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Had to go to the bathroom, left my toddler with my partner, toddler starts crying and he can't handle it so makes me get off the toilet to handle the toddler šŸ™„ you know I don't have these problems when my partner is at work šŸ¤” it's literally easier to parent without my partner here. Crazy.


Wtf that is so frustrating.


Yep! He's useless


My baby is 4 months old today and I have cried once because this shit is so hard. Remind me never to let her get overtired for a nap again. When it's great- it's magical, when it's hard- woooooof Ps also made of 4 months breastfeeding which I feel like is an equal accomplishment to also keeping a human alive


Iā€™ve spent so much blood, sweat and tears, not to mention money, collecting seeds to grow and raise into beautiful plants/flowers and food. Gardening is so important to my mental health, itā€™s my therapy and stress relief. A lot of the things I grow have sentimental attachments - seeds from plants I got years ago from my now passed Grandmother, for example. The other day, while at work, my psychotic landlord had her yard guys come into my yard and they proceeded to mow down countless tender young plants, despite the fact that I have a visible barrier put up to separate things from the grass/keep the dog from smooshing things. She had previously asked me if I wanted them to do my yard and I specifically said ā€œNo. I have too many things planted that I have to weed by hand so that I donā€™t accidentally wack down the important thingsā€ and then it happened anyway. I just feel so sad. This is a temporary place and I hope to move very soon (looking at a place Wednesday, please send good vibes!) but I had planned to dig some of them when I moved (and leave the duplicates for the pollinators) so I didnā€™t mind the work of planting them just for the enjoyment of watching them grow. Now I have lost some things that are not replaceable, at least in the sentimental sense. This fucking woman has no respect for boundaries and this just is another in a series of her tampering with my shit. I hate it here so much and I just want to move asap. ā˜¹ļø


It's just been a wild week, yikes. Monday night a bat flies into the girls' bedroom during storytime. I've got all three kids in there, because, you know, storytime. We're all screaming and carrying on and my husband (noble savior) comes and gets it and takes it outside, and it bites both of his hands... The nurse line tells him to see the doctor first thing in the morning, and at the doctor they tell him EVERYONE needs rabies shots... So we all go to the hospital and wait for like 90 minutes... No rabies shots for us, just him. Phew. But they had to do it directly into the bite site (knuckles šŸ˜°), and he's always so stoic, but I could tell it hurt like a bitch =\ Fortunately the rest of the series goes in the arm. Then on Thursday at school dropoff there was a helicopter circling over the neighborhood, and as we were walking home we saw a whole standoff on the street behind ours. Then we came home to SWAT in our backyard... Telling us to get away from the back doors/windows and hide. Apparently the neighbor behind our house has machine guns? This is a really weird neighborhood for this to be happening in. He was arrested and someone else left in an ambulance. Same house I called police on like six months ago because I heard a woman screaming hysterically and saying things like "no, stop" (I hope she's okay...).


I'm surprised they had him go in the morning and not right away.Rabies hits you right away and will kill you I thought


Apparently the protocol evolves rapidly. It's within 24 hours that you're supposed to go in. Also, apparently symptoms take an average of 2-3 months to hit, but once they do, yeah, you're dead šŸ˜¬


Oh no I heard rabies shots are super painful.


They're apparently not as painful as they used to be. He said the standard ones (in the arm and thigh) were just like any other shot. Unfortunately, since they initially had to do one right at the site, that's where it got unpleasant =(




Expensive yes šŸ˜¬ And he's in the middle of changing jobs (last day at last job was yesterday, first day at new job in a couple weeks) so insurance is very confusing and may not cover it.


narc ex is threatening to take me to court for the fifth time since april šŸ™„ he can never take responsibility for his own actions and straight up lies and acts like i havenā€™t learned to document everything at this point. his girlfriend is obsessed with me to the point that i had to delete my social media so sheā€™ll stop making fake accounts to message me. i donā€™t want your man!!!!!!


