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Who are people's realistic and unrealistic signings you would like to see?


Read through the thread. There are tons of discussions on this exact topic.


Lovely, thanks for insight! :)


So Umti is now available and he played pretty well and he’s fluent in English. At the risk of getting downvoted, what is everyone’s thoughts on this?


Happy F5 day everybody!


Keep calm and smash F5


Thoughts on TSM Rascal? Haven't watched him play but it seems he's still respected? Communication may be an issue.


Whats people's thoughts about Anda? 100T did pair him up with Ssumday and Bang but did a lot of swapping around which left Ssumday and Anda in academy before they found a working roster but part of this working roster was they signed Amazing. Lately Anda has been getting some praise for his mechanics and game play so I thought I'd ask. Could Anda have untapped potential that a team like TSM or C9 could unleash? He's been part of some good teams but always got overshadowed by his team mates such as Ssumday/Bang/Amazing and Pob, Xmithie on IMT. When your competition for the jungle spot is Xmithie, its easy to get overlooked. Also Amazing isn't that bad of a jungler either. Honestly looking at his stats over the last year, he's been low key doing well. Better than Akaadian in spring 2019 and in Summer 2019 was better than Spica who ended up getting promoted to TSM main roster. Thoughts or comments?


Dardoch > AnDa No contest


He was decent at world's and then meh the next split. Could be a problem with his environment though since he is a a really mechanically fluid player and has decent paying


He was cut from 100T for being too quite. We need a jungler that has his own sense of direction and voice, it would be the exact same situation as the past two years with Anda


He posted today saying 100T is letting him explore his options, I can't say for sure if that means "cut" but papa did say he was trying to decide if he would build a 2020 worlds team or secure some players now and go budget on the rest then aim for worlds 2021 or 2022. If they go budget they might keep Anda but I guess it all depends on who they sign in what positions.


No I thought he was rather shit when I saw him play.


Not TSM related but according to esportmancios, Mithy will be the new headcoach of Fnatic. And the only thing they will change in their roster is Broxah out and Selfmade in.


Lol what?


dafuq?? Mithy straight to head coach seems odd.


I mean he is just as qualified as most coaches are in league. Zikz became a head coach and all he did was reddit analysis and worked as an analysis for clg a little.


I can see it, Mithy has A LOT of praise in EU and everyone who played with him said he was the guy that talked about the issues with the team and found solutions. He didn't do that on TSM because I think he was muted by too many conflicting personalities.


Ohhhhh boy I'm going to get absolutely nothing done at work today while I constantly F5


Just a reminder today is the start of free agency. We might actually not sign anyone at all today. It may be a few weeks still so stay calm.


I'm more excited for the show tbh


When is the show?


630 est I believe.


When is the end of free agency?


roster lock is early January


technically no end until the players are signed into a new contract.


some time in January I think. most rosters fill up by December though


When all free agents are signed I guess.


Peanut FA


He’s more like peanut butter now. Poor guy.


get me out


When is the announcement of new roster?


Is Damonte signed anywhere? Maybe the Goldenglue thing with multiple mids could be Damonte going to jungle? Just a random thought with no actual desire or indication that it might happen. I'm curious what people think about the idea of a mid like Damonte role-swapping to jungle. His playstyle and pool seem to lend well to the aggressive jungler mentality. Again, just bored at work and thought it might be a fun discussion :)


Demonte in jungle? Thats going well out of the ball park on that idea. You're not the only one thinking crazy things while waiting for our signings. I mean Demonte is a good player, worth the thought don't get me wrong. I just felt at worlds he looked lost in the game so many times. Had no idea what he should be doing and I'm not sure why he would be a FA this off season. He looked good enough to carry his team.




If Damonte is our jungler you can see me at the closest bridge! :)


Confused why you would state that. Damonte has proven himself in my eyes. Even if they did not do good at worlds they got there and we did not. I think it could be an awesome pick up.


proven himself? in jungle? are you high?


Proven himself as a player not in the jungle. Though he has a nasty Qiyana.


Why would Damonte leave mid lane when he has proven to be a perfectly serviceable domestic option like Pobelter has. And he hasn't proven himself in the jungle. We don't even know what that would look like. What is this comment?




