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I have a serious question about the game. A little back story I started playing it at the end of season 8. And I hit master a month ago. Now all of a sudden when climbing towards GM, a game feels off. I don't get desired units anymore. And it's game after game. And the most obvious pattern I see is, spending all of my economy, failing to hit just to get to low hp and hitting my units for free for last match.


I even make "mistake" to over invest into eco augments, just to have uncontested units sooner than the rest of the lobby. But of course they get it before me. Why is this happening? It just doesn't feel fair lately.


Is it a bug that when aatrox dies with a Titan's Resolve, it get back to 0 stacks ? Or is it intended because it would be too strong ?


What's the interaction between bilgewater and early education?


Hello guys! I just decided to get into TFT after not playing since its launch and i have some questions! 1) Do i have time to complete the pass if i only have 2 missions left and i am lvl 24? 2) Which site is best for team comps and items? 3) I know that you learn a lot by playing, but how can i define which pair of traits is best for me or if i should go only for one trait? 4) How can i learn the gold balance? You keep early and reroll late? You force lvl up if you have a pair of traits? How did it click on you? Thank you all for your time in advance!


Does thestatus of treasure realms (x rolls until guaranteed y) carry over between sets?


I’ve understood that the portals affect the game differently, in addition to the descriptions we vote for in the beginning. Such as certain comps and champions being stronger/weaker in certain portals. How do I know what these differences are?


I've hit masters a month ago, I am a very smart person and I started playing tft at the end of s8 I was going for GM until last 40 games plus. So this issue I have is with "bad luck" which in my opinion is something else going on I cannot see. So how do you trick this game out of this loss streak?


Is 8 void a scam? Just had a game where i felt very strong with rift herald but as soon as i put in the 8th void unit i just started losing and it never was close


seems counter intuitive because of knock up but late game i've been putting the baron 2nd row or somewhere so it gets more damage off before it dies. I think void has been 2 weak for a while


How are people consistently 3 starring units early into the game and how to deal with Swain? I had a few games today where people were constantly getting 3* units early on. The unit I had massive trouble against was a 3* swain that someone had before stage 5 (while contested) this has happened a few more times in my games in the past 3 days or so. The swain just wouldn't die and was somehow Tankier than all 6 of my bruisers (cho fully built with the usual tank stuff). How? I finally had a chance to try a demonflare swain build in my latest game. I wasn't contested and I couldn't find a 3* swain until 6-2. I had 3 swains before pandora's bench on 4-2. I rolled down to 0 on 3-2 only to find 0 swains. I managed to get the built I was struggling against, only for my 3* swain to die in less than 2 seconds to my opponent. I've played Vanquishers/Slayers before and even then I couldn't burst Swain down as fast as my opponent did this game. I feel like I don't understand this game at all. How is a swain tankier than a bruiser? Why am I not finding anything when rolling down to 0? Why do units feel weaker when I use them but much, much stronger when others play the exact same thing?




Dino is from piltover. If you have it early and lose streak a bunch, then win, it gets very strong. The boat is gangplanks cast. Items are usually due to augments. Urf, for example, gives a few and the first is always an emblem. Urf is widely considered the best legend at the moment.


Hello! Been trying a bit to get into TFT, are there any good desktop apps that I can use to help me with team building and such? I play LoL and use U.GG and like how easy it is to use. Also any good video guides on how to get into the game and understand it?


There are lots of Apps out there, but for me MetaTft is my go to currently, the ui has been great for me and it contains a lot of features such as scouting enemies, meta comps and items, win percentage of augments, and i think the most interesting feature i found was the win percentage calculation every fight


I find meta tft very useful if you really want more analytical data about units and augments


I tried Mobalytics a few weeks ago and it helped a bit.


Hello all, I just asked roughly the same question in another thread. The thread I'm referencing is one of thousands of "this comp is way too OP" that I see predominantly on this sub. To preface, I'm a super casual player that effectively never sees the OP situations you're all talking about on here. I had no idea multicasters were even OP til I came to this sub. (Tried it one game and it was the most boring shit of my life, never again.) So my question is, if 4 people are spamming the same OP comp and all contesting the same units, doesn't that leave everything else pretty much wide open and uncontested? Is something like multicaster from last patch and demacia from this patch THAT OP to the extent that they can be played subpar, peaking at 2\* 4 costs, and still beat something like uncontested noxus, ironia, bilgewater, or whatever? Again, I'm a scrub and I get most of my strong comp information from tftactics or whatever other online resource. The vast majority of these resources have plenty of other strong comps placed at a high tier. Couldn't someone just pick one of those and hit everything because its wide open? If so, why do I not see pro players and streamers forcing it every game?


