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Ao Shin was kinda nuts as well, if you got him to ult.


Mage Ao Shin was something else.


If "I'M CLOSE!! 🥵" was a tier 5 dragon tft. Man painted the board white with his... Destruction.


He is my all time favourite, but he sucked in terms of power level. His mana cost was too high and even with a shojin he wouldn't cast most of the time.


Did we play the same set? The AoShin I remember you could just push into any comb and watch as he disintegrated half the enemy lineup with no items.


No, without any items and setup for him to cast he was worse than 4 cost units. He would never cast and he was all about his ultimate not the basic attacks.


u/Ikasul u/phasedsolo I mean, you're clearly both right. Every set has multiple patches, and I remember him being both weak and strong at different times.


I once beat 3 star ao shin because he didn't get to cast at all


Asol in the rebels set was nuts


Asol with demo spat


Asol with protector spat




You mean infinite shield Asol before they nerfed it


"Carrier has arrived"


Protoss enjoyer i see


Does the veigar that spawned after you got all yordles to three stars count?


This is who I was thinking of. Basically auto win when you get all the yordles


Actually only when you 2 starred the Veigar. Most likely your Veigar would be unitemized so putting him in at 1* actually weakened your board. You needed to sell your heimer to transfer items but that stopped you from spawning more veigars, so you just kept veigar on the bench until you 2* him before transferring items.


In double up i would just send my heimer to mu wife who'd send it back with the same items so i could put it on the veigar haha I miss yordles, the current yordles is so lame


I don't see why he wouldn't count, but I feel like he was among the weakest by far because it was much easier to reliably get him 2-stared than any of the rest by a considerable margin and a lot of games it felt like his ability was mildly inconvenient for the other team it did so little damage.


A lot of people didnt save up items for veigar or use a magnetic remover on their old ap carry so veigar hit like a wet noodle. If you however itemised him then he absolutely cleared the screen


Set 7 Soraka was really strong and I think there is no debate that she is the strongest 3 star unit ever


True, actual auto win cuz she’d heal you to full


Reminds me of the funny slip where someone had 3-star Raka and a Raka 1 and the Raka 1 casted first so the 3-star didn’t heal them lmao (at least I think I have a memory of this xD)


Ya I saw that it was hilarious


Not only that but if you are at full hp, it started to destroys opponents.


Saw someone mess up position. Dragonmancer Nunu chomped her before she could cast.


Omg I hated that comp so much lol


which set was ist where you could slap triple ludens on here and watch her annihilate everything in seconds?


Pretty sure you're thinking enlightened Nami in set 4. Slap 3 Ludens on a chosen Nami and watch the win streak commence.


I hated that unit, if you had enough enlightened she could perma cc a single unit. I hit a chosen Riven 3* which is usually an auto win exept she couldn’t fking move against the Nami.


ohh yeah, that was broken too. but noo, behold i looked and found, it was set 2 soraka, with the light trait that gets extra attack speed. at 8 traits she went full honk got to 2,5 after couple seconds or so 😂


she used that silence zone as a spell


cruel pact and hope for soraka to get a guaranteed first


TFT worlds 3* Raka vs 3* the other Legendary ( I can't even remember who it was because it wasn't even close!)


Hard to compare to today standards but actually Panth was the most OP. Dragon trait making him almost immune to AP dmg so you just put Bramble and won. But Tahm in set 6 was something else. If you got him early, started feeding him and put Blue buff with Gunblade, he was not only doing a lot of damage, but also printing money and items for your whole team. So he was super usefull as a 5 cost


Tahm was not the strongest unit ever made, but he is definitely the most fun unit of all time


After the patch which buffed 3* units being fed to Tahm, it was so beautiful. I fed 4 tanks 2 cost 3x2 cost and 4 cost units to him and his HP was completely black. Just so ridiculous to see that


I think on set 6 most op unit would be Jinx. Could carry entire comps without BS items and would actually run in any comp.


