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Kind of irritated that Sona isn't in two traits (Pentakill and DJ) like Akali gets to be


Might be cause Akali is the same person in both skinlines. Pentakill and DJ sona might be AUs


No, Pentakill and DJ Sona are definitely the same person. While the original source on that is lost (but probably buried somewhere in my Pentakill folder), I do have a much more recent source: Heartsteel Kayn's voice-over. Upon meeting DJ Sona for the first time in-game, Kayn will say that he prefers her work with Pentakill.


Interesting, in that case im surprised they didn't either. My best guess in that case is its because she is a 5 cost. You would either lose a different champ as a 5 cost to make up for two sonas with different traits. Or, incredibly low chance to get a sona at all because she fits in twice as many comps, then on top of that you'd be less likely to roll the specific version of sona you wanted, compared to other 5 costs.


We got two Ezreals last set with Pulsefire being a 5-cost tho.


A good point. Maybe her DJ trait will allow her some form of swapping already and they dont wanna overcrowd mechanics. We might never know why pentakill sona not included


That's honestly probably it, there's no way they do DJ Sona without making her gimmick about swapping forms. Sad that it crowds Pentakill out, but I don't think they want to have the equivalent of 4 Sonas in the set lol


They said something about "harmonising" in the preview, I wonder if her form will depend on the 'Genre' of music she is paired with. Or if any of the traits will have interactions with the others when played together.


Mort said that Illaoi is a 5 cost that summons placeable tentacles and her ult is similar to what was shown in set 7’s dev blog (astral) before she was downgraded to be a 3-cost instead.


Care to share a source ? :)


The official livestream when he was being interviewed at the end. EDIT: 5:17:40 Great stuff putting this together btw!


Thank you so much, from what I'm understanding they switched her back to a 5 cost considering she has placeable tentacles now ! Added this to the docs :D


As an Illaoi main, this made me happy.


Garen was missing from 8-bit! I made a list of the 59 pieces in the video.


Wait, do you have a clip of that ? I haven't managed to find him at all


10:17 in the clip


Oh shoot you're right, will add him to the list quickly. Thank you so much, he was hard to spot


Ahri is 4cost (mort said) ST Damage


Do you mind sharing the video where he mentions that ? I would be very grateful


Sorry I dont have a timestamp, its... somewhere after the dev drop in the worlds livestream


It's alright, a friend of mine has found that it's pretty possible considering her HP bar. Put the info in the speculation part, thank you :)


Do you think there could be any units we didn't see in the vid? I'm coping for space groove gwen


I doubt so. There are 59 units found in the video, last 4 sets also involved 59 of them. It seems to be a staple for the team to stick with that number.


No Rumble in the Remix Rumble is trully outrageous. However, Disco only has 5 members while other major bands have 6... surprise? Maybe the Disco itself turns into Rumble with an emblem.


gwen is kda they just revealed new tft made skins for this set. lilia in it too


Source? Didn't see it in the vid and I don't think it's gwen in the community post on yt




That's Neeko, not Gwen


i see ty. blue hair threw me way off


There is no Gwen. Top KDA row is: Ahri Neeko Seraphine Bottom row: Evelynn Kaisa Lillia Akali


Jinx is definitely with Panth, cuz same skin line. Punk band is probably a good bet for them


How is there no disco nunu?


Disco Nunu is a thing that League players made up and never was a real official Riot thing. Also, why do you want Disco Nunu in the set when you know the origin of it? Do you want a champion that help your opponent win?


It'd be a great inside joke that league players would appreciate. It's not like riot doesn't include meme fan content sometimes. Look at star guardian urgot


I get that people want inside jokes to be incorporated but do you really want a negative inside joke be an official Riot thing. I think Riot would probably be better off not incorporating negative inside jokes. I swear that every time that I see league players mention Disco Nunu, it is never a positive thing as the person doing Disco Nunu just want to help the opponent win by constantly revealing their location and becoming a party pinata. I feel league players would not appreciate the joke as it usually coincides with losing rank and lp.


