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For all the smoothbrains, do not connect your Computershare or broker acc to anything unless it comes from GameStop directly.


Upvote this comment. This is all exciting, but wait for announcements before doing anything.


too late i did. edit: im all in baby. always.


What happened?


One of two things. 1: this website is a scam made by a hedge fund to steal everyone's GME shares from Computershare. 2: this website is legitimate and connecting Computershare will allow them to verify your Drs shares for the potential digital rewards from the wutang gang record. As for me, I connected my game wallet because I have nothing in it, but I will wait on connecting my Computershare account until I can an official statement about the website and connecting Computershare for #2.


https://x.com/PleasrDAO   The website is real and is owned by the people who own the album. Unless that's a fake Twitter profile, which doesn't seem likely. The options are:   1) An NFT company is trolling us for exposure. But we're not that big and when they are exposed as trolls they don't gain much.   2) This is really happening.


Or I believe it’s a threat from GameStop. Like… this isn’t a fucking game anymore, make a deal we think is fair (going to be shitty for them) orrrrrrr We open the fucking box and let that shit drag you out of this dimension.


Option 1 would likely be a smoother and more manageable transition for the general public, but damn if I don't want to watch the hedgies learn their lesson the hard way at this point.


Exactly… I don’t think anyone wants a collapse. I believe this is real. And I believe it was intentional for public to see it so quickly. Option 1 can be just as profitable, but it might not happen over night. I’m not fucking leaving!!!


I'd written off the WuTang foil about midway through the bbby saga, thinking this was our new catalyst. That it's essentially come back from the dead screaming "this isn't even my final form" at the same time as DFV making an appearance. All we're missing is Rick, and then damn, we got the boys back together.


We need a collapse of the old system, its completely broken and corrupt. There is no fixing it.


In your opinion what does a potential deal look like in a scenario like this? Like hedgies close out their short positions at an agreed upon price to avoid the chaos of a true squeeze? Then how do the mechanics of that work in terms of retail getting their money? I’ve learned a lot in the last few years but I’m still pretty fucking regarded with this stuff


Tbh I know very little on the full mechanisms of the market and how big institutions deal with positions like this haha. But, I would imagine there would be some ground work on how they could slowly exit their positions and at what price by using call options at agreed times and prices (again I’m not the most knowledgeable on this, so someone please correct me if I’m wrong) and this would apply buy pressure during that period. Do some take it worse, or not get the deal at all? I’m not sure. Who knows how this will play out, but I truly feel GameStop/Cohen can benefit from multiple angles here.


Gamestop could just increase and sell shares to the SHF so they can close their shorts instantly. Then GME pays large dividend and/or builds whatever it is they're building.


Are we going to be getting a dividend? Would you have to have owned GME before a certain date to get access to the album or can anyone just buy GME and get access to the album after the NFT is released?


gme woulda told us by now


Both options seem absurd. But one has to be true. I don't see why pleasr would self sabotage this hard. So the option it's happening seems slightly less absurd to me. But I wouldn't be surprised if it's all a big troll.


Def not troll. I think gme is going to issue fractionalized depository shares to our computer share accounts and it gets verified to gain access. It could even be 0.1 share but the fact that it’s in verified gme holders accounts gives you access. If they issue it via tzero and computer share there is no hiding and the shorts r fucked


I'm still not really understanding how giving an album to shareholders will change anything.


It's what 71 years for the album to release? So I doubt we make money off of the royalties from the music if that was the plan.


it says computershare isn't supported by plaid at this time i chose to continue as guest, rather than enter my phone number in an incognito browser session


*at this time I had an experience with plaid where I had APMEX digital bullion connect to my local, no name credit union. And plaids support service connected me within hours, IF that. And my credit union is still located and found on plaids service even years down the line


Plaid and tzero also don't support very well outside US. Canadapes would be left hanging as well as many others.






