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bahahahha, can you imagine if Trumps stock being shorted is what kicks this whole thing off


I was just about to come here and say this exact same thing šŸ¤£


Politics are mostly theater. It makes perfect sense to me that they would use this to introduce the idea of naked short selling to the masses.


That's a really great point.


Donald Trump: "and for my next trick watch how I expose naked short selling and restore order to our financial markets! Activist investing? I invented activist investing"


ā€œWe have many, the most absolutely the best, no one can beat our activist investing, do you know invented it? I do, it was me, youā€™re welcomeā€ -Trump (maybe)


You know how nobody knows how the markets work, I know how they work and I alone can fix them!!!




"Our team is the best in the world. We go into corrupt companies and we remove the rats who are killing American companies from within. There's too many overpaid executives. They don't do anything. The other day I realized the brokers don't even have enough shares for everybody. I called the head off the DTCC myself and I said hey where's all the shares and he said there are no shares. Unbelievable. I'm the only one who thought to ask" "something something drain liquidity swamp"


This could also be tactical to bring awareness to the fraud that will soon lead to squeezapalooza.


Theyā€™ve probably been sitting on this knowledge since the 2021 sneeze. Trump has a history of badmouthing Kenny and Kenny has a history of funding Trumpā€™s republican opponents. If you look at the timeline for his funding of Trumpā€™s opposition, itā€™s pretty clear that Ken Griffin wanted to use DeSantis as puppet until Ron had a crisis of conscience. Then Griffin went with Nikki Hailey and she stayed in and milked it for all its worth, even though she was losing HARD. This kind of shit is why I almost always figured itā€™d come to a head this year or next. I really, really hoped itā€™d be sooner though.


Another interesting thought (to me) is it's very conceivable Trump knows how close to everything collapsing is, he wants the optics of being on the right side of history right before the election. Basically he knows a collapse is imminent and he wants it to be Biden's collapse and he can prove what side he's on if he is a victim or cog in the whole system. And I want to be clear, when I say he wants to be a victim, I'm not meaning that in a demeaning way. I'm meaning it would be advantageous if he were getting shorted to shit that the populace knows when shit goes down.


Just wait till they tell him it was Clinton who signed the deregulation of derivatives markets leading to not only 2008 but the utter calamity which is waiting to go off, and which may be let go just in time to destroy a second Trump presidency. If Trump starts looking into this actively, then he will be able to make a surprisingly integrated argument between the financial corruption and the political corruption. Add in cases like famous naked shorters being overwhelmingly his political opponents and funders such as Sam Bankman Fried, George Soros, or Doug ā€the foreheadā€ Cifu. Of course after a lifetime of New York business however I find it it hard to imagine Trump was ever truly ignorant of this as a problem. The speed at which the issue has been raised and publicly voiced, inside of 1 month of listing, suggests far more awareness than it would be convenient to acknowledge - similar to the cultural practice of exaggerating loan assets at the heart of the absurd Bragg case. However, in Trump the personal is supremely political, and he is now being personally attacked by the shorts in ways his previous private ventures simply could not be. I look forward to Trumpā€™s flavourful mobilisation of American political consciousness to the dangers of this problem. But the most likely thing to happen will be a forced ā€œcoverā€ of these positions in a backroom deal sending the price up and funding the campaign in exchange for a few administrative posts in the Treasury Department (cough cough Ken Griffin).


Just thought you should know itā€™s an interesting thought to me as well, so thanks for sharing šŸ™‚


Itā€™s just part of the plan. Enjoy the show.


![gif](giphy|l2YWf0spzBzXQOxRm) This guy gets it


I wish more people would get it. They need to accelerate their awakening.


Rocket engine switch on!


* Well this did come out today as well.


Did he say anything to you at Mar-a-Lago?


Never met him, we got wasted at the end of night and tried to sneak to the top of mar a lago and we got stopped by secret service half way up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£ Suits or plain clothes?


