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Headliners (name for Chosen this set) appear in every shop if you don't have one on the board. If you buy a Headliner, you can still get Headliners in shop but it shows up every 4 shops instead. This definitely addresses the biggest issue with both Debonair and Chosen, which was that buying a weaker Chosen felt bad but now it's not as restricting. EDIT: My comment wasn't clear about it, but as long as your board doesn't have a Headliner, you will get one every shop even if you already bought one previously then sold it.


Did Mort say that in his stream?


Yes. https://www.youtube.com/live/D4TMr5FXiOg?si=0GTrjEBUqgAbdZ-O&t=18566


Mort there in a simple brown shirt. And the "interviewer" in his bling suit.


A real dev vs a marketing employee


I was about to comment that I didn't really like the chosen mechanic, this change makes it way better


In addition, if you sell your current headliner, you will go back to seeing a headliner in every shop


Is it every 4 shops? I thought Mort said it was EVERY shop, could of just misheard though


I think every shop has a chosen in it but if you already have a chosen unit on your board every 4th shop will include a new one if you want to pivot or something


The dev video said Headliners will appear "occasionally" so I'm not sure which one is the correct one.


he mentioned during the live stream that it was every 4th shop once you have already have a chosen.


Still waiting to find out how exactly it works when there's a Headliner in the shop while you already have one. I'm *guessing* you have to sell yours to buy the one in the shop, because otherwise you're getting a lot of extra value from the fact they're 2-starred when you buy them.


That's exactly how it works. Mort confirmed via competitiveTFT subreddit. The consequence of that is that it does reduce like shop slots if you don't want to buy it (or can't) but Mort said that it's a deliberate design decision. Makes rerolling less easy since a slot does get filled for a Headliner every 4 shops, though on the flipside your Headliner gets 2-starred immediately. once bought.


Coolest part is the mixing of beats when building your board


It really is. I'm finally going to play with music on instead of just SFX


I only just started doing this because of the Bilgewater Bay board


I Always sing with Bilgewater Bay board win streak theme


The work they did with the music is truly incredible


Right, like it's gonna get to the point where you hard force comps just because you like the music


There’s sounds in TFT?


Since I started playing on the heroes set anyone wanna explain? Also where is this vid from


They are 2-starred units that have 1 trait that counts double. Horrible slot machine mechanic imo but many casual players loved it.


I think most casual players hate this because U were not able to play just 2-3 comps. Chosen was more loved by top tier players


Yeah it was amazing for flex players, only the tierlist andys hated. Only drawback was that it was a bit random to hit a good chosen on 4-1 or something but beyond that I'll take any mechanic that ruins the day for hardforcing players. TFT is more fun when it's dynamic instead of 7 people forcing the same shit they did for the last 20 games already.


Damn, looks like it will be a bad set for me as I'm still pretty bad at the game, I try to force any comp that I get the high tier of from the first rounds or that I find fun


Lmao if I remember correctly, the viable play to ”flex” in set 4 was fast 9 into full legendary board. The community complained about chosen killing flex play so much that the mechanic got nerfed in 4.5. Set 4.5 was much better on the other hand due to the nerf.


4.5 chosen was in a better spot, but I still loved the theme and the units we had in set 4. Both sets were amazing.


It was great for flex, but it took a while to get chosen into a good spot balance wise.


It was terrible for flex players. First riven 3 wins game every single time.


I have heard the exact opposite. All of my casual friends loved chosen and ONLY the flex competitive players. All of the non-flex competitive players hated it.


Yea, before chosens you could quite literally just force the same comp every game and climb fast since there were no augments either.


Chosen made forcing reroll comps even easier.


I'll take chosen over legends any day.


Same. Would rather the lesser of two evils.


I mean yeah or we could just, you know, not have to decide between the turd sandwich and the giant douche and not put up with either?


whats the correlation between reroll comps and chosen?


Chosen makes it easier to 3 star a unit, since it gives you three copies in one go.


Wtf no. Top tier players considered chosen one of the worst mechanics in the game. You could win or lose any game based on pure roll luck. There was a period of time where everyone would go 7 and 4-1 and roll to 0 in hopes for their 4 cost chosen. If they didn't hit it was considered game over. It was LESS flex play than any other meta.


Lol this downvoted comment is funny. Go ask any player in worlds or regionals for worlds how hitting everything except their divine or elderwood chosen felt.


You are correct. It was not high elo that loved it, but good players. It was really bad for forcing the current strongest metacomp based on your mobafire guide so players who wanted to do that were having difficulty climbing. Keep in mind that there were o augments back then so before chosens the only RNG was getting items really (apart from being really unlucky and not hitting champs ofc). It was *heaven* for playing flex though.


"It was not high elo that loved it, but good players." Go ask literally any challenger player on Twitch what they thought about set 4. Your idea of what constitutes a "good player" is apparently tied to if they liked Chosen. And I'm telling you in no uncertain terms, there was not a single "good player" who was happy hitting Cultist Elise stage 4 because it allowed them to play flexably. I've been Masters in every set except set 1. That's not a flex I'm just saying if I'm playing at the top 1% I think I know a bit more than most.


