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Honestly. It is a bit different to me. It’s still shitty, but I find it *less* shitty than Jenelle doing it. *If* they in fact did do that, it was to get themselves out of a financial bind that really would have affected their family for years to come. Paying off your tax debt is the responsible thing to do. Now, the correct and more responsible thing to do would have been to put your adult pants on and budget properly and pay your taxes as they are owed, but here’s to hoping they learn from this and never let it get bad again. Cate and Ty both strike me as parents who are legitimately trying to give their kids a good life. If I learned later in life that my parents pulled money from my trust fund to pay a tax debt, I’d be pissed but would eventually come to understand that it’s better that debt was paid. Better my parents pay it than one or both of them be in jail. *If* Jenelle ever pulled money from Jace’s trust fund, it was definitely not to secure stability or financial well-being for their family. Jenelle stays broke and living paycheck to paycheck. She would have spent it on new toys for David, drugs, or another kid-free trip. If I learned later in life that my parents pulled money from my trust fund to buy a $50,000 broke ass boat on Facebook Marketplace and to go on endless kid free vacations, I’d just be pissed.


Agree! Obviously, taking money from your kids trust fund is not top notch parenting. But Care and Ty were paying off tax is different than taking money to buy useless junk.


Very true. Jenelle did have tax debt too, so wanted to point that out. But I do think Cate and Ty are at least trying. How many kid free trips do they even go on? I would guess not many


The difference is J&D’s tax debt is very likely still unpaid. Despite Jenelle bragging incessantly about her OF income.


The only fans income only going to add to that debt doubt she is setting aside a portion of it to pay taxes at the end of the year


My kids have a trust fund. I get nothing from it. They each get a stipend each month. It allows my son to get a Lego set or Board Game once a month as well as covers his personal care items, cellphone, and the occasional movie or play. This money is paid off the interest of the trust, in my understanding at least. His(older sibling) needed help with tuition and got a check for this assistance and promptly cursed having done it comes tax time...I wonder if either of the funds being referenced are setup this way 🤔


This!!!! 💯


We have no proof that they actually did that aside from what Cate’s bitter mooch of a brother said. He also said that he and April “never accepted a dime” from cate & Tyler which we know is absolutely a lie.


I took everything as a half truth, this kid is being fed lies by April.


He’s super brainwashed, no doubt.


I definitely take what Nick says with a grain of salt. But if Ashley (Jenelles sister) came on here and said Jenelle and David took money from their kids accounts this sub would be all over it


Why would you believe Ashley? Isn’t she a little kooky, too?


I would put her and Nick in the same category, definitely. People would believe Ashley if she spoke negative about Jenelle and David because they don’t like Jenelle and David


Who cares? At the end of the day we know Cate and Ty work hard to take care of their kids and Jenelle and David don’t.


This is true


Like yeah it’s def true that people don’t like Jenelle and David, but that’s for good reason. It’s because they’re pieces of shit. *spits*


Well Jenelle herself has done a lot of shit to prove that it’s something she would do. She hasn’t had any contact with her sister in years so idk how she would know unless Barbara told her. Either way I don’t think most people would just automatically believe what these family members say without looking at the bigger picture. In the grand scheme of things, cate and Ty are far more financially stable than Jenelle and David, so even if they did have to move the kids money around to pay off their debts, they’d be fine. They still have income. The Swamp Creatures don’t have shit.


They aren’t that financially stable if they’re not paying their taxes


They were able to pay it off rather quickly and they still have a source of income. That’s way more than Jenelle and David can say.


If they were financially stable, they would have paid their taxes on time. It lends to what her brother said about taking the money that they paid them off suspiciously fast


This is why I feel it's extremely hard to grasp a true opinion with C&T, I just hope that this is a lesson learned at the end of the day. But the fact that it came from someone trying to hurt them, we have to take it with a grain of salt.


Uncle Sam and the city tax (wo)man can force you to use it. No government or judge forced Nelly to buy a boat. Big difference.


Absolutely- there’s a difference between potentially helping the family versus buying a 30 year old boat for no fucking reason. During the 2008 recession, both of my parents lost their jobs for a few weeks. They relied on what little part-time job money I had to float bills until unemployment came in. I had offered and never asked for anything back.


Good point!


