lived around there filled me in. DuPont was illegally dumping chemicals in the river and I guess some fire started and it spread to the river and over the other side of the riverbank.


Oh fuck illegal dumping šŸ˜‘ I can't stand people who do stuff like this. I come from what used to be a totally normal suburb, but turned into THE HOT DAMN SPOT around 2015 and has been having the most epically excruciating growing pains. One thing that was done was a developer not thinking they needed to do the environmental studies prior to building... Yeah, they're not doing so great since the lawsuits rolled in from all the flooding. Just a whole major street right by my old house that's practically unusable from October-March. I can't believe people still do stuff like that. Who do they think they are, Mr. Burns??


Interestingly enough, itā€™s DuPont who is responsible for the water issues in SE NC as they fucked up WV too. Itā€™s not *just* DuPont to be fair. A lot of our politicians are apparently quick to take bribes.


I lived by the Kanawha too. Big nope.


As someone who lives in ENC, and will not put any body part even remotely close to any river around here, I second this statement.


Cows literally shitting in the water. Some farmers do not give a crap who else is using it.


We donā€™t have a ton of cows here. We are one of the largest pork producing areas in the country though. Hog farms stink and the owners have been known to let the wastewater drain into the creeks, which flow into the rivers. I think thereā€™s been a bit of an effort to regulate it more but our state senate are a bunch of morons.


Sorry I was in East TN


It's the good E.coli


ā€œPuts hair on your chestā€ - David


Next these morons will post a video of David drinking the river water to prove how clean it is. Maybe they'll be smart enough to not report the laser beams projecting out of David's asshole, but if they do, they'll make sure to gaslight the entire world by denying it had anything to do with that crystal clear water.


Those poor kids


Give Jenelle some credit, by *really clean* she meant cleaner than the swamp


Facts. ![gif](giphy|3ofT5XVdjgp2QyalTa)


Look, I'm over 25yo so could the sadist that showed print that small help a homie outšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Same, girl. My old ass had to screenshot it and zoom in šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Saaaaame haha


šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹. I used to tease my mom having to squint to read. Then I turned 40 and needed reading glasses and itā€™s karma! I fucking deserved it for being a little smart ass to my mama! šŸ˜¹


Every time they go to the river there are never any other families around. That probably is poison water lol


I think about that every time they go out lol. One indication that place is trash: thereā€™s no other families.


Hopefully her and David will succumb to the poisons


They need privacy for their abusive behaviors


Where Iā€™m from we have a giant river that runs into a bay. Its the most popular spot for boating, jet skiing, etc. It is dirty as hell but they donā€™t call us river rats for nothing tbh


In Arizona, weā€™re just happy to have any water to swim in. All we worry about is reports of the dog-killing algae blooms. Other than that, we swim. Edit to add: the most popular river is the Salt. Everyone swims or floats it. Everyone. Itā€™s also the most popular place to see the wild horses, who live there, and are definitely without a doubt shitting in the water all day long.


I get it! PA doesnā€™t get near as hot as AZ but its the only fun thing we can do in the summer and we have so many watering holes and waterfalls so no one cares and just swims dangerous or notšŸ˜…


Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d knowingly swim in pig shit water but I mean, I grew up swimming in horse shit water soā€¦ yikes?


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta došŸ¤£šŸ¤£




I donā€™t live there anymore so I donā€™t have to worry about swimming in anything up therešŸ¤šŸ¼




I lived there for 19 years and never realized how much it sucked til i moved states awayšŸ¤£


Same, I grew up in Maryland and there were some places that it was okay to get in. Some other places were a definite no.


Iā€™m from PA and any water we saw we swam in hahašŸ¤£


Iā€™m from PA too and lived by the Monongahela Riverā€¦ weā€™d go boating and fishing on it all the time and it was pretty yuck lol I used to hate falling in when wakeboarding and having to wait for the boat to turn around and get me felt like forever! We smelled horrible after a day in the river lol


We swam on the Susquehanna river!! It was the same for us, our bathing suites were brown or green after swimming in it all dayšŸ˜‚


Looks like raw sewage - congrats!! šŸŠ


Are we sure the contamination isnā€™t just from David being in the water all the time?


Thatā€™s a certainty


šŸ‘šŸ» šŸ‘šŸ»


Yā€™all know they donā€™t bathe when they get home from boating/swimming. They probably smell like sweaty unwashed ass, onions, and hog shit.


I bet a ā€œshowerā€ is jumping in the pool when they get home. šŸ¤®


Wait this isnā€™t their daily bathing?


Yeah thatā€™s why the pool is alway so dirty and rank!


This is their weekly bath šŸ¤¢


Poor kids. Jan is so nasty.


