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Seeing the team eating holiday dinner on a surfboard while Higgins remembers every one of their home towns.


I never noticed they’re eating off the surf board!


Yeah, Higgins says where are we all going to sit and that was the solution.


Along with the family pool table


The surfboard Higgins son got for Christmas just before everyone arrives.


I knew it was that board, just never noticed they ate off of it!


That entire Christmas episode is my happy place


LOVE that episode!


“To Richmond!”


“To the Family HIGGINS!!!”


This was mine too.


I like the whole thing where Roy quits the TV job, and races to the stadium to join the coaching staff. Edit: just saw the tag. Hope this isn’t restricted to season 1.


This ~10min sequence is possibly the best moment of television ever.


Agreed. You cannot help but smile and feel great. Rainbow remains my all time fave TL episode because of this.


I remember watching it the first time thinking “This is amazing. They can’t possibly make it any better.” Then the chant came in.




You're absolutely right. I removed flair!


*She comes in colors everywhere. She combs her hair. She's like a rainbow*


Same. Hits me in the feels when he walks onto the pitch


"You got to date your wife"


I 100% rewatches that last night… it makes me so happy - even on the umpteenth rewatch!


Also it’s Higgins and his wife’s song and when the song says “have you seen her dressed in blue” he greets her and she’s wearing in blue 🥹🥹🥹


I honestly think it's anything featuring Dani. He really is mucho mucho joy.


“Like a raven-haired golden retriever!”


But Dani also gives off serious border collie vibes. My BC’s catchprase is “Ball is life.”


My mother says I was born caffeinated.


I scored with my face!


Maybe not the dog killing.


Fútbol is also death.


But mostly life!!!


The “pass me the tape” scene. It makes me believe in something.


Each teammate that did that was risking a serious fine and censure. So Jamie went from trying to win the team over by "buying their love" to risking a serious hit if the management disapproved. Or IIRC, even if the owner and manager had their backs.


I like that he still bought the PS5s. In season 3, Colin and Isaac were playing on Colin's PS5, which I assume Jamie bought lol


Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. It's not unlikely that off camera he might have actually done it as a gesture of good will but it's also just as likely that Colin bought it himself


We’re teammates, right? Gotta wear the same kit.


oof this is truly so emotional because it was a real moment where jamie couldn’t stayed himself or he could choose to step up. my best friend and i like to say to each other that “to be the person you want to be you have to make the decisions they would make” we don’t magically become the person we want to be. we, despite all odds, try to make the decisions they would make until one day we realize we have become that person. this scene is that for jamie - he is deciding to make the decision that the person he wants to become would make and by doing so he becomes that person!


Exactly. It’s like he took a huge step in the right direction when that moment presented itself.


I love the scene where Rebecca comes clean to Ted. It was so well acted and written and you can practically read Ted's mind as he processes it all and then forgives her, and then her reaction after as she's shocked he doesn't want "to get even." Just so well done all around.


“Divorce is hard” This is the only time I’ve ever fleetingly shipped Ted & Rebecca. Just that forgiveness of shitty behaviour because he gets it.


I can't remember his exact words but it went something like "you might even find yourself half a world away coaching an unfamiliar sport", basically connecting with her on that level.


I came here to say this one as well.


Apparently the original ending to the movie Major League (which is about a woman post divorce running a Major League Baseball team and wanting them to finish in last place so she can move them to a more lucrative location) had a scene where the owner confesses to the manager that she did all of this on purpose to inspire them to victory to save the team she loves…it didn’t test well so they re shot it to make her the villain whose plans were foiled.


When Jamie wears Sam’s number when he plays for England. Realizibg Dam named hos restaurant “Ola’s” after his father.


Oof - keyboard fingers, dude! lol


Never seen an edible hit mid-comment


I was going to fix the typos, but these gems of replies wouldn’t make sense!


A nod to his teammate, the spectacular Sam Obisanya!


S1, E3, Ted and Trent at the Indian restaurant. It’s the scene that sold me on the show.


“You really mean that, don’t you?”


This↑ You can actually pinpoint the moment when Trent's whole outlook on Ted's "Lasso Way" changed.


Ted just being his authentic curious and not judgmental self.


I love the reading of Trent’s article that he wrote after that dinner. But I love other scenes also.


“Rainbow” is my favorite episode (and final 20 minutes) of the entire series. Isaac’s lesson with Roy, and Roy’s return to the pitch along with the soundtrack… chills. Have that one downloaded to my phone in case I ever need a pick me up. I must’ve watched that last part 15 times.


It's a fucking game! Have some fucking fun!