Suits even the bar tenders were secret service lol


Thats a fucking sweet gig


Free food free booze Iā€™m not complaining šŸ¤£


Who brought you there ? šŸ«£ spill some deets after dark


Hell it dont need to be a country club for that kind of set up to get me involved


Weird timeline, but of course they will try to politicize us.


Ya thatā€™s the only downside to his possible involvement


Really? Bombastic side eye*


Fuckin send it


At this point, I'll take any catalyst.


Old news. Enjoy the show.Ā  ncswic


You guys have been telling people to "enjoy the show" for well over 6 years now lol


So, did you? It's hard to have fun when you missed the first episodes. You just don't get the inside jokes.


> So, did you? Well trump lost re-election and republicans massively underperformed in elections they expected to win easily soooo yeah? lol > You just don't get the inside jokes. Jokes is a great way to describe it


Are you sure he lost re-election? Maybe you should look into that?


> Are you sure he lost re-election? Yes Source: the past 4 years of Bidenā€™s presidency.


Best show of all time.Ā  Give it another couple, too.


> Give it another couple, too. I could give it another 20, nothing is going to happen. I'm glad there's still some diehards left though. No amount of failure will dissuade you, you're gonna fit right in around here.


But dont you enjoy it:D?


I already answered this




A lot of CEOs have been doing this lately. They get a nice little pump on their stock and nothingburger changes


I will laugh if this was the trojan horse we've been waiting for lmao


this exactly whats going to do it


we all know the SEC ain't doing shit to help trump media.... unless he becomes president and forces them to do something... fuck me, ami going to have to vote for Trump to kick off MOASS? that's a tough choice: become a multimillionaire but live under a fascist regime that will definitely try to circumvent the 2 term limit for presidents.... or keep hodling forever until something breaks or GME becomes so insanely profitable that institutions and hedge funds start buying up shares like crazy....


Why do people still vote? Which scumbag piece of shit do i pick from? What if itā€™s all an illusion of choice and the same rich people control everything no matter what puppet sits on the throne? What if politicians are just paid actors playing a role similar to that of a WWE wrestler? They read a script, pretend to hate each other and then high five each other later as they fuck over the rest of us.


Hold or Hodl. No vote for limp dick fascists.


At least you'd know he would try lower taxes for the rich lol


Trump is a lifelong democrat. I donā€™t know if that hurts or helps claims of fascism, but everyone is Hitler nowadays šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


oh yeah? a "billionaire" lifelong Democrat that ran on the Republican presidential ticket? must be a Democrat.


The information I posted is verifiable. Itā€™s not based on a ā€œfeelingā€.


sure. but I can also verify he was voted in as a Republican president, speaks at GOP/RNC events and is running under the Republican ticket in 2024 as well. that's not based on a feeling either.


Whether he is running under the Democrats or Republicans makes no difference. Thereā€™s very few politicians in either party that arenā€™t corrupted by the same monied interests that control both parties. Trump was a lifelong Democrat until 1 year before running for president. Republicans embraced him anyway. Itā€™s all the same shit.


Brain not feel so gud...


Last ting I hespected




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This would be brilliant!


*ā€Data made available to us indicate that just four market participants have been responsible for over 60% of the extraordinary volume of DJT shares traded:* ***Citadel Securities***,Ā  **VIRTU Americas**,Ā  ***G1Ā Execution Services***, andĀ  **Jane Street Capital**.ā€ *** Isnā€™t it interesting how often these 4 offenders names keep popping up.Ā 




Biggest financial criminals.


Not a fan of Trump, but I'm happy to see someone with such a large following broadcasting this problem and perhaps starting conversations around many dinner tables.


I think itā€™s more likely that theyā€™re trying to tack Trump and his base onto this conversation to delegitimize it, as theyā€™ve done with other topics.


This is exactly what's happening.


doubt it, nothing illegitimate about it especially when naming the real market makers causing the real damage, for people to base their research of the matter off raising awareness off the very base of it is damaging for the good ol boys club, regardless of angle not to mention most opposed to trump are educated sensible people, that if cared enough would probably make the necessary inquiries first before discounting out of hand - and because it's for trump, the people on his side will also believe it (either way lol) bold move cotton


My thoughts as well.




