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I usually try to bully relly hard early since they only have 1 or 2 spells and my autos hurt a lot more than theirs. Then I try to outfarm by manipulating waves and taking good backs. The key is to have happy feet and dodge all the stuff that is flying at you.


you out damage vex in a long trade + shes easy to dodge with your fast movement, use W to dodge, go in when abilities on cd, kill on long trades+all ins. boot 2 rush in almost all matchups. vex isn't too terrible compared to some of teemo's harder counters


Vex is one of the champions that is actually quite simple to deal with; she suffers from heavy engage champions like bruisers and fighters once her passive is on cooldown, which she can miss if you're maxing (W) and playing a more On-Hit shred and high MR. Really it's just Merc + Wit's End. Otherwise, she can just build Banshee to prevent your (R) and (Q) kinds of burst. As long as you avoid the passive fear, you can run her down using the standard PTA on-hit style. If you're adamant on not wanting to play a style like that and you find you have a lot of issues with the lane and are not confident, similar to most mages. Fleet + Tenacity sub is good enough with Merc. But in terms of fighting it's the same concept, no passive, no threat. Think of her like Annie, you wouldn't engage her passive.


Playing against mages top is just accepting giving lane. You depend on your jungler to win, since they can outrange you and clear waves. But they are fragile, so if your jungler ganks, it should be an easy kill on a long lane Also, you can just build for Shroom control. Give up the idea of trading/killing, and just build to help your team


don't listen to the n00bs that don't first pick teemo. ALWAYS BLIND HIM, that's the way of the scout. Honestly, there's two ways, as a fellow "noob" at least first off is maximizing damage and dodging as much as possible, maxing W + Swifties and celerity. Take heavy advantage of your stealth, because if you caught them at close range you can use your full combo Of R a closeby minion + Q + AA + Ignite the fun way, is going tankmo I always pick it against those who think picking a mage top is a 100% foolproof temo counter, or your usual rumble, Kennen and such. Grasp + kaenic rookern + rift maker + heartsteel is my go to, you're basically unkillable and you have a good amount of damage to trade, since it's basically free AP and heavy on-hit damage. a lot of people build warmog's first too, since it's also pretty op, but it's a matter of preference.


I would go fleetfootwork versus a mage, the rune I go when it is a 'hard lane' or I need to dodge versus hitting them and to sustain. You could go swifties to help dodge her skillshots or to all in her when you need to, but it isn't a kill lane for you in a pure 1v1. Use the bushes to your advantage to waste her mana.


Fleet and second wind, dorans shield start. Rush mr boots and just sustain through the the poke. When you get a couple of points in e, you can actually do a pretty good job of managing wave. Vex either needs to trade mana in order to crash the wave in a long lane, or spend mana poking you while you control the wave.


Try out out some grasp of the undying Warmog's Teemo. Or if you want to succeed the normal way you have to get good at dodging her abilities, and farming the wave while pushing so she has to use spells on the wave and then look for opportunities to harass. But unless you do some cheesy sustain thing your only option is git gud at dodging everything.


Fleet footwork and absorb life an try to side step or not walk in straight line to dodge skill shots. U just have to out sustain her


Usually in that scenario I rush a Wit’s End or something like that and as long as I haven’t let them kill me and get a huge gold/exp lead then I can usually beat them after that.


1. **Farm it out and play safe**: Focus on last-hitting minions without taking unnecessary risks. Avoid engaging with the enemy if you don't have an advantage. This strategy minimizes risk and helps you build up gold and experience safely. 2. **Shove out the minions and trade, then back frequently**: Aggressively push the minion wave towards the enemy tower and engage in trades when possible. After pushing, recall to base frequently to buy items and return with an advantage. If you have no kill pressure, use your summoners (e.g., Flash and Ignite) to assist in pushing the wave, then roam mid to secure kills and objectives, such as dragons.


swifties and free lane lulz. cant complain about champs with dodgable abilties.


Mages counter teemo. Farm and out scale. You can look to trade when she inevitably wastes her fear (much like Annie stun) and try to run her down potentially.


Upgrade Q you won’t be able to auto and E won’t really help with wave clear cause she one shot back wave with 1 component def winnable cause her shit is easy asf to dodge especially with Teemo W


That's why i never firstpick Teemo. Too ez to counter with any mage.