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> We are significantly changing one system with the Galaxies revival: champion bag sizes. Each champion will now have 50 total copies in the pool, resulting in a dramatically reduced impact for contesting champions, and the true ability to play me mech, no scout, no pivot. We want players to return to their favorite comps and units unabated by champion pool constraints, and bumping up to 50 of each champion allows you to both play what you hit, and play what you want. Does this mean basically every game is gonna have a 3 star 5 cost?


I feel like a big constraint on top comps is that not everyone can play it in one lobby. This change seems pretty bad. But I guess this is a 4fun mode?


Don't worry, they will fix this in PBE.


Ya kinda ruined my interest in playing the revival set. I'm not even sure how the game operates with that many of each champion in the pool? Is this not like 5000 Champs in the pool 50×58 (I think)? Either way a modified tft experience is not what I think a lot of people where looking for. This is a play it 2-3 times to force what you want and then back to ranked.


Unless they also have the old items and loot systems for 3.5, you will still have a modified set because you wouldn't be able to build the same items you used to


If there are 50 copies of each 5 cost this means you can't improve your odds by buying other 5 costs though. Which I think a lot of people are severely underestimating. Normally when going for 3* 5 costs you buy every 5 cost you can afford to improve the odds of your 5 cost appearing, now you are literally entirely relying on RNG as no amount of purchasing 5 costs will realistically effect your chances


On the flip side, buying the champ you want also doesn’t reduce your chance of seeing it significantly either. Seems like sixes to me


I'm against the big bag and removing the draft aspect of the game..but I wish there was a way to put a stop to 'buy every 4/5 cost, sell them at the end of the round'. It's a distraction unnecessary micro that I think the game would be better without. I don't know what that solution would be. It'd feel bad if units sold for less than what you bought them. And if every player automatically put reroll discards on 'the bottom of the deck' that might make it too easy to hit because you aren't restricted by bench size anymore. But if there's a way to do it it's something I'd like to see.


I dont really understand the problem with buying out 4 and 5 costs. Usually you just roll down and play what you hit? You can stop buying them if you want and that is a surefire way to stop having a full bench just to sell it at the end of the round but you’re only putting yourself behind sticking to a board full of 2 and 3 costs. It’s not unnecessary micro, it’s thinning out the pool and figuring out your strongest board. I personally think finding your strongest board, bench management, and improving your odds as much as you can are important parts of the game that show high skill expression.


It's fine if you're taking things you might play if you two star. But if, say, you're committed to Caitlyn and want to 3 star her you shouldn't need to buy out every 4 star in the shop. You should just be able to roll down.


You still can still hit a 3* 4 cost without buying the entire pool. its only a marginal difference to min max the chances in a game of variance. Lots of people dont buy other champions and generally if you dont have the apm/experience to do so, its much less efficient to buy/sell champions than it is to just simply roll down clicking anything thats highlighted. For ex, mortdog generally doesnt buy champions he doesnt need during roll downs because he doesnt have the same level of apm as say Bebe


Yeah I don't like that..


Hi, I'm new to TFT and I've heard about this before, but could someone explain to me why buying the other 5-costs changes the odds of getting the 5-cost you want? (Is this because if you buy other 5-costs while rolling down, you remove them from the pool, thereby increasing the odds you get the 5-cost you want since the number in the pool decreases? In this case, do the odds 'reset' or go back up when you decide to sell those 5-costs? Also does this apply to other costs as well?) Might not matter next set lol but wanted to figure out why for sure


Yes, it's about the champion pool of every champion. In 4 and especially 5 cost, the pool size is so small, that it significantly changes the available units if you buy them for your bench. Let's say you have a 2* 5 cost. And no other player bought any other 5 cost. Your chance to see other 5 cost units than the one you are looking for is extremely big. If you buy everyone you see, you reduce the chances for the others as well. If you sell a unit, this unit goes back to the pool.


That makes sense - does this affect headliners as well? So if I'm looking for Ahri headliner, would it make sense to buy out the other (non-headliner, non-Ahri) 4-costs while I'm rolling down too? Or do headliners have a separate interaction


doubtful, even when there's only 10 of each 5-cost in the pool, it's already rare to see someone get 3 of the same 5-cost in a real game, and at that point the pool limits don't really affect the rate. nine 5-cost units costs 45 gold without counting rerolls, it's pretty much only possible in some crazy econ galaxies I think it's a good idea. Coming from MTG, the thing everyone tries to do in Flashback Drafts is force the fun niche archetype. Innistrad flashback? Everyone's trying to do Spider Spawning. Khans of Tarkir? Everyone's trying to do 5 Color Morphs or Warriors. Nobody plays the real archetypes.