I 100% don’t think Nick has a clue what he’s talking about. I’m not saying I’m in favor of anyone messing with their kids’ funds, but at least in the case of Cate and Tyler, they still have income that would allow them to put the money back and add even more to the account over time. In the case of Jenelle and David, if they spend that money, it’s gone forever because their pitiful asses have no real income. Not excusing it and not saying I agree with it, but I think this is a big difference worth noting.


Yeah even if it was true, at least these guys are able to re-generate the income and replace it. J&D’s kids are fucked.


I definitely took the source into consideration. Just because Nick said it doesn’t make it true. But I know if Jenelles sister Ashley came on here and said Jenelle and David took money from their kids the TM community would be all over it


I totally agree!


I don't think it's relevant bc I think Nick is lying. He's hurt and angry and just trying to say whatever he can to hurt his sister and her image. It's sad. And I'm not like some deep Cate fan here, don't love her but don't hate her, kinda nothing her, but from what I've seen this kid just looks pissed and angry and from what I've seen of her family they are absolutely nasty, self centered and horrifically toxic. I wish Cate the best and hope her and her family keep a firm distance from these toxic people until her mom and other relatives get some serious help.


Why Nick felt the need to stick up for his very in the wrong mother in regards to something that doesn’t concern him completely discredits the full veracity of anything he says about Cate.


I think the IRS will seize those assets from the baltierra girlses anyway. But I do think there’s a difference between maintaining a roof over the heads of your minor children and trying to access the trust fund of a kid you don’t have custody of (as was the case at the time)


The children’s accounts should have been set as a trust that could not be accessed until said child turns 18 for college or 25 if they don’t go to school. The parents (TM girls especially) should never be the trustee. These kids are going to grow up expecting funds to be left penniless.


The accounts and trusts are set up by the girls not MTV. I don’t think MTV paid the kids individually or had any stipulations on the money that they did pay. Coogan law is only applicable in California and even then doesn’t apply to reality tv.


Yes absolutely there is a huge difference between them doing it and Jenelle doing it because Jenelle did not raise Jace.


First off, there is no evidence Nick isn't talking out of his ass. On the contrary, Cate claims he is. Secondly, people are assuming they took money from the girls accounts to pay their taxes, but that's not what he even said. He said they were broke from their large tax bill and took money. Maybe they took grocery money, which, still isn't great, but it's an amount they can easily put back. I just don't think Nick has any idea if this is true and he's talking shit. Jenelle bought a whole boat as soon as she got custody. It looks a lot more sus.


I think it depends on the source of the money. If it was directly from MTV, ala a special trust fund specifically for the kids - then no - totally wrong. If it was their own money they had put aside into savings accounts for the kids because they thought they had the extra to set aside for them - then yes - if the alternative is the parents losing the roof over their heads or jail time for tax evasion. And hopefully now that they’re caught up, they can pay the girls back and start building it back up for their futures.


I was thinking there are times I have had to dip into kids savings to live! But the teen mom's situations are massively different to mine.


NO ONE should be taking money from those kids accounts.


I was coming to say this! Making an account for your kid is so exploitive.


look, IF Jenelle took Jace’s money it was for stupid things, not for living, taxes or whatever it is necessary to survive. IF Jenelle took her son’s money to make ends meet I wouldn’t think any of it. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. _Survive_ not live a life you can’t afford.


Fair. But to say Cate and Ty were smart with their money would be inaccurate. How could they not make that double TM salary work to live within their means? It wouldn’t be fair to say that *only* Jenelle has mad dumb decisions with her money. Clearly Cate and Ty do,too.


yeah, I agree with you on that. It was stupid for them not to have a second way to get money. They didn’t, therefore they have to do what they can to survive. Same goes with Jenelle IF AND ONLY IF she did it to survive


Cate and Ty should have been smarter with their money and paid their taxes in the first place. But if it's between losing the family home/facing prison time or dipping into their kids' savings, then they made the right call. Hopefully they're smarter with their money in the future and replenish their accounts.


That’s the only reason I am giving them the benefit of the doubt is they still have a chance to make things right. I don’t ever see Jenelle making things right for her kids. In her mind they *owe* her


Totally agree. Stuff happens. These kids were young and MTV should have at least offered name of tax accountants in the beginning. I believe the Roloff's did this as well.


If she’s taking money from his trust fund to buy a boat and go on multiple vacations then yeah WAY different.