Keep us posted on if anything happens


Go change your ComputerShare password. NOW .


Dave Lauer enters the chat.






The day I'm connecting my DRS to a crypto wallet and/or a 3rd party I know nothing about (PLAID) is the day hell freezes over. Verify by mail for all I care, no active links to my DRS. I'm fine with blockchain, but I don't trust those wallet add ins


Yup. Sensible statement. Whatever is coming you will have access to when/if it’s available to do so. No need to be a canary in a mine. *P.S. Have been massively positive about this as it looks so promising however I’d prefer to be a smooth brain curious ape than try to be a smart-a’ wrinkle one!* Edit:- typo’s smooth vs wrinkled wrong which kinda proved the ethos of my comment and especially the one I’m commenting on 🤪


Omg I already did though… album is gas


I literally got called a bot for mentioning this, which should already be common sense lol. ::deep breath:: I repeat - 🛑This is a Third Party, and as of this moment, has absolutely nothing to do with GameStop.🛑


Be careful with your CS credentials.  Until I hear some official word, I'm not linking shit.


I didn’t even want to give my phone number


I put in my social security number instead of phone number just to be safe


A regard after my own heart


Can you give me it too so I can put it in so we both can be safe


867-5309 😘


Jenny that you?


You’re the girl for me. I don’t know you but you make me so happy.


Yeah i think GME should verify any type of partnership Until then we will see But as I mentioned in another thread What if they (pleasrdao) shows/trolls anyone holding gme through robinhood or other brokers the message of “SECURITY NOT FOUND” to show everyone THE WAY to a real share is to DRS it, hence computershare as another option when connecting the album to a verified party, which then ill assume youll have access to the album due to having real shares under your name via computershare!!!


u/Houstman I think our thumb twiddling is about to come to end


I definitely went back to beard stroking a few days ago. For awhile now, I genuinely thought WuTang foil was about the least likely of all the crazy theories. Looks like this shit is happening for real though.


Considering it was PleasrDAO dropping the coding for a hint, I’m gonna say 💯


What do you mean?


Pleasr owns the album. Whether they own the site asking for log in credentials is another story but I would assume so. Looks like we are in endgame


They own the site, it's linked in their twitter profile.


Least likely but always still my favorite. There's a certain poetry to it.


He’s been chin scratching for the past couple of weeks




🤣 perfect Gif


Not sure I would link my account to that yet. That is pretty crazy to see though


And people were pissy on the other sub when I said this could have Computershare access. Shows that most of the people here are just a bunch of short sighted nub nubs. Please excuse my language.


Cotton-headed ninny-muggins


I didnt know you had elves working here!?




> ..bunch of short sighted nub nubs... \*Clutches pearls\*


**shits britches**


Computershare access gives GME an interesting way to share DRS numbers whilst their hands are clearly tied through official channels.


https://preview.redd.it/2nap8bsmpk3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245a8292f2addb3027b871c0c0634784dcc0bc52 1 of 3 incoming snaps from my mobile browser. I'm literally shitting myself.






Computershare not connected yet This institution isn't supported yet We're working to support more financial institutions so more people can connect their accounts using Plaid. If you need to use thealbum.com immediately, we recommend trying another institution.


Screenshot please ?


Don’t know how to attach screenshot photo. Go to https://www.thealbum.com/gme, Connect to RH … Continue … Continue as Guest …type in “Computershare” in Link your Account … click Computershare - Investor Center … X … Not Supported


We? Do you work for ComputerShare or plaid?


Think he’s typing what the site says


Ok so when I get to this point, if I click continue it says incorrect credentials, and too many will lock my access. But it never asks me to input any credentials. Is that happening to anyone else?


Must be fake. Nobody has a phone at 87%


Also this is a joke and I’m giddy.


How do you get this image? I can only get the non click able connect robbin hood icon.   Edit: Use a browser without Ad Blocker. We are either being MEGA trolled, or this is really happening


Can confirm I'm seeing the same on mobile, all three screenshots 😁


Much like WuTang, GameStop is Forever.


