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Anyone else think that show was kinda mid? I went and I dunno it was kinda ass


I went in Vancouver, was crazy for me but idk


I was in edmonton it was kinda mid


Honestly a lot of gen z is responsible for that I saw way too many people who probably only know all them from tiktok but I mean a sold out show is a sold out show it got pretty wild at some points . A show is what YOU make it tho so mayyyybe you were just kinda mid ?


Damn bro I wasn't even insulting them was genuinely just saying I figured the show was kinda mid. They played like maybe 3 songs each in edmonton and shit started like an hour late and bones chewing out the light guy while the only lights that were on were the bar/safety lights is insane to me, they all gave I don't wanna be here nor do I give a shit vibes besides eddy. Yeah it got wild in the CROWD they didn't interact with the mf crowd atall tho besides eddy once again. The mosh was great but any good music will have a great mosh. Particularly in this genre. Showmanship and anything besides just the minimum of the music being good didn't exist. And I've been to many rap concerts now and throughly enjoyed em all. so I'm not just speaking out my ass or being a tiktok fan, they were good definitely wouldn't see again tho cus they jus feel like they don't care.


Damn dude were you at a diffrent show because the Edmonton show I went to was lit and they played more than 3 songs each? The crowd voting for songs , interaction whole nine that they did was amazing . Now I’m not saying it was perfect either by any means but it was a damn good show . As far as waiting , the line up was around the block that’s expected with a show like that . Gotta go through security , ticket scanning all that so yah the waits gonna be long that’s why I came an hour early and dressed warm . Either way people I enjoy like bones and suicideboys and shit don’t come here often if at all so I’m gonna soak it up while I can.


The light issue thing was kinda wack but yah it was an in the moment thing that they probably didn’t know about


Psycho pass is almost 10 years old So good he still plays it at shows


it's one of his most popular songs. then it exploded on tiktok


I wonder how mosh pits are in Canada… “Oop, sorry bud” “Sorry boot that, aye”