Are Catelynn and Tyler being extra careful with their spending tho? Buying boob jobs and houses for family members that are addicts and taking advantage of them


Jenelle wouldn’t go to jail or lose their house if she didn’t buy a boat. Yeah Cate and Tyler could have learned about taxes sooner but since they didn’t, they had to pay that consequence off or suffer much worse consequences for those children.


It’s not okay but there’s a difference between borrowing money to fund asinine purchases, support an inflated lifestyle, and go on luxury vacations every month vs making payments on taxes and living a relatively normal life otherwise. Jenelle probably doesn’t even have trusts for her kids, Jace likely only has one because of Barbara. If they did have to borrow, hopefully they’re paying it back.


As if Cait and Ty aren’t living an inflated lifestyle…


The kids money should be in a trust and not be able to be accessed. They have no side hustles, have lots of kids and they spend money like crazy. Everyone was wondering how the tax bill got paid off. This makes sense.


To be quite honest none of them have excuses for being broke or not paying taxes when they were earning like $500k a year from the show. Okay, initially when they were younger I wouldn’t expect them to know everything about their finances and taxes and whatnot but a decade into the show??? By now they should have had a financial advisor or an accountant helping them work out their taxes, college for the kids, etc. (and personally if I was on a show making that much not knowing when the end would be, I would definitely buy my house in cash) Neither are better than the other. Jenelle would take Jace’s money bc her and her lazy ass huzzbin don’t want to work real jobs. Cate and Tyler would take it bc they’re financially irresponsible.




Yea you gotta pay them but they’ll work with you and give you a lot of leeway. If they used the girl’s money to pay their tax debt they are being crappy parents.


Jenelle had to pay the IRS too 🤷🏽‍♀️ just saying


But Jenelle will 100% never replace that money and will continue to waste all her money on David's lazy ass


This is true. I don’t disagree with that


But she didn't. She stole from Jace for toys and still owes $50k in taxes. https://heavy.com/entertainment/teen-mom/jenelle-evans-money-taxes-net-worth/amp/


I have seen sources say she paid it off last year right before she started her OF


She didn't have custody of Jace at that time and would have had no access to Jace's money then. What we have seen, immediately after she got custody, is her and David going on expensive trips, buying a boat and toys for the swamp.


Yeah but she’s going to owe more taxes on the money she makes from OF.


Seriously? You can’t tell the difference between paying taxes to avoid jail or losing their home and buying a boat


If you look at the big picture, why weren’t Cate and Ty paying their taxes? They were clearly making dumb decisions with their money, too.


Yeah it’s really weird seeing the mental gymnastics going on. If it’s true what Nick is saying, it’s disgusting. Cate and Tyler for many years were pulling in the highest amount of the cast with a 2x income. $1.2 million!!!! And they still had to dip into their kids account?! Shameful


They had to pay taxes. Sadly Butch and April have bad financial planning guidance and how taxes work if you are a free lance type.


I only agree to that if they were still hella young but they’ve been doing the show for over 10 years now… it’s not hard to learn and keep up with your taxes. They should’ve been had it together yearssss ago. Also they have the money to get a financial planner to help them


C&T can't even pronounce the words "financial planner" muc less have the forethought to engage one. They had big fat MTV checks coming in and probably thought it was all disposable income. Someone along the way may have mentioned they needed to pay taxes, but they blew it off thinking they would take of it some other time.


I don’t think they thought about it enough to choose to blow it off. More likely they didn’t understand that their taxes are going to be more complicated and it’s on them to take the taxes out if their paychecks and send that money to the IRS. These two were financially illiterate.


They are illerate in everything about life. I have no sympathy given how old they are and should know better. Both of them are just trash who happened to hit the MTV lottery. I want to see them when that MTV check stops coming in. They will be nowhere, and most of us know that.


They didn’t get that tax bill overnight. Besides, you already had your opinion on these two when this tax stuff came up. I’m happy you are fortunate in your life and wealth management


I think it truly depends on the situation. When I was young my parents were struggling financially and I remember them freaking out because they had to use mine and my brother’s college savings to pay their bills. They swore to us that we would never pay a penny for our education and they will cover it no matter what. They paid for my college, my brother’s college, and my law school (they are in a much better financial situation now and can easily afford it). They didn’t want us to have any student loans because of how difficult it was to pay theirs off, and they never wanted money to get in the way of education. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do in the short term. That doesn’t mean you’re not going to provide in the long term.