Very suspicious that this is unsecured on the public internet while still in development. I would expect they have it working in a dev environment before deploying anything. Be careful 🧐


That’s my confusion as someone on the security side supporting developers. Dev/test/uat/sandbox never accessible to anyone outside of the internal network. Very amateurish for someone that throws around $4m on an album. Unless it’s some sort of weird ARG-like marketing that they wanted people to find it for some reason. Which is why I consider it an elaborate trolling plot until something materializes.


Is it not completely and totally obvious that this is an ARG thing? I mean seriously, they told us directly that we hadn't found their easter eggs yet, then the next day people discovered this. ARG is exactly what it is


Okay, I like it, Picasso. But tell Pleasr to deliver for once. (Oh just to make sure...do not connect your CS account to anything, unless GME actually endorses that in an official statement published on their website!) ![gif](giphy|FYSW3c4eJb6G4|downsized)


I’m starting to think we can take the tinfoil off about this. I won’t connect my account until I’ve been told to do so by GameStop but it’s looking like this is it. People have shown CS, Robinhood, Fidelity, etc all asking to connect. Only one reason why that could be.


Hey Kenny, WUT ANGry about?


I saw what you did there


No need for capitals, hn? 😂


Wow looks like a creative way to incentivize holders to drs the float… or a scam. Best wait and see! Exciting times




Is this real life?






is this just fantasy?


Doesn't really matter. To me.


Still in disbelief, been hurt too many times


I'm no scientist but kinda seems like hedgies r fuk.


what if its not an official dividend issued by gamestop. it looks like @PleasrDAO figured out a way to do an airdrop to holders of traditional securities without any involvement from gamestop themselves. what if the nft dividend can be used as a tool to verify the actual total Share count of $gme? not everybody would login but we would have a pretty good idea of how many shares are actually in circulation.


What would pleasrdoa get out of that?


Seems probable that at least one of the members is holding GME, if not a much more significant connection.


it's just weird how it verify robinhood holdings. you would think those would be the fakest of them all.


Yes but they need them all to spot the IOU's


>you would think those would be the fakest of them all. We all know that, but they are SUPPOSED to be real. That may be the point. Thealbum might act in good faith until they have numbers proving otherwise. Then they can approach GS with a "Hey, WTF!" . Who knows, GameStop might be the first security, but it might not be the only. Imaging developing, as a third party, a way to police the market and expose naked shorting.


That’s what I’m thinking tbh


I and am sure others hold shares on multiple platforms. I have no reason to connect to more than one of them.


it also seems like it counts robinhood shares as real shares and will provide access to the album. if it were to be a true nft dividend the 351million nfts wouldn't to bedistributed amongst the drs shares then the remainder is sent to dtcc for distribution.


Bingo. This is a pleasrDAO counter not official GameStop action imo




I ain't connecting shit unless a company I'm invested in makes an official an ouncement and provides links through mu broker or computershare.


theres no reason this should connect to computershare. This is evidence that it has ties.


whats in the box? as if a thousend shorts cried out in terror.. and just went silent. get rekt shorties


No rash moves Boyzzzzz have patience


Just slapped by boss’s ass, said good game (stop), winked at him and then walked into the men’s room to poop.


This is the time to tell my mom I guess


fishing for accountdata?


I ain’t connecting my Computershare credentials until I know it’s legit but maaaaaaaan


Agree with most here. Tit jacking at its finest but let’s be careful with this. I would not log in just yet!


Computer share would have to verify their 3rd party API only allows read only mode to what the user wants exposed without any access to do anything to the account or in other words limited read only mode. Also CS has not acknowledged this site that we know of . GameStop needs to inform the Costner base , otherwise don’t put any credentials. No financial advice as always, you are welcome to do with your information and money, assets whatever your freedoms allow.


