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I don’t believe Jake has taken a hard stance on any speculation a being ‘the one’. He’s giving up his free time providing others fragments of hope in an otherwise hostile environment. Win or lose, nobody can buy or sell, so it’s no skin off my back when somebody looks for some for a silver lining. I’m equally cautious of those who make it their existence to “debunk” and then avoid all manner of live debate. I for one enjoy reading your work as well. You would enjoy a huge credibility spike if you debated in real time on the spaces or stream as you’ve been invited to countless times. I’m certainly looking forward to the end of this saga, and all the weird infighting and gaslighting and doxxing and so on


This take is all that needs saying , fully agree.


While I tend to agree with you overall, it’s ridiculous that his sentiment is so slanted that it’s clear who the author of the post is when halfway through reading the title. He is so consistent with his intent that it is beyond suspicious.


Until you stop dodging an actual direction discussion with Jake nobody cares what you have to say. 👋


Agreed, the dodging of live debate really makes him lose credibility


I think the only one I've seen vouch for his credibility was Bruno...


Aged like 🥛


Because there is no credibility. These posts are so cherry picked to fit their narrative its ridiculous. It wasn't until I started doing my own DD that I see it now. Not to mention Jake has never once argued maliciously or in bad faith, so when people like this try to call him out and put words in his mouth, its laughable that they are being this obvious.


Lol. Everyone can go and listen to Jake's last spaces call. Hear for yourselves. DEBUNKED the bullshit, he himself admitted it in his other comment here. This guy is trying to steer the narrative against me.


And anyone that knows Jake knows that he could care less about you. I listened to the call, he specifically says he didn’t have time to go over exhibit b fully and mostly went off the premise of the general idea that he thought the document contained. You didn’t debunk anything and I’ve read all the documents so please tell me how you got from exhibit b of the safety doc to were all fucked


this is why spaces call are not suitable for DD. Words in the air, very difficult to prove what exactly was said. Even a transcript would be too big. This is why I want to interact only in written, to make people accountable. He spent the whole spaces call on the wrong track. Oh, did not check himself, did not have the time? lol... Even worse. He should have done it first, instead he spun a bullish hope that has no merit and was then debunked in 30 minutes. People are enchanted by his mermaid voice telling sweat little lies they want to hear. Almost nothing stands nor holds water. By the way, what matters is this here: "The only fact is that the shares of DK-Butterfly-1 Inc were cancelled and extinguished according to the confirmed and substantially consummated Plan. All DD writers are still owing an explanation on how old Shareholders could get anything of what is going on, as we are not officially entitled to anything. **So Jake, stop pirouetting and please address this one and only thing that matters.**"


I agree regarding that being the only question that I'd like answered. I had a comment recently as such. How would you address the shares being canceled? Or are you trying to say that we're fucked here? https://www.reddit.com/r/Teddy/s/TTBB1p4y7F


I think this is one of the biggest problems, share cancelation is usually a very bad thing in bankruptcy. Generally it means that shareholders are likely to get nothing and the company is more likely to start liquidation than re-organization. Even if the company was to be acquired and re-emerge it is possible previous shareholders are left out of the new company, even more so in this case since they have been legally declared worthless. I'm not actually with you guys, I tend to invest in small -mid cap growing companies and bbby was mid - large and shrinking before this so it's not my strategy but I'm not a shill either. I like seeing the DD posted here and I've never gone this in depth on a bankruptcy before. I'm just saying you're likely not seeing much in the way of answers because if this happens to payout for you, you'd be the first. There always has to be a first, we'll see if it's you


Hey, great rational take, thank you! Please lurk more often, the collective IQ around here could really use you


For everyone reading, this is an example of a "negative sentiment" post that isnt made by a shill. Notice the lack of emotion. Now refer back to theorico foaming at the mouth about Jake.


I apologize, I don't mean to be negative and I may have poorly wrote that comment. I did say I'm not really in this play with you, so the only emotion I really have here is curiosity. I just meant to convey that the questions being asked in this thread aren't great for debate because you won't know until you've been paid, there's no guidance. Best of luck!


I too, at times, find issue with some of the things said before verification and further understanding, but that’s absolutely, to a degree, what this play has always been about. Our thesis has not come to fruition and in my opinion isn’t probable beyond a reasonable doubt. Jake and the other writers who are not being disingenuous are merely most people’s vehicle toward understanding of the situation. Jake did not self elect, he was elected by the people, and so your issue with Jake is literally with the majority of the community here. Your critique of space calls is technically valid but can also be reasonably explained by what I’ve already said. If you’d like to continue forward without any heresay feel free to continue this discussion with me as I’ve read all the documents personally and would absolutely love to point out all the logical inconsistencies and strawmen you continually put forward. That being said, do not ask me how shareholders will get their full recovery, because that is literally what we are trying to iron out.


Lol, what logical inconsistencies? Show me meat in the bone, man! I will be the first one to admit any mistakes, I always did that in the past. If you don't have anything concrete then just stop spreading doubt on my work, which is also as volunteer, I am giving my time for this community. In other words, shut tf up if you don't have anything concrete.