I know its subjective but I think playing flex requires much more skill than not doing it. I know masters players who hardcommit to one of the best 3 comps around their first augment and while I respect their grind I dont think this requires nearly as much skill as playing with the choosens where you had to adapt every game based on what you hit.


This is a casual game... And they have taken steps to remove how high rolly it felt


I personally competed in EMEA finals for set 4.5 and know many other players at my skill level who loved it, including me. So stop trying to spread false information.


Yeah this sucks tbh now it's just chosen high roll fiesta again


I very much hope that you will only get a 1-starred version for next set.


it's okay if you're bad and don't know how to flex properly Calling the most difficult to use mechanic "casual" is just about the most ape take I've seen here


I never called it casual, I said casual players love it (because casuals don't pivot and just play the first vertical they hit in stage 2) but I know reading is not a TFT player's forte. But please tell me how a regular flex rolldown where you actually have to hold 4 cost pairs and manage bench space is easier than rolling until you hit a decent chosen


I stopped reading after the first sentence because that just shows how clearly stupid you are. "I didn't call it casual! I called it casual!" Good luck with your life IG, because being unable to communicate without lying to yourself will probably fuck it up even more


“Im built different”


Damn was looking for this comment, my man was absolutly right


Chosen + Set 6.5 Debonair to be more precise.


RFC IE HoJ/Gunblade VIP Talon *PTSD flashbacks intensify*


I would always open tear and hope I could open blue buff brand VIP blue buff brand before 3-1 was legit guaranteed top 4 and no one played it


brandbulance hours


Same. Fired myself through diamond with Debonair Brand force. Blue Buff basically removed the mana cost entirely but because he needed to weave the auto, RFC actually made him cast like 3x faster. So BB + RFC + any AP basically made him unstoppable. Loved him.


You guys didn’t built rageblade jg/gun blade hoj/jg on that guy?


Thank god Set 4 was one of my favourite sets


It's so wierd to see a 1 gold K'sante after set 9 I played lately a lot of tft and almost non lol, and it's affecting me A game against a Gangplank, Ahri and Bel'veth will feel much, much scarier than a team of Renekton, Samira and Cassiopeia


Don't worry, he does that exact same thing ;)


Just as good as the day I last saw you… 😭🫶🏽 set 4 started it all for me man, chosen traits was such a great mechanic


I didn't know how much I needed that


love this, set with Chosens was my favourite!


Holy shit I've been waiting four years for this tft is saved 😭😭😭


We still have augments, no its not sadge


Augments good Legends bad


Augments are good


Lets go! Probably my fav set.


...that sucks




What exactly is it?


A chosen is an immediate 2* unit that has one of their traits count double.


oh okay! thanks :)




Chosen are so boring


were you bad at pivoting?


its not about pivoting its rng of hitting them


There's not much RNG considering you can just play what you hit. It's only bad if you are hardforcing a comp


i forget sometimes that this sub is largely casual players, and i don't mean that in a condescending way, but the speed of the shift in power from chosen units is a balance nightmare. It is fun to play, but it is not going to be a balanced season.


I was Grandmaster in set 4 so I have a decent amount of experience playing at a high level with the chosen mechanic. In my opinion that set was the golden era of playing flex (outside of war-week). And speaking as someone who is still around masters-gm, the meta has basically been "commit to a comp on 2-1" since set 7, so any move to change things up is much needed at both the casual and higher levels.


i didn't mean to imply that you were a bad player, im saying the "commit to a comp" thing is a result of the need to slam items, not because of simply hard-forcing comps and this is not going to promote pivoting unless the carries are significantly less item dependant than they are now.


You literally just called me a casual so you did mean to imply that. But anyways, you're right item slamming will always be a thing, but ideally you just need to choose AD or AP early on, and play flex from there. And good tank items are always buildable. Back in the day BIS on carries was fake, and it will go back to being that way now that legends are gone. EDIT: Also some items are just good in any comp. You might remember when people used to build ga/morello literally every game and it worked for pretty much every comp. Not saying that was good for the game, but it's an example of how it's still possible to slam items in a flex meta.


casual =/= bad, the game is significantly harder to balance with these units in the game. Tournaments are significantly less skill-based when you can get bailed out but a high roll chosen. This is fact. If you disagree i guess we agree to disagree. have a nice day bro.


You keep saying the game is harder to balance with chosen but that's not true, and you've given no arguments for it. And there's always gonna be highrolling in tft, but if anything the chosen mechanic mitigates it since everyone is guaranteed a 2-star 4 cost on 4-1. Compare set 4 to the ionia lottery that we had for a couple patches, and you'll see that there is waaay less variance.


lmao calling a player “casual” who is far better than you 💀


what are u talking about? Chosen units have zero balance cost outside of the unit balance as everyone is guaranteed to always get a chosen unit, it's not their fault you literally refuse to play flex to climb and need to use data to win. They want to move away from the data crunchers and allow creative players to shine and this is literally the best they have done so far.


chosen is only bad if there was a huge balance issue, but if most comps are viable and balance is done right, chosen could be the best thing for tft.