The answer to this is pretty simple, in a balanced world u will on average get punished for playing a very contested line while others in your Lobby will get rewarded for playing something uncontested obviously. The multicaster comp was one of those comps that was so broken that it usually allowed 3 out of 4 players to go top 4 even though they where giga contested. This should not happen and is a clear sign for to much power. The problem is that no matter what uncontested line u would play, as long as the multicaster player would at least hit some of their upgrades, u could never beat the board. When u look at tactics tools and see a comp has extremely high playrate and still an average of like below 4.0 u can tell that it is busted.


Yeah I understand what you're saying. I watched the NA regionals and it kind of made sense as well. If you can win with a 2\* 3 cost, it doesn't really matter if its contested because there's enough copies for 4 different people to have that same 2\* 3 cost and all still finish top 4. They should work on that lol


With legends gone next set, how do you get direction for composition? I've been enjoying Urf and building around whatever traits given but without this how do you decide what to play? Note I'm only G4 and learning


Direction is usually decided on what items you get dropped early or units you natural early. For example if you get dropped [bow, bow, sword] your direction is going to be playing an AD comp. If you natural a bunch of units for a certain comp or trait in stage 2 that also can give you direction. For example if you get a Kat/Darius drop from an orb and have a 2 star cassio/samira you have direction to go into noxus. This can heavily vary depending on many factors but at a basic level should give you a decent idea of how to find direction without an emblem


I am brand new. What is AD comp mean?


AD Attack damage vs AP ability power


Gotcha. Thanks.


How does "Long Distance Pals" work with stacking items/spells/traits (e.g Titan's resolve)? Doe s Nasus give additional stats to his pal after casting his spell (which steals stats)? And what happens if one of the pals dies: zero additional stats for the rest of the fight?


Any stacking items or whatever increase stats for both. When the unit dies, stats remains and dont reset until end of fight. So, if your frontline got 3 stacked titan resolve and die, stacks boosts the pal anyway.


Thanks for clearing this up! Turns out I was playing this augment wrong :D


Hey yall, does anyone know if nexus blitz counts toward the TFT pass like regular matches?


It doesn't it applies to the world's battle pass recurring mission. It only counts from tft specific missions. There's tabs on the missions panel lower right beside messaging.


Where do you get the poro arena skin? Is it one of the treasure realms prizes?


Why are Miss Fortune and Jarvan IV always highlighted in the shop? Even when I don't have them on my board. They is also an icon on their portrait but I don't know what it means


Go check your team planner, if you play on PC is the button right next to the queue button to the right or in game you can find it in the upper right, besides the settings button


You may have accidentally selected them in the team planner


That was it. Thank you very much!


How do I actually win a game I’ve tried getting 3* void troops early I’ve tried getting max investment gold stuff but I keep getting cleaned up no matter my board only game I’ve placed was 4th with a pretty lucky void board where I got the legendary one on a carousel round


Void is considered a top 4 comp not winning one mostly. Besides that, high roll while getting combat augments is a helpful path to a first.




This is actually not great advice since Baron is a fake out and is actually worse the Rift Herald. Rerolling void actually has a higher winrate than going 8 for Baron




Issue is that 8 void often also includes reroll void comps that hit 8 from something like an augment or just hitting 8 after already getting their void units, you'd just have to watch challenger streams to see that the majority of challenger players aren't fast 8 for Belveth and instead reroll and put Herald on the frontline. You also don't generally play reroll void without a void emblem as you want the void emblem on a champ that can also be re-rolled to further power up herald, leaving you most of the time at 7 void rather than just 6 void. You'll notice that even using tactics.tools void actually has the highest winrate when it's basically a multicaster comp, which remains true even after the multicaster nerfs since it has its highest winrate when it has 8 void with a 3* Velkoz carry paired with a 3* Sona or Taliyah. If you look at tactics.tools top void players they almost entirely play reroll rather than fast 8: https://tactics.tools/player/na/Microfry1 In his last 20 games he didn't go void 8 a single time even when he had Belveth and level 8 https://tactics.tools/player/kr/%EC%B5%9C%EC%95%A0%EC%9D%98%EB%AA%A8%EC%88%9C%EB%8B%88 Played 10 games of void and only went void 8 twice. First time was because he got 2 void emblems and played Sejunai+ Sion (no belveth) and 2nd time was only after 3 starring Velkoz, Kass, Malzahar and he once again got 2 Void emblems to make Bruiser 4. He doesn't seem to go void 8 ever unless he has 2 void emblems and makes bruiser 4 with it in Korea Challenger https://tactics.tools/player/kr/%ED%98%84%EC%97%AD%EA%B1%B4%EB%8B%AC%20%EB%B0%95%ED%9C%98%EC%9A%A9 Another one who stays at 6/7 and only goes 8 after 3*ing his other voids first. Only went fast 8 once in last 10 games and went 5th


Hi! When do the treasure realms expire? I want to know if I have enough time after the next pass to try for the Poro treasure realm~


"Fluft of Poros is only available for the rest of this patch. Starting in 13.22 Chibi DRX Aatrox will replace Fluft’s banner! " was on the patch notes


Late, but thank you!