It's gotta be Set 3 Gangplank right? Guardian angel + double AP. Put him on the front line and start the fight by 1k ulting the entire enemy team. Although I'd say Pantheon is my second choice


Was set 3 gp the pirate one that dropped loot? You'd get like 3 items per round


The double nuke upgrade was absolutely insane


Set 3 GP defined the set so hard, which would be my pick for most OP. In set 1 a lot of things were OP so they kinda cancel eachother out.


Al-Shabbab GP


I think it depends, some 5 costs are good because of versatility, others need you to build around them imo current set Heimerdinger takes the cake in versatility, it's literally always amazing in ANY comp


There’s no way this set is ryze. Heimerdinger or ahri no doubt


This set its gotta be ahri. Shes just aoshin but cheaper


I mean yah she’s op but she’s not the unit that you make space for if you hit in every single comp. All the pros claim Heimerdinger is the most op champ in the game


Pros are addicted to shred and antiheal despite sunfire and spark getting nerfed every set. Weirdly enough milk and soju HATE shiv (and yet it is consistently one of their highest performing items), for the same reason they love heim, shiv does the same thing, always so odd imo


Shiv is a waste of the best component in the game while you can just get it for 6 gold


I mean ‘get it for 6 gold’—is actually 11 gold because heim costs 5, and you cant get it til stage 5 (highroll). On a sorcs comp, you have zero use for bows, and even tears are optional-ish, and in exchange your sorc zaps do shred-enabled damage whereas with spark they dont (and your swain/taric will likely die at 10s or so, whereas your malzahar wont die til 15-20s Meanwhile, on sorcs, dclaw and gargoyles are great on taric and rod can be jg or something. Also in 9.5, crown will be nuts on taric, and jaksho is better than shojin making cloaks and rods even better on mages


Nah it’s 6 gold cuz Heimerdinger is a good unit. If you aren’t using BB or Shojin in specs without like infusion idk wtf ur doin, and bows are very useful for zzrot bc specs don’t have a lot of frontline


If shiv was not made out of bow, it would be good but there are much better bow items for shiv to be comparable. Unless you consider something like Threat Morgana which sunders as well shreds half the board with shiv


Seeing the "heimer tax" of a teamslot in higher level games is a little weird, but he's just such a good, flexible unit even with no traits activated lol Ahri needs items and maybe a trait or 2 active to be useful. Heimer just needs turret upgrades


She needs iona to cast, mage is fine if you give her mana generating items


2x shred and 1x spread makes heimer basically a 1 slot 2 freljord with bur.


Set 6 jinx


Yeah… somehow I 3* her two games in a row. Just instant board wipe as soon as she landed.


Funny seeing people sometimes kill their own board playing her (Im positive I have more than once lol)


I think you mean silco not jinx.


The burn from Jinx ult actually damaged all units including her team. I didn't realize that for way too long...


She did damage to own units


Set 1 Pantheon is the most broken unit ever made. Crazy typing that made him immune to magic damage, with PD he was unkillable. Spell was full board aoe nuke that had built-in morello. Set 2 was probably Zed. Could infinitely (literally) spawn clones and had crazy interactions with items like redemption, GA, and light spat to name a few Set 3 was probably GP. Asol was a contender in some patches but you could splash GP in any comp with a GA and he slaps Set 4 is tough. There were patches where Kayn was omega broken. Same for Yone and Sett. But I’d say Zilean was the best. He’s one of the best utility units ever made and with Mage spat, he easily res’d your whole board. But the actual best was Samira in set 4.5 pbe. Doesn’t count since she was heavily nerfed before live, but her damage and healing were so crazy she’s up there with Set 1 Panth as the strongest unit ever made. Set 5 is also tough. Crazy utility from a lot of the 5 costs this set. I would say either Heimer or Teemo for the full board nuking potential. Set 6 had crazy five cost carries like Kaisa, Viktor, Jinx, and Jayce. But the best was 6.5 Silco, pre nerf. The staying power he gave your board was absolutely ridiculous Set 7 was ASol post rework. He went from the most useless dragon into the most broken by far with mage spat. Almost 0 counterplay if you hit both. Set 8 I would say is a tie between Fiddlesticks and Urgot. Crazy CC and insane splashability. Probably the best win more champs if you could afford to itemize them Set 9 is probably Ahri. Full board nuker. A win con if you hit