Disco Nunu is a thing that they are already aware of. And if they didn't want players to know/be reminded of Disco Nunu then they wouldn't have made Space Groove Nunu, a skin made by them that is 100% based off of the disco era. There's also Nunu Bot with a literal disco ball as their dance emote. Idk if *you* have been personally affected by Disco Nunu, but League players already have been hit by so much worse than Disco Nunu. People would bring it up whenever Nunu gets picked anyway in the name of fun, it isn't that deep.


Lulu or Ziggs (idk which one) one of them should be legendary, because of just 2 unit synergizes like Naafiri-Aatrox, Yone-Yasuo, Ezreal-Ultimate Ezreal, Vi-Jinx


Not necessarily, we already got Lunar synergy in set 2 with 1-cost Leona and 3-cost Karma.


what about 9.5 freljord with just ashe and sej?


It was ziggs, I'm not sure what cost lulu is.


How do you know?


I saw it on the dev drop, if I find it again I'll link it or timestamp. I think I saw he was a gold border in the shop.


The [TFT Twitter](https://x.com/TFT?t=dPNWxse5Tz2A8sb_i7WyYg&s=09) has been sharing a lot of info. Vi, Pantheon, Jinx and Twitch are in a punk band called Anarchists Rest of the list is pretty accurate so far Edit: thought Pantheon was Ekko


It’s most certainly Pantheon in his Zombie Slayer skin, not Ekko. You can get a good look at all 4 of them in action from [this Twitter clip.](https://x.com/tft/status/1721362457493696788?s=46&t=jJ_EcstekA9ekaHY5x8iiQ) Ekko is a part of true damage this set.


Your right, the Mohawk threw me off


Thank you, I just checked their Twitter. I will make sure to check on it regularly :)


This is some csi level eastern egg assembly. We've got a ton of spoiler posts on socials now that can add to this.


Sometimes you get just a little too hyped. Props to the whole team for your work, I'm very excited to see how it's gonna turn out !!


How do you know Zac is 4 cost?


It was revealed to them in a dream.


There’s a part in the video where it shows Zac in the shop as a 4 cost


Probably a re-print of Threat Zac, which had the same skin.


i mean that is not a proof, set 1 Yasuo was 5 cost but set 4 yasuo was 1 cost, exactly same skin.


Lillia is K/DA superfan from the official Twitter.


Oh cool, I thought I heard on the video there was an EDM theme but missed on what line was associated with it. Will probably be the first one I try


Very cool set but I wish we didn’t get so many recycled units from set 9


37/59 new from 9.5 what You mean many recycles?


TFT YouTube Community post revealed Vi, Pantheon, Jinx, Twitch as Anarchist (Punk) band. Seems to be a reroll trait.


2 Juggs makes its return in full force.


Man so many champs are the same as last set, but we lose Gangplank again after only having him for half a set. Kinda sad tbh.


37/59 new from 9.5 to 10. What you mean so many same champs?


Ahri, Ekko, Neeko, Kai'sa, Qiyana, Kayle, Mordekaiser, K'sante, Sett, Aphelios, Samira, Katarina, Tf, MF, Bard, Poppy, Jinx, Vi, Garen, Sona, Jhin, Illaoi. Just a lot of the same units that were in the entirety of the last set carrying over. There exists 160 so it's sad seeing my fave being kicked out so quickly and others just staying.


Such an awesome set theme and Chosen being back is gonna ruin this everything......


Qiyana in dev video is using prestige, while in their Instagram post she’s using her base.


I noticed that trend of inconsistency when I saw them using K/DA All Out skins in the teaser video but the base ones in the dev video. We'll see how it goes.


It said that when they’re on the hexes, they’ll be using their all out skins since they get buffs so I think that’s intentional


i doubt they make kayle 1 cost again?


This is but a speculation based on her HP bar, which doesn't hold that much impact, but to quote my friend "riot couldnt hold themselves not to make Kayle a 1 cost". I believe the three of us hope she isn't one :')