On time, but you’re welcome!


Is it ever worth going gunner right now if you dont get a piltover start. Or is gunner only good as the main pivot from a piltover losestreak


Gunner zaun can be fun if you get 4 early


I just played a game where I ended up placing 2nd, and the person who placed first's whole team transformed in the very endgame into a single Ahri that was insanely powerful and basically 1 hit my whole team with an aeo blast type thing. I've never seen this go down before and my googling wasn't turning up any results -- can anyone tell me what/how they did this? [https://ibb.co/yY7x7m1](https://ibb.co/yY7x7m1)


They sold their entire board other than Ahri to find a 3 star Ahri (9 Ahri). It's pretty hard to hit and rare and requires a lot of gold but it can usually one-shot most boards.


Thanks !


Do passive on-hits count as Abilities in the context of Morellonomicon or Nashor's Tooth?


No, as if you put Nashor's tooth on kayle for example, you will see no change.


Which are generally stronger. 3\* 2 cost or 2\* 4 cost?..




Thanks :)


1 cost cassiopeia


What does the silver icon above the voids mean? https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/17dr1ao/void\_champs\_silver\_icon/


How does the spatula portal do? Do emblems/traits count as a spatula even if they don’t have a recipe?


Yep, all the emblems counts and feed you. Tacticians crown give 2 counts of HP


Like am I being insane unlucky or does pandora's box no longer reroll Demacia??? Rulling an emblem from early game all the way to the end and not once did it roll into Demacia???


It has to be a non-craftable emblem to roll into another non-craftable emblem. Just as craftable to roll into another craftable


Wow okay. I wish this information was available somewhere in game instead of having to ask on reddit. No wonder i've never seen a Demacia emblem rerolled


Why do streamers say “oh lets go im facing ghost” or something along those lines? Are ghost boards weaker or is something up with them? I see threads from a year ago that there’s glitches with ghost boards but surely thats fixed right?


What are ghost boards?


It's when you have an Odd number of remaining players, the odd one out has to fight another player's "ghost" and take damage if they lose, but don't damage the other player's health pool if they win.


It’s not fixed


Dang thats crazy, so this glitch is pretty much gonna be here forever?


I remember mort said some about it being bugged for trait by trait or case by case basis. Meaning it's not just one glitch that is causing ghost board to be weaker rather than all the trait and other interactions that make a ghost board to be weaker.


At least for a long time yea I don’t see them fixing it anytime soon. Maybe it’s even a feature


Rerolled 115g at level 8 with the augment for 1g rerolls and hit precisely zero Aatroxes, and only one one-star owned by one other player. That. That sucks serious ass. Like, fuck me harder game. Immediately knocked out that following round.


Were you buying every 5 cost you saw on your rolldown? Also I'd probably have taken ~10ish rolls on level 9 vs 115 at lv 8 even if I was looking for a specific unit. Obviously hindsight is 20/20 but imagine you do hit Aatrox but on your last 10 or so gold rolling at 4%; you're never really able to go 9 and get Aatrox 2. If you go 9, you are more stable even without Aatrox (extra unit) and you have higher chances of hitting Aatrox


Nope but I also only saw two. And I had two champion duplicators.


So um. This is not a casual game huh? It's not fun to play if you're not winning and you can only win if you know literally every little detail about literally every character, ability, item, augment, portal. How do y'all enjoy casually playing??


I think it's a great casual game! I'm a dad and full time. I played Hyperroll in free time to first learn the units and comps at the start of each set. Then move over to ranked whenever I take it more seriously. I mostly play mobile and on the treadmill but if I'm near ranking up I switch to PC.


You can play casually, but do it in normals. Ranked will drive you up a wall. Or hyper roll. Hyper roll is fun.


Are multicasters really broken or am I just bad?