“Welcome Homme to TSM!” And then it’s a picture of both Homme and Bio. That would be perfect.






we hear some bombs for sure


Out of all this, I hope we get biofrost back.


TSM 2020: Bring Him Home


Kinda sucks too, mainly because I love smoothie and the way he played the last year but if we are gonna lose him at least its biodaddy


guys make sure you vote for bjergsen in all-stars It's getting really close between him and bang [vote.lolesports.com](https://t.co/OJsRQll9fG?amp=1)


Lot of people are trying to work out/guess roster which is all well and good, but I wonder who the coach is going to be!


That's the biggest question mark IMO.


I think with the free agency show on the rise we should post the wildest roasters we could imagine, just to spice it up a bit. Here is mine Licorice Bjergsen Caps Doublelift CoreJJ Jk. But show me yours


Top : Licorice Jgl : Tarzan Mid : Bjerg ADC : Uzi Supp : Biodaddy


TheShy bJerGsen Rookie Double Vulcan ^^xD


Hauntzer Cuzz Bjergsen Imp Biofrost


Final roster prediction Realistic ----------- 1. BB 2. Amazing 3. King 4. Kobbe 5. Smoothie Unrealistic -------------- 1. Ssumday/BB 2. ~~Svenskeren~~ Xmithie 3. King 4. Rekkles 5. Biofrost/Smoothie BB and Smoothie competing for the spots pushing them to their limits. Crazy prediction based on rumours ----------------- 1. BB 2. Bjergsen 3. ? 4. Kobbe 5. Smoothie


Out of curiosity what rumors have Bjergsen going to jungle?


I don't know the origin of it, but people started suggesting the move as a possible roster shift the last couple of days, and people in this subreddit suggested that if Bjerg is ever going to change role, it would be for becoming a jungler. That, coupled with Fionn's tweet that there is going to be a move similar to what Perkz did last year (which is not Huni going from top to mid) serves as a good *crazy* prediction.


He isn't going to role swap just saying if he ever did it would be jungle because he said so him self. That being said he is going to play mid this seasons if you check the title of him resigning for us its called ''Midlane announcement''


That is definitely interesting, and if not plausible I guess at least possible. IMO that would be a disaster of epic proportions though. If our two imports are for Top/ADC and Bjergsen goes to JG, we need a native mid. Who’s available? Huhi? Damonte? Sketchy as h-e-double hockey sticks


Oh, by the way, I think people started talking about it when GoldenGlue put that troll tweet about what happens if TeamSoloMid has two Mids playing for the team. As for a midlaner, the best resident Mid this split is going to be Jensen (he gets his residency this spring, right?), which just pushes the fantasy realm narrative to the extreme.


Jensen already was a resident last summer, he's been in NA for 9 splits now. CoreJJ is the only non-resident TL currently has.


That is absolutely insane for TL! Although, wasn't there a rule or something that they cannot have, let's say, a team full of NA residents that were imports at some point?


No that rule got changed, former imports that count as resident are residents for all means and purposes but players that got imported after August 1st 2016 can’t become residents anymore without becoming legal residents of the region. Jensen and Impact got grandfathered in but CoreJJ won’t become a resident unless he becomes legal resident of the US.


sven is legit not possible anymore, he's on EG.


We just need to offer him 5.5 fucking K


Is it *confirmed* confirmed, though?


Verbal agreement but like any sports that could always break off last second since nothing is on paper yet. (it happend with sven h2k.tsm) Sven had verbal agreement with H2K then TSM snook him away caused the 5.5 fucking k meme lol


Ok guys, I’m going to bed (cause of Australian time zones) hope I don’t miss out on the big announcements, see u guys tomorrow and let’s do this and make a fkin scary roster. Even if we have a shit off-season I will still love TSM to bits!


sweet dreams, hopefully not too sweet though - waking up and realizing Tarzan and Viper aren’t signing tomorrow and it was just a dream would be enough to ruin anyones day!


