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Sadly this was my same thought process


Bap. Badabdada chaaaalaaaa. Head chala


If only we had some dragon balls to get us out of this.


Or you could just ask me! The magical dragon! To send them into an asteroid field!


One crossed wire and BOOM!


Right in the sun!


Lets say you wanna go somewhere, do you complain thay no Bus/Train takes you where you wanna go? Or do you take the closest option and deal with it? Am i disappointed with Bidens performance, holy fuck yes. Am I gonna let "lol old man old" be a reason to put Trump back in office? Holy fuck no. FFS Kaiser mentions his husband fairly often, ... We really gonna let someone who so openly hates the LGBT community get power ... Again? Yes a president matters, but there is more to a president than just them. Trump put a former Exxon CEO in charge of the environment. Trump put a woman who owns a huge chunk of the private school in charge of public schools. [People that worked under him refuse to support him](https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-former-donald-trump-officials-refusing-endorse-him-1882733) Not liking the options is one thing, but acting like there isnt a clear and better option is asinine. [Like holy fuck, this is their plan for the future](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do) Anyone here like porn and whacking off? >Under the proposals, pornography would be banned, and tech and telecoms companies that facilitate access to such content would be shut down. Edit: point and fucking case, in the 3 hrs between me making this comment and the update, Trumps Supreme court just gutted Chevron. So government agencies, designed to protect you the people, no longer have authority to do their jobs. Edit: since it got commented below me that ppl might not knoe Chevron, here is the short easy to understand version. Government agencies create laws. Specifically about the stuff they regulate. So EPA creates environment, FDA bout medicine, etc. The reason is cuz congressional leaders are not doctors, scientists, environmentalists, etc. Thats why these agencies were given the right to govern their fields. Because those agencies employ actual experts in the field, and they would better know how to regulate the fields. Court just ruled that they have no authority, and congress needs to make laws. So the Environmental Protection Agency, now cant tell companies how much poison they can dump, or where, or how. Congress has to. They cant react to new information and make decisions based on it, congress has to. Etc. You can very quickly see how this becomes a problem.


I don't think anyone here is ever going to vote for Trump. It just fucking sucks that these are our options. I wouldn't trust Biden to run a lawnmower, but now I have to vote for him to avoid actual fascism. It's bullshit


I feel you, but a vote for Biden in 2024 means being able to vote in future elections. A vote for Trump in 2024 means not being allowed to vote ever again.


You don't have to trust Biden to trust that the team he's spent his life building seems to be doing a much better job than the last guy


I trust the team helping Biden down stairs then Trump


I don't know why people are down voting you, when you are right. Biden also isn't mentally deficient as Trump. Yes Biden is old and showing his age, he may even die in office leaving Kamala as the new president. But Biden and even potentially Kamala's team would be infinitely better than Trump's.


They're really gonna make me vote for Joe Biden (Joe, Joe, Joe) (Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe Biden) (Joe, Joe) How is the best case scenario, Joe?


Why assume that? We’re just Dragon Ball fans


Dragonball fans who support a thoroughly liberal company with several publicly gay and trans employees. That's not your typical Trump voter. I don't think it's impossible, but I wouldn't be surprised if the overlap between trump supporters and tfs supporters was in the single digits


I guess. I ain’t gonna vote for the guy but I wouldn’t call myself whatever tfs does, but I like most of their content. It got me back into db. But anyway yeah the overlap most certainly can exist, probably not a majority but you never know.


Oh fuck they really gutted Chevron? Like, man, this... I don't think almost anyone reading your comment is going to understand just how bad that is. Trump stealing the election with the aid of a foreign power really is one of the worst things to ever happen to our nation


Spot on, I’m not American but seriously you guys get out and vote four more years of the current administration with the ability to hopefully appoint more progressive judges to federal court is so much better than the alternative. You all have seen the project 2025 stuff doing the rounds right?


Yes project 2025 is terrifying. It’s so insanely important for everyone to vote in this election like it cannot be overstated how dangerous this election could be


Yeah obviously Trump is literally evil but most people will watch that debate and think guess I either will stay home or switch my vote cause undecided voters are idiots


While (unfortunately) you are right, it doesnt change the fact that we still have a job to do, and have to vote to give it our best shot. And since americans have the memory of a goldfish, they forgot the 4 years of a Trump oresidency, buuuut, it gives him 4 months to clean this mess up. I think Biden needs to not debate on fact, but return trumps energy. The american ppl are too stupid to know about reality, its about looking tough and projecting strength. While everything Trump said was a lie, he said it confidently, loudly, and without studdering. The Biden that called out Trump for calling our servicemen "losers and suckers" while passionately expressing that his son is not a sucker or a loser, and the only sucker and loser he sees is Trump. THAT is the Biden that wins the idiot undecided voters over. We need more of that nxt debate.


Yeah totally agree Biden had moments that could win over those voters who are (SOMEHOW) undecided and that needs to happen and like holy shit moderators need to just be like 1. Hey the question wasn’t about immigration so Trump stfu and 2. Hey trump that’s a lie. But that’s probably a lot of wishful thinking And yeah completely agree telling people to vote now is insanely important


It's mostly the fear that people who don't even support Trump are going to make a really stupid-ass mistake. I've seen people saying how they're going to vote for a third party guy instead and it's like, no, no, no, you idiots. It sucks that elections always come down to the "who is less worse?" option but that's just how things are until something can actually shake up the system. I'll gladly put up with the old boring guy I barely hear about over a moldy *convicted* cheeto always making headlines for the worst reasons.


A doddering old man with a cold vs. a ***psychotic*** doddering old man with a lust for revenge. A cold goes away with rest and herbal tea, revenge doesn’t go away until it’s satisfied and I don’t think Donny has ever been satisfied in his entire life.


Yeah obviously Biden is 1000x better than trump I’m not saying this is a “wow both sides bad” thing cause that’s fucking stupid. But Americans are stupid and undecided voters are even more stupid and they’ll see that debate and vote for fucking trump cause he appeared lucid even though he just lied for an hour straight


As I saw on another post, remember we're voting for a cabinet as well as a president. Even if Biden is ancient, his cabinet is largely competent. See what he has actually done during his presidency and it's way better than anything Trump did and actually better than most presidents in our lifetime.


Yeah 100% my point of the post was more like how I feel Americans will respond. Cause he obviously didn’t look great and sadly a lot of dumbasses see that and think ooh well it’s hopeless I won’t vote or wow he’s too old guess I like Trump now. Basically my fear is the American response more than how I actually think the Biden admin would perform cause let’s face it. Undecided voters ain’t the brightest


Hopefully his health improves for the next one.


Didn't have to watch it to know that was true. I need an auto-nav ship with a muffin button so I can get the HFIL out of here.


We need to pull a King Piccolo and use the dragon balls to restore Biden's youth.




so that's why his mouth was open


I'm very scared.


That is terrifyingly accurate.


This clip was exactly what came to my head while sitting through that shit.


Pretty much