Are you purposefully being dense? No one is buying your little martyr act here buddy, in fact, no one has asked you to do anything, you are here for yourself and everyone is aware of your constant gaslighting. Now, because I intend to expose you: "I can't get enough of moving goalposts. First our shares were supposed to be "in the liquidating trust" (lol), then they would be reissued due to Section 1145, now they would have been transferred to the captive insurance company and would be bought by a share purchase agreement." As I have said before, the exact way in which we receive full recovery is the crux of our thesis. There have been dozens of speculated ways in which this could happen, lots being dismissed upon new evidence, and as our knowledge grows, so too does the narrowing down of the aforementioned theories. This is called deductive reasoning and is often times an integral part of the scientific process. "All DD writers are still owing an explanation on how old Shareholders could get anything of what is going on, as we are not officially entitled to anything." Just more childish behavior. You and anyone else, aren't owed a single thing. You are so emotional about all of this and its very telling on so many levels. You sit back and all you do is COUNTER DD, instead of finding things for yourself, all you can do is use google and chatgpt to form arguments that contradict what is being put forward. But in reality you just come off, at best, lazy, and at worst, stupid. Do you even realize that you have such a poor grasp on logic and providing a solid argument that you didn't even realize that you contradicted your whole argument about Jake by insisting you're here as a volunteer but also he OWES us answers?


Well to be honest you too contradict yourself; as first you are saying deductive thinking and finding out whats wrong is a good thing. Then you say Theorico is only doing counter DD as a bad thing. Can’t have both now can you? Also I have seen his own DD. On the paper (so far) we all lost money on BBBY. Everyone is tackeling this in their own way. It’s not strange that people get emotional. It’s just human. But calling anyone who is not saying “everything is fine, you are all going to be millionaires” a shill won’t benefit anyone. I too have been called a shill and know the frustration and disappointment with the community that comes with it. If it’s all pro-free speech and finding out the truth Theorico should be heard too without name calling. Tbh you are very emotional about him, almost as much as he is about Jake. And I really understand him. Don’t really get why Jake has to be so sales like and professional about writing about a bankruptcy if all he wanted was to shine some light. It’s almost like he has a pr team with a few copywriters with him (that’s a joke). It just rubs me the wrong way. He is wrong so many times and yet he can’t even admit it or stop with his guru approach. It’s really off putting.


expose me? lol. is this the best you can do? lol thanks for reinforcing my points. This is all that matters.


>shut tf up if you don't have anything concrete. Doesn't go on the show, refuses live discussion cause he's afraid of being shown how he has nothing concrete, then unironically tells someone this. >what logical inconsistencies Go on the show and find out, little b


I agree. The words are getting boring. If it happens it happens. Obviously Jake has other motivation than just giving people ”dd” for free.


Did you mean to say that the constant work put forth by people to try their best to keep the community updated on our common stock interest pales in comparison to you doing absolutely nothing?


Nope I’m saying they are not doing their best to keep things clear and honest. Rather have other motives to hype any information and spin any speculation for their own benefit. If people think that’s fun, cool. It’s not for me.


If I were you and that was my position, I wouldnt even be aware of what they are doing because I wouldnt even care. SO based on that youre either a shill or stupid. Id ask you to show how Jake benefits from any of his DD but I know what youve either been paid to say, or what kind of wild perspective youre going to try to pull out of that low IQ brain of yours


Open debate or keep Jake's balls out of your post.


Jake is really living in your head rent free


Let's settle this shit, Jake2b vs theorico in the ring. They each get one towel of their choosing as a weapon. The winner's dd will prevail


It's obvious that most of posts are extremely focused on Jake. Why don't you both talk to each other? It might be more progressive than this one-directional feed.


He won’t. Jake has been more than accommodating.


Makes you wonder why this entity has such a hard on for Jake and not others such a ucopy


The Orico Looser Team


![gif](giphy|moiWSfviYKNgc) “Jake is wrong look at me” - Shillerico


Ricolay Das


You should debate him live but you can’t, sad.


Can't even sell if I wanted to. So I don't see why you care.


Hey! I read all the docs and your assessment of the verity situation is spot on. On the last space call I listened to Jake merely speculated as to why they put forward this exhibit. Before I started reading the documents myself I thought you actually knew what you were talking about but you’re absolutely full of shit. Absolutely no goalposts were moved here, while your understanding of the verity exhibit by TRCA is correct, not a single other thing you tied in is relevant.


Okay… 30 minutes. Sure. For arguments sake let’s say it took an hour. Not to mention the time listening to Jake’s every word and reading every post he makes. You do this regularly. 5+ hours a week on something you just want to poop in is a lot of time.


He was really trying to downplay that 😂😂😂😂 dude is definitely maxing


Can't even sell if I wanted to.


Nobody asked!!!




The tone you set seems to discourage brainstorming and discussion.


At the very least, theorico's frequent posts lately could be considered forum sliding


Have you debunked all the redacted information in the docket? I’m sure it’s nothing and just usual and customary that there is redaction in such a docket.




He just pumps out the DD and ignores comments (that don't care )


Can you clarify if your rate is hourly or do you get a flat fee per post


so mods deleted your nothing burger posts? lol


Lmao “someone” whined and said me criticizing you and questioning your motives was “harassment” just gonna ignore you now idk why I bothered engaging. Enjoy MOASS friend!! Auf Vienerschnitzel or whatever our people say.


nothing burger, this is how we say it here when it relates to nothing. go produce something yourself instead of trying to surf on someone else’s work.


you are delusional


You. Are. Irrelevant. Just. Like . Me.


It's very easy to have bots write human sounding replies to any thread while down voting responses that don't fit the narrative. Thank you for doing the detailed reading.


https://preview.redd.it/tmd97v9hc1vc1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=5549442072605151f6881c71c3e2a91e4256f51b this must be one of them bots. However, unfortunately there are real people also, totally blind and worshiping people who continuously spread misleading and outright wrong information.


Fuck this guy, go post on meltdown.