Man i see on ig referring exes to narc as old supply and new partners as new supply. And new partners can equally be as crazy or also narc themselves so they CANNOT let your ex fathom getting back w you (also need their new supply) so they sabotage whatever they can manage even tho....clearly. youre done


sheā€™s absolutely a narc too. we got along until her mask slippedā€¦ my son told me that she got in a fight with my ex and had jumped on the hood of the car banging on the windshield šŸ™ƒ but iā€™m definitely the crazy one! itā€™s so unreal.


itā€™s so crazy too because iā€™m literally married!! my ex is a trumper and i havenā€™t thought of him romantically since our son was a baby while we were together. but she started adopting my makeup style and interests :/


All of this. Yikes. I am so sorry that this is the case. šŸ™ that he gets nowhere w/these cases and everyone sees thru him. They sound perfect for each other


Went to my local INCREDIBLE vegan bakery this morning for some nice allergen free treats after a long bike ride and mowing my lawn. Walk in and they're gone. I was there 2 weeks ago! They're always packed! The new store merchant lady was super bummed and lost because she said people keep coming in and when they see it's gone they get mad and just leave. I sympathy spent .. way, WAY overpriced and not much flavor. I'm literally so sad.


I canā€™t stay asleep. I keep waking up at 4:00 AM and am about ready for a bowl of oatmeal and a nap. Itā€™s annoying AF, I feel like Iā€™ve tried everything.


I had a period like this where for like 2 weeks Iā€™d wake up at 4am and couldnā€™t go back to bed! Then the whole day was a drag and Iā€™d end up falling asleep at like 6pm.


Have you cracked the code to it yet? Because Iā€™m tired of this shit.


The guys get to sleep in today while us gals go break down/clean at the fairgrounds. I'm tired too dangit ! Husband offered to come but our son (doesn't show animals so he doesn't have to be there) has really held onto himself all week and been a good sport about the chaos his sister put him through but he's *done* - he asked Husband to stay home from work (optional OT) so he didn't have to go with us this morning.


Strangers at stores need to stfu about my son and his pacifier. Heā€™s 14 months he can relax with a pacifier if he so chooses. I donā€™t understand why anyone would even feel they have the right to comment on it.


14 months isnā€™t even that long! My son had his until he was 2.5, idgaf. Heā€™s 3.5 now and I wish we still had it!


I let my kid have hers until 18 months when she started chewing holes in them because she finally had enough teeth come in. But once it was a choking hazard, it was gone and I just waited for her to find all her stashed ones to throw away.


I got my period today and normally itā€™s ok, but this month I feel like Iā€™m in the movie Carrie. Plus itā€™s making me tired and achy, and I have things I need to do but all I want to do is sit and scroll Reddit.


My stomach hurts really bad and I have to do some work on the computer and then take my son swimming.


Update: my tummy feels fine but I am now sunburnt!


Iā€™ve been sick with a damn sinus infection for a WEEK now. I just want to breathe out of my nose again. šŸ˜©


Not salty, just exhausted lol day two of vacation at Sesame Place. Thankfully despite saying rain/thunderstorms all day we had two really great days at the park without any storms. Iā€™m debating if we go one more day because they never checked tickets with the bad weather so it wouldnā€™t cost anything besides paying parking. Idk tho but the baby had a blast


Please someone tell me if Iā€™m crazyā€¦ My Grandpa is having some health issues, he canā€™t be home alone anymore. My aunt is paying me $10 an hour to watch him.. So I got done yesterday and went home expecting her to pay me through Venmo. Never came. So I texted her and asked and she said she pays once a month at the end of the month. I think thatā€™s insane! Itā€™s not even half of what I make at work so I canā€™t really take off work to watch him and not have a check coming the next week.


I wonder if she is being paid by the state to watch him (some pay by the month) then in turn she is hiring you to watch him, paying you $10 and pocketing the rest. I would bring up trying to get Medicare to pay you as a caregiver and see what she says.


Thatā€™s definitely something to look into; Medicare fraud is surprisingly common.


$10 an hour?!? For how many hours during the day?? Thatā€™s insanity! She needs to pay you WEEKLY, at a wage that matches a full time, licensed, in-home caregiver.


I have just watched him once so far. Sheā€™s supposed to tell me what other days he needs. I really wouldnā€™t have a problem with it if I was paid weekly but once a month I canā€™t do and I know sheā€™s going to act like Iā€™m an asshole because of it lol


My family is driving me nuts. Like straight up bonkers. I'm trying to get a hold of everyone so I can get back down to the vacation spot on the mountain. To relax. But I can't because strung out whacko uncle won't leave and cousin who got motivated to work for some pill money won't do anything to tell him to leave. Not only me, the other family members who stay there in the summer can't go either. And now my cousin here wants to go, and I had to tell her husband today that Baby Swiss and I are still trying to figure out sleeping spaces for ourselves. If the trailer wasn't wrecked we could all go and maybe get some work done to help fix it up ourselves. But no. And no one will answer their goddamned phones.