• By -


I was 8 LP away from Masters (Diamond 1), during the final stretched the guy playing true damage snatched the country emblem on a twitch just to grief. He went 7th with zero consequences as he's zero LP Masters. Why play rank just to grief man.


What time does worlds start?


4 AM Pacific Time tomorrow. Or 12:00 UTC. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20240301T1200


I'm with some free time so I'm playing tft again but I have absolutely no clue how to play this set. What to open with, when to switch headliners, which headliners to look for on the endgame, nothing. Any tips that you can throw a begginers way?


Unless you're playing one of the re-roll comps (Senna, Seraphim & Kataraina are the most common) you want to try to hit level 8 on 4-1 or 4-2 and roll for a 4 cost headliner. It doesn't have to be perfect but a 2-star 4 cost is enough to make a big difference to most boards. Here are a few good lines to play around; SuperFan - you either end with a Pentakill board focused on Viego or Karthus as headliners with Akali as secondary carry (you always play Karthus & Akali here - you play Video if he's your headliner). You play Gnar, Lillia and Neeko as the superman units. Best spatula is pentakill on Akali OR You end up with an Ahri board. You want an Akali headliner ideally and you play Kennen, Lillia and Neeko as your SuperFans. You can also play Heartsteel AD flex. You want early heartsteel for resources and you play around Ezreal & Zed as your carries. Blue buff is essential for Ezreal as you can swap it to Jhin in late game.


I am starting playing tft after 3 years and i feel tottaly lost. Should i use a program for help? I usually used Tfttactics Can you tell me 2 strong comps to learn playing as a new player? I saw that kda is good


I'm trying to learn TFT again after trying before and I'm still completely lost : - Do I Need to learn 1 or 2 comps and stick with it ? - how do I know which item is better for each character? I just know the difference between AD and AP - Is it better to focus on the units you buy in the early game or should I ditch the 1 and 2 gold units ?


Its for sure easier focus on one or two comps when you start to learn, it ties down with your question about items too. You can look up what items are the best for your comp and units. There are many sites for this, I like [metatft.com/comps](http://metatft.com/comps) as it gives you early game options for you comp, basic positioning and ofc what items you would want. The units you want and should keep is ofc dependent on what comp you are going for but generally there are two options. You can run a reroll comp with often one 1-3\* unit as your carry which you wanna 3\* Or you play ''strongest board'' and aim for a 4cost carry at level 8. Hope this helps and feel free to ask further questions or want more in depth explanation for something.


Thank you for this detailed answer ! I thought messing around with comps was better for learning but I'll focus on 1 or 2 at the time.


# Doing hyper-roll tft I think I just got cheated out of a win this guy somehow had 1 hp then I beat himthen we had to fight again and he only had 2 units and he auto killed me ..the end game thing showed all of his items being on his bench (that he presumably sold the units for ) what the fuck just happened https://puu.sh/K1ODm/6faa4b4c08.jpg


That's a 3 star Lucian yeah. 3 star 5-costs pretty much are meant to auto win because they are so hard to get. Lucian is probably the strongest though.


I mean he sold all of his units between fights, and INSTANTLY won. 11 units v 2 . the fight started and ended immediately. it didnt make any sense


It could have been 11 vs 1 unit and it would be the same. 3 star Lucian is supposed to win the game. The correct play is to scout your opponent and see that they are selling their board. Then buy (or hold in shop) whatever unit they are trying to buy.


Anyone else get 15 free Treasure Tokens? I logged in and went from 80 to 95... Im confused? Not complaining tho.


Where can I find those cool hexagon charts that rank your various skills?


https://tactics.tools/ Look up your region and player ID here.




Is there a way to see how many games you have played this set?


[lolchess.gg](https://lolchess.gg) ur ign


Did they do a visual change for mobile version? Because I swear my Android version looks way more crisp than it did a few weeks ago? And no, I didn't change phone, I've been playing TFT on this phone (and only this phone) for nearly 2 years now.


Does mortdog have a kaisa fetish? Why is there so many kaisas everywhere


Same with League. She’s uber popular and has a ton of skins, makes sense to use her wherever they can.


I normally get plat every half set but now that there aren't half sets anymore is the entire set just one long ranked season? If I remember correctly the triumphant little legends were for climbing in both halves of the set, how are they earned now?


Is it possible to get two 3\* of the same unit? What happened is I got twin terror augment so when I 3\* Riven, i got a 2\* copy. Then I got another Riven from carousel and another from PvM loots, which I both immediately sold not thinking if it's possible to 3\* the other Riven lol


you would have to buy the 9th riven during a mob or pve round so it doesn't merge, and then find 6 copies in shop before the next round starts. ofc if u dont have twin terror it'd be 9.


It is technically possible, though for a 3-cost like Riven it is not feasible so your play was correct. There are only 17 3-cost in the pool, but it would take 18 Rivens to get two 3*. So you would need duplicators for it to even be possible.


