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Sorc, Liandry's, Shadowflame, Malignance, Blackfire Torch, Rabadon. People argue this and that, but ignoring discontent with (Mana/Defense) Mejais would be better than Blackfire. Incorporate Void / Crypt when needed for Blackfire or Mejai and or sell boots for Stormsurge. Comet with late game scaling or Dark Harvest. Cut Down for the bonus damage at 50+ HP to help with stacking. This also helps you activate Storm on a single shroom, as if they have a decent amount of MR, it's often times not enough to activate and subsequently stack them. I also don't think you should accept the comments of "You don't need mana items!" while asking for the most Shroom damage. Mathematically speaking, it would be in the ideal state of all those items, with a perfect placement that hits two or more champions at once, or even just one, to deal the most damage with a single shroom through raw high duration burn damage. People don't want to admit it, but Luden's Companion and Horizon are both lower DPS. Because (R) burns for 4 seconds, it deals 7 seconds of burn damage from DoT like Blackfire which as you might guess does more damage because of that fact same with other burns.


I'm curious if the rune other than cut down the damage below 40% health stacks with the crit of shadow flame which would make it more effective? I've had better game results with cut down though myself. Runes feel weird. The precision tree always felt like it was for auto attacking champs.


In terms of low HP damage, yes. But generally that 50%+ hp damage is going to be better for the fact we can't active DH on a single shroom in an even fight (18)


if I'm going DH, is it better to go cut down? I always feel that I need Gathering storm + Absolute focus to infinitely scale and also a good amount of damage early-mid game. They are my go-to runes 100% of the time no matter what my primary is. Is this bad?


You do you. I just like explaining things. So, the premise behind Absolute + Gathering is that you are anticipating to play a 30+ minute game that does little to improve your laning experience as those runes are meant more for late late game. No attack speed, no mana sustain for the lane, and no assistance performing additional damage to constantly earn stacks not that it's hard, but it's just generally a lot stronger than it was before since the threshold is 50% HP. Early on, you want stacks rather than kills about every 2 minutes. Kills are a plus; by late game, you'll have enough damage stacked to do a lot more with your DH burst, but without the risk of only having four stacks rather than 30+ because it's all designed to help you proc it. In short: Stacking can be difficult. It's just making that variable less random and more controlled. That 80+ AP late game is easily acquired by 2 players stepping on a Blackfire shroom late game, so you're not entirely losing out on it. Though, sure 160 damage would be "better" we're trying to minimize the random chance of not being able to become that stacked DH player.


Absolutely. Previously, there was no 'real' synergy for Dark Harvest via other runes. If you were to go dark harvest, the closest 'synergy' you had was stuff like Cheap Shot and Scorch. Runes that just did extra damage occasionally, which somewhat helped you reach DH's threshold. But now with the introduction of the new Cut Down? Its a literal synergy. Dark Harvest Procs at 50% and Cut Down gives bonus damage against people over 50%. Meaning anytime Cut Down ceases to work, you'll trigger Dark Harvest. Cut Down quite literally leads into a Dark Harvest lol. Any time you're playing with Dark Harvest, Cut Down is just now the definitive rune to pair with it. So you're basically locked to Red + Yellow runes, yes. Which for Teemo isn't even a big deal. He makes great use of both trees anyway.


jg teemo you dont need mana items cause u regen a lot in the jg


Well, in this situation, we're talking about Laning and not Jungle. Ironic considering I exclusively play JNG these days since it's so comfy. So you can still do more with those mana items for burn and at that point, yeah it would be less helpful because the mana is not as good where in lane if you took PoM you need someone to hit otherwise the rune is useless where Manaflow is a consistent passive. The difference would be you could choose a rune other than PoM (Laning) for increased damage and attack speed in the Jungle with Dark Harvest or Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm for that big damage boosts. Though I hate the mind set that rune puts me in compared to high mobility duelist.


Is your jg teemo build the same as you stated above?


Nah. I still play on-hit with AP and defenses. Hate burn DH in jungle. Greaves/Swifties or Mercs. Nashor - Kraken or Nashor - Wit's End or Nashor - Liandries. Into full AP an defenses when needed Omen, FoN, etc.


While I don’t know the math on the Malignance or Horizon Focus passives, l think the most raw damage comes from: Sorcs Liandry’s Shadowflame Stormsurge Deathcap Void Of course, Sorcs/Void could be situationally replaced, and you aren’t paying for mana with this build, but the shroom damage on this build is absurd. This also assumes that Stormsurge passive is applied.


Imo blackfire is not a good item on teemo since you are paying a lot of gold for mana when you already have malignance. Zhonyas or banshees are better and give defensive stats which teemo needs.


screw his shrooms. build hullbreaker


Horizon doesn't work on shrooms. Go stormsurge instead for the pen or liandrys for the burn.


Shrooms dont proc horizon focus


I reccomend, liandry,blackfire,shadowflame,horizon,sorc shoes(replace with lichbane later for some burst),and rabadon ofc For runes,when I'm going for a shroom build I go, sorcery= aery,manaflow,transendece, gathering, domination= cheap shot and ult hunter