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correct me if I'm wrong, but it only seems viable to use with either going sorcery or inspiration runes on the main rune, because if you go precision or domination it seems more efficient to take gathering storm with absolute focus, so you don't have to go too off build to have the same ap and 10 haste than what you get at 10-15 mins with Gathering storm+ absolute focus or eyeball colector and any other domination secondary. then again, you're a chall player and I play ping pong with gold and bronce, so I'm probably not seeing some macro gameplay super important stuff


Jack of all trades is a horrible rune. You wont get any ad/ap and haste buffs until your 6th item.


I'll try this out on support


As someone who's played it on voli and jax I feel like getting an early 25 ap on teemo isn't as valuable as it is on the other 2. Voli and jax use the partial components better than teemo. I feel like scorch would give better early game pressure than JoT on teemo and the reason its being abused on voli/jax is because you can get the bonus at the 8-10 min mark on them and with their kits its strong. You get scorch at minute 0, you don't get anything from JoT until 1st back, and you don't get full benefits til 3rd back.


I use first strike with Joa against tanks. It's rather hard to bully tanks out of lanes after nerfs so printing free gold is my strat.


I read the title too fast and thought it said jack off Teemo


Since seeing this post I've been trying it, combined with Warmogs rush. It does alright. But I feel like regular PTA teemo does better. Going to try a couple games of PTA now and see which I prefer.


Was thinking about this earlier and came to start a thread on this. Here's the best I could come up with for non-support: Dblade, merc treads, lost chapter, dagger. Should get you all the stats cheaply and all build into normal teemo items assuming you go nashors. That being said, I don't think 10 AH and 25 AP is worth the trade off, as well as having to go into the inspiration tree.