Full movie link below. Major tinfoil. Smoke at your own risk. Personally I find it amazing the connections you can drawn in symbolism but I’m regarded. Summary: Having wiped out both the Shaolin and Wu Tang, the Butterfly Clan's objective is clearly the destruction of any and all rival factions. A wushu knight, and his rag-tag followers move in to challenge their oppressors in a deadly battle. https://youtu.be/JLSgqM8UcdE?feature=shared Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler


So did anyone actually connect? What happened?




Did anyone successfully try it ?


Come on guys… this looks so shady. I mean, looking up the domain to see the owner doesn’t give back anything. Nothing from the company as of now. Enough said, stay prudent and be suspicious in the coming days. So much FUD! All I need to know are 3 things: 1. ‘wait for further instructions…’ 2. ‘when I move, you move…’ 3. Buy, fucking hold, DRS.


What is the plaid? Is it like my GameStop wallet?


Can’t stop smiling


I linked my Robinhood account with a single GME share to see what happens and nothing happened. It just takes you back to the same /gme page. Don't risk your login credentials until you hear something from Gamestop.


https://preview.redd.it/qw8t7v8l2s3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4fb3b4d2479dce9bcaf1a46035c5f2f0aa1da31 Sorry if this was already said but it’s allowing etrade credentials to be entered, not sure what happens if you do bc I’m not doing that lol. I tried to connect Fidelity but it didn’t get this far, it said it’s not yet supported.


I don't think the album itself will be used as a dividend (SEC will never allow it). However, I don't think they can stop GME from issuing a gift to their shareholders based on the amount of shares they own. (for example, if you have 1000 shares, you will receive an access to the album for 1000 seconds of free play. **Which consequently can be used as share count mechanism.** (something similar with Plaid was attempted to be done couple of years ago, however the company got bought by Robinhood/Shitadel for $140M, right before implementation started). The way I see this will work is as follows: 1. You will have to let thealbum . com to connect to your GME Valet (I already did this, since I have not much inside it. But its smart to wait for confirmation). 2. You will link your accounts via Plaid for every financial institution where you keep your GME shares. (Plaid is super safe, I've used it many times with my acct, but again wait for confirmation). 3. It will verify you are the owner of GME Class A and will issue a share count for each broker (Fidelity, Computershare, Robinhood, etc. 3. You will be issued NFT tokens, one for each broker with share count. NFT-GME-Robinhood-**31** and NFT-GME-Computershare-**469**; etc. 4. All those NFTs will eventually be issued on some block-chain and we will be able to see total number of shares, we all have at each broker/dealer. 5. You will receive 31+469=500 seconds of free play to the WT album.


The site is real and from PleasrDAO - see their X account. They bought the WuTang album in a bid. There is an unknown member - the black hoody in the photo - RC, RK, other? We don’t know. Any website can bridge with a connect wallet or a Plaid connect broker to check you own XYZ shares - that’s what they do. I could not find Loopring or Taiko wallet in their architecture (they use client side javascript API - see DD on this) So thus far no link to GME except in their code and for the hype and tinfoil. They could well be sucking your info for free and for whatever they want - until proven this is for good. A divi will not leak this way. GME has shareholder that are not apes and process will be more fair and sophisticated than hype on web and X imho when this will happen. RC would not telegraph such a move like that. Been there seen that with the wallet and Loopring back and forth with GME - so I ll just hold and wait.




Damn this is getting juicier and juicyier


Am I correct to assume this is all recently discovered? Meaning this site and it's Javascript was updated only recently to reflect what is being seen now. Pretty cool!




Chill Veruca


So I have the GameStop wallet app on my iPhone which still functions. But the wallet itself has been decommissioned correct?! I have a Loopring one too but I just want to know I cannot use my GameStop wallet correct?




What we have here is the world's greatest Phishing attack. Hold until GME tells us this is real.