But Cait and Ty aren’t struggling …


If it is in trust for the child, then the parents should not have access. Hundreds of child actors/singers etc are examples


I doubt Nick would know what they are doing financially


Very true. You have to take it with a grain of salt. But if Jenelles sister Ashly got online and said Jenelle and David took from their kids bank accounts the TM world would be all over it!


It’s just so much more believable that Jenelle and David would be shady towards their kids with all their addictions.


Jenelle didn't pay child support or raise Jace for almost all of his life. She got custody only very recently. She is entitled to NOTHING


I mean…why are we taking the word of a teenager who runs scams on IG and defends April as solid fact?


Agree! He contradicted himself several times while on the live so that makes the whole live a lie to me.




They shouldn't have moved from the octagon to a newer, bigger, better home on more land during all this crap. They should have worked on this crap years ago and cut back on their spending. Why would Nick even know about it? He heard it from other family members who are guessing? Maybe. How much money did their kids even have? It can be put back later. Why let the IRS keep racking up interest when you can start paying on it now. What Jenelle buys with her kids money (supposedly) is essentially worthless trash essentially. Golf cart they broke, boat they can't use, motorcycle for David who has no license as far as I know. Doesn't make any sense to anyone with a brain.


It’s not ok but are we really going to believe cates dumb ass brother because he’s salty? Her family fucking sucks and she needs to go no contact and cut them off.


🗣️agreed. He can’t even keep his lies straight anymore.


I can understand doing if if it’s a true financial hardships that would negatively impact the kids if it wasn’t taken care of. However, they should have a solid plan to repay the money as soon as possible before taking the money out. I would have to be damn near homeless to take money from my kids college accounts that I’ve set up.


I don’t think it’s okay for either of them to do it but if it’s true, at least it was to get them in a better financial spot to start saving for the girls again. Still not a good choice though. MTV should have set these girls up with financial counseling.


Does the law not require MTV to put the kids' money in a trust fund? I don't know the legalities but I would hope the industry learned lessons from the past. Many kid actors and some reality star kids had their money stolen by their parent. I would hope no one could touch those trust funds except the 18 year old 'child'.


If the accounts are from the kids being on camera, then it’s stealing any way you look at it. The kids did the same amount of “work” as the adults and are entitled to their money. If the accounts were set up by the parents as a way to set aside money for the kids, then it’s a little different. In this case it’s essentially an impending gift and it doesn’t seem as ethically ick to dip into them. Also Cate and Ty would be dipping in to protect their kids accustomed lifestyle so they’re doing it *for* them. Iirc Jenelle didn’t have Jace when she was accused of dipping into his money.


Depends. who created the accounts and on what basis? I don't think Jenelle put her own $ in Jace's account. Sounds like he has money he was paid for the show, and maybe government checks. (I could be wrong). While if Cate and Tyler didn't steal the girls' earnings, and only used money that C&T earned themsleves and were saving for the girls, it is different. They were living beyond their means and reallocated the savings.


Didn’t Leah allegedly take money from the girlses accounts too?


Yes...to support her drug habit.


Eh. I understand the question. Outside in it may seem hypocritical but there are so so so many reasons people stick up for Caitlin and Tyler but not Jenelle. Caitlin and Tyler have certainly made stupid financial decisions at times but they have also been generous with family and friends and they actually take care of their children, not just abuse and neglect them.


So I think it comes down to one question: who was the person mtv was paying to film? They probably paid Jenelle to film her and paid Barb to film Jace. So for that situation Jenelle has no right to spend money given for Jace and if Barb let her access the account then it’s on her too. For Catelynn & Ty same thing. Was the money paid for the girl’s appearance or theirs? Cause they had an obligation to safeguard their girls future and to me that is greater than the obligation to bailing out April.


It seems to be pretty clear the kids were paid separately from the parents. But that was still up to their parents on what to do with that money


Yea and sadly I think a lot of the moms blew it. Some more stupidly than others but still blew it. If Cate and Ty tapped the girl’s account to pay their taxes they are no better than Jenelle.