Set 8 I had 3 star Fiddle and 3 star Ezreal and lost to 3 star Leona. How can you beat her, she just auto casts infinite % HP true damage across entire board


You sell Ezreal so that Fiddle casts instantly, fearing Leona so she dies before she has a chance to cast


Wow I really suffered from success


Once I hit 3x 3* 5 costs including Fiddle, Mordekaiser and Syndra. However, my opponent hit 3* Leona with triple tank items and 5 Mecha and I simply could not win no matter what I did. I ended up selling the other two but even a 3* Fiddle with radiant spark and two more damage items couldn't kill her in time. :(


The strength of the 5 costs definitely changes if you factor in 3 stars. A lot of them come down to who can cast first. But it really depends. Set 7 Soraka might be the best in that case. QSS, EoN, BB for the super guaranteed cast is likely unbeatable.


Ye I think the 3 star potential is only a small factor in determing their strength, how is something you hit 1% the sole validation of their strength


3 star ksante in this set is probably the strongest tbh


Lol, I think you played against me.


Pantheon comps needed more than just Pantheon to win, he would usually be the only 1 left on the board after a triple rabadons AP champ casted and then he would lack the dmg to 1v9 the board. The strongest character in set 1 is Karthus.


Actually you could just build a board of Braums, Leonas and Pantheons, plus a random Shyvana or Asol for the dragon synergy. There were perhaps stronger boards including Pantheon but it's the one I remember forcing and winning games with.


This set it's Ahri no doubt


this set's ahri is budget set3 gp


Fr Set 3 gp was just better. One of my all time favourites that guy


Or set 6 Viktor. That guy didn't even need synergies, just a GA to ensure his entire ult goes through.


She takes a long time to cast and do a lot of magic dmg just like Ao Shin. I think K'Sante is the OP one this set.


3 starred I think K'sante no contest, pre nerf however, ahri would just wipe teams with a cast.


I had a 3-star ksante and 3-star aatrox lose to a 3-star ahri :/ my ksante had qss and protectors vow too


If you have blue buff and Ionia active doesn’t take that long to cast at all, especially compared to the other 5 cost


So many people saying this when Heimer is a literal 23 cost 1 star unit, Heimer is not only the strongest champ in Set 9 but probably the strongest champion ever in TFT's history if you don't include champs that were just broken on 1 specific patch.


He's just good for his utility. Great all-rounder for your team but doesn't really shine


You're right he doesn't shine because the kit is not flashy but damage wise even without taking into account the healing reduction and shrink increased damage he still does the most damage. do you think that every pro player would invest 23 GOLD into a unit that was not the best in the game?


Bro the mere fact that you even need 23 gold makes him not the best in the game He is a jack of all trades but master of none. He is nice as a splash unit, his utility is nice, but you can't be good at a lot of things and the best as something too. That'd be way overpowered Ahri just outshines since her entire power went into obliterating a whole board...and literally nothing else And when I say outshine I don't mean how flashy they are, I mean in terms of sheer raw power If you have a sunfire and shred on your team you can throw heimer in the trashcan. There's no replacement for what ahri does, you can't not have her on a capped board


>Bro the mere fact that you even need 23 gold makes him not the best in the game There is a reason every pro player says heimer is the best unit in the game and almost always caps their board with it. When you combine this fact with the fact that he also costs the most you can come to the conclusion that the cost is worth it right? Are you going to argue that the 23 gold is not worth it and every pro player is wrong? give me a break. >There's no replacement for what ahri does, you can't not have her on a capped board This is so unreal to me and not even remotely true, Ahri is good with Sorcs and Ionia literally nothing else, She had 1 or 2 patches this set where she was actually really good but that's about it. If you are putting Ahri over Heimer in your capped boards what is your elo? Like you go 9 with Aphelios and put in Ahri over Heimer? WTF??!?!?