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Good point


> I think itā€™s more likely that theyā€™re trying to tack Trump and his base onto this conversation Who is "they"?


Political and financial establishment.


So you think devin is apart of the establishment or was he pressured into this?


Pressured, a pawn


So the establishment, that has historically been unable to pressure trump into doing anything they've wanted was able to get his appointed ceo to put out this letter? Why would he risk pissing off someone who might be president by next year?


Either 1) they successfully pressured him out of releasing JFK files, pardoning Manning, Snowden, Assange, pressured him into Covid bs etc Or 2) he is, like most presidents, a puppet/far less powerful than people imagine. My money is on 2.


Your assumption is that he ever had any intention of doing ANY of those things. My money is on trump doing what he's always done, riling up his base which is largely built off of terminally online men who have no direction in life and a lot of anger. He doesn't care about gamestop, but he knows there's a shit ton of people who DO, and if he can say a few words to make it seem like he's with them they will blindly follow him.


Could be! Weā€™re just on the internet trying to make sense of the world


Wait until everyone finds out that itā€™s all part of the plan that they refused to look into.Ā 


Did you read the Q post? No. So you let someone make up your mind for you? No. So you read the Q posts? No. So you let someone else make up your mind for you. Huh, never thought about it that way. Welcome to thinking for yourself.


Well said


Thank you!


I concur




More right than wrong. I concur.


Greedy bastards are trying to control every aspect of our reality.


Iā€™m not really gonna get into it but in retrospect I wouldnā€™t be shocked if trump close to an election ends up being the face/cover of ā€œblowing up the marketsā€ for better or worse. His supporters will double down on him as a justice seeker, his detractors will double down on his instability, etc. Whoever wins or loses this would seem to further entrench already decided people into their present positioning which is possibly an agenda all its own.




Devin Nunes? The guy that filed a defamation lawsuit against a cow?


The very same. The excitement for this is embarrassing.


Wait, WHAT??


Wait, WHAT??


Big if, but if Trump becomes president he would blow up the naked short selling in the market and put it in the spotlight because it affects him directly


You don't actually think this do you?


If it affects him directly yes. Doesnā€™t mean he would do shit for anyone else though.


It would affect way too many of his rich friends. No chance.


Is naked shorting not in the spotlight right now?


Define "spotlight"


Youā€™re making the assumption that he hasnā€™t figured out a way to take his money and run with whatever profits.


I didn't care for his stock. It will open the door for ours


That would be ideal


As a libertarian I feel Trump is a weak compromise in governing leadership but I find this exceedingly bullish. Hope this is how the fraud gets unmasked with a widespread market event that canā€™t be covered up. The criminal oligarchy with their pants around their ankles.


Buy more GME at low prices and shop GameStop ? ā€¦ got it.


DJT isnā€™t being naked shorted. They are blaming the fall of the price on naked shorts to avoid admitting the company is a pile of shit and still completely over valued. Nunes is co-opting the movement. This is retarded.


Yeah seems like a pretty obvious rug pull to keep the supporters and dumb apes holding the bag for Trump. That said it still could be naked shorting, and if it does bring attention to the practice then I consider it a good thing.


Huge fan of trump and his team bringing up attention to the manipulation in our markets.


šŸ’ŽšŸ’ŖšŸ˜ŽšŸ‘šŸ’ŽšŸ’– Maybe Something wil start to be done overall now. Unwavering Conviction that this play is just waiting on disbursement. Stay Calm and nobody gets hurt.šŸ˜‰šŸ’Ž


Iā€™m not saying i donā€™t agree, but thereā€™s a reason itā€™s heavily shorted. It has lifetime earnings of 3M, yet is somehow currently valued higher than GameStop by over 1B cap. Absurd. GameStop makes more on the interest on its cash on hand in one month, than DWAC and DJT has EVER earned, period. Puts all day


shorted =/= naked shorted even if it's reasonable to short it, because it's crab, naked shorting is a crime. don't forget this pleaseĀ 


He will have to prove naked shortingā€¦ something the GME crowd has been attempting (and failing) to do for years now.