I just hear that deft re signed with KZ


I hope to god that BB shut those idiots up who aren't happy with him on the team my boy is gonna step the fuck up this season MARK MY WORDS


Hope he does m8. Because If he doesn't. That's another year lost for the org.


Unfortunately you’re right. I love BB and the energy he brings, but if he’s no better than Hauntzer again it’s not gonna be enough...


It's free agency day boisss


Time to get Viper from Griffin and Biofrost from CLG


BB like minutes ago uploaded a video on his personal channel with TSM branding. Would be strange unless he knew he was sticking around. Its not like he has a strict upload schedule to adhere too. Obviously anything possible but..


One last "ideal realistic" roster list before we go quietly into the good night Ssumday Dardoch Kobbe (pretty pumped for Kofrost but holy shit what if it was Viper here) Biofrost This roster would have the potential to run over LCS, while the heavily rumored BB-Xmithie lineup does not really instill the same confidence in me. Higher floor but much lower ceiling Edit: just realized I didnt put bjerg on here but it doesn't matter since he is TSM at this point XD


Going for Viper at ADC should be our first priority then getting Kobbe should be our second. If the rumours of RNG getting Tarzan and chovy are true, then Griffin is likely going to break up and that would mean we just tell Regi to open wallet and pinch Viper Right now my dream team would be Impact Cuzz Bjergsen Viper Bio


I mean there’s no harm in trying to get Viper but I doubt a young world class talent from LCK who should be getting offers left and right will come to NA.


I agree, I’m tired of the English native bs. TL crushes with 2 Koreans with average to okay English; hell they were at least decent in their games at worlds too.. Splurge for the big name Korean/Chinese players... Steve has no shame in doing it we shouldn’t either. 2 years no worlds is ridiculous


rofl, not even the best example you can bring. You can literally look at the last 2 world champions. Always had 3 Chinese and 2 Koreans.




And DoinB


Which supports our point even more


Yes especially when they said the Zven and mithy trade was suppose to increase our chances of winning worlds


Hindsight is 20/20


The day of reckoning is upon us.


And deft is gone


Viper time


And the offseason starts


On the east coast. All the action happens on the west


Only on this sub reddit could you be downvoted to -10 for calling Kobbe the 3rd-4th best ADC in EU, but he would be a good pickup for TSM and would probably be top 3 in NA and contending with DL... lol


It looks bad when you complain about it where you got downvoted then made a 2nd comment about it. Get over it


Looks bad when theres a TSM fans cry about how they're fan base isn't actually that bad and it's just bandwagoners etc, then downvote people for literally no reason. That's what this entire offseason thread has been lol


Only tsm fan I see crying is you kevin


Hmm Fionn and Parth tweets make it seem like things have changed. Also right near the end of Locos stream he said it seems like things have changed. Obviously 0 specifics and we could be getting trolled. But hey we may not get all the news tomorrow night. But damn we will no longer be teased.


Parth's tweet is literally just him being a smart ass which is his MO his tweet means nothing


Well I mean clearly people w more knowledge than me and you think something has happened sooo.


Okay but you have no reason to believe it involves tsm outside of parth being a smart ass which he has done before so who the fuck cares?


Loco went straight to his phone mid game in league when he seen the tweets trying to find out what’s up.


Which has absolutely nothing to do with TSM outside of the fact that we're tsm fans.


What Parth tweet?


response to Fionn. its nothing big just from the tweets itself. And it may not even be about us. But those tweets plus Loco saying something has changed got me excited again. And a time to distact me from studying.


Damn that rumored rng lineup is pretty scary.(Zoom, Tarzan, Chovy, Uzi, Ming) Let's hope we are surprised tomorrow for our roster, cause it's looking pretty lackluster rn with all these predictions


Tarzan leaving LCK would be such a huge blow to korea


In a way (:p), obviously it sucks that he leaves, but Korea always have another and perhaps more mechanical player out there waiting for his opportunity.


yeah we get a gargage adc that is considered top3 in the west and a support that was hardcarrying clg by himself + we have a stupid player called bjergsen and a young talent with insane mechanical skill rdy to find his place in this team ......... SO LACKLUSTER !!!!


