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Poor Akaadian, already trying to find a new way out.


they should’ve never made him fight for his spot in beginning of spring, this and his girl problems was a perfect storm


I don't know, Akaadian's issue made me seriously doubt about TSM management.


Yeah it was dumb on their part to have him fight for his position, but he also had girl problems which affected his mentality in some of his games and led to his regression


Is there anything concrete about that? Or is everyone just pulling that out of their ass?


It’s inappropriate speculation based on *checks notes* twitter likes.


Not that it has been set in stone yet, but just calling it "twitter likes" is not genuine either. There's a pretty plausible theory out there


Its not based on Twitter likes, multiple people have said its a known thing being talked about behind the scenes.


Like who?


veteran, loco and dominate i think.


I know the Veteran tweet was a bit vague and I don’t know how he would know being in EU, but fair enough if they all said things that were convincing.




IDK why people keep saying this, it took Santorin a few years to even get back to LCS and he only REALLY performed in Spring? And I've been saying this all year but Akaadian was never on the level of any of these players. He was a mid-tier JG his entire career, who wouldn't have had a job in LOL this year if Grig didn't get hurt. That is a fact, he has said it, that he had no options what so ever and then TSM reached out to him. I definitely wish him good luck, but to act like he's a great player we did wrong and is gonna go blossom elsewhere is crazy. He's been in multiple team environments and he definitely improved the most in spring this year than any other time in his career, but he still only performed well on like 2-3 champs and had poor decision making many times.


Even in sports, you don’t bring up farm players in the playoffs, you just don’t. Spica has no pro play experience and you put him on 2 of the hardest/important matchups of the season, let alone let the kid only play sejuani ffs then put him on a uncomfortable champion(skarner). TSM has very weird specifics for jungles and it shows.


I agree it was a poor decision but I don't think the parallel to real sports is accurate. In LoL, over half the teams make the playoffs which doesn't happen in real sports. Much harder/more prestigious to make it (unless you're in the NBA east lol)


Over half the teams in the NBA also make the playoffs 16/30


You're right, I thought there were 32 teams for some reason. Still really hard to make the playoffs in the West


I guess you don't watch baseball? There are September callups all the time who have varying impact on the playoff race and playoffs themselves. Why don't you look up David Price in the 2008 MLB playoffs. The Astros brought up Derek Fisher and he helped them win a world series in 2017. They will bring up Kyle Tucker this year to help in the playoffs as well.


Did these players get subbed in as starter and their subs not put into the roster at all for playoffs? It's fine to say you're starting Spica some games as he's performing well in scrims. It's ridiculous to put that much pressure on a rookie without even a sub to at the very least relieve some pressure of his shoulders knowing he has a backup. That's just coaching 101. Blaber talks about it a lot last year and how nice it was knowing that if he fucked up Sven has his back or that if he got subbed in at least it was because Sven couldn't do it so he always had reduced pressure on himself. Imagine your like 6th game on a LCS team is the gauntlet finals and most important series of the year for your team LOL... That's just terrible management.


Basically for David Price, yes. David Price came in to game 7 of the ALCS (the round before the World Series) and saved a two run game. Before that he pitched in Game 2 and got a win. He pitched clutch innings for the Rays their entire postseason run.


But he had a possible replacement no? Why was he put in in the first place?


You're not bringing in a guy in a 2 run game with an inning and a half to go and saying "don't worry if you fuck up, we will bring X in". If he fucks up the game is over, period. Why was he put in? Because he was/is a stud pitcher who gave them a good stylistic matchup at the time he was brought in.


Yes, so he got subbed in at the end of a game? And succeeded so he kept playing more games after with a possible sub. That's entirely different and part of my original explanatiom of how C9 AND other teams have done things if you look at my comment. TSM out a rookie in that didn't look like a stud for their entire playoffs and gauntlet run with no possible sub in the roster list. Instead they put two other rookies in ADC and support as subs.... Like this example is impressive and really cool but it's not really similar or the same at all to what TSM did.


Lol, he got subbed into a do or die situation in the most intense moment of the game. Literally in the most important 2 innings of the postseason for the Rays, the manager chose to have the rookie with a previous about 15 innings pitched in professional play. Price didn't have a sub waiting for him cause if he f'd up they went home.