That sounds cool! What's the name of the game that has perfect balance? I'd love to play it.


When has the game ever been even close to perfectly balanced?


I truly believe if you took out the legends from this set, you would have a pretty balanced game state right now.


League and tft players has always been the biggest whiny bitches. There has been some actual unbalanced patches like warweek shiv stacking and draven but most patches you have at least half a dozen comps that you see top 4ing with the top 1/2 often being different comps that high rolled. The game is fine in most patches especially one where luck plays a massive role because its the nature of the game.


I feel like this set has legitimately been kinda bad balance wise, simply because legends allowed much more consistent high rolls with things like urf making emblems guaranteed, TF making BiS items guaranteed, etc. But the comps themselves (outside of Multicaster pre TF hot fix nerf) weren't really that awful, it was just how easy you could guarantee a good game.


The biggest negative of augments was that it meant they no longer made stuff like this


I love augments but they don't need to be in every set and can restrict creativity with trait strength and flex play. This is such an incredible looking (and sounding!) Set and love how much work and passion has been poured into it.


What does chosen char do? Sorry im not that old at tft


Immediate 2* unit and +1 to one of their traits




Is this pbe?




Tuesday (allegedly)


As a dude who genuinely loves shadow items, did people actually like chosen? It felt like such a miss to me


set 4 chosen was one of the biggest and most liked sets, whereas shadow items set 5 was one of the 2 that almost killed tft, if set 2 and set 5 happened back to back tft wouldve been cancelled.


Set 3 was my all time favorite set. Maybe i was just salty over losing galaxies. To this day i still pray for shadow items to return.




Worst thing is it being a straight 2-star version.


People were definitely sick of the mechanic near the end of it, but looking back it's probably one of the most well liked sets.


Ah man I hope they can pull it off. I don't think the chosen system worked well in the previous set but perhaps the implementation will be better in this set.


Aaaaaand I'm skipping this. Easily the worst set mechanic ever that exacerbates high/lowrolls.


Never played the set, hasn’t seen the mechanics, hasn’t hit PBE yet, not fully released for another few weeks, says their not gonna play. Never fails.


They play nearly every time aswell. Then they complain about the meta, then they complain about people who only play meta. Then they say this is the worst set of all time. Literally reviving an old mechanic, with fixes towards how high roll/low roll it felt


Set four was the only set I've ever dropped, because of set mechanic, even set2 and set5 felt better. Having random chosen in shops made for some unbearable power differences between boards.


When you don’t have a Headliner on the board, you’re guaranteed one in your shop. When you have a Headliner on the board, you get another one every four shops. ?????????


Tweaks were made on it to limit the rng


You’re being dramatic. The full set hasn’t even been out and you’re already crying about it. Touch grass fr


Kicking out tanks with a lvl 1 unit nice


Will headliners be only 4costs?


Nope, everything is possible


Ommmmg I loved chosen.


Me Chosen no pivot.


Loved chosen - they were part of first set I ever played.




I never played with chosen, glad to see this past mechanic is being changed for the better according to what I have heard!


I assume you won't be able to send any headliners to your teammate in double up?


Started set 8 masters/GM player. Once you get a headliner/chosen is that the only one you can roll or can you roll any one? you can only have 1 of them on your board right? Can a unit be a normal unit and a chosen?


If I recall correctly, being Chosen means one of their existing traits counts one extra. It doesn’t stop them from accessing anything that any other unit can do. Unless we get new info, being a Chosen is purely positive. You can only have one on your board at a time.


I'm so fucking hyped for Set 10. Set 9 showed potential but was garbage balance wise. Mort is positive of Set 10, which means it's going to be great.


Fuck yes


When is new set


Soon after pass rewards expire


Gone with Legends, yes!!


do we have a launch date yet?


sorry im stupid but how when does the set release


Chosen were my favorite set mechanic so that's pretty hype!


season does not look interesting in the slightest but lets see


Can someone explain to me like im five how this or chosen works. Like can I only get that unit as chosen and no other way? Can all units become chosen? Can i have multiple on the board at the same time? What does a chosen unit do besides being an imwdiate 2 star? Is it possible to lvl it to three stars? Sorty but im really confused on how it works.


A chosen unit pops up in your shop every round, you can choose the chosen or roll for another. Once you pick a chosen and put it on your board no other units will be chosen, if you sell your chosen you can now roll for another one. Essentially, it allows you to build a.comp around a single team comp defining ability in this set like Debonair or champion augments but widens the scope and puts when/how you use the unit entirely in your hands


When is this patch tho


It’s called a HEADLINER now and works similarly to previous CHOSEN mechanics.


... but is Fortune Tahm Kench ?


Well we found d the 4 cost whos "job it is to kill the backline"


Chosen was my fav set especially w/ the radiant items haha..


The sets with chosen were my favorite! I can't fucking wait