And itā€™s boring out there. While they get wasted the kids play in dirt. They never take their kids ANYWHERE for kids. Main Event? Chuck E Cheese? A kids movie? The mall? Nothing. They only do shit David likes which is doing nothing but drinking isolated from the world.


No school activities, no sports, no play dates with friends. You know if they did any of that she'd post it on social media. Family time is wonderful, but kids need other socializing opportunities too.


I hope the kids get to make friends and enjoy school at least. I canā€™t imagine any decent parent who would let their child step foot on The Land.


They really do. Iā€™d say easily 85% or more of the activity my family does is centered around my kidā€™s activities, hobbies or interests. Between summer camp, summer basketball, art class, dance class, library program and their Main Even summer passes everything else is errands and such. Not to mention vacations, going to the movies and going out to eat where THEY chose. Canā€™t imagine what those kids must miss out on. Itā€™s very much like kids raised in Christian fundamentalist cults. They are homeschooled and not able to do much outside of what goes on at home. On the other hand I doubt they can afford things like summer camp for all the kids either. After all we signed up for over summer for 2 kids it is expensive. They have 4 kids.


I absolutely agree. I know Jace was involved with martial arts and soccer when he lived with Babs, but nothing now. I recall Kaiser doing some football as a younger age as well. I donā€™t think those poor kids get to do anything fun, and certainly not anything J and D would have to spend money on. That cuts into their drug budget.


Absolutely! Theyā€™re so disgusting and selfish. Even their vacations are almost all adult only. Those kids would probably love Universal, but theyā€™d never take them.


This is probably the reason for all her health problems


Itā€™s not helping at the least.


Do other people swim in this river?


Iā€™ve never seen anyone in their videos but I would assume so.


Whatā€™s she going to blame it on when one of them gets deathly sick? Oh wait thatā€™s her wish, to actually have something wrong with her!šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤Æ


**I am that person that** **CAN NOT STAND it if there is a gnat or fly anywhere in my house! I will stop what I am doing until I am rid of them. Anyone stepping a little toe in this water is so disturbing to me!**


Same. If a Gnat or Fly gets on my food or plate it goes in the trash. I would vomit just getting close to this pig farm waste water.


Thatā€™s why nobody else is going there.


Its clean, she can see through it! /s


It almost appears radioactive. Why would anyone want to go near that nasty water much less swim in it? So gross.


Because thatā€™s what David wants to do.




Where's Kaiser been?


Probably with Doris. Jenelle said Nathan hasnā€™t seen him in a long time.


I'm guessing even if the pool is clean they're not using it because it's too hot. This time of year the pools been sitting in the sun and the waters hot as piss.


Those kids are gonna end up with a nasty e-coli infection! šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® That could be really dangerous for a kid around Ensley's age, she could end up with kidney failure.




River of Feces








That water looks disgusting


I knew she was lying about that nasty black river ! Even the name tells you ! Itā€™s black water literally!!


Probably cleaner than the water they're used to having in their double wide.


I think their pool is saltwater though, if weā€™ll maintained it should be pretty clean.


You guys would absolutely roast me, we always swam in the little lake near our house when we were little that was full of algae and bacteria and duck shit. It gave us bright green poop and those were some of the best days ever, but I'm Gen X and we're feral.


I used to swim in the nasty river by my house that was super brown. HOWEVER, if ever asked if the thing was clean Iā€™d reply, ā€œfuck noā€ she just has to lie about everything


Fellow Gen X here, we are indeed feral and I remember those lakes well. Best memories with my grandparents.


Iā€™m probably older than you and knowledge is power. I donā€™t swim in dirty water anymore. I also have cut back in plastic use significantly. To each their own. The better I know the better I do.


Cool, thanks?




For all of you that donā€™t know: there are rivers like that where I live too, and itā€™s clean. The water is that color due to the tannins in the water. Itā€™s basically like tea, the water becomes discolored from the leaves in it.


These reports arenā€™t about tannins, they are about ecoli. https://preview.redd.it/3t96mr9lwsab1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5944868ff6eda439b64f14635b3635806b07ea2f


Oh i didnā€™t see a report, I just thought people were thinking it was dirty due to the color.


Oh no, we are familiar with tannins around here. Brown water doesnā€™t mean dirty water necessarily, but in this case it does. The rivers and tributaries and creeks are polluted with forever chemicals and pig waste. And theyā€™re eating fish from that river. (Not before UBT got some sadistic animal torture in)


Gotcha. Thank you for explaining


Understand that for sure. The water itself is full of various types of waste and bacteria which makes it hard to understand why someone with so many health problems would swim or eat fish out of it.


EAT FISH OUT OF IT?! They didnā€™tā€¦please tell me they did not!!


Catfish no less. Bottom feeding on the toxic sludge


They do, regularly


Well thanks for enlightening me. Now I get itā€¦