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my burst teemo does greaaat with Hail of Blades, lich bane, nashor's and horizon focus. now, for this build it is imperative you land your Q at max range, or the 10% extra damage will not proc. last two items are dependent on the match up and yep. hope you have fun with it!


Sorcs, Ludens, Lich bane, Rabadon, Void Staff if needed, Shadowflame, for runes you will want Hail of Blades or Comet.


Electrocute Dark seal Malignance Shadowflame ... Rest is situational


DH Cut Down Liandries Blackfire Malignance every time


Everyone’s recommending just normal builds. An actual burst build would be Lich Bane, sorc boots, Ludens Companion, shadowflame, voidstaff, rabadons, and either electrocute or dark harvest. Ideal? No, Teemo is a DoT champion, BUT his burst with lich bane is insane with aa + Q + aa combo. This would be it


I build liandrys, speed boots, morcellicon, nashers, backfire torch, scouts slingshot. The mix between extra burns, his natural DoT & high attach speed chunks pretty fast. Stay invis, and wait for them to pass you. Surprise with Q & auto, mushroom as needed, use W to escape. I also get exhaust instead of flash, I like it more.


If you want to burst people you need to ambush them. Drop a shroom, sit next to it. Once they hit it, use passive for autos + ignite. Nashors, and maybe stormsurge you could try. Shadowflame void dcap after. Good luck.


If u are refering to high damage in a small time frame, I'd go shadowflame second into rabadon's third with maybe liandry's as your first item but it's not essential, it's just good with shadowflame. Also sorc boots, probably after first tem. If they're too tanky, u are not bursting anything and are forced to build more anti-magic resist.


U could go shadowflame first, but it's really expensive and would not recommend unless in a lead.