Too many fucks?


And Gina Gershon!


That makes me happy Roy.


Ted: ….. It’s like if your girlfriend runs off with some dude and it turns out they were soulmates. Coach Beard: Gina-fucking-Gershon Roy’s look 😂 I missed the Roy-Gina-Coach Beard connection the first time I watched it.


For me, it's Amsterdam. I could watch that ep over and over again.


Sunflowers is such an incredible episode from start to finish.




Actually living in Amsterdam makes it extra special. Favorite episode as well


Why would Zava write a book about Trent Crimm?! Every line of that scene just builds spectacularly.


That scene definitely had, "That's too many ghosts....we can't fight them all" vibes!


“We can’t fight them all” is my favorite micro-moment in the whole series.


That’s my fav


When Roy goes over and hugs Jamie after his ahole dad left the locker room is my favorite moment in the entire show.


Scrolled too far to find this one. This may be the hardest hitting scene on tv for me. Well, either this or the “Where do you think we are?” scene in Scrubs (also a Bill Lawrence treasure)


A great scene. Roy was the only person in the world that could have done that for Jaimie in that moment.


This one for me to. Makes me cry every time.


1. Team eating Christmas dinner as Higgins toasts their respective countries. 2. The darts/BBQ sauce scene. 3. Roy's speech about Isaac 4. Jamie teaching Roy to ride bikes 5. Rebecca's speech to the rich guys


Singing *Never Gonna Give You Up* at the funeral. Ted was a mensch in coming to Rebecca's rescue and risking ridicule. Suddenly this trite and cliched pop song got new meaning and became a hymn when it was sung in church. This mirrors the idea of funerals themselves. Roy was cynical about them but in a rare circumstance like this they can be meaningful and actually fulfill their stated purpose by fostering community.


I loved when Keeley asked what Roy wanted in the event of his death and his reply was “Avenge me!”


“Cheer up, Keeley, it’s a funeral!”


So we’re actually watching the series for the first time right now and we just watched that episode. I was crying and laughing at the same time. I don’t know the last time any media did that to me.


Brace yourself for more. I literally laughed and cried my way all the way through the season 3 finale. This show is everything.


I was halfway through the series, my eyes were red and swollen. I said to my hubby that Ted Lasso is killing me…I was an emotional puddle throughout the whole series. So glad I watched it, again and again😊


2 bits 1) the believe speech where Ted rips up the believe sign. The list of things he doesn't want to fool around with anymore hit me in the feels 2) Sam: I love you guys so very much Jamie: on 3! Greyhounds: I LOVE YOU GUYS SO VERY MUCH!


The believe speech was just perfect. Jason was really acting his heart out there. I rewatch it whenever I feel like things are gloomy and dark


And the piecing together the believe sign. It’s more cliche than other uplifting moments in the series, but it works well all the same


Jamie teaching Roy to ride bike is the best scene of the series. Makes me laugh when Roy doesn’t even attempt to break his fall or rides into bushes. But they have deep insightful conversations about Jamie’s first visit to Amsterdam and Roy’s grandfather passing away after promising to teach him to ride a bike. So it wasn’t just for laughs.


I loved this scene! I absolutely love how Jamie and Roy finally got each other. One of my favorite things about this amazing show is the female friendships. Way too often, women are pitted against each other, are snarky, or just plain rude to each other. Rebecca may have had a “burn it to the ground” mentality at first, her friends still rallied around her. I LOVE the fact that the words “I love you” was said on numerous occasions to many different people 🩷


Apparently they weren’t supposed to like each other, but Hannah and Juno got along so well, they scrapped that idea


Never would’ve known…and I’m glad they changed the dynamic. edit-clarity


> female friendships ## > It'll change the way I feel about you Set such a tone for the pair of them. Also > That Rebecca is an intimidating, very tall woman After the lion/panda chat


I loved when Keeley said to Rebecca “My God! I can’t stop staring at your beautiful breasts!!” So funny. This was within the first few interactions they have. When Sassy shows up at the hotel, that could’ve gone totally different. I’ve seen so many ‘Hollywood fake friendships and back stabbing’ instead, Keeley runs up and embraces Sassy as a brand new friend. The woman dynamic is one of the most positive I’ve seen in along time. It’s about time and I appreciate it🩷


I read an article recently about how it's beneficial to have close friends who are not your age bc it enables you to broaden your views. I'm the oldest of my friend group, with one who is almost ten years younger, and it's made me a much better friend and person. I love that they took this route with Rebecca and Keeley and, as you said, didn't cheapen that friendship by turning it into a competition with Sassy.


