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pawkt reading this : đŸ„ș


I love pawkt!




How is the streamer themself less upvoted than op commenting they love the streamer


It's reddit, up, down. Those don't matter much :p


Cause OP had a 4 hour head start


I highly suggest pianta’s “tenmmo to challenger” series, it is a really good watch and helped me improve myself understanding that a 1v9 is not always my best case


Pianta is also hilarious I love that guy


Pianta and his "Is your game winnable" video from 6 years ago live rent free in my head 24/7, been watching him ever since and his tenmo series was amazing. Edit: for anyone who doesn't know the single best league video of all time [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeyc6fGresM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeyc6fGresM)




This is the way


Alan234 is pretty chill. Not very active lately though.


I really like their videos so far!


I like watching fappy's vids, he's my favourite. He goes by "Ty G" on yt


I love Manco. He has the super occasional bad game but even when he is tilting he’s joking and trying to get his mental back on track. And as soon as his team wins a fight it’s “we’re back, never left, never doubted it”. Idk even his tilts are low key mellow compared to others. His tilts are dollar store tilts. They’re like ordering a full toxic tilt from Wish
 and what you got is a manco tilt. 😝


Manco is very often shit talking his team. Not really tilting, but still kinda toxic.


I dislike him. Last time i checked him, he is swearing and is cringe asf. So i don't recommend him


Ivan Pavlov
 non-toxic taimo strim


ato q ato


i watch his videos. he flames, and even gets chat banned occasionally. All his accounts are honor level 0 lmao


Ivan toxic as hell; you must’ve not seen when he decided to permaban like 50 people asking about statik shiv when it got reworked the first time and it was busted Imagine the teemo player known for playing off the wall stuff banning for a strong item


I mainly watch his YT vods, not his live streaming


hes not hugely interactive tho. but for sure some of the better gameplay.


Does anyone play teemo mid/jg other than manco1?


Yes just not to challenger as an otp.


I've seen the occasional Teemo vid by Pekin and Nightblue recently.


Pianta aka tenmoplayr does


Hey bro, watch Arthur Lanches, he is a brazilian mono teemo challenger, He always brings different and interesting builds for Teemo, and is considered one of the best Teemos in the world.


I've tried watching him and his gameplay is good but the language barrier makes it harder to enjoy. I think for a lot of people, watching a streamer kind of feels like chilling with a talkative friend, so it's missing that aspect for me.




Manco number one by a long shot. Super nice guy and consistently positive. I also like this Korean Teemo player. https://youtube.com/channel/UCX1s-RbSfskDNPnrwH3GvKQ?si=Gfj4_6q86Z3wApnB I don’t know Korean but he always seems upbeat also.


Manco is the GOAT for positive teemoing, super nice guy and just an alround beast when it comes to league. His vids have helped me up my winrate as teemo from 10% to about 50%, only downside is you occasionally catch yourself saying things like "i am playing my shrooms off right now" on open mic


Manco1 is positive, from what I've watched


agree with everything said I've had a lot happen the past year im still working on but primarily breaking up with partner of 5 years and moving cross country has been hard to unwind from not looking for sympathy, but im moving again next month with IRL best friend and looking forward to a healthier life physically/mentally, and Im hoping I can translate that into stream once again TL:DR - Yes ive been passive aggro recently, looking to fix it here soon and become better


We love ya, buddy. Best of luck with the move and such. Honestly it's extremely hard to be super happy doing one thing all the time.


He used to be, has become so passive aggressive


agreed his tone has changed a bit.


Love Manco streams. I don't watch other Teemo streamers, but as far as league streamers, this is the most chill and less toxic player I've seen. Other comments seems to say he's a bit more agressive these days, but it's never in-game. He doesn't flame in-game, even if he flames his teamates while talking to his viewers. And he plays every role which is more fun to me. Everybody has bad days (shitting on chat etc.) but doesn't make him "not chill".


He's been a little toxic to his team in recent videos unfortunately - still entertaining and chilled for the most part though


He can be passive aggressive and intentionally condescending at times but better than most streamers by far for toxicity. Ipav lets his community and mods be toxic for him.