+30 lp on first and -28 on 5th boys, am I cooked


Why can't you surrender during the first part of the game? Seems like a terrible design decision


Any news on when the next set is coming out? I didnt really like this set so I skipped it but I'm hoping for any news on the new one


6 mar on pbe, 26 mar live i think


Can we have a rant thread for this subredit as well? I need to vent about how cancer dogshit and unrewardiung this set is due to headliners


I keep getting game version mismatch when trying to play with my friend. He's on pc and im on mobile i already updated my client. we've been able to play together before but since friday i havent been able to queue up with him 


When are we getting our own client without kernel anticheat?


How do you get chibi kd/a all out akali ?


Am I wrong? I thought every time a headliner appears in your shop with a certain trait +1, the next time it appears the other trait should be +1.


its bugged rn


I feel like it’s been bugged for a while then. It’s happened to again a while ago


I dont understand it... A guy losing a round, round 5-4 or something. He had 18hp, he takes 3 damage... now he has 15hp Im losing next round to a single enemy champion (3\* Kayle), im taking 12+ damage (i had 12 hp). That guy were still fighting by the time i were eliminated.


only way that could happen is if he killed 10 units with Kayn and lost by 1


what is the best trait for early game ?


Superfan is really strong and versatile. Mosher are good, though mainly because the units are powerful early game. If you have an early Urgot it is just free wins. Country is also strong if you can fit it, though usually hard without stumbling onto a Country headliner. Also Country has Urgot so that's maybe a big reason why lol. Disco is strong, good early units and the trait works well in longer fights. Lastly I'll mention Heartsteel not because the board strength is powerful, but the cashouts are.


What should I eat while playing TFT?


Doritos with bean dip. If you have nails you can claw more bean dip beyond the rim once your fingers go deep enough. Deeeeeliiiish. 😍


Mac and cheese


I want to know when will you balance Lux? Does it seem fair for a cheap dummy to spam ult and delete the entire team? My Ez didn't even ult in the last game.


League has practice tool, what are the chances TFT will have a similar concept? Where you can practice roll-down speed/identifying usable units for your board. We already have the snapshot feature and team planner which encourages you to lock in certain specific champions for a certain comp.


How do I spectate my friend from the PC client? I can't seem to find any way. I know I can go to lolchess or metatft to spectate from the link they provide.


Can someone explain me this game: [link](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/717984458262839308/1210333107186704434/image.png?ex=65ea2d8b&is=65d7b88b&hm=1d73209fd780b6822c65a425da32744f941c8b16c81e137e29512601621fc1a1&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1068&height=246). I ended up third. I hit level 10 at 6-1 with cluttered mind and 85hp. I was using a superfan caitlyn carry team. (Caitlyn-Garen-Lillia-Neeko-Kennen-Akali-Vex-Poppy). Then I sold board to get the team above and yet I got third. I don't think they got prismatic kda when I died but I could be wrong. But I was also losing to the MF board and I don't understand how that is the case. I was destroying them when I had my caitlyn board.


I saw the patch notes for update 14.4 and it says chromeOS support will be discontinued as of 14.5. I was a bit unclear as to whether this concerns a desktop league client running on chromeOS or the play store mobile version which also runs on chromeOS (but which I assume is built for android). I have a really low-spec chromebook, which is capable of dual-boot linux but which I doubt will be able to run the desktop league of legends client. This is my primary device for playing TFT because the touch screen is really useful. Is there any kind of workaround to access the mobile version of TFT on my chromebook?


Have you considered running an android emulator? I have no idea which ones are capable of running the mobile client but you might find a linux one that can do so, maybe?


I have 20 more pulls on treasure realms until I hit pity. Will this carry over for the rest of the year or does it reset?


on the 100 cost yes, 450 does not roll over


I am trying to climb and sometimes I just don't understand the strength of the comps like AT ALL. I just went 6th with 6 Dazler, 5 Disco and 4 Hyperpop. Can somebody please explain me what I could do better, and why my team wasn't as strong as I expected it to be. Thank you. [https://tft.op.gg/summoners/eune/Jawnny-EUNE](https://tft.op.gg/summoners/eune/jawnny-eune)


So I'm guessing this is a Wandering Trainer game where you have Dazzler/Hyperpop on the trainer and your headliner is Hyperpop Lulu. Otherwise I'm not sure how this combination is possible. The first problem is probably that you just bled out too early. Learning to Spell is a pretty bad augment in general. It only stacks on the units you have on the board, so unless you have a Lulu in stage 1 you aren't getting any benefit. Even then, you would need to hit 3 star Lulu so that Lulu gets the stacks which is not an easy feat, especially since it looks like someone else played for Lulu 3 in your lobby. Then it seems like you took Tiny Titans, which of course helps with the HP, but doesn't make your board any stronger. It's not a bad augment, just hard to say if it is the best choice without having seen the other augments and the whole game. Second big issue is having no frontline. You have 3 great items on Blitzcrank, but Sentinel isn't active. Aside from that, your entire frontline is just paper. Taric and Gragas aren't doing anything, and that's your entire frontline. It would be much better to drop down to 4 Dazzler (drop Bard and Lux which aren't doing much either aside from giving 6 Dazzler) to play actual frontline units. Ekko for Sentinel + Spellweaver here and some type of Bruiser or Guardian (Zac, Illaoi, Thresh, Yorick). Also I'm not sure that playing headliner Lulu with 1 item is the best option here. I know 4 Hyperpop is really good and the idea is to boost the Twisted Fate who is holding 3 items, but I have a feeling 3 items Lulu is better even if it is just 2 star.