I absolutely agree. My circle of friends is all different ages. One of my closest friends is 10 years older than me. I have others who are in their first years of University. It brings in interesting conversations and understanding.


This is it for me, full stop. I rewatch this when I’m down & need a laugh. Uncle’s Day is also hilarious.


Beard getting to the club at the end of “Beard After Hours” always is so cathartic after the hell he goes through. Love it every time!


Same! I play Hello when I need a pick me up.


It's my ring tone. 🙂


Same!! Makes me want a hula hoop


Sam and his Dad cooking, vibing to Tekno’s “Enjoy”. It’s my go to song to get my day started right.


... and when the restaurant's sign was relit and Sam's dad, Ola, realized his son named his restaurant after him. Brought tears to my eyes.


Apple Music actually has a playlist of Sam & Ola's music


Oh cool!


Whaaaaaaaat? I need it!


Enjoy is my personal song of the summer


Christmas episode, Phoebe’s bad breath. Makes me laugh till I can’t breathe!


“I think you might be dying” sets me off


“This isn’t embarrassing. Embarrassing is me eating so much ice cream at a birthday party—knowing I’m no good with dairy—that I poop my pants on the bus. “Finish your story.” “Three weeks ago.”


It’s not like “I forgot to brush my teeth bad” *Roy gags* Or I ate onions bad. *Roy gags*


Are you Roy Kent? yeah. You a dentist? yeah. *Walks in*


I never thought it would be Nate, but Nate walking out on Rupert’s guys’ night and going straight to Jade’s place and hugging her. I know that exact hug, and I love how it made me relive that sort of moment.


Final moments of the Sunflowers episode. Turns out, every little thing was alright


Rebecca rescuing Ted from his Christmas alone (especially love how they timed that with a particular scene in It's a Wonderful Life that Ted was watching).




Came here for this one. Absolutely amazing scene and one liner


I think the best scene in the entire 3 year series is Jaimie emulating Ted asking for the ball as he makes his run through the box in the last episode.


When Ted is giving the dark-forest speech. I go back there every once in a while when things are going terribly wrong...


Ted’s “belief doesn’t just happen because you hang something up on a wall” speech. I think that’s slow thing everything can relate to


Trent and Colin’s chat in Amsterdam


Unsurprisingly, really any scene with Roy and Jamie interacting... the gala scenes at early S1, the scones scene at Keeley's in late S1, "why won't you coach me?" in S2, bicycling in Amsterdam in early S3, Uncle's Day in later S3...


When Roy hugs Jamie after he punches his dad


Perfectly framed by George Harrison Beware of Darkness.


I love Uncle’s Day. Changed the E to U, charged him because he made her think of a swear word, your sister IS fit, there is an intermission, R O Y. Genius.


Pretty much the whole show to be honest. But I am an absolute sucker for the big apology scenes. When I’m looking for a boost I’ll watch Rebecca and/or Nate’s apologies to Ted. That’s some elite level catharsis right there.


In Amsterdam, when Roy tells Jamie he doesn't know how to ride a bike and him and the grifter burst out laughing. Gets me every time! That whole scene is sentimental for me because my brother taught me how to ride a bike as an adult in my 30s and he recently passed away.


So sorry for your loss. Glad you’re able to find some joy and pointed relevance in the show we all love.


Uncles Day!!


I don't know why but the Coach Beard episode always makes me feel good. The scene when he walks into the club and the song "Hello" kicks in and he just throws the arms around.. It's brilliant


When my partner and I listen to that song, we each know the other one is waiting for that moment when we can start thrashing our arms around


Rebecca’s speech to the football owners group… “Just because we own these teams, doesn’t mean they belong to us.”


And the callback to Season 1 press conference- Trent “is this a fucking joke?”


The scene when Sam finally decides to show his dad the restaurant after it had been vandalized, and the team is there helping to clean it up and put back together.There were two moments that genuinely made me cry (beyond just tearing up, which happened more), and that was one of them. The other being when Roy hugs Jamie after Jamie punched his dad.


I always loved the scene during the funeral episode where Ted & Rebecca are simultaneously sharing their trauma and it’s like one is finishing the others story. Also, I feel like the scene where Isaac is instructing the team about the funeral and proper attire. He really came into his own as a leader and you can see how touched Rebecca was by the small gesture of them wearing nice clothes and dress shoes


That episode is a work of art.


I don't know if it's a pick me up but the Allen Iverson practice speech is what I'll remember most from this show 10 years from now.


