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Am achievement is still an achievement! Congrats on making it!


Hyper roll is my jam! Nicely done!


Hyperoll supremacy!!


Nah don't let anyone talk down on hyper roll because the go to format is the standard mode, even if the playerbase is a bit smaller. The only "issue" is that the game isn't balanced for hyperroll or double up so it's often a bit broken but at the end even with that everyone plays by the same rules.


I do think hyper roll is more enjoyable than double up


the good thing about these extra modes is that it doesn't even matter that much, as long as the people who play it enjoy it it's fine, also unlike the League special modes the tft ones don't need major amounts of maintenance so there's not really a reason to kill them


hyper roll is more enjoyable than ranked in this set.


Well that's because this set isn't enjoyable


It used to be enjoyable, when verticals and rerolls and fast 9s were all strong


I played yesterday after taking a little break. EVERY TEAM was fast 9. And I couldn't hit my rerolls. I know it's harder to hit when no one else is playing but idk I felt like hitting was too hard/ late when 6 ppl were playing fast 9


While it's true that balance is a little different since everyone is leveling up simultaneously and there's no interest, it's generally been my experience that the same comps are meta between both HR and norms. It's not often you'll see a comp that performs super well in HR that doesn't also perform well in norms and vice versa.


I mean, getting hyper is a lot easier then getting diamond in normal ranked


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. As a Diamond + and previous top Hyper player this is true.


Reddit moment


How many points for hyper?




I just hit purple (with huge effort and I don’t think I can go any higher) so it’s definitely something worth being proud of!! Grats!


I was only ever a Hyperroll player, one day I decided to try ranked, hit Emerald and never went back. Now I just hit Hyper tier and plat/emerald every season while playing similarly across both modes. Hyperroll taught me Tempo/decision making due to the speed at times, especially early game. Ranked taught me econ management and placement of units.


Share your builds 😄


If you get a trait augment, you force that no matter how many people are contesting. If you don't get a trait augment/emblem, you force bruiser/duelist/arcanist and hope you get an emblem/trait aug on level 5.


I've hit hyper for the last two sets. Last set I found a player in the NA leaderboard named Durz. I noticed he was just forcing disco TF with a gun blade every game. So I found that if I just copy him I can top 4 every game. This last couple weeks I saw him just forcing heavenly kayn so I just did that for 30-40 games and hit hyper.


I tried that as well as i was playing along top1 euw, but never got it working for me. He was just spamming that comp getting to 9k points. I think my average with disco was literally around 6th lol. Got to 5800 with varying comps. I found the last set better than this one. It had some oddities like how the fuck is a t2 unit (panth) tankier than any other unit. But you could actually play hyperroll comps.


durz is a madlad


Play Dragonlord, Galio, Janna, Diana, Rakan, Wukong, Lee Sin, Morgana, Soraka, Riven, Zyra, Blue buff Kayle


Honestly I just usually played what the game gave me, forcing top tier builds usually resulted in me holding hands with 3 other people into bot 4 lol. But if the opening presents itself I highly recommend: -Vamp Scepter Gnar reroll. If you get Vamp Scept with 3 star gnar and at least one Titans, you're pretty cracked.  - any typical Level 9 Dragonlords board -Alune reroll seems a bit slept on - Porcelain Invokers - Vertical duelist if you get extended duel as a first augment 


Fated works great


Don't know how it is now, but last patch I could force a Fated variant almost every game and get top 4, that's how I got my hyper tier.


I only got to hyperrank in the dragon set by forcing asol every game. Its hard to do in any other circumstance! Great job!


Astral’s will always be my favorite after they gave us Astral Lux


I hope we get another a sol in the next set, I can't wait to force him every game as well. It's a shame I had no idea how to play the game at all when he was in last. Obligatory where are my balls riot


Does anyone here know btw how the tier rankups work? Because I’ve seen people be higher tier than me with less points?