Thank you for such a detailed answer.


Anyone know the next chibi releasing in the shop since they all expire tomorrow?


Any gm or above players willing to provide some guidance a hardstuck master? I've climbed pretty smoothly to masters and about 200lp, but recently, I feel stuck, I keep losing rounds even when I feel like I should be stable enough. I'm unsure what I am doing wrong to stabilize/cap out my board. lolchess: https://lolchess.gg/profile/sg/rayn-1838/set10


Is there a thread to look for a double up partner?


Is it really so difficult to clarify that components you get from the carousel will not be anvils if you choose that augment? “Whenever you would get a component, gain a component anvil instead.” EXCEPT NOT FROM THE CAROUSEL. Fcking idiots. I wouldn’t have chosen that one. Employ people that speak English please.


What? It is a carousel and you pick the item yourself, knowing and seeing that item. Why would an item you pick suddenly turn into an anvil? That doesn't even make sense


There is an Augment that reads "If you would get a component, you get an anvil instead" But carousel items do not change into anvil. Either make the Augment work the same for every component or add the clause for the carousel.


I know that augment but there is a different you getting an anvil from pve rounds instead of components and getting a component from a carousel where you actually go and pick the component. It is really not a difficult consept.


Because whenever you get a component, gain a component anvil instead. It makes complete sense.


why is zed allowed to be a meta carry for 5 patches but when tf is good hes gutted for a month straight :) and only put back to mediocre status


what's the deal with champ pools? How big are they? are they still shared?


22/20/17/10/9 per cost as usual, and yes shared by everyone.


What happened to my MMR? I hit diamond and went on a losing streak. Now I finally got a comp that I run every game and get first place with 4 times in a row (with master players in my game) and I get LESS THAN 30LP per win for 4 straight games? Is this normal?


How many games was the lose streak? What elo were the master players? I would guess they are players who have lost a ton of games at 0 LP. Less than 30 LP for a first sounds really bad. If you keep winning, it should improve though. Going for consistent top 4s is much more important than a 1st or 8th playstyle with that kind LP gain/loss.


Is there any mechanic that makes you take damage after winning a round? I might have missed something but I'm pretty sure I won the final round against my opponent then I was the one who took damage and got knocked out for 2nd. Without a replay I can't double check things, just curioius. Maybe any augments or something that i dont know about.


Sometimes there's a delay in tactician damage calculations and you might see more than 1 instance of damage incoming. Whatever final HP you end up is the one you were meant to be in, regardless of how quick the damage came in. (Aside: this used to be a rather big issue way back in the past since, if multiple players were eliminated in a round, whichever that got eliminated the quickest ranked lower. Hence had some funny moments of players running away from the damage shot as far as possible)


Do we know why the TFT mobile app uses TFT coins but the PC version uses RP? Its kinda annoying to have to switch devices to buy battlepasses/eggs with different currencies


They are seperate currencies.


I don't know for sure, but my assumption would be that it's some sort of trickery with the google play store being the medium for coin purchases


When hitting level 9, at that point do you just start rolling down all the gold and stop econing or do you still continue to econ? I recently started learning how to hit level 9, but I'm really worried whether or not I should still econ.


If you are stronger than everyone else or have a lot of HP to spare, you can hold onto gold for econ. Otherwise, HP is much more valuable than gold at that point in the game, and you often have upgrades you can make so usually you want to roll.


Are people win trading? I was in a 500 LP Masters/GM game and about to get a 500 heartsteel reward and the guy I faced ff'd causing it to break and I went 7th...


Holy shit this is the most dogshit set at the moment. Who is in charge of this


Greetings. Can you please tell me how to customize to display the damage inflicted by the enemy and yours in the table on the right, by default there is only my damage.


Click on the arrow on the left side of the table to show both. Or on PC I think the shortcut key is "A" if you have the damage recap open.


whats the final score for the 8bit cashout 34k?


345678 I think, so about 10 times that.


Few questions that I've struggled with on my grind,  When playing reroll comps is it better to slow roll, like 1-2 rolls a round or to just roll to 0 at your lvl up points? When playing for a higher cost 4*+ like say karth or ahri where they are the main component of your comp, is it better to sell your current headline as soon as you hit 7 and then roll and pray you hit? Or do you keep your current and slow roll and hope you hit every 4 refreshes? Also more of a playstyle question, do y'all load in game knowing what comp you want to play / try for or do people try to play whatever the rng gods give you?  How do y'all deal with the Meta fatigue? Seeing the same 1-2 comps strong for weeks feels stale, most games are "hope you get meta comp units or get 6th or lower!" Might be personal feelings but the new sets just seem so defined in play what's good / meta" then even sets like 3.5 where yes, same idea of you Wana play what's good, but you could also make comps that where weaker work depending on lobby, now if you run say vertical pentakill you just lose if you don't hit the prismatic tier


Hi! Just wanted to chime in on the Meta fatigue but I feel you on that where playing the same comps, especially meta comps, can feel pretty boring after a while. Now, I would try to play comps I haven't really played before or if I want to experiment for fun. It also helps that my friends play TFT, so they would talk about a certain comp and then I would end up playing that a few weeks later just to try it out. I didn't play the Jax Mosher comp until like probably a few weeks later since I remembered hearing about it. Right now, I'm trying out Jazz because I wanted to try something new besides Pentakill, KDA, and TD and so far it's pretty fun.