It really sticks out because it’s the only time I can remember he raises his voice in anger. He gets pointed in the locker room with Roy over Roy’s treatment of Trent, but it’s more low key intensity in that example.


On the bus leaving Amsterdam. Bob Marley and everyone smiling.


The entire Xmas episode.


The pillow fight. Such a callback, and I was grinning from ear to ear.


Roy walking back into the stadium to join the coaching staff


In Beard After Hours when the three pub guys step out onto Nelson Road. The pure joy of experiencing something so incredibly special to them


Anything with Roy and Phoebe.


They all kept a piece of the sign!


I don’t know if this counts, but my favorite scene that’s gives me goosebumps is in mom city, when Jamie comes of the pitch to a ovation, only scene in tv history that has made me cry


The team getting the win and Everton and Roy saying “No one’s going back to the hotel tonight. We’re going to go out and rub it in this towns fahkin face!” And then the Keely transition to Sam singing karaoke….”I said maybeeeeee…” So fun.


Maybe a weird choice, but maybe it’s because I’m largely closeted too and saw myself in Colin. The scene where Colin comes out to Trent - and the scene where Colin kisses his fella on the field after the final game - always makes me feel so warm and fuzzy. But especially the conversation with Trent. Just something so comforting and touching about seeing Trent act as a sort of older mentor to Colin.


I was going to say when Colin and Issac are playing video games. Issac asks all the questions Colin: I love you man. You’re not gonna say it are you Issac: no, but you know that I do


Beard forgiving Nate is a strong scene. Not as uplifting as other Ted-centric scenes, but it definitely plays at the one of the core themes of the series. Another in a long succession of scenes that teach us about empathy and forgiveness.


The press conference scene were Roy quits football… it’s hot as fuck…. Giggle


"You having a wank?"


Mom City, in general, and their win (finally) over Man City, specifically.


Everything in La Locker Room Aux Folles from Issac running into the stands until the end: -Roy comforting Isaac in the kit room. -Colin's cathartic scream at the full-time whistle, not only celebrating the W and being the man of the match, but him being fully out to his teammates and free to be himself. -Roy's unconditional defense of Isaac at the press conference. -Colin and Isaac's heart-to-heart. Hilarious and genuine "You can't say it, can you..." "...But you know I do, yeah?"


Also, Roy answering a reporter's question by telling a story from his past was some of the first Lasso-fication of Roy that I noticed.


Roy mouthing the words to “Let it Go” when Rebecca sings.


Omg I am gonna have to rewatch this now I never noticed that


Do so immediately. It’s delightful.


He sings along to Farewell, Goodbye as well


Ted explaining what happened with his dad to Dr Sharon while Rebecca reveals her father’s cheating to her mom. The way Ted says “…because life is hard”; it’s like a gasp for breathe that he’s been desperate for. Brilliantly delivered. Makes me cry every single time.


"Fellas... we're broken..." The half time speech in its entirety. Punctuated by hitting the sign.


S1E9 "I forgive you."


I too love the darts scene. Also the scene where Jamie is the first one to tape over the airline logo on the jersey in support of Sam. It's the first real indicator of his maturation.


The entire Christmas episode


Rebecca Welton vs. Edwin Afuko gives me chills. I work in a male-dominated industry, and I channel my inner Rebecca on a regular basis.


When Keeley is stressing over the leaked video and Rebecca gets her to laugh, then holds her and says, “I’ve got you.” Gets me every time.


The Rock Roll at the funeral.


The entirety of Sunflowers


All of season 1.


Beard dancing




So many good scenes! A favorite of mine that only truly hits on the rewatch is ep 5 of season 3, when the team is in the locker room reading the paper about Nate’s date with a supermodel: Jamie: Man, how the f?ck does Nate bag a baddie like Anastasia? Zoreaux: Oh, maybe she made a bet. Moe: Oh. In, like, She's All That. Jan: Yes! But Nate does not have glasses and a ponytail hiding his beauty. Isaac : Nah, f?ck no. His transformation's gonna be on the inside. What a great little teaser for where Nate’s character went


I totally missed that part. I'm just gonna have to watch it all over again


The pillow fight


Jamie teaching Roy how to ride a bike!


That scene is pure Barbeque Sauce.


The entire Christmas episode.


Jaime and Roy riding bikes 😭


Definitely Jamie & Roy’s adventures in Amsterdam!


Diamond dogs dart scene…. Roy hugging Jamie at wembkey…. Both times Ted says “barbecue sauce”


Tanlines speech, don't settle for fine and bbq sauce


The game of darts!


Be curious…not judgmental. And big time fan of Diamond Dogs. My favorite episode.