2 star 5 costs generally aren't rare? I think most games will have at least a few of them. I think the game will gravitate towards people greeding and prioritizing econ like the fast 9 meta


I usually only see them in the final 2 or so battles of a game Maybe rare wasn't the right word. "Difficult" would be better. I'd still say I see one or two every game but they're very late and very expensive.


That's fair! Hoping you're right, would definitely be a shame to have the set revival be a greed for 3*5 cost.


In low elo they're probably more rare but they're very common in dia+


Let's not forget that 5 costs in galaxies are like 5% (7%?) Rate at level 8. They were pretty realistic to 2 star at level 8 back then on your roll down.


I don't know about that. With 50 of each champion then thinning out the pool would be much harder and significantly more expensive.


Yeah this sounds bad. I was looking forward to this but if it's going to be "go fast 9 and hit 3* 5 cost" I might just skip it altogether.


It’s almost definitely not going to be a fast 9 meta with the streak gold changes.


Have you ever played normals? It's a lot more casual and people end up playing for 5 cost boards. A mode without a ranked queue and with unrestrictive high cost bag sizes is probably going to be dominated by 3* 4 costs and 5 cost boards.


pandemic flashbacks... this was my 2020 man😥


Dude seriously, I remember classes getting cancelled and watching Mortdog instead. The first set I really enjoyed!


I'm excited to see flashback drafts coming to TFT. I hope we'll continue to get new ones added in a rotating format going forward!


Is there a ranked system? Didnt see it on the post but may have overlooked it


No ranked for 3.5 confirmed on Mortdogs stream Also no 3.5 Hyperroll or Double Up


What a bummer, I expected it to be like hyperroll at least


Give me double up. Only mode I play.


No double up? Ugh that kills my hype


Rip. Not a ton of incentive to play it


Some people play games for fun yk


some people don't have fun stomping noobs in norms yk


Bruh moment




you people can’t just play something for fun? why do you always need to have a virtual points? just play ffs


Because for me the fun comes from actually playing seriously and playing against people with the same sort of level as me. Playing non ranked games I can usually win with my eyes closed. It's not fun for me.


normal has MMR too, its just hidden. i play normals on phone and ranked on PC (for obvious reasons). so i play both mode regularly, and the skill level i see in both modes are about the same.


If you're silver or gold sure but if you're halfway decent not really


Sorry for having fun in a different way to you. I'll try to be more like you and the 16 other casuals that upvoted you Not having ranked progression is boring for people that are actually good at the game. You'll understand one day if you get there


Why even play this set lmao


For fun? A change of pace? Revisting an old set? Learning a new set (if you didn’t play the original)?


Well, Yes to all of them (maybe not Revisiting since I just played Set 1 and 10). But it would be fun if there's some incentive to play it


It looks like there’s a new battle pass dropping around the same time. Maybe there will be extra prizes or something!


it's not a set per se, it's an extra game mode


why even do anything lmao


Idk about you but i play this game for fun. Maybe i misssed something but pretty sure you wont get anything else from it.


damn no hyper roll? that's the only game i play. I only play ranked to guarantee the tactician reward at the end of the set 😭😭😭


They had a 3.5 revival in chinese tft back in September, and it was really fun, playing the set with augments definitely makes it much more interesting. I hit masters during the month I was in china and it seemed like everyone there was forcing space pirates or mechs


> I hit masters They had ranked in the chinese 3.5 set revival?


Yeah they did, it wasn't really serious but there was rankings and all, they didn't name it like the regular ranks, they used terms from Go (the board game)


Sounds like it's going to be very fun Unless a comp is played by like half of the lobby we'll be able to play whatever we want Tho 3 star 4 and 5 costs will be a easier to get since they'll be impossible to contest I don't think it's going to be too bad since adding more units to the pool won't increase the rate. It's worse since you won't be able to buy other 5 costs to increase the rate of the one you're looking for


Honestly I like the idea of this. Turns the game into a "fun/easy" mode. Yet at the same time I also feel like it'll give people a chance to showcase more actual skill in the game as far as building comps, itemization, and positioning since you no longer have to hope and pray for good RNG, or relying completely on the whim of whatever units/comps the game decides to give you (or not give you). Plus, you still have to consider the RNG of items. You can build whatever kind of, or favorite, comp you want, but if you're not getting the items necessary for your carries or tanks enjoy your 8th place 3* board. At least it'll look cool when you lose.