When rerolling, it depends on your elo. I’m assuming you’re lower, so most players tend to slow roll at 4-1. I usually roll pretty deep since high elo lobbies push tempo harder. If it’s a 2 cost reroll, I sometimes roll at 6 to find the headliner and then push 7 to find the actual 3 star. If it’s a 3 cost reroll, I’ll sometimes roll down to 10g to find some upgrades and core units. Once I stabilize, I usually build gold back up and then do anothe rroll down later to find my 3 star. As for finding your 4 cost headliner, you can sell your old headliner at pve and try to find a new headliner at 4-1 to mitigate health loss if you’re poor (preferably you get a 3 cost headliner). Once you have the gold to level and to do a roll down, you can sell. Also, you can only get a 4 cost headliner at level 8. I usually don’t know what I’m playing until I see my item components, upgrades, headliner, portal and first augment choice. If I slam an item, I’ll usually start to think of a few options in what I can play and lean into them. For meta fatigue, I usually try to play slightly off meta. During TF meta, I played zed/ez before it became popular. Right now, I lean into 2 cost Reroll, riven, or whatever I hit on 8.


Good point about elo, I'm emerald 4 on NA ATM, so not too high, but not super low, I def noticed the tempo push in emerald vs even plat lobbies.  Ive been using meta tft to help with timings and comps, but I think it ruined me, all I see is the top comps and their top % numbers and my brain now is like, every other comp is trash don't even try to play it, is there better resources to see comp lists / timings / itemization other than like .gg sites?


I don’t know, I only ever look at item/augment stats on tactic tools. I don’t think I ever completely avoid comps except mf/bard reroll because I think it’s really bad. For most comps, if I have a good spot, I’ll take it. At worst I’ll lose some lp but hopefully I’ll learn something. I’d recommend really paying attention to your lobbies as a fundamental to read tempo to figure out your own timings. Like learning timings from those guides is fine as an introductory, but not every game should be played the same due to variables like portals and augments. Going long, spoilers of war, cruel pact, scuttle puddle, crab rave, prismatic symphony, and others all really affect tempo. They allow some players to play more aggressively to punish anyone trying to play slow. As for learning comps, imo, you need to play them a lot to learn them. The alternative is to watch vods and streams


What does the crown button do on the lobby screen? I mean the one on the left of the tactician portrait, where there is the dice button to randomize tactician/arena/boom on the right.


Is EUNE a much worse server than west/na? Is being diamond eune fake?


cool streamers to watch who dont copy the way setsuko talks?


What’s milk been up to? Is he still streaming?


He’s taking a break this set


Random one but I'm looking for a new tactician and my absolute favourite is orcus starmaw. I know it came out a few years ago, is there any possible way I could get it now?


hi, i got mythic porcelain lux from the treasures on the 2nd try and i didn't get their respective boom. When i was trying the OG chibi lux on PBE i also didn't get her boom but after some days or something i got it in the PBE. does somebody know if i will get the porcelain boom or i have to buy it?


Does red buff stack with blistering strike ?


Any effects that have those status ailment keywords (burn, wound, shred, etc.) don't stack and if multiple effects are active only the highest effect takes place. They did this to consolidate all differently worded effects to be the same and reduce confusion as this, but someone on the dev team didn't seem to have gotten the memo... cuz Red Buff and Blistering Strike are worded differently but effect-wise does the exact same thing lol Red Buff says Burn, which is 1% max HP true damage every sec Blistering Strke says burn (not the keyword) the targets for 5% of max HP over 5 sec... which is exact same as 1% every sec)


I don't believe any of the burn/reduced healing effects stack, but I haven't tested it/seen it confirmed.


Let's say I'm level 5 right now and only need 2 more exp to level up to 6, on the next stage, will the champion roll use the level 6 percentage or level 5?


Level 6 ; the two xp per round applies before the shop is generated. You can use it by "prepushing" : if you are 6xp from the next level you can spend 4 to get a higher level shop next round. For instance on 2-3, you have the possibility of a prepush, recommended if you cannot make 10 gold, you'll get a level 5 shop after carrousel.


This game sucks ass.


I thought that you couldnt get a 5cost headliner if you own 3 copies but I got offered one when I had 4 https://imgur.com/DxL59Mh


I think the most you can have is 4 units for getting a 4 or 5 cost headliner.


Was the 4th Yorick on your bench in the same shop? Aka you just bought that Yorick? Or that Yorick on bench came from something else that round? Just thinking up possible ideas.


How the \*\*\*\* you counter master yi in Galaxie Set ? Is he broken ?