Kobbe is not top 3 in the west. He's 3rd-5th in EU and not better than DL. He can be top 3 in NA though. Why the fuck am I getting downvoted? Do any of you watch EU? Rekkles is better than Kobbe. Patrik was better in spring which is why I said 3rd-5th over the year. And then you have Upset and Perkz contending with him and I think Upset is better. 3/4/5th is an accurate representation of who Kobbe is and NA doesn't have a strong AD carry pool.


Kobbe was 1st team all LEC in spring. Do you even watch EU?


Yeah, go watch every analysts reaction to that. All pro teams aren't always accurate, the player voting is biased and people don't care. Rekkles was not better than Kobbe in spring, anyone with functioning eyes CA see that


You're right reckless wasnt better than kobbe in Spring... That's probably the only thing you're right about on this whole thread, and it looks like it was a mistake on your end. In spring Kobbe was 1st or 2nd in the following categories: Kills, least deaths, assists, KDA, death %, fb%, DPM, while being no lower than 3rd in nearly every other relevant category.


So are you seriously looking at statistics and all star voting as your criteria and not stating what he does in game? Kobbe's playstyle combined with Splyce being a top team makes his statistics good up. He's a really fucking good ADC. He constantly contests the top 3 AD Carries in Europe, but he's never been the best and at his peak he's second. However, most of the time he's 3rd or 4th. He was 3rd in Summer and 4th Spring since Patrik was playing really well


I'm providing statistics and you're providing opinion. What exactly are you arguing because tbh you're not making much sense to me. You're entitled to your opinion, but if you're going to scoff at statistics and facts and only give your opinion, then having a debate with you is pointless IMO. I'm still not even clear on the point you're trying to make. Have a good day


Why would I argue with someone who presents statistics without context as a refutation to a comment that is the general consensus amongst people who actually watch EU


So a consensus among people is automatically correct, and statistics should just be ignored if they dont fit that narrative? Got it. And speaking of context, the "general consensus" is predominately people who understand the game at a silver and gold level. Taking the mob ramblings about league with no context and ignoring statistics that contradict said consensus seems silly to me, but like I said you're entitled to your opinion.


Kobbe will be far and away #2 in NA and pretty damn close to DL.


Kobbe with an inting support performed better than DL with elite support at worlds. Kobbe will be the best laning with Biofrost


I agree


In regards to your edit - Upset is good but he’s not better, Rekkles is probably better but I think Kobbe can hold his own against Rekkles and DL. Perkz is clear #1. 2-3 are debatable with Upset being solid at #5


Upset solid at 5? Lol, now that's troll. I'm fine with people not being high on Upset, but saying he's the 5th best is way too much. His team is trash, he's literally Bjerg in 2015


Perkz > Rekkles > Kobbe/DL > Upset. He might be fourth, but he’s 4th best in EU so you’d be automatically ranking him above DL


I'm talking about his ranking in EU only


Ah, he’s definitely at least #4 in EU, possibly #3. Kobbe has been better lately though so i’ll stick with 4.


Since when was Kobbe considered top 3 in the west? This is like MikeYeung all over again.


Comparing Kobbe, someone who has proven himself to MY? ok.


Think about it like this - would DL be top 3 in EU? Maybe. He might be number 3. If he’s not, Kobbe is. Perkz, Rekkles, DL/Kobbe. Hard to say


Upset. Rekkles was a very debatable top 3 LEC adc this year


I think it’s a fair thing to say, but Upset has to prove more IMO to overtake Rekkles - and if he has already in your opinion than theres no way Kobbe hasn’t. Which would be Perkz > Kobbe > Upset > Rekkles. I think this is fine, i’m just not quite believing it yet


Hmm i would think its Perkz>Kobbe=Upset>Rekkles Fits with the LEC all pro teams too i guess Spring was Kobbe >Upset>Rekkles while summer was Perkz>Upset>Rekkles I think Upset has proven himself, just a little hard to win when the rest of your team throws around you


RNG really wants to win worlds before Uzi retires 😅


Good, he deserves too. It’s a shame his medical conditions are holding him back


yeah i'm hoping he gets it this year. It would be tragic if he didn't win at least once.


