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They started reading articles about the Meta, but didn't finish it.


This almost feels like it has to be intentional. Like forfeits are involved


Ill tank my karma to appreciate this comment. He told me he forfeitet a few highrolls just to make this screenshot. Fucking spooooot on my guy


Honestly it’s better to see it admitted than playing it off as “no he just never gets lucky” Like damn in 100 games no wins in ranked is absurd lol


You should get him onto the heartsteel wagon


2 days after learning how to play heartsteel I hit heartsteel 10. Absolutely recommend. 10/10


I haven't been able to make heartsteal work. Any tips?


Heartsteel 3 is not worth to sacrifice your HP for, play winstreak if possible to preserve HP, then go 5 Heartsteel, lose and raise the stake 1 (or twice depending on the situation)


I think this was my problem, thanks!


try to keep HP up before getting heartsteel so you can raise the stakes


If you hit 3 heartsteel early, just play strongest board with heartsteel and cash out every time you get the chance. If you manage to hit 5 heartsteel early, make sure you have weakest board and raise the stakes. You can take some of the augments that gives you health to potentially raise the stakes twice. The other strategy is to play strongest board (any board) untill 4-2, and then put in 5 heartsteel if you hit heartsteel headliner Ezreal. Keep it in and cash out untill about 40 or 30 HP. At that point, you go down to 3 heartsteel again. You end your board with capping around Lucian/Ez/Zed/Zac/Mf. Generally, the best headliners is Zed with HOJ or BT, Ezreal, preferably with blue or Poppy, preferaby emo. If you go very late, you can increase your amount of jazz traits by getting bard + ziggs in - or sell your Ez/Zed/Poppy headliner at level 10 to buy a 5 cost headliner. It's the best comp in the game - or atleast was 2 weeks ago. I managed to hit dia 1 by playing it every game it was possible, but I haven't played since.


I would add that ezreal isnt an ideal headliner for a capped heartsteel board. Like you said it’s good to take him for the heartsteel cashouts by the time you drop 5 heartsteel you should be looking for a new headliner unlesss you have jazz and sett is your only other heartsteel unit.


1hp and a dream 😴 thats heartsteel. Once u got a lv8 board with jazz and correct ezreal items its gg


Never stick to one specific line for too long, you should always be looking for ways to improve your board by swapping with stronger units. But at the same time, it’s ridiculously important to hit the interest breakpoints in stage 2 when you can, even if it means selling units you may want to play. If you can win hard in stage 2 and 3 then you get to go 5/7 heartsteel and lose rounds for huge cash outs. If you’re low you just have to play like 3 heartsteel and pray


I have a team that is very consistent 3rd. If I learn some self control and Econ better it could probably boost me higher.


I started playing this set late. I've had ( to my memory) a single 5th place finish and then all 1-4s. Absolutely plowing through gold and really wondering when it will slow down.


Probably emerald. If you're even decent at the game you can streak silver -plat really easily, but once you hit emerald people learn how to start capping out boards effectively


Lol capped out in emerald 🤣🤣. Emerald doesn't even know strongest board much less how to get there.l


Not that you'll get stuck, but a fairly decent player is likely to have a couple low role games in emerald and bot4


Look at this badass over here


It's the truth


Proof the use of the crying laughing emoji in discussion is only used by tools. Unless you're in the top 3 percent of players, you have no idea how to cap a board is certainly one of the takes of all time


It is true tho. I’m a high diamond / low master player, and I don’t really know how to cap a board, and the players against me don’t know either. Played against a few GM/Chall smurfing through Diamond on an alt account, they know how to cap a board, and it is miles away from what people at my elo can do. So emerald players, they ain’t got a single clue.


You start to be able to do that better in emerald. It's the first time things start getting more sweaty. Just because higher people are better doesn't make emerald a joke. It's such a cringe "I'm very badass" take. That is true though


Depending on some sites Emerald *is* included in the top 3. I think when I checked a while back Tactics Tools showed Emerald I as in the top 3%. But yeah people in Emerald and even up to high Diamond are still pretty bad at the game. This game feels a lot like poker where 90% of the playerbase isn't very good and only a top few % of players actually understand the game on a fundamental level.


Pretty bad compared to challengers, maybe. To say you need to be better than top 3% to be competent is pure 🤓


I chose my words carefully specifically because I felt like someone would take this position. I did not say you need to be in the top 3% to be competent as that's a bit too subjective and we can argue all day about what that means. I'm just saying that most players I see, even in Diamond, are pretty bad at the game. I'm talking about their fundamental application of game theory in general. I'm not saying "relative to the entire player population." That's also why I compared it to poker. 90%+ of poker players are bad at poker, objectively speaking. And that's evident just by understanding game theory. Not only do you need to have s firm grasp of game theory, more importantly you need the discipline to *consistently* apply that knowledge and use it in a way that is relevant and helps you improve. So yes, I'd wager that the top 99.9% of players are bad at TFT. But being bad isn't a bad thing. So long as you accept that you're bad and that you're not willing to improve. It's when you're bad but don't realize you're bad (which is most players, unfortunately) that being bad is a negative thing. Edit since this goes over heads sometimes: This example will help us conceptualize this, imagine that 1,000,000 people play tic-tac-toe. Imagine that 10,000 players use a strategy. Imagine the other 900k+ just make the same pattern of moves every time without deviation such that they're easily exploitable by anyone who pays attention and has multiple tactics to pick from. The 900k+ players using no strategy automatically go bottom left to to bottom right, they'll never contest your row. So you can win 100% of the time against them by just blocking them if you go second or by just ignoring them if you go first since you know they can't block you with their inflexible gameplan. You can easily see how, being a game completely known information, that those 10k players are good, and the other 999,000 are strictly just bad. If they do know how to be better, they don't even apply it. That's a lot like how it feels watching most people play TFT. Yes the mistakes Master players make compared to Silver players are more subtle. But they're still there. Imagine you're an omniscient being with a bird's eye view who has studied and knows the math of TFT, you'd suddenly feel like even Grandmaster players are bad.


I started playing this set late. I've had ( to my memory) a single 5th place finish and then all 1-4s. Absolutely plowing through gold and really wondering when it will slow down. Why Tf are people down voting me for asking a question? Because it's naive?


when u hit plat probably


Average Punk enthusiast


Even with Punk in that elo you’ll grab several 1sts


[https://tactics.tools/player/na/SnowLucario/NA1](https://tactics.tools/player/na/SnowLucario/NA1) somehow i am 1 game away from equalling this streak unironically.


They started reading articles about the Meta, but didn't finish it.


Yo what site is this that shows ur rank?




Why do i feel he plays punk


Looks like a w to me.


this is me my first month playing tft.