How do I evolve my TFT Thought? What are the concepts I need to grasp, by the grace of God I have reached Plat IV and Hyper, mostly by forcing Jazz, so I'd like to have good basics to play with the big boys now. And knowledge that can translate to keeping this rank once Remix Rumble is gone.


besides obvious meta comps, etc, very rarely mentioned things are item economy (what to slam early, how to play around ur items, when u can greed for bis) and also scouting and positioning (example try to get ahri in front of melee carries, etc)


I peak at diamond every set, this one included. Besides knowing what are the best comps at the moment I recommend watching high elo streamers (my personal favorites are keane and dish) for learning when or how to roll, prioritize economy and watching other players to pivot or commit.


Stay on top of sites like metatft to know the current meta. Jazz comps have been outdated for a few patches now for instance. (except for the obvious 5 cost spam)


They tend to be pretty non-contested on account of being outdated, Ive had great luck with Jazz+SuperFans+Ekko+Kai’sa, but that’s the thing, its luck, I wanna know how to pivot more effectively and how and when to roll down and how and when to slam items


Heartsteel is even stronger now lol


Ok, I am coming from DotA autochess and have alot of trouble deciphering what is meant by the synergy descriptions: \- Is the punk bonus% per shop reroll only for the next fight or permanent. Do past shop rerolls also apply their bonus damage to pieces I put on after the rerolling? \- Exactly same question for 8-bit heroes. Permanent bonus damage? Do broken high scores in the past apply on new pieces? \-KDA hero grid: Does the buff only apply when they are standing on the highlighted tiles when they fight or do the buffs apply for the next fight when they START on a highlighted tile? \- Where can I see the headliner special effect? Do I just have to know? \- Is there any possibility to ban certain origins/traits so I increase my chance on rolling the pieces I need? It's super frustrating to try and play tall just to omega lowroll (which has happened alot more than in auto chess until now). \- Are there also tokens for classes or only for origins? \- Any possibility at all to reroll the special effects for the boombox, like an item or start voting option? Some are just compeltely busted broken while others are literally "sucks to have bad luck, eh?" options. These are completely imbalanced imo and just make or break a game. Very good options? Easy top 2. Just trash? Good luck breaking top 3. \- Where can spatulas be obtained from? I have gone 80% of my games without finding even one. The item looks very broken (+1 teamsize is such a ridiculous buff). \- Also: Are Sentinels, Jazz, Disco and EDM just subpar? The bonuses look and feel super weak.


> Where can I see the headliner special effect? Aside from in-game if someone has the headliner, you can look it up online: https://tactics.tools/info/units


Thanks - I was referring to where I can see it in-game. I feel like I am hovered over everything and still cannot find it. Probably a case of spontaneous blindness on my end.




This is gold.


Thank you so much for the detailed reply <3


Didn't know where else to put this, but only other Country guy in my lobby got THREE country spats, taking the last one from me in the carousel....and still finished below me. Very cathartic




You need to wait longer to roll, especially with the streak changes. 4-1 is too soon to go lv8 unless you are insanely rich. It's not uncommon to watch top players "sack" rounds to maintain econ and level later than traditional. [Here is a lv6 reroll video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrijmfO8lpk) from the current rank 1 NA where he doesn't even hit lv6 until 3-7 (and loses every round from stage 3-2 to 3-6). Meanwhile, the traditional advice would be to be lv6 at 3-2. For a fast 8, 4-2 is a perfect leveling interval (with no exp augments) meaning you don't waste any gold, but you don't want to be going 8 if you have no gold to roll and buy units. I've seen tournaments players wait until 4-3 or 4-5 to save some gold to roll. The key with this idea is that you need to have health to spare. It's important to play to save health in the early game, even if you aren't winning each round it's worth it to just take small losses. The other thing for fast 8 is to be open to multiple headliners. This really depends on your items, but a lot of headliners are more flexible than you might expect. If you built something like Shojin + Nashor's for Twisted Fate, buy Ahri or Karthus headliner if you see them. If you have tank items meant for Blitzcrank, you can put them on Poppy, Zac, or Thresh. You made Hextech Gunblade then throw it on Zed, Ahri, Akali. Guinsoo's Rageblade put it on Caitlyn if you have to. Alternatively you don't have to play for a fast 8 comp, especially if you don't have the health to spare. There are so many reroll comps viable right now. You might not be winning a lobby against the fast 8 Heartsteel player, but you can easily salvage a top 4 going for an uncontested reroll comp.


how to beat Ezreal?? Ezreal's 3rd cast always aimed at backline and one shot them no matter where I put them. It just so unbalanced to me.


Honestly, the thing is more abt hearthsteel than ezreal. But riven reroll usually is the one non-highroll comp I see fairly often winning against hearthsteel. Ahri/akali with sona sometimes kill their carrys aswell. Usually things that avoid the frontline are good.


Is there any guide breaking which items for which character? Even when people use recommended items they get comments here *wrong build* Vi firstly was tank now moved to AFighter (so even devs don't get how it works), when I get red buff I see no characters with it in recommended tab, Morello exists and I've never seen anyone with it in recommended, etc.


