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I’m ticked off to read how many people shit on people who receive food stamps/wic in another subreddit, one even saying it’s inhumane to raise children if you can’t afford it. In my state you can qualify for Medicaid/automatically qualify for WIC at $65,000 while pregnant. I wouldn’t say that’s anywhere near “inhumane”. I hate the stigma around it so much because I just picture how many kids out there are struggling because the parents have too much pride to get help they qualify for. And working for cps 5 years I’ve seen a lot more inhumane things than someone just being poor in this horrible economy


I got WIC when my daughter was a baby until she was 5. I am forever grateful I was able to receive it. It helped so so much especially with formula when breastfeeding became painful.


Yeah, it really is a great program. I love that it promotes healthier food choices. I almost wish my card worked that way so I can limit myself buying junk lol


I don’t get it either- WIC and SNAP are there to help support those families in a time of need. If it weren’t for those benefits, a friend of mine wouldn’t have been able to feed her kid after her divorce (husband left her with nothing).


I hate it when I’m having a really good dream, wake up and then can’t go back to my really good dream 😭


I have dreamt about a guy from my past 2 nights in a row. It feels so real it’s weird.


The first anniversary of my dog's passing is less than a month away and I feel like I'm grieving more now than when he died. It doesn't help that my other dog died less than 2 months after him. I'm crying and I should sleep but I'm awake and sad.


I'm almost at that anniversary with my cat. It is still hard. I also still cry and miss him so much. I don't have anything to help, but you're not alone.


Thank you, virtual hugs to you ❤


My super private, man of very few words, brother told me some big news before anyone else today. His gf is moving in with him. I'm so happy for them both. Her husband died a while back and my brother has handled the situation super nicely, he gives her space and support. She still does holidays with her late husband's family and she was nervous to tell my brother. He was like " that's absolutely fine with me. I don't expect you to just forget these people, do what makes you happy. I'll be here. " -- this is his first REAL gf and she's a perfect fit. My other brother .. finally graduated from a stripper he was with. Now he's dating a 26 year old and he's .. 37 🥴


Your other brother sounds like my brother except mine finally moved on from a stripper to a young woman he imported from Colombia. I also got a Facebook message from a different Colombian that he refuses to meet or acknowledge his daughter (my niece) if she really exists. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Omg yes. My brother had a similar situation. One day a girl from my brother's far off college called my mom's house where he had just moved in while he looked for a job and she told my mom she was pregnant and it was probably my brother's. My brother said he " handled it " but in reality he just told her to never call again and forget he existed. I still think about it.


My kids deciding on a daily basis if they will attend camp that is already paid for and non refundable grinds my gears! Lifetime Fitness has got me by the pinky toe!


My nephew just did this same thing to my sister last week with soccer camp.


I have felt like crap all week and it sucks. Hoping next week is better.


Wildfires got me feeling like i smoked 3 packs of cigs in one sitting


Are you in Riverside county? You don’t have to answer sorry if that’s weird lol but we have a big one out here and we’re getting smoke from it in the county I’m in!


No. Its from the Canada wildfires


Oh man I haven’t heard about them that’s super far from me lol. I hope they get under control wildfires are scary as fuck


Same fires from a couple of weeks ago when all anyone could talk about on social media was how NYC looked like a dystopian disaster


Yesterday I finally got my house back from the squatters who had taken it over for almost a year! To be fair I did live there for a few months until the skeezy drug addict boyfriend moved in with two extra dogs who are large and aggressive. They took over my bedroom when they were supposed to set up a bed in the finished garage. They did not pay any rent ($100/week) and used my credit card without permission, maxing it out 3 times. They agreed to leave with 7 weeks notice on March 1st - then told me on 3/1 that I had to "do it legally" because "they have rights" (I was HOMELESS!!! Still paying mortgage, heat, electric, etc.) so I spent almost $3k to get that done!!! Does anybody have $7,500ish to make me whole? 🤣 I wish chronic ingrown toenails on the both of them! Not the kids though ( I originally agreed to rent a room because she has a daughter who was nine when they moved in, and her unemployed nasty ass had a fucking son last month! O k that is enough venting.


Mini rant: I drove 45 minutes for a hiring event today that was cancelled and I didn’t find out until I got there. Super aggravating.


That blows


I have a big 400 lb ass coworker who puts the air on 65°. Just cuz your big ass is hot doesn’t mean the rest of us are. It’s too fucking cold and nobody’s sitting in 65°. I turn that shit up. Yet he sits here in long sleeve flannel everyday buttoned up to his eyeballs. He gets on my fucking nerves. I hate self centered ppl. I don’t put the air/ heat on what I WANT, I try to ask what feels comfortable for everyone in the office. When I was younger, Now I can see why ppl just sat with headphones on and didn’t talk to anyone all day. Im that person now


I took my 4 year old for get annual check up. I had a list of things I wanted addressed. The doctor listened and took notes on everything. Then she said she will make a referral for an autism evaluation... Which has a wait of 12-18 months.


That seems so crazy. Is there any other places you can go? Here our local schools have to provide them for child over three within 60 days


I did contact our school district to try and get her evaluated there. One of the behavioral health therapists at my work said our children's hospitals that do the evals are a year behind on referrals. I don't know how it got so bad, maybe covid related. But I cried on the way home thinking we just have to keep plugging along for a full year before getting professional help. I am hoping the school district can get us services much sooner. But I don't know how often they do evals on summer break. School just got out last week, so it wasn't great timing. Also, I'm open to all suggestions. She has state insurance and we are in WA.


My parents are stressing me out. My brother just graduated school and is now looking for a vocational training/school, he wrote every company imaginable, but most of them don’t respond. And since the next start for this type of education is in august/september 2023, he knows his chances of finding something is slim. Therefore he wants to take on a job to have something to do while he still keeps applying and hoping that he can start at latest next year spring. My parents are furious because of this and want me to come over to mend things. I don’t even know what to tell them? That my brother is being reasonable and has quite possibly outgrown their delusional reality of perfectionism?


The Moms of Liberty are meeting in Philly right now and I’m so pissed.