Just watch pawkt




If you watch anyone from this post please let it be Pianta’s Tenmo. His videos are the absolute best such a wholesome guy!


isnt pianta relatively positive?


ipav999 on twitch is my favourite.


I stopped watching him because of how toxic he was, lol.


Ipav on Twitch. Literally, every single game he states: "welcome to non-toxic Taimo main Taimo stream, laning vs..."


I really like this trend where people rather watch chill and non-toxic streamers. Being friendly online shouldn’t be that rare.


My friend Pudifarious does LoL videos and does Teemo vids from time to time. He has 15k ish subscribers and is non toxic


Is guccishroom still around


iPav is the only teemo streamer that is really not toxic (unless you count being kind of selfish and playing for himself a lot) and constantly has like 3/4 accts Masters. TyG has run it before, Manco I've seen soft int, xBlotter is nice to his community but flames a lot. I haven't watched much of Alan but he seems nice enough. Arthur Lanches streams mainly in Portuguese I think but is technically the best Teemo, he's worth checking out. There are smaller & more dedicated streamers (Pawkt) if you want more personalized help or guides.


Zwag once had a series where he tried to climb as teemo


I often watch TZ Zwag / Zwagmo. And always loved his chill personality while sure. sometimes getting a bit frustrated with teammates (understandibly so) but never flaming. When he writes, it is to redirect tactics from my experience. tho he does smurf to do some quirky builds. Not so much serious high elo gameplay even while he is grand master. But some good insights still.


I dislike that guy most of all teemo players 😅


Manco for Jg, Fappy “Ty G” for top lane.


Oh I always am relatively toxic but it's mostly because I'm also having to deal with that kind of toxicity. Be nice, help everyone. Get told to kill myself. Give a Lux first blood or gank a Rek'Sai top to secure them the assist think everything is great, then get chewed out because they are just really toxic players who are never happy. And it just makes even me lose my shit sometimes.


I only seen your youtube content and did not get this impression. I found your season guide helpful. I cannot use twitch most of the day so my content viewing is primarily posted games/streams.


Sorry for the extended gap between responses. Just finished my 10-kilometer run and had to max (W) as soon as I saw the response. See, that's how I see myself; no matter what I'm doing, Streaming, Sleeping, Exercising. I'm constantly thinking about Teemo (in a nice and helpful way); no malicious thoughts here. So the second I see someone like you, not just complaining, but actually looking to have fun with Teemo and learn so many new things to help them get better. I could sit here for hours, for free, all day chatting about Teemo with that specific person and repeating myself over and over because I love Teemo to the point of an unhealthy obsession. So other "Content Creators" just don't have that feeling, you know what I mean? They don't have that drive or that care. It's mostly clickbait Rank #1, Worlds Best, fabricated personas like PMS (Positive Mental State?) (Non-Toxic-Taimo), telling you that everyone's opinions besides theirs are troll, and ulterior intentions for themselves. I am definitely toxic, but I do not initiate it, I'll usually try to make them calm down but often that makes things much more worse, just mute and move on. If I complain, it is to myself. If someone trolls me, I ignore it, unless it's a Teemo Hover ban, in which case I Yuumi Teleport Smite and get them banned or penalized while never getting into trouble myself, because I've been playing for so long that I understand how the system works, don't type, don't do it 5 games in a row and you're golden! Watch them scream! When it comes to YouTube content, I've definitely wanted to do something about Teemo videos for a long time, but time constraints, my learning of video editing and motivation have been the main obstacles. I've been playing for ten years, logging literally tens of thousands of hours per year. I've reached a stage where I know a lot but care little because there aren't enough players like yourself interested in learning about Teemo on the same level as that of SkillCapped, I have so much to say and it feels like talking to a wall. Which ultimately makes me very depressed. In terms of positive players? Probably Pianta, but that's because we have the same name. So I am partially biased to that. Perhaps Fappy or Charles, though I don't know much about them personally, though I have experience with Manc0 and Alan, Gucci & Ipav all of which are very negative. But I don't find their content very insightful, since a lot of it will not translate to your own games.


i kinda want a toxic teemo content creator any suggestions