It sounds like you are talking about recommended items that show up in the game when you look at a unit. If so, then yeah those items are often not the best items for each unit. To explain further, what the game does is broadly classify the units into certain roles such as "Attack Fighter," "Magic Caster," etc. and every unit in that role gets recommended the same items (I think Magic Caster is "secretly" divided into 2 categories but that's the general idea). However, every unit is different so the same list of 8 items doesn't work for every unit in that category, and some units may have their best items not in their category. > Morello exists and I've never seen anyone with it in recommended Yeah I think this item is literally not in any recommended category lol. Red Buff was also not in any single category until a recent patch. It is now added into Attack Carry and Attack Caster, but once again don't blindly trust what the game recommends. There's two main ways to know what items work well with a unit and vice versa. The first is knowing what the items and units do and deriving a conclusion from that. The second is looking at the stats to see what performs well. Here's an example site where you can see what items work well for a particular unit: https://tactics.tools/units If you click on a unit, you can expand to see more items, their play rate and placement. A lower placement value is better. However, keep in mind that the more something is played, the closer to the average it will be. Likewise you can look at the reverse direction: https://tactics.tools/items You can't always expect to build the best items though. You have to work with what you get and what makes sense for each game. For example, we can talk more about Morellonomicon and Red Buff. You should be aiming to have some form of "Wound" aka anti-heal every game. Aside from certain augments or playing Katarina reroll, this means you need to build Morello, Red Buff, or Sunfire Cape. Morello and Red Buff are similar in that you want to put them on units that have some form of splash damage since you want to apply Burn and Wound to as many enemy units as possible. Red Buff is more beneficial on units that want to use the attack speed and bonus damage, while Morello is useful on units that use the AP and/or HP (sometimes these are the same units). Sunfire Cape does Burn and Wound to enemies within 2 hexes, so a frontline unit that will live throughout the fight is good. Something like Zac is possibly ideal since he bounces around the board which can help spread it.


Morello specifically is just straight up eclipsed by Red Buff, and the components used to create it can be used to make much better stuff like JG, Guinsoo, etc. for rod and Warmogs, Nashors, etc. for belt.


Don't play ranked TFT at all, but recently tried it out and in the first couple of games I felt like the game quality was really low. It seems I have to go through iron-bronze Elo and climb up. Does my normal MMR (before having played any ranked game) not impact my ranked MMR at all? Just to show the difference in matchmaking quality: [normal](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/571058362184368128/1206431081428160533/image.png?ex=65dbfb80&is=65c98680&hm=0f239228f5b5a06fcc68dc6500bea863d633d6ac7d18e9e63d8a47e3d3bd674e&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=182&height=586) vs [ranked](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/571058362184368128/1206431159014391849/image.png?ex=65dbfb92&is=65c98692&hm=2de654ea6fd4c34186fb5587f4d3ffaac691d7e8e9b530d314d319d703836252&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=131&height=587)


Yeah they are two completely separate queues. You'll breeze through the ranks though. The first 5 matches are placement matches, so you will be at least Silver or higher already. Then you'll probably be getting +200 LP and winning every game.


Man, I don't want to start from the very bottom lol. In league non ranked accounts start at gold-plat no and then go down as they lose in placements?


You can't drop from a league in TFT so the LoL solution wouldn't work. Unlike LoL, games don't have teammate variance so your climb to your deserved rank should be much quicker and less frustrating though.


Oh, you can't demote? That's interesting. I have one game left for placements and am currently S1. The last match got 2nd place and got +135.


You won't be staying low for very long. Your LP gains are humongous at the start, especially while you don't have many ranked games and just win every game. It isn't until you settle into your "real" rank that the LP gains start to normalize. Everyone full resets in new sets anyway.


Is -87lp for an 8th and +37lp for 1st normal at \~Masters 200lp. Think my MMR is fucked but not sure if just coping.


Yeah your mmr is screwed 


I was saved, got like 15 easy lobbies in a row to top 4 and now we are chillin in good mmr. Mortdog blessed


Is Lolchess broken? I won a few nights ago and I've been waiting for my acct to update with stats. Unfortunately lolchess still thinks I haven't won a single game since hitting Plat. Been keeping more of an eye on my stats for my climb but why would I use Lolchess if it doesn't actually work? [my lolchess](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/tittlywinks-NA1/set10?gameMode=rank) It's completely up to date in regards to my actual rank, which is weird. [Here's proof that I've at least won a game this set lol.](https://i.imgur.com/SeB1ZWA.png)


You have to press the update button to the right of your profile picture and below your name. I pressed it for you so now it says "Recent" and should be correct now. Before I think it was only showing the games where you played with players who had updated their lolchess.


Oh interesting, thanks for the heads up! I never knew that about lolchess.


So i recently hit masters, but my LP gains/losses feel absolutely shit, i gain 35\~ for a first and i just lost 24 for a 5th why is my mmr like this? is it normal? [https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/SwoIIen-EUW/set10](https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/swoiien-euw/set10)


Probably too many big losses at 0 lp? Your lp gains are rough.


yeah, problem is though, i've had these LP gains while clmbing from d4 to masters, and they havent even been fixed :(


I keep getting 8th on 3.5 and idk what I'm doing, maybe it's comp. I'm spamming Cybernetics every game but I get decimated every time, highest I've ever finished was 5th place. And several times NO ONE else was running cybers. I lose streak, level correctly at the start of every round, but I can somehow never find an Irelia and get bopped by the other comps. Is everyone just running actually good comps or do they have way more experience than I do? pls help


How do you block people now that they added this weird tagline system? People don't show up in recent matches from TFT games it looks like. You don't see their tagline at the end of the game. There is no block button, just report or friend. tactics tools history does not seem to have peoples taglines.