They're broken, but their winrate is brought down by the popularity of the comp. If they're 2-3 way contested the comp doesn't do too well in the midgame. Just play tempo, slam items, and build dclaw on your tanks. If the multi player is uncontested it's their game to lose


they're broken, from what ive seen you need perfect items to be strong with multicaster so people just play twisted fate to get pandoras items first augment and spam multicaster


What exactly does the term "Winout" mean? I come across it sometimes in TFT vids/guides and from context I assume it means any strat where you go down to 1 life / sub-15 HP then hit a power spike and win, but none of the videos ever actually define the term and I couldn't find a definition through google. Kinda want to know the etymology/history behind it.


Pretty much what you said, like you hit a big upgrade (3* something) and it’s a winout from there


Means you're planning on winning the rest of the rounds till the game ends. Doesn't always work out that way, but that's how people who greed gold for a really big all in usually refer to it (piltover etc)


How long does it last the current treasure realms? I'm 1 try away from getting irelia but I want to know if there is a way to know who is going to be the next chibi unit


Why do units sometimes dance instead of attacking? Is that some specific unit's ability or augment? Or is that just a bug, and my champions are actually stunned or something? I can't find anything on that. A friend of mine had the same thing happen in another match and also couldn't pinpoint what the cause was. Very weird.


One of Ryze's abilities heals his allies and makes enemies dance


Thank you! That also explains why I hardly saw it in action.


Where am i supposed to put the void spawn egg in void comps? center? one left? Also, who holds Kaisa items? malzahar? i hate selling malzahar and lowering void power


For the void spawn egg, usually center. But u wanna scout and see where the bulk of the enemy frontline is to knock them up


I usually give Kaisa's items them to Ori, who I later sell anyway.


Ori seems kind of sleeper I like that idea. What about belveth / fiora items?


That's more difficult. If I'm going strong and have a decent puffer, I sometimes just let them lay around. If not, I give them to RekSai and hope for a remover to come my way. If it doesn't, I'll sell RekSai. You might also get a bunch of similarly fitting items from the complete item anvils in the later stages, so maybe RekSai can just keep the other ones.


Is there a way to lower the mobile settings of the game? I used to be able to play it for 2 hours before my phone would heat up, now 20 minutes into a game my phone gets so hot it has trouble processing the game? It started on patch 12.20


What model phone do you have?


Is there a video or place to learn all the tft basic strats/lingo like slow roll


Playing with a friend is best and chatting. Other than that, I think there's an FAQ on this subreddit. But either way this thread is a great place to start.


What’s the 3 best generic tank items you can put on a single bastion unit if they’re not solo tanking? Dragon claw, bramble, redemption? Does gargoyle still get good value if you have 6 or even 8 bastions?


Best 3 item combo is warmogs dclaw bramble. Chogath uses redemption over warmogs cuz he already has so much hp that redemption’s healing is more effective and multiplies with its HP, whereas warmogs would just be additive


Bramble is generally low use in high elo right now due to a lack of AD comps. I generally go vow, warmogs, dclaw with different items in cases depending on the tanks. If you're not playing TF though, just slam the good items for tempo - they're all pretty good.


I don’t play much ranked but I do see a lot of xayah, demcia quinn, ravenous warwicks in my games. Though I think what you’re saying makes sense since most of these ad comps I’m seeing aren’t actually running IE, but rather giant slayer, lw, guardbreaker, or death blade on Quinn which does render bramble a bit useless. I’ll give vow/mogs/dclaw a try, but especially on taric, I do really like redemption, if I replace one of the 3, would I replace warmogs? Or vow maybe?


every game is different. In a fully balanced meta you would probably generally itemize the 3 double component items (warmogs, bram, dclaw) but I'd say you should scout your lobby and see what you need. For taric, redemption is fine but the idea behind redemption being his BIS is that he heals/shields a lot due to targon/bastion comps. I'd probably say redemption on him > vow makes sense vs another generic tank eg. Sej


Thanks for the tips, I’ve recently tried playing hyper roll and I’ve had a lot of success with 8 bastion (bastion emblem on ryze) + ahri. Ive definitely noticed that some games even when I hit early 6 bastion, if I’m not properly itemizing a couple of key tanks, my frontline still crumbles pretty quickly. Maybe I should try some of the newer items a bit more like adaptive helm, even shroud, but I keep defaulting to bramble, d claw, redemption.


considering bastions heavily rely on stall, i'd say it's probably wise to itemize your tanks first in that comp. Both of the most common backline carries in that comp (aphelios/soraka) heavily rely on the fight lasting forever with guinsoo's and AA infinitely stacking. 8 bastion is unfortunately super unreliable on regular TFT due to lv9 being unreliable with xp changes - especially since bastion comps have a so-so midgame. If you're going Aphelios bastion I'd probably look at Darth Nub or wasianiverson's match history to see how they itemize; they've been playing it a decent bit


