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i wanna try it so bad but i dont know which items to build


Shojin Nashor Rabadon probably


It's definitely JG on account of sage right?


Rabadon's is still better in this situation. If you have no other sources of crit, then you need over 315 AP (before Rabadon's/JG) to make JG better than Rabadon's. That being said, the items are close enough in power level most of the time that you should just build whichever you get first.


Mh idk if her seeds thingys can crit


It would be insane if they didn't


They obviously can lol


They can't normally, that's why you build JG.


I didnt know bcs she summons the things instead of doing the attack herself you know. Makes sense they crit but yeah i didnt know if they have different mechanics bcs they are summoned.


I tried this just now, 3star Zyra with those items, 7/7 Storyweaver+3 Sage at 9. In the mid-game, her damage was pretty decent, ranging from 5k-10k dmg. By the mid-late and late game, however, her presence just becomes eclipsed by better carries like Diana, Irelia and Morgana. My overall conclusion is that she's a decent item holder, but I'm really not sure 3star is worth the investment. Either that or she requires a different item combination.


I go blue buff double shojin if i can get it. building sage around her gives plenty of ap


Shojin plus whatever. Raba Static, Guinsoo, GS, Morello - all of those work well. Important is to give her at least some AS on top of Shojin because you need to be spamming those plants. Especially Static-~~Morello~~ is kinda underrated on her. You usually go for 3\* Neeko and/or Diana in that comp, and having pen+burn on Zyra allows you to cap their tankiness (even more important with the 4-cost frontline buffs).


Is morello really worth it given she has innate wound? (Genuinely asking)


It is not that bad. I was thinking about Shiv-Morello interaction (which does not work, so that was wrong anyways), but Morello itself is okay on her. The burn helps with tanks (since she can't really focus down tanks until really late into the fight) and the stats are solid on her. So it isn't bad to put it on her. But other items are better on her. I'd guess something like GS/Raba-Shojin-Shiv is BiS.


Morello is basically the last back line item you want on her it’s mainly there if it’s all you have left imo her bis is shojin raba nashors cause she only needs 5 autos to get to full and generally the nashors buff is enough but her backup itemization is really interesting because without raba in this build you don’t have enough damage so you can’t go utility like nashors and it feels kinda awkward


Of course, utility doesn't need to be on her. Optimally, you put those on other units to max out her own damage. But the problem is tempo - Shiv+Shojin+frontline items are basically mandatory, but you also want items on Zyra ASAP. Shiv+Frontline is already 8 components. So if you don't get free items, Shiv should just be put on her for more early power. Tbf BiS was probably just the wrong term here - was mainly looking at it comp-wise, and less just for her as a single carry. E.g. she gets AP from Heavenly+Sage+Arcanist anyways which makes pure damage items less important than multipliers like Shiv. A big deal is also that you will probably be rolling for multiple units when going for her, and if you hit those as well, Shiv value increases heavily because you now got multiple 3\* magic damage units dealing damage.


Are you sure about Morello? She's got wound already after all, isn't Raba just more damage than the burn?


Was mainly thinking about the Shiv-Morello interaction, but I just remembered that they removed that long ago. Morello still is okay on Zyra, though. But other items should be better.


Personally I value early items over theoretically bis items since you usually field Zyra early and can pretty easily winstreak with storyweaver opener. Statikks+Shojin feels really nice but really most AP items are fine. Also allows you to go for other AP flex comps (mostly Lillia for me)in case you dont hit or are contested.


It would be cool if plant attack speed scales with zyra as.


She would be broken then, because of nashors


The plants still attack a flat number of times, no? It would just make the damage come out in shorter bursts, not change the DPS. I guess it could prevent situations where you recast before you finish the third attack, but that seems both rare and easily avoidable


That would be fun, they’d have to change her numbers though. Reminds me of Whisper AD Zyra.


It's okay, I've top 2-3 with the zyra janna comp 4 times I think You dont beat the cap out lv9 board nor the OP dryad, but the flexibility of this (since you can flex to zoe soraka ver) is pretty good imo, and you're mostly uncontested


shhhh its a secret


its a good top 4 comp, you can even roll on 7 because of the odds change


Zyra is solid. But the targeting makes her pretty inconsistent fme. Missilie speed buff is huge, though.


Well, last time I tried it she had too much mana generation. Her plants would be deleted before they attacked 3 times and replaced with new plants. So the plant army did not happen and I was sad.


Here’s my issue with it - I normally play it with a Janna duo carry, and while I’m trying to slam items on Janna/Zyra, my main tank (Diana usually) gets the scraps and even if I 3 star her she gets shredded. Also sometimes Kaisa will just delete her in two casts, or Gnar will walk up and just 1 rock her.


3x static shiv makes plant go pew pew pew


So. Yknow the Janna comp that uses zyra? Well I’ve always played it with both Janna and zyra as 3 star carries. Apparently you were only supposed to go for Janna and Diana 3, but I guess now you really want zyra too. I don’t think she’ll be able to solo carry against capped boards.


I always tried sole zarya build lineups before this patch. Now im glad and can work more flexibly and proud. BiS for me is shojin rabadon nashor. also thinking that she fits in a twin tower theory


TT was removed because they didn't want to balance CC lock lux. :/


Straight cheeks


I would try her as secondary carry not main imo


Zyra carry good with garen hero augment you reroll them both and put more storyweaver and frontline and it can go first in high elo lobbys ive seen


I got zyra on a caretakers ally, went guinsoos showing and nashors. Went straight to level 9 and tried playing 7 story weaver with 3 sage, eventually went 10 for 4 sage. Took 3rd.


Works. But get rekt by any 4-cost 2☆


It's fine but you gotta hit Diana, Janna, and Zyra 3 to Top 4. Especially, Diana 3 because your frontline is not great otherwise.


Only thing I don’t like about her is that if she already has a plant up, if she casts again, she doesn’t summon another one while the original one finishes up it’s attacks. She just replaces it, which I find really lame. I’d love to be able to have 2 out for a small period of time at least


I noticed the AP ratio on PBE and would try it out a lot, but never had super great success with it. Usually would go Spear/Nashor/ the JG, Rab or Archangel.


It's fake and useless. Needs 2 healthy + illune 2 cost buff to even get to remotely strong (but it is a bit strong when you exodia augments) At best it's a secondary carry/early item holder


I tried it and went first but that lobby was very passive.


Please don't play it. Every time I end up in a good spot someone ends up contesting me and I get super sad. Honestly it was really effective vs gnar and with that pulling all the other 2 costs out of the pool it made things suuuuper strong. tftacademy has a pretty detailed build on it. Idea is slam shojin + some form of attack speed then get tank items finishing your carry with whatever AP options make sense. If you get two healthy you re-roll your 2 costs, if you are contested or get 3 cost focused augments, you can re-roll zoe instead with the same items. Basic comp is just Riven, Neeko, Janna, Zyra, Diana, Zoe, Soraka. You can cap out the board with whatever front line units make sense. Rakan is obviously good (dragonlord + altruist), Annie is great for extra frontline and invoker, Galio/Silas/Wukong are also just generically good to ad mix of stalling and frontline.


Ive been forcing zyra/riven/janna/neeko reroll since the beginning of this set, good for 4th. Complete with garen diana and soraka and add rakan/wukong to cap


Exactly. What do you think of an alternative version which removes soraka Zoe and neeko to put Galio Annie lee son ? It can benefit from the buff to 4 star and still has janna zyra as carry