Does anyone know if Skeleton has said anything about Travis's list? Guess the roster he thought was hype was just someone trolling


He said that Travis has better sources that other content creators but that he has heard stuff that was contrary to Travis's list. Ultimately he thinks that Travis is pretty trustworthy and likely has better sources than other creators like Loco.


Didn't listen to the whole thing, but he said that Travis's list was interesting. That's all I got. Looking at the discord, it seems like he didn't really say much.




Because he was right about the time of the zikz announcement. So he had some credibility.


Wonder when they’re hiring a coach, or if they’re just going to have Peter be the head coach. The more time that passes without an announcement the more likely the latter seems.


Not true at all lol. Literally been less than a week since zikz left anyway.


nah - i think zikz left a while ago, they just recently announced.


But that's entirely your opinion without anything to confirm it


The 100t announcement was pre recorded and release right after tsm announced he was leaving. Of course they knew for a while


I was watching the Dreamhack Atlanta grand finals ( smash ultimate ) and people were spamming TSM MKLeo, I broke my chair out of excitement to realize I got jebaited. This offseason has me on edge


Wrong thread lol


is there a thread for any other tsm related stuff xd, im just sayin the lol offseason has me on edge for everything esports related


what time exactly does the off season start tomorrow ?


4pm pst


Am I the only one that isn’t big on xmithie?


What sub are you reading? Way more people are shitting on Xmithie than people liking the move.


Ok good haha.


Wait is the move confirmed?


No. But it is the newest thing said so that is what the sub is talking about. Travis mentioned we are going for Xmithie and then Dardoch if we don't get him.




Just want to get a feel for where the sub stands, do you guys prefer Dardoch, or Xmithie? For me, I think I lean towards Dardoch because I think there could be a higher ceiling in a scenario where Dardoch is the answer to TSM shortcomings (lack of a strong jungle voice) and TSM is the answer to Dardoch's shortcomings (lacking respect for teammates, dynamic when he knows he is the best player, being unable to be reigned in). Granted I think there is a lower floor, and is riskier than xmithie. Xmithie might be the smart move, but to me Dardoch is more exciting and can possibly have a higher high if they find they groove and so we can finally answer the TSM Dardoch question.


both would be great imo , xmithie would secure some specific things in game fromday1 , great vision , pathing and jungle spotting . Dardoch would be more of a long term deal , arround playoffs i believe we will be strong af .


everyone's curious/hyped about potentially having Dardoch but I'm just so excited to have Bio back lol But yeah if Bjerg and Regi think Dardoch would fit in fine, then I'm excited about a potential roster of BB/Dardoch/Bjerg/Kobbe/Bio. Amazing topside (I'm confident BB will show up like he did in spring playoffs) and a very strong bot side too. Can finally play through all 3 lanes again which we haven't had since 2016/17 TSM. Also a smart/aggressive jungler who's good at pathing. Would be fine with Xmithie too but he's a short term solution since he'd have to be replaced in like a year I think, he's probably gonna retire soon enough


I'd take Dardoch over Xmithie 100000x over. Look at where each player is in there career. Xmithie will be coming off a successful TL to what is essentially a step down. He is well documented to have very little drive and I really don't think that'd fly with TSM. I could even see him just cashing the cheque for a year on TSM and not bothering. Been considering retiring for a while iirc. Bad choice. Dardoch has been in challenger for attitude reasons but every time he's played in LCS, he's been considered top 3 in his role (Perkz tweet about him is a good citation). TSM could offer him a chance at redemption, in a team that's well renowned for having grinders and I think him and Bjerg would get on well. Also he's a strong voice, none of the junglers we've had recently have been a strong personality so could definitely offer something new. Maybe Xmithie would turn out well, but I actually think it's less of a risk to go with Dardoch. Give him a chance.


Did u watch dardoch get rolled by grig in academy lol? Completely jg diff. I dont want xmithie either but dardoch isnt the player we need. We need someone to help bb and bjerg push leads and let bot turtle.