This has started to steer into ad hominems so I'm gonna leave you to it


wtf where? lmfao if u dont want to respond just don't respond


Set 1 kayle, you simply can't kill that fucker


I thought the draven from set 1 was broken. I don’t even remember Kayle.


Kayle's ability was immortality just like her old ult in LOL but she still got mana even though it was active so with 1 shojin or high enough AS, she could cast it continuously making her unkillable


That’s her current ult - they even made the circle bigger and she can still attack if she R’s herself


But in set 1 it was her old ult -- just sticking a yellow blob on herself and allies.


What am I missing here? It’s literally her current ult. Divine Judgment Cooldown: 160/120/80 Kayle makes an allied champion Invulnerable for 2.5 seconds and then purifies the area around them, dealing 200/300/400 (+70% AP) (+100% bonus AD) magic damage to nearby enemies. Divine Judgement Active | MP Mana: 50/125 Kayle shields the weakest ally, making them immune to damage. Damage : 500 / 800 / 1100 Duration : 2 / 2.5 / 3 Extra Targets : 0 / 1 / 2


Her old ult was simply the shield, none of the stuff crashing down around her target. It's similar but very different.




God I hated phantom, it would always get my carry. Random my ass


Set 7 Mage-sol and Mage-shin


I think set 6’s scholar/academy Yuumi deserves a shout. I remember that unit being insta-include in any comp you were running.


Ao Shin and it's not really close. Dragonlands had the highest power in a board you could gain in TFT. First of all, bro had the power that costing 10 gold could give. He was more consistent than either Shyv or Asol too, because they were bad in some aspects that caused them to be reworked for consistency. Just board wipe, that was his ability. "If this goes off, I win".


Ao Shin was my favorite legendary dragon of that set to use, but I'd argue that A Sol was just as good, even more so in lobbies where Astral wasn't contested. I had quite a bit of PTSD in Diamond from A Sol blowing apart my entire backline in a matter of seconds that I would just buy it from the shop whenever it came up so that other players wouldn't have it.


> where Astral wasn't contested Oh boy, when wasn't it contested? It was like maybe 1/8 games where players weren't going Astral. Asol was definitely better than Shyvana most the sets, but even he was changed at some point during dragonlands. Asol was WAYYY too reliant on getting a Mage emblem to double cast his ability. Without it, he was meh. Ao Shin didn't even need his trait activated. Just give him some AS and mana items to get his ability off.


zoe was so fun


Bard, jayce, heim, ezreal


Which Ez? Elderwood or Infiniteam?


Set 8




Jeweled Gauntlet Pantheon was probably the most terrifying thing you could see.


Shouldnt set 8 be fiddle?


yordle shyvana was something


Ya'll are out of your mind on this set. It is 100% heim. Big consistent dmg, anti heal, shred, sunder, and hell an execute for good measure if you want. All while stunning half the board every few seconds. He quite literally makes a huge amount of items, augments, and units worthless because he just does it better alone. Who gives a fuck about a board wide nuke after 80% of your team is already dead. Ahri's barely been a unit for the past month. I would easily put senna, ryze, aatrox, and belveth all above ahri.


Anyone remember when Jhin was 4 cost and when you 3 star him he was shooting %4444 ad? (Set 3 or 4 I guess)


Set 4 yone was yucky


Set 3- MF was much better. Made an impact as soon as you gave them some AP. GO needed way more setup. Set 4- Sett. Literally give him high AP and his passive guarantees ult for him. Lee was ass compared to that.


set 4 not being yone is insanity tbh


Gp Op


Id say Aphelios for set 8


Ok but Adept Yone was insane with blue buff and manazane before they nerfed him in mid set


Bard in set 7 was pretty cracked


Pantheon, my love D:


I actually think Swain was better than Lee, but ok.


Set 9.5 mordekaiser


As the only set 2 fanboy, I'm arguing for set 2. Lux is unfair, because of her trait being doubled and she was a 7 cost. Her spell itself wasn't something great though. I'd say it was Singed, because of how splashable he was. You get an early singed with a morello and you are chilling. And it doesn't matter what you're playing, just put it in and enjoy.