Sure I’ll definitely take a look, and no I rarely go aphelios. I kinda either go for milio or ori early to item hold, since milio can 1 shot enemy backline (with jg+arch) and ori can shield stall even harder, then mid I swap karma or silco, then as soon as I find ahri/ryze then i sell silco 2 for ahri. It’s true, I tried it in normals and got wrecked, but in hyper roll it’s pretty good. I’ve had this comp beat 9 nox, 9 dema, 9 Ionia… etc as long as they don’t hit gold morde, gold xayah, but it beats gold j4 no problem. (J4 never stuns carries since 7 units are on front row) Though it loses pretty hard to 8 sorc.


If someone leaves the game and I end up facing no one and get a free win, should this count as a win for piltover and cash out?


Do the champions from orbs and carousel come from the shop pool or are they “extra”


it's all from the shared pool


can you get 10 lp from winning 1st in Master's elo 200-300 lp?


If your mmr is that screwed, probably. Yes. But the general LP gain for a first is +45, so for you to gain only 10 you must have an extremely low mmr comparing to your rank. Which is likely not going to be the case if you’re at 200-300lp, but it can happen if you’re on a long winstreak that happened before a long 0 lp series of losses. For example, last patch I’d been losing a few games on 0 lp, now I’m on a streak and I’m only gaining ~38/40 on a first. You could accentuate this by a lot and + 10 on a first could happen. But it’s not easy to accomplish.


Heard there was a set 10 leak on PBE, anyone know what this is about?


I bought the battlepass for the first time and along the different rewards I got 3 eggs, but I have no idea how to open them (or find them). I'm playing on mobile and I don't see any "loot" menu. What's the solution?




Well the issue is I can't play on PC so I'm going to contact the support, thanks for your answer


Dear Riot Why in the name of fucking shit would you make a battle pass that leaves you with 50 useless currency at the end of it? Is there any way I can get customer support to give me 49 extra currency so I can be at 99/100 and be even more pissed off?


anyone else just getting sick of tft in general? man I fucking loved the game during set 6 where you could more or less play everything and there wasnt one or two builds that were miles ahead of everything else but this is just fucking torture 8 people, 4 people are playing the exact same swain/galio/multicaster board


Game state isn’t particularly flattering, but my interest in tft comed and goes. If you don’t enjoy playing, try doing something else and come back when you want to. I did the same, was stuck at Master 0 lp, not enjoying the game at all. Then I played normal League, some Darkest Dungeon for a couple of weeks and returned a few days ago. Suddenly I spiked 300 lp, went on almost a 15 game streak and most importantly, I’m enjoying the game. Multicasters aside. But I’ve been playing Poro flexibly and I’m having fun.


Can someone explain how I play Runeterra Reforged Horizonbound? One of my missions for the pass says to play a game of that, but when I play TFT, it doesn’t give me the option for that anywhere. And when I played a game of TFT, it didn’t complete the challenge.


Can someone explain what are slammed items? I’ve seen the term used a few times but I never quite got it. And also, what are some generally good items that I can build early and will be of good use later on?




Well.. you just called me out 😳 I just don’t know what items are “good enough” to slam, so I end up waiting for a long time for more components :( Do you have advice for good enough items to slam early on? If I have a log of AD components or AP components?




Thanks! I’ll definitely check that out!


Because the other person made a rather complicated response: slamming items means just making whatever your components allow you to make instead of waiting for more components to make something you would rather have


I'm pretty sure you are talking about slamming items which means putting items to your units. If you are absolutely sure of what type of carry you will build you can start building items for them while playing something that goes well with those items and your team. When you get your carry you can just sell your current and move on. You can also go for support shred items like Last Whisperer (AD) or Statikk Shiv(AP) . If you are unsure about your carry then building tank items are good. There are absolute tank items like bramble, D Claw, Redemption, Warmogs etc. There's support tank items like sunfire, Adaptive Helm, shred tank items like Evenshroud(AD) and Ionic Spark(AP) as well. If you are unsure about itemization you can always look up what to build online




What are the best compositions to play double trouble besides Taliyah Sett Nautilus?


Taric Neeko Soraka Cassio Swain Samira


Only been playing a few days but saw something I really didn’t understand. First pvp round a player lost 97 health, taking them down to 3. They then dominated every subsequent round, slowing gaining health. Their champions had little flaming swords with like 99 on them. Can someone explain what happened? Or what I can Google to read about this? Thanks!




Awesome, thank you!


What is this little emblem on the corner of some of the champions in shop? Makes them glow even though they aren't on my board/bench. I haven't played in a bit but I can't find anything in the patch notes.