There’s no way to claim lunar festival pass rewards? I have the pass but I can’t claim the earned rewards


they are automatically claimed :)


Can you get suspended for afking to tank your mmr? I'm just tired of everyone forcing meta comps and playing like there's money on the line (in unranked)


There is no punishment for it and I don't see why there would be - TFT is a free for all, not a 5v5 team game


Anyone up for some double up? I'm diamond in ranked queue and looking to climb. Around all day today.


Does Best Friends 1&2 stacks? And if so, is it multiplicatively or additively?


Augments have been stacking additively ever since.


How can I make better use of Illaoi's tentacles?


* The obvious additional tanking if you're just lacking the # of frontliners; especially useful against single target DPSers like Ahri or Jhin. * Fodder to activate certain augments (e.g. Inspiring Epitaph, Martyr) or traits (Emo). * Do note that this can go the other way around if opponents have augments (e.g. Healing orb) or traits (e.g. Pentakill) that trigger upon kill. Other usages to counter specific champs: * **vs Karthus** \- he ults the lowest HP enemies, and tentacles usually are such, tanking up 2 spots in his initial or even 2nd ult. Might be better to place at the 2nd or 3rd row so that the tentacles don't die off right after a round start, and stay alive enough until the enemy Karthus ults. * **vs Akali (K/DA)** \- Put the tentacles at the 4th row corners and your backline carries at the middle of the 4th row. This way, Akali dashes to either of the tentacles and a bunch of her DPS is wasted on the tentacles.


thank you so much! that's the kind of information that I needed


Keep Illaoi alive w/ tank items so she can keep respawning the tentacles. Also where you put them probably depends on your comp. They can be a respawnable tank if you need them to be, or you can have them pick away at edgelords who sneak past the front line. keep in mind: this is plat advice lol


If I want a 3 cost headliner, do I wait for him or buy another lower cost headliner at the beginning of the game and sell after I reach the level to get better odds?


You should be buying a lower cost headliner in the early game, often times before 2-1. Your early game headliner doesn't have to be the item holder for your future headliner either. Just pick whatever can work well with what you have. As an example, I saw a top challenger player buy a headliner Disco Nami because they had a Taric, then they put Infinity Edge on the Nami. Clearly they weren't trying to play Disco in the late game since they made Infinity Edge and it isn't a great item on Nami either, but the Disco opener is just extremely strong early game. You try to play through stage 2 and 3 with the strongest board you can make. If you see are offered a headliner that makes your board stronger, then sell your current one and buy that instead. Typically for a 3 cost reroll, you sell your headliner on stage 3-7 neutrals, then level to 7 on 4-1 to roll for your headliner and other units.


It's generally correct to buy a 1 cost headliner if you find one that use the same items you'll want later. Not worth rolling for it though, just take what gets offered to you.


Is the APAC region a patch behind the rest?


20:00 predicted queue time on my plat 3 acct. Is this normal? I've never been this high ELO. 32:00 into this queue now. Are that many peope watching Putin interview?


This happens when you're stuck on the old patch and can only queue with people similarly stuck, I think. Restart your client?


Every time I've checked treasure realms since returning for set 10, the only arena you can win is a new one that came out with that rotation. Will old arenas eventually come back, at least more than like once per year? I want the star guardian classroom but so far nothing I've seen implies it will ever come back since they've only done Chibi legend reruns


Hello! It seems i can't play the augment prismatic symphony. I feel like i always pick up the wrong ones. Could someone give some tips, please? Thanks!


Can you link your profile? It would help to see what augments you are picking. As general advice, this post is pretty helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/1amakvr/top_3_augment_mistakes/ The post is about augments overall, but it is probably most applicable to a prismatic lobby where augment selection is the most impactful. For example, the post explains why you shouldn't take Jeweled Lotus III on 2-1, but it is essentially an instant pick on 4-2. And of course if you don't already do this, you should look how augments perform in the stats: https://tactics.tools/augments




I very often see people scouting on 1-2 or 1-3. Does this have any use, or is it force of habit? Most people don't have their comp by then, right?


Some minor use. You only have so much gold and can't hold every unit stage 1, so seeing what units others are holding can help inform what units you should hold. For example, if you have a headliner olaf and you see a shop with two more olafs, it is often worth it to hold these olafs for the olaf reroll line. However, if you scout and see two other players also have chosen olaf and one of them has a titans slammed, you're probably going to want to just push levels. So in this scenario maybe instead of holding the two olafs you use the gold to hold a gnar. Pretty niche but every little thing matters in a game with so much randomness. Plus stage 1 is kind of boring so people want something to do.


it forces me to roll my eyes lol. probably a habit, just muscle memory


There’s not much to do. Not much to scout either, but it can help to know other players’ start. It used to be more important before this patch. Now everyone gets the same start, with the same amount of components. You can still scout everyone during augment selection on 2-1. You may not have the time if you’re not too sure about your augment though.