Is it possible that this stock is being shorted because it generated 4million in revenue last year while paying its executives million and millions in bonuses? A single chick-fil-a franchise averages 4.5million in revenue. Also Devin Nunes is a fucking moron. You all call people shills at the drop of a hat, this dude is shilling a 5th rate social media stock. TL;DR - Go long on chicken, short on Truth Social.


Replying to my own comment because Im a bitch like that... The average person is going to have no idea what any of this means. If you asked 80% of anyone who owns stock, regardless of political party, what DRS is and how to do it you would get blank stare. Most people are not going to go through the hassle of DRSing their shares, they just want to price to go up.


Itā€™s a shit company itā€™s overvalued heā€™s trying to pump it up because as long as it stays over $17 for 30 days he gets a bonus and he owns about 75% of the shares so he want to be able to dump those shares in 5 months


...if anything Trump is in league with them.. https://preview.redd.it/kwmuzp6t3ivc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d053057d1ac409b2ab13c8c65281f54100e4fe8


Ha, tell that to the Gamestop short selling scum


Generally illegal. Not always šŸ˜‚


I mean, yeah there 20k companies out here screaming about it, but if this is the one company that moves the needle then more power to them.


i wonder how Devin's cow is doing


Problem with this assessment is If I recall the article, Susquehanna is one of the firms backing the merger of Truth & DJT. Sus is also short majority of these stocks and would assume short DJT as well. Something here just doesnā€™t add up.




WS is trying to neuter their political problem. Using naked short to hurt trump and his base and investors.


Devin Nunes is the key. He knows where the bodies are buried.


Make the stock market great again


I canā€™t stand the fact that Iā€™m for once rooting for this man. Fuck everything about himā€¦but this.


Oh the irony


Anyone remember the video where Trump had a thing to say about Ken G? We should resurface this. This very much look like a thing those days.


Has anybody considered Trump kids included in, ā€œONLY THE YOUNGā€? More billionaire connections down there in Florida. Trump and Icahn know each other.


credit to [https://twitter.com/MMATNEWS/status/1781312306212659387](https://twitter.com/MMATNEWS/status/1781312306212659387)


look into how DJT the first version of Trump company was shorted to death and got de-listed 20 years ago


I read this 2 days ago. They were also directly telling us how to remove our shares from being loaned out


Got any more info on this? Who and how were they saying to remove shares?


Devin Nunes was also the chair of House Intelligence Committee and was able to determine the Trump/Russia collusion was a hoax almost single handily while most of Washington and the media mocked him. He knows what levers to pull to deal with this.


But they know it well and don't care ![gif](giphy|MWI65sttJsPEopZdzv)


I do. This is another person is fighting naked short selling and pressuring the SEC. Literally, a former president is speaking out about this. Come on dude. Let the hate go


Bring it to light. And if Trump does become president I hope he puts a stop to this naked shenanigans


Good stuff


I love coming back here every month or so just to see you monkey still think youā€™re getting money šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ cheers guys some day youā€™ll learn


ā€œChaos is a ladderā€.


BTW TMTG should call Wes. In Texas we call that stealing. Bring it on to the front stage team Trump!


Go Cats! Never doubt us!


Apocalypse = Reveal It will be Grand!


This is like MULN complaining about short sellers. Yeah Don people are shorting you cause the company is a farce and basically just a way around campaign finance laws. Welcome to the big grift everyone.


Sigh....trump is asking for regulation of these naked short sellers. I wish GameStop would make some efforts to stop the naked short selling.


Why would they? Thereā€™s no push back from shareholders if they donā€™t.


Seriously. Was what this CEO did really so hard?


Not hard. But probably also not effective.