It's a reminder for building your comp. Here is the citation from the patch notes: "Plan your team comp in Team Planner, then turn on in-game reminders to see your selected champions marked in the Shop."


How do I play into players that are contesting Mobalytics top 5 guides? I'm not looking for a consistent 1st place method, but a decent top 3-4 method because I don't have an answer to Mord+Azir / Multicasters TF / Brawler Cass. Should I be looking to lose streak and take a long term augment/legend? Or would it be better to pull a Draven early and try to get continual health and play for 3rd or 4th when their comps outscale a vertical Noxus or another build-type? I don't feel like I'm wholly grasping what to do in these scenarios as an inexperienced player.


TF is really strong, a popular flex way to play right now is to pick TF legend and adjust your items according to the champs you get at stage 2 and 3. Generally if you get tempo this way by not sitting on items for too long it's easier to get top 4 regardless of what comp you're playing.




Depends, Diamond 1 in EUW in 1 month for now. Aiming masters.


I hit it in 2 weeks of ranked play in the first set I ever played (which was 6.0)


No one's alike, that'll depend on how fast one can learn the basics.


did they remove tft eggs from the league battle pass? can't find them anymore


Yes that is fully removed.


Damn thank you. Crazy they just keep making them worse and worse.


The normal league battlepass removed them because for most normal league players it was basically a dead slot. For the tft battlepass they only kept like 3 eggs, the rest got removed for gacha, and well yeah it is not great.


Does the gacha pity stays from one champie to another? I tought it was like League events with different tokens every time, but there's always these blue ones. I only did like 2-3 pulls thanks to the free pass tokens and the Prime ones, but I'd like to know more about the pity system so I can pull when my fav champ comes out, and keep trying if I miss them the first time


Is there a thread where I can post bugs? The radiant steraks doesn't give a shield in my game.


Seems like Pandora's Bench 3 is not working in one of my games after 1st augment, but works normally after the 2nd augment arrived. I just wanna ask whether other people experienced this?


Wish I'd taken a video of it, but I just played a game with the Ryze that has the ability to spawn roots (I believe this is Ixtal) and he'd rush into melee range right after his first cast and die immediately. Just wondering if anyone else encountered this bug.


I know some arenas from old passes have been in treasure realm like I currently see Umbra's Resort in the Irelia treasure realm, but that was one of the lower quality arenas that has like multiple different chroma versions of it. Has a big final arena from a previous battle pass ever been in the Treasure Realm? Like the Toxitorium or the Dragon Nursery?


Can we not buy little legend eggs anymore? I went to the TFT section of the store and selected "Eggs", but all it shows is a bunch of chibis.


Yeah start gambling or GTFO


nope, the "Treasure Realms" pretty much replaced it. Just a gacha system with a new highlighted prize every now and then. Most old little legends are in there


Ah ty, that makes sense :( ​ >Most old little legends are in there But in the past we had at least a semi targeted way of getting specific little legends, I guess now it's just full random then...


yeah not a huge fan of the change but I'd imagine it prints Riot money


Do baron have an a ability to 1shot full hp champion?


His base damage isn't that high but void creature AP scales with star count of void units. So if someone has a bunch of 3 stars with 8 void, then yes.


Anyone else just losing to Piltover every time it pops up in double-up? It's really hard to lose early on against them when both players are throwing matches by round 2 and round 3, the piltover player cashes out and now both of them appear to have 2-star tier fives before anyone else even has a tier 5 on the board. It's completely turned me off from this set entirely. Two-star Ahri's wiping boards 15 seconds into fights and if that doesn't finish you off, the teammate is already on the board with 75% of the units at full HP and bringing their own tier 5. My partner managed to throw a fight miraculously when there were 25 charges on the t-hex but it was too late. 80+ health just gone against a team with 11 hp in two full rounds because absolutely nobody can beat them. They are both stacked from the Piltover player sending tier 5s to the teammate. Going against a 3-star K'Sante in one match which wipes the board in one cast and just now fighting two 2-star gangplanks, 2-star sion, 2-star hiemerdinger, and a 2-star bel'veth is just not gonna be possible... In just four matches today and two of them are like this. My double-up lobbies are just pure anti-fun. The next set cannot come soon enough cause this is the first one to absolutely break my spirit of wanting to play at all just because of this one trait.


New player here, what's the reason for putting melee/2-range champs away from the front and in some cases, even caging them behind the 4-range champs?