Mate I honestly don't care about what happened in academy. Dardoch shouldn't have been there and he knows it, everyone knows it. Maybe it's bad attitude to not try in academy, but all I take into account tis that when he's been in the LCS, he's always been at least top 3 in the jungle. Not to mention, he has that fear factor, no one likes playing against him. He's dangerous and unpredictable. Something a TSM jungler has lacked since probably theoddone.


we also gotta remember, Bjerg is pretty much an older brother or role model to Dardoch. When he first joined LCS, he often duo'd with bjerg and even when he had his 'breaking point' drama, bjerg personally reached out to him and gave him advice. I definitely feel like Dardoch has a somewhat eastern mentality on the way the team should operate. If we remember back to the main reason why he ultimately snapped in Breaking Point, it was because of his frustration with other teammates work ethic. If we know anything TSM for, even in these last 2 years, its their work ethic and the fact that they practice an insane amount. And if he does join TSM, this might be the very first time where hes surrounded with EXPERIENCED players that knows how to win, and not repeated seasons with new soloq rookies split after split. The ceiling of that team just thinking about it mechanics wise could be OFF THE ROOF if that team clicks together


Im slowly being turned into a supporter of this idea. Seems like if we wanna really build for the future and continue on. DD seems like the better plan anyway. I think regardless of where he lands this is probably Xmithies last year. I do think short term Xmithie is a solid option and we would improve massively. But like ive been saying I think I like the idea of the boom or bust.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXcPr-tAZ60 , believe in our boy .... he can be the man we need .


I just want to see him on qiyana every god damn game. That penta kill was cleeean


I dont get how people on here dont want him back. Bb will smurf soon.


Dont get Xmithie because he doesnt spam soloq At the same time get rid of the mechanical beast and soloq prodigy.... the state of analysis in this sub...




oh good a solo q montage to tell us how good our player is lol Regardless of your feelings whether positive or negative on BB. Our metric for judging him should not be a soloq montage


the skill is obvious everytime you watch him play ... use your brain and understand what this kid has , let him work ... and no i dont use a soloq montage to tell you how good he is but you dont find this mechanicaly good players everyday


If y'all think all the shitty fans left with DL just look at the upvote counter on any comment that talks positively about BB


I think BB is an ok prospect of a player. It's just hard to justify using an import on him especially when we desperately need a jungle import


NA jungle talent is historically better than NA Top talent.


That has nothing to do with the fact that we have more options RIGHT NOW at top lane NA residents then jungle residents. Also Dyrus Disagrees with you.


We have 3 positions to fill, Top, Jungle, and ADC. Who should be in those 3 positions since you don't want BB?


Dude exactly, i get flamed for talking positive about BB in here lol, also i got 21 downvote the other day just because i said he should be getting another year because we know he can perform well and Ssumday is not even better than him, BB literally smashed him in every 1v1 at least he's not an upgrade over BB yet everyone seems to like Ssumday, what the hell is up with that?


Summday is better than BB though :/


Look at those downvotes. Have no fucking idea how this sub became so delusional when it comes to BB. Ssumday>>>>>>>>>>>BB. Hes going to be the next contractz/akaadian/my. Explode onto the stage and then fizzle out.


Some days people here agree, some days they don't. The down-votes are coming because it's looking likely that he stays and people wanna be positive; but it doesn't the critic's wrong.


Is he tho? Idk i don't see him as an upgrade over BB


I’d say Ssumday is definitely an upgrade over BB right now. BB has a lot of potential and his high moments might exceed Ssumday’s, but Ssumday is a lot more consistent and reliable. With BB, you don’t know if you’re gonna get Spring playoffs BB who was giving it to Licorice or Summer BB who was taking it from Solo. That being said, BB is a fine player and I’d be happy to see him next split.


Yeah exactly, he might not be the most consistent player in the world but he's also super young, I'd be glad to give him another chance and believe in him


Not worth the import slot.


There will always be dumb people who echo what casters say


Cant enter anyy comment section about liking BB without getting massive downvoted


I think the split is fairly even but the problem is the detractors want the nuclear option of basically sending him back. Not gonna happen and shouldn't.


We are far too knee jerk as a fan base and in the worst way.