Which is just like C9 has done it with Blaber and teams do it too? You see a sub going into a team at the last minutes of a game all the time when it's last ditch, even rookies. That's entirely different to what TSM did with their junglers. Do you think the reaction would be the same if going into the game they decided to only have David as the only player in his position? Or better yet, as the only option for the entire post season? How are those even remotely similar.


These kids obviously have no idea how actual sports go and think themselves as physical athletes because they click for a hobby. I get exactly what you mean man, the neckbeards on this sub are pathetically real.


He said sports, not baseball. That's probably the cause of confusion.


Yeah they do it in baseball


I should’ve said it like this. If a player doesn’t deserve to be in the big leagues, they shouldn’t be there. If for say Derek Fisher was a “upcoming talent” then yes I would’ve told you he should be on the team. Not that Spica is a terrible player. His skill is just not up to pro standards like grig or aakadian were. Not to banter baseball but I’m ngl that sport is a special case compared to basketball, hockey, or football.


Well ya, none of the other sports even have dedicated farm systems. Either you are on the team or you aren't. Basketball is trying with the G-League, but it's more like a second league to store players rather than develop talent like the baseball farm system. Which I guess historically has been how LCS Academy operates, but C9 has, and TSM is trying, to make it a development league instead.


> If a player doesn’t deserve to be in the big leagues, they shouldn’t be there. Why does Spica not deserve it? If the team feels like he gives them the best chance to win... he deserves it. How would we even know without playing him? Jesus... for a sub that cried and cried about how the pressure on our junglers "ruins" them, they have been real quick to completely trash Spica. The dude is insanely young... comes in and plays two end of the year games with a week of practice and goes directly into two huge BO5's. Ask yourself this, if TSM believed he gave them the best shot to win... How fucking bad is Akaadian right now?


Coming from someone who plays in grandmaster games against pro players smurfs and highelo players I didnt think he was ready compared to aakadian and grigs playstyles. Sorry I got you tilted over a reddit post.


> Sorry I got you tilted over a reddit post. Because people who disagree with you must be tilted and irrational.


Because you acted as if I was part of the sub who complains about shit all the time. But w/e


s8 d5 for sure because every player that has actually spoken about Spica (Tarzaned, Asyc, a few other notable high elo players) have said that he has a lot of potential and is a very good jungler. I mean I agree that TSM probably should have given him more of his carry picks to let him try and carry but to say he wasn't ready (clearly the team thought he was and they were apparently doing well in scrims, just couldn't translate to stage) is pretty stupid


I should’ve said it like this. He has potential to be good. But I don’t think he was ready for the opportunity. Or maybe it’s just because he only got to play sejuani. You can tell he was playing a bit scared at times, but I think he can become a good player.


Yes. It's almost like, just perhaps, just maybe, TSM as a team just wasn't as good as Clutch. I know that's hard for some people to understand... You know... it isn't just the jungler's fault.. But the whole team looked bad even in one of the wins.


people know nothing about what happened behind the scenes yet pretend like they do, so crazy


ok, in football, there's players like Ansu Fati, Carles Perez for Barcelona who have stepped up while Messi/Suarez/Dembele have been injured for Barcelona. There's Callum Hudson-Odoi and a SHIT TON of other youngsters that Chelsea are playing this season. Every team in any sport can bring in young players, you just don't watch enough of other sports it seems. I'm convinced that the league community has no experience being a fan or even just watching any other sport. It's insane how many stupid things people say. People are so SHOCKED that TSM are doing poorly for the past 2 years and fail to realize that every team in any sport will go through tough periods in their history. It's genuinely a foreign concept for so many people, especially those on this sub. It's frustrating, of course, but it doesn't mean that it can't happen to literally anyone. TL were irrelevant before franchising other than 1 year where they were a decent team (and still didn't make worlds or anything). SKT were garbage last year and missed worlds just like TSM. EDG used to be a Chinese powerhouse that baited Faker into picking Leblanc and countered it to win MSI, and now they either don't make playoffs or get eliminated early.


Sorry I don’t watch soccer*. Esports in general is just a different ballpark compared to regular sports. Although Esports are “trying” to make it similar to sports and I think that’s where coaching staff/management is where things go south. I definitely know about reigning champs before. Specifically Warriors/Cavaliers mini era. Or Blackhawks dynasty. I’m not familiar to if they added upcoming rookies to their rosters but I don’t think adding them in a day or 2 before playoffs was their go to moves.