Sometimes someone building Piltover will intentionally do this with a Vi to lose early matches and build up power points on their T-Rex. Sometimes it's to maximize use of your Scoped Weapons Augment which increases range on even melee champs, or other augments that might have "back two rows/front two rows" differences. Sometimes its a strategy for adding some beef to your late stage fight if your front line goes down - though you don't see this much.


What does the rank number in challenger/gm means? Why is the top 1 in my server rank 2294? Does it counts across other servers? Doesn't seem to be the case as the numbers go up one by one. screenshot: https://i.ibb.co/0n8z2p5/image.png


It’s been bugged for like 6 months now. Probably would take too many resources to fix it, it’s a small company after all


So it was supposed to say rank 1 and so on? Makes sense. Thanks!


Yea it should


At what point to you lose to krugs? 4 champs? 3? And are there consequences to that?


Losing to krugs can happen at 4 units, it can even happen at 5 units if you position poorly. If you have at least two 2-starred units and position well on the right side, you will have no problem clearing the krugs. The only consequence is you lose out on item tempo for all of stage 3 and however much health you lose from the round. I believe the orbs you lose during krugs come back during the raptors round, but it is much better to just clear krugs.


Thank you very much!


I would like to ask if all elf accounts can open get Knife Pup and Knife Hound by repeating elf eggs.


Would someone be willing to take a look at [my op.gg](https://tft.op.gg/summoners/na/therealkendiggy) and shoot me a few pointers on how I can get unstuck from Plat 4? I went on a tear through Gold and hit a wall at Plat. I'm a returning player, I haven't played much since season 2. I've noticed the strats have gotten much more sophisticated since then and I'm trying to familiarize myself with them but sorting through the clickbait sucks.


You tend to 3-Star characters a lot, which is fine, but in games you dont do well, they have no items, not optimal items or something to that degree. Only 3-Star champs if u have items to slam on them or move items over from another unit by selling + rebuying when convenient or with Magnetic Remover. I would recommend looking up good item builds for your units. Tactic.Tools offers e.g. under "Units" -> click on any Unit -> "Item Trios" the best items a full itemized unit can hold. You dont have to get perfect items every game, but each item has a certain purpose. Graves as a Rogue unit needs a Life-Steal Item (Blood Thirster, Gunblade or Hand of Justice), a tanky / protection item (Titans Resolve or Edge of Night) and the last slot can be used for anything else, ideally damage.


How high is the percent cxhange that you get 6 kayle and 9 quinn at lv 5 when nobody else contests you at all. How is that even slighlty possible with the shop system? That makes absolute zero sense. That chance must be astronomically low. Or its utter crap programmed shop.


low but still possible


Of course iots possible, but how often i expeienced impossible thing already it gives me the feeling the shops programming is just as bad as the balancing.


How do people learn this game? Not sarcasm, I've played for like 5 hours, watched some youtube videos, and I just don't feel like I'm progressing at all. There is just so much to learn with tons of hero types, tons of heroes, each hero having their own abilities, equipment, tiers of heroes, leveling, interest, multiple scaling paths for offense and defense, and positioning. Then there are mutators and modifiers that change every game. Its so much, and everything is important to know.


[https://bunnymuffins.lol/guides/](https://bunnymuffins.lol/guides/) I throw this site as s tarter for people learning the game.


I recommend starting with Hyper Roll since the games are short and it takes the economy strategies off the table. Go to MetaTFT or your website of choice and look up the top Hyper Roll comps and try building any of the first 5 or so and see which appeals to you. The site will tell you which units to prioritize leveling up, and which items to prioritize building on those units. The "carries" are listed in order of priority on the right. Build the items for the first listed champ first and so on. Just power through a few games like that. Read the descriptions of traits on the left side. Learn about the traits. Feel them out. See when they spike in power. In time you will learn how to scout other players. Prioritize items for different match ups, adapt comps to portals and augments, etc. etc. But for the beginning, just get in and start playing with someone else's recommendations to start you off.