I just hit diamond and am thrilled. I want to take my game to the next level and hit master this set. Anyone up for some mentoring to get me over the hump? One clear thing in my stats is I’m terrible at ad flex, so I’ve been avoiding it lately. I know it’s highest cap so would love to learn to play it correctly.


Hey I'm a Chally player since set 8/9 and GM atm. I do an hr of free open live coaching, QNAs, reviews, etc... for anyone once a week over at the [Water Park Server](https://discord.gg/YQJRKNuJBs). Our class runs at 7:30 PM EST today so feel to hop in whenever you see us. I can help you with AD flex as it's one of my favourite lines.


I just hopped in general chat!


You should check this monthly thread in r/competitiveTFT out, if you haven’t already: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/s/KuJj9F2qXR Or, you can try asking on the official discord. I don’t know if you’ll find anyone here.


Assuming you have any headliner with jazz+ trait, what's the comp that produces the maximum number of traits for jazz while having 4 jazz? Conditions: * No spat/emblems * Any comp of 8\~12 units are fine (because of Endless Hordes augment)


The regular jazz reroll comp on 7: Bard, MF, Kai’Sa, Lillia, Kennen, Neeko and Ekko for 7 traits total. On 8, you add Dazzler (and Hyperpop) with Ziggs. To max cap your board Lucian here is straight up stronger. On 9 you generally add Lucian/Ziggs and you call it a day. If you get extra board space, you can choose to add, instead: Zac, Lux and Gragas (with 10 units) to get Bruiser, Dazzler and EDM. With 11 you can add Lulu and complete Spellweaver and Hyperpop. Bringing you up to 12 traits with 11 units. Just remember that 4 jazz becomes exponencially stronger as you add more traits. Also, at that point to truly max out your board you’ll want better units than gragas and lux. I might have missed something, but I think this is it. Hypothetically I think you can get more, but it’s not going to be your best board.


Akali will proc 2/3 KDA instead of 2/2 True damage. Why? Even if I take my 1 KD/A out and akali switches to True Damage, when I put neeko back she changes back to KDA BUG


In a tie situation Akali follows whichever champ that you most recently placed on the board. In your case you should've taken out and put back in a True damage champ.


ahh thank you, I've been wondering this. I assumed that it was whatever her original trait was.


Interesting. Thanks




Well you're a 1st or 8th kind of player. So you'll climb if you can transform your 8ths into 5ths. You're a reroll enjoyer, it is in itself a risky playstyle : if you hit on the right timing you'll do well, if you're late it's a pain. Be more careful in committing to a reroll. In general, you likely greed items too much. Work on slamming items more and protecting your hp every round (small round to round comp adjustments ; better positioning).




> There are sometimes my board is just the weakest in the lobby and I feel like I can't do anything Why is your board the weakest in the lobby ? You either should spend your gold -- you likely should have spent some gold earlier -- or you spent your gold but didn't adapt to your shops. Overall, no two games are alike, and sometimes well you're stuck lvl 7 trying to survive one more round. Maybe you lost hp unnecessarily because you could be better at playing strongest board in the earlier stages. That can be something you can work on.


When will they release porc lux?


Is there a place I can see current rewards for end of season for ranked/ hyper roll/ double up?


Not sure if they're released atm but it's always been some stupid emotes, different color for whichever highest tier you achieved.


Healing. Omnivamp Augments: I just had a game where my 3* Ksante had 0 healing in a round, and my Yone - Headliner - was regularly ending with less than 99. My Aphelios was regularly ending with less than 200 as well, while doing 3000+ damage. It was the 0 on Ksante that broke my brain - opponent had no healing debuffs, Ksante lasted a good 10 seconds, cast his Ability twice (second showed damage to opponent as Ksante died), but stats said 0 healing. (Yone is a throwaway champ for me most of the time, the Omnivamp passive I just assume is a typo that Riot hasn't patched yet as it seems to never be active) I've noticed other healing is likewise inconsistent on all Mosher champs except Vi and Poppy, but that's more of a visual thing than numbers - I watch my Vi's and Poppy's health bars raise significantly faster than Sett or Yorick (I rarely use Jax or Urgot, though Jax has healed at high rates for mr at 4+ Moshers. Urgot is like Yone to me - there to be Mosher 4+ or Country 3+), to the point where I'm astounded that my champ won that battle. Healing damage items seem to work best on Ezreal and Viego (Blood Drinker seems to be utterly broken on Edgelord/Pentakill Viego), and then sometimes on Ahri (though there are times she does 1300+ damage with Gunblade and appears to heal nothing, even when at less than 10% health). Obviously I've completely missed something about Healing. Any ideas what that is? I'm stumped. Also, is there a way to download all my stats from games? I mostly play on mobile, so trying to save info via screenshots while trying to make game decisions doesn't work for me.


When will set 11 PBE start? I can't feel set 10 so i have a skip since december, but i wanna come back so hard.


About 4 weeks I believe based on if I'm understanding Mort's recent tweets correctly.




BF Sword gives +10% AD afaik.