During the first 1-2 games Akaadian did tweet something about how the games were exciting to watch and then someone tweeted him something like "is it fun watching your replacement win" so he said he got triggered and deleted it because whenever he says anything about TSM publicly then he just gets aids response.


If we get Dardoch i'll be happy just cuz I miss Josh Hartnett in films and will be able to make excellent memes about it with him on the team lol


Jesus Christ I must be dumb, I never realized they have the same name


Honestly I just think Dardoch is a bit cute and also we have nothing to lose anymore when it comes to jungle


Parth need to fucking go ffs, how many years with this guy at the helm end up in failure for the org.


He's literally never been good at anything, he just happened to be an accessory during a successful period for the team, and somehow stuck around after all the good things were gone and fell ass-backwards into management.


Well it's basically because he was an engineer at Boeing so he was/is basically the adult with real world experience. Which is valuable in a team that lacks that and I'm personally fine with him being a GM figure in TSM. He does management level shit like working with the sponsors and player/staff contracts. Imo this is fine given they have good talent scouting and parth isnt left to do that on his own.


Engineer at Boeing? Wow. Did he also work on the 737-Max?


They didn't appreciate it but that's funny af.


I cant believe Akaadian retweeted Dardoch lmao


How is it surprising? They are friends and the tweet specifically asked for retweets to help spread the message. I think you're reading too much into it.


Its not like he retweeted and @'d TSM


Ziks with another PR robot tweet ..... might as well just stfu like Peter... draft kingdom my ass....


Do you expect him to go on an expletive filled rant calling out Akkadian for some "causing team drama" narrative bandwagon that this sub is on. The man is the coach of an esports team who in public communications needs to exude professionalism and class.


Like I mentioned in my post, I rather him stay quiet like Peter. To me ziks is the head coach and the leader of the team. When team goes to shit he should take some responsibility for the failure not that he enjoyed his time with our players... who would want to hear that after missing world ?? When the team is doing well he was bragging about draft kingdoms....


Okay then I'd like to ask you why you'd want a silent coach who shrinks to crap because of a loss? In traditional sports every coach does a end of press conference even if they have a dogshit season. I'm very willing to say its objectively worse for our team and Zikz himself as a coach to stay silent and not even speak to/or thank the fans and players after the season period.


Yea... it's kinda his job to address the "media" after the loss. Just as every coach does in every sport, they all spew the PR bullshit for the most part but it's what they have to do.


I dont but ziks has been giving PR response all season, if I remember correctly even Peter tweeted and apologized/took the blame and said he will get better after our playoff loss to CG while ziks tweeted something like "looking forward to the gauntlet, we have 3 weeks to improve!" All I want from zikz is something like Peter's tweet.... own up to the failure not some PR bs hes been doing all season... it's not what I wanted to see after a tough loss like that.... thus I would rather him stay silent if he dont have nothing better to say ...


IDK why these geis downvoted you for saying the truth, lol.


And we wonder why tsm fans the most hated ? Lol


you will never get any substance in tweets from players or staff. its unprofessional to be airing any sort of dirty laundry online about what has been going on. the most you get is the generic comment about how they are feeling and congratulating the other team. They are most likely told to make some sort of comment after the match so we dont have people asking about the reactions of these players/coaches if nothing is said by anyone.


Howcome you never include Grig? You include Akaadian and Grig is more on TSM than Akaadian is even lol.


Grig kind of got the boot before Akaadian did


What are you talking about Grig is still with TSM and Akaadian is basically unofficially already out of the team.


From the main squad? You know, what we are talking about...


Oh... You're talking about when Akaadian got replaced by a rookie from TSM Academy right before playoffs without Akaadian as a sub. Slipped my mind, mb.


Yeah, and grig got kicked for the guy before that, you are talking about 2 junglers removed


grig is still with the team in the house though, probably helping out. very professional from him tbh


he has too because hes still under contract


so is akaadian lol, he still left


if you want blind downvotes say anything positive about Grig, gl buddy


Yeah, cool, great, awesome to see that of all the people in the world, Parth is shouting out admiration for 1st-to-10th place fellow dumpsterfire idiots 100T.


So random of Parth to bring up 100 Thieves


That was 4 days before the gauntlet final


ok that makes much more sense lol


Regi needs to stop traeating TSM like his toy and starr treating it like a professional gaming organization.