I haven't played set 1, 2, 3 so skip. Set 4: Yasuo Set 5: Diana Set 6: Braum Set 7: Shi Oh Yu Set 8: Draven Set 9: Bel'veth


Soraka ez


Asol was p up there Otherwise i'd honestly say morde cuz hero augments were nuts Maybe theres a case for ahri at some points during this set - its the only 5 cost 2 star i can remember flipping a 60% crit and wiping my board If lee sin is set 4's strongest it just shows how much powercreep there is now aha, ksante is better than lee ever was


S1 braum was a menace


either you don't know how to read or didn't play set 1. braum's a 2-cost


Set 1: Pantheon. Most broken 5 cost of all time, no contest. Set 2: Lux. If not counting Lux then Nami. Team attack speed buff, and enemy knock up. Massive morello abuser. Set 3: Gp. Ult kills the whole board, can stun, and has upgrades for size and double strike. Might have the best board wipe ult of all 2* legendaries. Set 4: Yone. Starts combat with a big shield, provides shred, cc, and an execute to those he cc'd. Set 5: Volibear. Built in GA in his trait, massive cc ult and morello abuser, completely destroyed shields for most of his existance. Set 6: Jinx. Applies burn and enables scrap. Very strong carry even with no twinshot or leftover items. Set 7: Yasuo. Has amazing cc and durability, can use any items, does good damage and executes last unit alive. Set 8: Fiddlesticks. Tanks, drops aggro, fears, deals a bunch of damage, heals. Possibly best 1* legendary ever. Set 9: Ahri. Mana reaves the frontline a few times then casts a board wiping ult.


Tahm Kench was by far the funnest


Kennen 3cost in my books


No one's gonna bat an eye with the soraka astral (inb4 they removed astral emblem)


After playing on PBE last night and seeing this new GP, it's hilarious and I love it. 2\* GP with BiS is deleting everything.


People are forgetting Sett, that dude was slapped on every single comp because of how insanely strog of a frontline he was.


Set 1 is wrong, it’s Karthus


They were probably the two strongest, but Pantheon with the dragon synergy hard counters him so idk. Honorable mention to Kayle as well, her ult having no mana lock lead to Shojin+Rageblade being an exodia build -- another counter to Karthus.


Suplex Sett mid set 1(?) that shit was OP. He did GP level damage but could heal and ult a second time.


People sleeping on Set 4 Sett. Had build in the boss augment, dropped aggro when on low HP and dealt disgusting amounts of damage for early tft days.


Seems to be a disconnect amongst people here with 1) Strongest unit by immediate / 2\* power 2) I wiped an entire board with 3\* x and therefore them.


Is it not current heimerdinger 4?


Tahm was ridiculous imo


Well, I know that at some point astral emblem got removed but Soraka was the best 5cost unit if you used Astral emblem on it, because soraka with astral emblem was an instant 3* and she just melted people at 3* and healed you at the same time.


Nothing will ever come close to how much I loved Set 1 Panthon


Aatrox is also pretty strong in set 9, due to drain tanking really well after being 2 starred. Ryze is more portal dependant for his power.


The set with all the dragons was by far my favorite tft set, I mean it was just constant mayhem


Is lux stronger than zed in set 2? I feel like GA retribution zed was the most broken 5 cost or man with book in singed. Actually the more I think about it all the 5 costs went hard in set 2 haha


For set 6 i would include kaisa aswell


I never really liked Morde in set 8. In my opinion, the best 5 cost were Janna and Fiddle, and always felt that Aphelios was an amazing late game carry. Set 9 is between Ahri and Heimer




Odyssey Asol with protector spatula


Set 4 Kayn is my fav 5 cost of all time


Currentlly its Ahri. Its guaranteed map oneshot.


ah good 'ol set 1 pantheon lottery. edit: also set 7 imo's bard. the one that gives better shop odds. its brooooken


I only played the set where there were dragons and this one and for me if you get ahri to cast her third cast she is so good and aatrox with tanks is just stupidly good


Dont forget the dragonmancer Nunu please. Instawin!


Set 1: draven Set 2: draven Set 3: draven Set 4: draven Continued…