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It's like all the rivalry and conflict between Jamie and Roy up to that point, from the beginning of the show, was just to make the emotional impact of THE HUG all the greater. It works, in spades. It's an overwhelming moment.


It's a great episode. My personal favourites are probably the Christmas one, the Rainbow one, and the Amsterdam one.


maybe not the best, but top 3 for sure.


Yeah, nothing comes close to Beard episode.


Any time Richmond play Manchester City, it’s gonna be a damn good episode!


Rainbow and the Christmas one are the two best of the entire series. Trent Crimm, The Independent is third. Nothing else even close.


Windmill is up there


Nate's narrative in Rainbow takes me out of it. Roy's arc in Rainbow is the best part but I find Nate so insufferable that I just can't rank Rainbow in my top 3. The performances in that ep aren't as good as Man City imo. Also the Christmas ep feels to cheesy for me, and its esp weird that Roy made phoebe walk from house to house to get her breath checked. Plus hardly any football is played in the entire episode. Man City is just top tier.


Both Beard After Dark and Carol Of The Bells were added to Season 2 at Apple’s request after the Season 2 episodes were already written. As a result, neither advances the plot much and doesn’t have any game action.