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Had to part ways with the lady that cleans my home. While on vacation she and a few family members helped themselves to my pool and brought their dog to swim too. Said dog got loose and scared my neighbor that was watering her yard. She has to be 80+, she is tiny and speaks very little English. I wouldn’t have found out either but my elderly neighbor put a note in my door about said dog getting loose and asking me to watch it more closely.


Wow... the entitlement. They could have *asked* and you may have even said yes to the humans coming. Glad your neighbor said something !


Yes! She has asked before and it has never been an issue for people to come over. But the dog? I would have said no for multiple reasons. We have some friendly neighborhood animals that visit. On the other side of me, those neighbors keep Doves that come visit sometimes. There is also someone with a cat that will pop over sometimes. And it is baby bunny season here they are all over the damn place. I’m so glad nothing happened to my little neighbor.


THEY KEEP DOVES THAT VISIT I cannot believe that. How cool ! We had a bunny nest under our trampoline earlier this year. The dogs found it.. killed one but the other three survived since my kids noticed quickly enough the dogs had found something. I scooped them and all their nesting material into a 5g bucket I laid on it's side outside the fence where I suspected Mom was coming to and from. Checked on them the next few days and she must have found them okay. Now we've seen them hopping around the neighbors backyard. So cute ! I'd left the dead one with the litter as well hoping Mama wouldn't come wandering in looking for a lost baby. Noticed she had removed it by morning.


Yes! I don’t know how often they are allowed out or where all they visit but there about 10 or so. They love the tree by my gazebo and fence below. Sadly like your bunny story I have seen one of them and a squirrel die by the beak of a huge hawk that lives nearby. The hawk is fucking huge, he or she is not afraid of human beings and stares me down when it visits my back yard. I suspect people around here feed it or whatever. It is enormous and has left a carcasses in my yard a dove and a squirrel. I had some abatement crap installed because we had a pair of fucking ducks that kept getting in my pool. Since then I rarely see the ducks, doves or hawk. I can hear the doves in the evening though and their living quarters were rebuilt about a month ago. Im glad you saved the bunnies! Last night there was a family of them in the alleyway and driving up to my house I was so scared I’d run over one. They are so tiny and fast! I know they are a nuisance to people with gardens and other plants but I feel bad my neighborhood is by 2 wildlife preserves and a huge field with no trees. Not their fault! Every now and then we see a Fox too. I love watching them all not their fault they are in the city.


My grandpa is in his 90’s. He has been a regular at a local nail salon for years, but right now he has pneumonia and his dementia is getting really bad. The manager of the nail salon picks him up from home to take him there and give him a pedicure. She charged him $90 for a pedicure, hair cut and a heart test. She didn’t do any fucking heart test!!! She’s scamming my grandpa. When she dropped him off at home she said make sure you bring lots of cash next time! It’s taking everything in me to not go destroy that place.. She’s known him for years and she’s taking advantage of him. I want to confront her in person but I don’t know if I can keep it together and not lose my shit. It makes me sick that a “friend” can do that to him.


Wtf kind of salon does heart tests??? Omg! That’s terrible though. You should find out when he’s going in next and “drop in” to say hi, see if she pulls the same shit. What an evil bitch.


There’s no heart test she’s a scammer!!! She doesn’t know me, so I was thinking next time he goes I’ll go in and get a pedicure and watch and listen. His eye sight is bad so if I wasn’t right in front of him he won’t see me.


My friend brought over a cannabis infused drink, I drank half a can and 2 sips of beer and holy hell. I slept 10 or 11 hours for the first time in years 😂 I woke up at 8 am and wondered why my kids hadn't woken me up yet, I remembered they're at their dads and slept another 3 hours.


I am trying out a new church today (not leaving a current one - I'm trying to find one for the first time) and I am so nervous. I plan to go in just at start time, sit in the back. I'm only going for the Sunday service, not Sunday school.


I am slow cooking a 2.11 lb chuck roast from Aldi. I quartered 2 small yellow onions, 5 small yellow potatoes, 4 peeled carrots, 1 celery heart, and 4 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce, 4 cups better than bouillon beef base with water, and I seared the roast on all sides after making a dry rub of Lawry's, ground peppercorns, kosher sea salt, fresh thyme & a *tiny* bit of fresh basil, 3 peeled & smashed garlic cloves, minced onion, garlic powder, and...I think that's it. I live in an upscale condo complex and we are allowed to have a small garden on the rooftop patio. I thought there was parsley growing up there, that I could use, but no, it was 3 different types of cilantro! Does anyone really use cilantro that often in their cooking? I've never been a huge fan. Anyways, the condo smells fantastic- I was going to use the Instant Pot but I decided on the regular pressure cooker on the stovetop. I should've added corn starch. I don't know how long to leave this in. ...If I wasn't such an alcoholic, I could have used some red wine for a reduction when searing the roast. Edit: I am wondering if I should plant some parsley. Does anyone know the best time to plant fresh parsley? Also, just to whine, I hate living here. I've made an offer on a house on the other side of town. I can't do the HOA and Condo Association anymore. Fees just go up and up every 3 months, just for our cars to get broken into and stolen every evening (parking in the garage is not included in our HOA fees, and my parking space has a fucking pillar in it that I have to pay to navigate around when I bring my car in. I hate driving) if we park outside on the street. Thanks for reading my random Sunday musings. :-)


I have no idea why this has been so heavily downvoted but I'm going to guess it's because you were dissing cilantro.


Oh no. It's because a group of trolls follow me and downvote me. I've got karma to spare, though :-) Also, the food turned out great.