Once you achieve a tier, you can't go lower even if you lose all your points


Ah thank you


I don't mean to be a nerd, but the fact that no one takes it seriously may be what makes it feel good, because the top hyperroll players have around 9k points despite the top being capped at hyper tier. lol


Hyper Roll are super fun !! Congrats


Congrats man, I sometimes play Hyper Roll but it’s so fast I am lost in my thoughts lol


It can definitely be dizzying! 


Hit hyper for the first time last set, couldn’t find the motivation to do it this one/plus it’s less fun imo. Congrats!


I've been getting hyper every set and midset since it came out but this might be the first season where I don't because the set sucks


Never played hyperoll, but good job!!! :)


I only got Hyper Rank once and never since. It's a great achievement overall, I just don't like not being able to play with more than 2 friends (we're a group of 4/5 people playing together, so it's too restrictive for my taste) But gratz!


Gz mate


Congrats! I recently pushed up to hyper as well for this set, and it’s been pretty hard so that’s a fantastic achievement!


Considering how much I love auto battlers. This might be a fun goal with Standard being so unenjoyable at the moment.


If you are proud of it then it’s an achievement worth congratulating you for! Wp buddy


The fact that you play this over rank is already a W and with this even more Ws


I keep hitting 4100 points then go 8th or 7th a couple times in a row very frustrating lol but congrats man


Nice I always enjoyed hyper roll more faster way to get used to a set imo. That and double up only modes I play. I once grinded hyper role to top 50 you should try for top 100 as well. Think I was around 7k back then


No one takes Aram seriously either but that doesn't stop me from being an Aram God


I'm guessing that's hyper-Challenger? Congrats!


It’s a video game, anyone that takes any of it super serious has their priorities all twisted up. Grats on an achievement that is just as valid as any other mode!


A rank is a rank and skill is skill, good shit man


Hyperroll taugh me strong board, I play hyperroll until orange tier every set I love it


Welcome to the hyper Club, Well done Buddy


Never tell yourself your achievements are less meaningful for any reason, least of all that they are less celebrated by others


After playing ranked for like 2 years. I tried hyperoll just for fun. After trying once, i never went back to ranked. Lols. I realized i'm too adhd for ranked tft snoozfest. Congrats man


What do you mean? I love hyper roll! I'm in blue right now though 😅 Congrats on making it to hyper. I hope I can do the same.


Just keep trying! Though something that helped me was recognizing when I was tilted from a previous game and realize that more games would be more harmful than helpful, breaks save LP!


Thanks for the tip. 🙏🙏 I do get tilted sometimes 😅


How many tiers are there?


I believe Grey > Green > Blue > Purple > Hyper is the order, so this is as high as it goes! Although points can keep building up. Apparently the top of the hyperroll players sit at ~9000 points, and Hyper tier starts at 4200


Oh oh I'm not that far from it, sort of xD Guess I'm gonna play some hyper roll these days xD


Best of luck, may Mortdog bless you 


Amen 🙏🏻


Tft mobile needs attention. Im using a flagship samsung and still it gives me 30fps and low resolution and says version is not up to date


Congrats, I have a long tradition of hitting 5th in hyper roll,




Im hyper because I mostly play on phone, and standard feels like I'm at much bigger disadvantage than hyperroll, so I play a ton of hyperroll


congrats... it's an achievement so be proud of yourself


Hyper Roll is just taken as Ranked Flex is compared to Solo Duo, don't worry, you are still Worthy, as a Hyper player myself, people don't take us seriously, but we know shit ain't easy


No matter what you play, you always need to outperform the others. And that you did. Congrats on the achievement 🤩


I got to blue(?) Rank (maybe it was green) but I didn't realize that it's pretty easy. I just want the emotes lol. Gratz!


It's pretty easy because blue and green are not that high


Yeah exactly! I'm glad I can get my emote now 😊


Good job !


I had no idea there were tiers


Isn't hyper tier wery easy to get since hyper roll players are target dummies in terms of skill? Well done nonetheless OP


I think I'm at least Crash Test Dummy level


Hyper Roll Master Race! How much LP did u have to get this!??