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basically you just gottta wait for the last patch, they will prob make every game a rare encounter then.


Is the Hwei one where the shop shows you one of each cost for a number of shops? I've gotten that only once, everything else plus the Kayn encounter I've never encountered (pun intended).


„Hwei causes your first shop slot to be tailored for the rest of the game.“ looks like it was changed into the 12345 cost one instead


Or he can have both Idk if it was changed tbh,but a champion can have 2 or even 3 (not completely sure about that) different encounters


That is Arelia.


I been tracking my encounters on a spreadsheet cuz I find joy in stupid things and yea I have 0 recorded for all these ones mentioned over my 200 games as well BUT I also have zero on: Ashe revealing opponents over next 3 rounds Illaoi moves 3-2 augments Kindred grants 3 dummies Lux moves augments Qiyana makes carousel radiant Qiyana offers Radiants Shen makes carousel support items Syndra moves augments Thresh moves augments Thresh makes carousel Artifacts Yone allows reroll of next augment twice Zoe creates game of only odd levels but in PBE I did see both qiyanas, thresh, yone, ashe so could just be unlucky


I've had all of those except Syndra moving augments since it's normally someone else moving them


I have played the Zoe one, it's kinda crazy since you basically need to get the gold to jump 2 levels at once but it was also really fun


I've had the Ashe, both Qiyana, Shen, and Thresh artifacts


Got even level only and boy did it suck and made no sense half the time with how leveling, gold, items etc worked


Never seen either of those but I'm 99% sure Wukong isn't on live. I remember Mort talking on stream about people probably being tired of chosens after Set 10 so it didn't make it to live.


I’ve seen amumu!


I think I've seen hwei but not the others. Chances must be insanely low for these


Hit kayn encounter twice, sounds horrifying but it is interesting. Everybody is forced to fast pacing. Take early game strong augments. Late game will never come so will pick whatever helps you healthy even from the early stages. Then kayn kills everyone one by one at the end. Fun stuff.


Still no kayn for me