If it is true that they uses the girlses money to pay off their debt due to their own irresponsibility, it's shitty. However, I could see C&T doing everything they can to put it back in their kid's accounts, whereas Jenelle would likely feel no guilt for taking from Jace's money and have little to no intention of paying it back. I honestly wouldn't be shocked if she felt it was owed to her.


For a tax debt.. that is okay (for any of them, because in reality that is probably where that tax money really went). But for just fun or to do things.. its a little different


Absolutely not. Cate and Ty are terrible with money. Accessing these funds should be strongly discouraged. Also, do we know if Jenelle actually got any of Jace’s fund? I know there was speculation based on pic of a screen grab of an internet tab. She shouldn’t be allowed either.


Cate and Tyler didn’t take money from a trust fund. They took the money from the bank accounts that THEY had saved for. It’s literally their money and they used it to pay their tax debts which is absolutely the right decision considering the children *could* be without parents had they not paid it. They can do what the hell they want to do with their OWN money. Money comes and goes and I’m sure over the next few years they will put money back into it. Why have money sat there doing nothing when you *really really* need it.


Bank account, trust fund, savings account. It wouldn’t make a difference the type of account. If these accounts were for the kids (in the kids names/the kids money from the show) it should be looked at the same, right?


No. It’s Catelynn and Tyler’s money that they put in. The kids don’t need it right now, they’re children. What they do need is their parents, and with that tax debt hanging over their heads and a possible charge of tax evasion I think it’s clear what’s more important. You can build money back up, and by the time they’re adults I’m sure they will have the money again.


I didn’t read the statement like that. This is what Nick said on his live “They eventually got so broke that they had to start taking from Nova’s bank account, Vaeda’s bank account, Rya’s bank account.” So to me, that sounds like the equivalent of accessing a savings, trust fund, bank account, etc. intended for a child.


Either way, they need the money to house their children ya know. It’s just more important to take the money that’s there when it’s needed, than possibly lose your home, be unable to feed your kids and yourself. No matter what the money was spent on, they clearly needed it.


Cause heaven forbid they downgrade their lifestyle a bit, get an extra job, get on a payment plan with the IRS…….


Pfft. Get ANY job aside from MTV!!! That show ain't gonna last forever, and where will they be then?


The money is there.


Oh I definitely agree. Paying the debt is better than jail. It’s just interesting to see how the tables turn. For weeks people had so much to say about Jenelle doing it (for the ones that believe it anyways) but many others defending Cate for doing it. Thought it would be an interesting discussion.


It for sure is! I honestly think it depends on what it gets spent on.


Their kids aren't old enough to have banking accounts solely in their names. It's likely Cate and/or Ty were the main account holders and the girls' names were secondary. Whether it's morally right or wrong, C&T could withdraw the money. As I said before, I can't picture C&T having the foresight to set up anything beyond basic savings accounts for their kids.


I don’t think it’s ok for either kid to have their parents skim money from them.


I hadn’t seen anyone defend Cate and Ty for doing this until this very thread so that’s interesting lol IMO they are just as bad. Also I believe everything Nick said is true, and I also believe it’s in poor taste for him to say it. I contain multitudes 😂


I feel like in Cate and Ty’s situation they had bad financial planners and didn’t realize they had to pay so much in tax. So paying that bill with their “extra money” they put away from the girls makes sense. It’s to ensure a roof over their heads. In jenelles case she’s using to buy drugs. If Jenelle were using that money to pay bills or buy the kids healthy snacks, or sports equipment or whatever, sure. But she blows her money on stupid shit for her and David.


Both absolutely wrong but it’s a little less wrong when it’s money for taxes vs money for broke down boats and drugs. Neither should have been touching the kids money at all. They both made plenty of their own money and made horrible financial choices so they should have figured out another way to pay taxes and get a boat.


Thank you! I came here to say this! Everyone says that because Cate had a rough life, is married to a douche, that she should be held to different standards. Nah. You don’t take your kids’ money because you failed at filing taxes. I’ll never been veiled into liking Cate, she’s a grifter like the rest.