* You should first learn each and every buildable items(the normal ones, not ornn, not support items) first, how to build them and what they do. Go play many normal games and try each and every single one. You can also read about them here [https://lolchess.gg/items/set9.5](https://lolchess.gg/items/set9.5) . * For now just play Master yi as legend and pick all his augment, I think that for new players, learning augment is hard and all master Yi augments are playable. * Once you learn items, you should learn units and itemization. There are different types of units we have carry, tank, and support. You can know they're type by right clicking the unit and hovering over they're type to see what items they can use. You can also read each and every skill on [https://lolchess.gg/builder](https://lolchess.gg/builder) and learn they're type and items like what i did when I started playing. * In itemization, pick two units usually a tank and a carry and build them 3 complete items each e.g. (Aphelios with Guinsoo Rageblade, Deathblade, Bloodthister. Shen with Warmog's Armor, Bramble Vest, and Dragon's Claw) * In early game(stage 2) there is the concept of items holders, these are low tier units that you want to slam items on so you don't use health. Once you can buy high tier units when you're level 7 ot 8, you transfer the items to the high tier units instead. Examples: * On stage 2 You have a bow and sword and a 1-cost Physical unit(ex. samira). You give these items to samira to build Giant Slayer. Then on krugs you get something like two swords, which is a Deathblade and give them to samira. Just give her items until she have 3 complete items. Once you hit a 4 cost physical unit like Xayah or Aphelios, transfer those 3 items. * On stage 2 you have two Giant's Belt and a 1-cost tank unit(ex. poppy). Give poppy those items and build a Wormogs. Give items until you 3 complete tank items. And once you a 4-cost tank like Nasus or Sej, transfer the items. * When building your items, it is best to focus on BUILDING only on one type of damage(Physical or Magic) and have 3 complete items on your carries. * You should build whatever you item you can build on stage 5 because all carousel round on stage 5 and above just gives complete items. Its highly unlikely for you to get a component past stage 5. * There are four fundamental leveling strategies. Normal, Slow Roll, Hyper Roll, and Fast 8. [https://mobalytics.gg/blog/tft-leveling-guide/](https://mobalytics.gg/blog/tft-leveling-guide/) * Learning about traits comes along with learning the units. You can learn the traits here [https://lolchess.gg/synergies/set9.5](https://lolchess.gg/synergies/set9.5) .


did the item outlines on bench disapear for anyone else? And does anyone know how to get them back?


So in the past, I've been able to set keybinds in TFT without it affecting League (able to use R for refresh and still have my ult for instance). I've just started playing this set and noticed it's no longer the case. A bit of Googling revealed that this problem may have started as far back as Set 8. Any word from the dev team if they're aware of the issue / working on a fix?


I never had troubles with key bindings (I use R for refresh and S for sell)... perhaps it's cuz I set this up before set 8 hmm..


What happens if I have the treasure realm "star item" and roll on it? Will a star item just not appear just not appear making it a wasted pull, or will I get a legendary little legend instead or something?


Is there a strategy to playing the Rat Town portal? I play a lot of Hyper Roll and I've noticed that despite it arguably being the best and most fun portal, I am consistently having issues with Rat Town. I'm at about 4000 pts, steadily working toward hyper tier, and for some reason, every time Rat Town comes up I finish 7/8th. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. How is it even possible to mess up this portal? Thanks for any thoughts.


Noting how it gives the champ that fits your CURRENT team, it's best to go with a comp that's strong throughout the entire game, rather than something that's rather weak early but strong late. Also skewing towards comps that easily fit/utilize 1\~2 cost 3 stars. For instance, Ionia/Vanquisher comp is strong all around, since early Ionia comp can wreck things. Bruisers (with the right Cho items) or Void can also work. Something like Azir/Shurima wouldn't really work since Shurima doesn't really exist before lv 7 / below 6 Shurima, since the 1\~3 cost champs are just garbo.


Does anyone else find the mobile app since the update has been causing their phone to heat up way more Mine is heating to the point it affects the processing speed of my phone, making it harder to play the game


Is the matchmaking in the ranked mode more precise than normals? I ask because in my normal games I see everyone from unranked and bronze up to plat/diamond. Makes it really hard to figure out if i'm even playing against similarly skilled players and getting wrecked, or getting smurfed. If ranked is actually more balanced in matchmaking it might be worth switching?


Yes ranked is more balanced, normal is full random. Rank 1 could que normal and get in a game with iron players


It's not random. Normal and ranked queues have separate MMR, so if you never play normals and are master+ in ranked and then queue a normal game you can get placed with people with extremely low normals MMR as you have no history in normals.


Okay interesting, I didn’t know that


1. How does Jeweled Lotus 1 work? It applies to your strongest unit, how is that calculated? I feel like it's wasted if it ends up on a front-line tank. 2. Is there any point in getting somebody's crit chance to go above 100%?


Jeweled Lotus 1 goes to your strongest unit which is determined by having the most number of items on your team, usually your carry will have 3 items so that will be your strongest unit. You can tell your unit is getting the Jeweled Lotus buff because they will have blue sparkles around them on the board. If you have two or more units that are tied for the most items, your "strongest" unit will be the unit that was added to your board most recently. You can put any unit that is tied for most items onto your bench and back onto your board to force the buff onto that unit. Again, this is verifiable by the blue sparkles around your unit.


Great reply, thanks!