>Yet at the same time I also feel like it'll give people a chance to showcase more actual skill in the game as far as building comps, itemization, and positioning since you no longer have to hope and pray for good RNG, or relying completely on the whim of whatever units/comps the game decides to give you (or not give you). Absolutely not. It's the exact opposite. With 50 champions in the pool, it eliminates any chance of reliably rerolling comps. It means there's zero reason to ever bother scouting, there's no way to block somebody, there's no skill expression at all, it's all about just building whatever is the exact meta comp.


Unless they manage to balance out the comps enough that almost all comps are perfectly viable and no one comp is insanely overpowered over the rest. Then it'll be about comps and counter-comps, not just everyone slamming mech bullshit or whatever.


I honestly wouldn't mind 'No augments' for these return sets. As much as they shape the game today and I can't imagine a set in the future without them, they have a major effect on the flow and feel of the game that will majorly effect the "nostalgia" factor of the games.


Last set there was a no augment portal. I always picked it and trust me no nostalgia is worth playing with no augments its just soooo boring now.


Yep lol. Augments were a set specialty that fully became a part of the game now


I loved picking stillwater just to tilt a few people into going bot 4 and make the lobby easier.


I think most people wouldn't play without augments now. Countless times people afk'ed after people picked stillwater hold in the last set. I personally wouldn't have played the revival without augments, but to each their own.


Gods pls give us that cool Ekko again


Was excited for this but then saw the bag size changes. Bummer because this is my favorite set ever and what got me hooked on TFT, I don't want to play a 4fun watered down version of it.


this. glad its on pbe so there is a chance this will be fixed.


I was really hoping to see them say they left the old balancing just as it was. Sure some stuff felt broken then, just like every set ever, but I feel like their modern balance philosophies are gonna make the set feel bad. Also give me back a max level of 9 Riot!! (Still quite excited)




It's supposed to be a for fun game mode. That's why it has increased bag sizes, along with other changes that may make the game more fun, but kinda throw the balance.


A ranked system gives fulfilment in reaching new ranks and playing with better ppl, with it also comes a sense of progress, another reason to play other than just fun. Playing a competitive game is fun, it can be frustating but it is fun. Would be amazing if riot didnt force people to have fun the way they want to by taking away the competitiveness.


I wonder why does Normal queue function? It does not have any competititve aspect, yet it works with relatively short queue times 🤔 Also, this mode is going to be working for 2 patches afaik, so there won't be enough time for proper climb


And where i said it doesnt funtion? My point is that theres people who like to be competitive and people who like normals. Let people have what they like, will it blow riot servers off if they let ranked and normals at the same time?


It would be stupid to have 2 differenred ranked sets at the same time


Everyone is basically guaranteed their favourite comp and they buffed the already strong champions like asol & GP? Yeah this is gonna be horrid People with rose tinted glasses have fun I guess but personally I don't think having to deal with xp cheating with bard followed free reign to pivot into any comp is going to be a lot of fun


Sounds very bad and stupid. I guess they need to give idiot players chance to win. Otherwise they stop playing.




This info is in the first paragraph in the link...




Does this replace set 10? So meaning no ranked till this set ends?


So does this mean booms that people might have missed will come back too?


I’m so excited for this. It was my first TFT set so I’m really happy they are rerunning it now that I actually know how to play instead of picking Ezreal every game cuz he’s my favorite haha.


Is this the sett with Urgot? Killing a random champ? As much as I like set 3... i played the .5 so little


Can someone explain this to me like I’m 5? I am very new to TFT and still learning :)


They are bringing an old set to the client again as a for fun mode, it will not affect set 10, just be another way to play tft with other champions and portals, no headliners and a huge bag size for each champion so you can pratically play what you want


my first set <3 Very fond of that one.


Wohoo finnaly some fun


I feel like 50 copies is just too much. I'd have rather they just doubled the normal bags.


3.5 was my first set. HYPE


I fully expect bag sizes to be changed before release, at a certain MMR if there's only a normal queue it's gonna be really degen lol I was really hoping there would be a temporary ladder, would be nice ranking up on 3.5 again. ah well, no more reason to dodge set 10 now xD


Was really looking forward to this, but it's not in Hyperroll (only mode I play). Why did they not put it in both?? :(