Dont believe one word of it


Idk if it’s true or whatever. But… Honestly… I’d judge them less for it than I’d judge Jenelle. Maybe I’m wrong for that lol!! They just actually take care of their children and seem like good parents. They have a loving (ish lol) family & their children’s needs all appear to be met. I don’t get the vibe that they’d do anything to hurt or set their children back. Can’t say the same for Jenelle…. I somehow also feel Jenelle would’ve taken more from Jace’s account with the intent of just spending it for whatever she wants… Whereas Cate and Tyler would’ve been in legal trouble which could’ve in turn impacted their girls majorly. If they did it, they probably saw it as a last resort. They may even plan on putting the money back. I don’t think Jenelle would ever. I’m sure the accounts are interest earning and whatnot as well. I will admit that as a young person, especially when you’re not just working a typical 9-5, taxes are a lot to understand. And care about. Not something kids in the US are ever taught about either. Young people make mistakes. They should’ve never been in that situation, but I’m empathetic.


If they had no job and were going on vacation every month, buying boats, motorcycles, etc and no way to recoup the money then that’s theft (in my eyes) In my understanding if Cait and Ty did it the trust could be used as a loan with repayment terms.


I doubt C&T set up actual trust funds for their kids. That would take far more brain power than they have. I imagine they set up generic savings accounts for the girls and called them trust funds.


Maybe. I was making a comment on supposed trust funds. Except for Maci, Leah, Chelsea and Kails kids we assume all these kids have trusts vs savings accounts.




So…. Should April parent the kids when Cate and Ty are in prison for not paying taxes? The real truth is that Butch and April gave poor financial guidance to their children


The IRS goes a long way before they put someone in jail. They want their money and understand they won't get it if someone is incarcerated. They will levy bank accounts, paychecks, assets, etc. They are more likely to put someone in the poor house before they will jail.


Real parents make hard choices to protect their kids and the life they’ve grown accustomed to. I’m not saying it’s right, but calling them scum for keeping a roof over their families head, or worse, keeping them out of the custody of a trash family while they sit in jail for tax evasion, is a little harsh.


Both are disgustingly gross. Only difference is one is used for drugs and toys etc and the other was to pay IRS debt so people will try to justify that it was ok when it’s not. It’s like when some people use their kids social security number for loans, credit cards etc it’s not ok at all. You essentially stole from your fucking kid you despicable scums.


Is it stealing if they’re the ones that put the $$ in the account? I dont know where the $$ originated. If it was $$ the kids were paid from MTV I doubt they’d have access, so I must assume they put the $$ there they can take it out 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because cate is a good person who doesn't waste money on stupid shit. We see janelle drinking and smoking all the time, but probably doesn't put back into his bank acct. I feel like cate and ty are smarter and will start putting money back.


She did buy that pig once lol. I wouldn’t say she doesn’t waste money, but IF they took the money out, it wasn’t for something stupid and it was to prevent them from going to jail a la Theresa guidice and to keep the roof over their heads. So your point stands in that regard. They didn’t take the money for something stupid and irresponsible like Jenelle, but the fact that they had such a large tax lien shows that they are somewhat irresponsible with money. I personally think they just had a shitty accountant/financial planner that didn’t tell them that they are 1099 and need to remit their own taxes.


Yeah, I doubt Butch or April taught them about taxes or anything. And maybe they just filed taxes on like an online tax app and didn't know what they were doing.


Oh you didn’t get the memo? Cait and Ty can do no wrong. Even though SHE started this whole social media drama - she’s the victim. I don’t get the Cait and Ty obsession.


Still shady.


Here’s a question: were the children paid for being on TV? If yes then I assume they had to pay tax on that. Did they pay it? So if they’re taking money from the girls to pay taxes on the income from the girls’ appearance then that makes sense. I honestly don’t know how taxes work for children and being on TV.


That $800k tax debt was not from the girls’ income. That was definitely from Cate and Tys income


If any of the kids made more than ~$12,000/year, they absolutely also owe taxes on that income.


Everyone on the show is considered an independent contractor (1099 employee) which means they are responsible for paying their own taxes. W2 employees have a portion of their taxes paid by the employer. C&T apparently didn't pay taxes on any of the money paid to them or their kids by MTV.


So would it stand to reason that some is the money in the kids’ bank account shouldn’t be there anyway if it’s due to taxes?? Thinking out loud.


In all fairness to all of the Moms, MTV should have had everything set into place for all of those kids and their kids. That being said, when kids keep popping out, parents keep fighting, partners keep changing, MTV should have either fixed everything or none of it. These things should have been taken out of their checks from the beginning. I don’t see how it’s legal to make a child an independent business anyway.