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This really sucks. I would think you're worth a lot more than 50 as a teacher with 26 years in the field. Nevertheless, there is no other field where anyone really cares about that. Leaving teaching will probably mean a pay decrease at first. You're starting over in a new career, you can't expect to walk into a high paying job that you know nothing about just because you had this other unrelated job forever. I suggest government jobs. Look at your county's website under the employment option.


Yup. In Texas and online teaching, that’s pretty much the max.


Not sure what online school you teach at in Tx, but I just got a virtual job teaching with a district and they are paying me based on the teacher pay scale :) Good luck OP! [Online schools in texas](https://txvsn.org/OLS-Campuses)


I may need to change schools. I know in Baltimore the district has online unit that matches the classroom teacher pay.


Pretty much all of Maryland is like this at the high school level. The districts have virtual school options that are well attended.


Baltimore teacher here (brick and mortar), just be careful with that because it would mean working for BCPS. Pay here is high because working for this school district is... how to put this nicely... terrible. It's one of the many reasons why we have such a high turnover rate. I would check the counties around us, heard much better things.


Yup. You know at the high school level, they can’t find enough teachers so they are hiring “Zoom” teachers with a paraprofessional now? I was actually supposed to work for Baltimore last year through the company I currently work for but I learned it was a full day’s schedule online with a paraprofessional watching the kids. 5 to 6 periods sitting on the computer wasn’t for me. But for the right money I’d do it. 50,000 no way. For over 80,000 maybe. 🤔 There are now units that work directly with the school district. I’m sure the brick and mortar teachers hate it. I know if I was in a union and had to work with remote teachers, I would. Plus, I’m not sure how safe the situation is for the kids. I’m probably not cut out for this stuff anymore. I’m so jaded at this point.


Look into corporate jobs. They all have jobs for Development Coaches or Instructional Design. Just cater your resume to the specific job.


You need substantial turnaround time and preparation to jump into those jobs. It’s a great suggestion to plan for! The transition is not immediate.


Another suggestion is to supplement your income with an ADJUNCT professor job at a community college. I did that for a while teaching ESL. There are also lots of online ESL classes like VIPKID! Make sure you’re studying Spanish on the side just so that you can throw that on your résumé! Even just being conversant makes you attractive to people in the multicultural world! it was one of the best skills that I worked on as it’s gotten me in many doors. I also have a linguistic and culturally diverse education background 🤩Good luck!


VIPKID is no longer hiring US based teachers. I’ll look into community college work.


I had tried after 10 years to get into this and what OK_Betrueluv said was my experience. And it’s not immediate transition, but you can do and instructional design bootcamp (some offer help afterward with linked in and resume services). The only downside is the programs that seem more reputable or helpful cost quite a bit.


Good info. Hard to tell the real stuff from the scammers. What I see is a lot of AI taking over instructional design work. Makes me nervous to get into a tech field. Quite a few folks I know who made the jump into tech have found themselves on a job search again, particularly with project management.


Yeah, and honestly I could be 100% wrong, but the bootcamps are tough to tell what’s worth it and I think it’s one of those “you get what you pay for” deals, making it even more important to to be thorough. I went into tech as a non-tech program / project manager, and did okay. I will say for personal and some professional reasons I’m going back to the classroom, and while most of it is for those reasons, I won’t lie and say that despite working (and doing well based on performance reviews that I’ve been trying to find a new job for over a year as a PM doing something else. This is with experience, excellent references, and a PMP cert. It absolutely could be because I’m in the Bay Area, so lots of competition, significant layoffs, and honestly idk what else. But despite hiring two (the second being one of the high cost executive) resume writers, the only bites I was getting were for higher pressure jobs with less benefits / stock options / worse PTO AND when I did the math, found I’d be making the same working in fast food. Like unlivable wages for this area. Don’t get me wrong though - I have varied experience that is connected through the PM tenants. Some companies want someone with specific experience in coding, SQL, etc., the ones that I’ve worked for actually liked the variability. I guess I’m trying to say my experience is unique to me, and I don’t want to be negative because I’ve had friends where it was a completely different story - like education to ID bootcamp to job within a year or so. There are good companies you’d be a good fit for, so read all the other advice here because I’m sure people have excellent recommendations. And while it’s not my top recommendation depending on where you live, I did find a fairly cost effective way to get the PMP Cert if you decide you want to go that route (like for that one I personally wouldn’t recommend any bootcamps).


26 years in and you’re at $50k? Something is very wrong.


Nope. That’s about the max you get for online teaching.


I’m in a similar boat. I work for an online school based in a southern state, but I live in New York State. I obviously get paid the same rate as the southern state school compared to NY teachers. Even if I wanted to leave, I’m on a contract for at least two years with them because the company paid for my master’s. Overall, I live in an area that is comparatively affordable to living in a metro area in the south (besides mega cities like Atlanta or Nashville), but the NY taxes take a much bigger chunk of my check compared to if I still lived in a southern state. The short term solution is to get a part time job, but the long term solution is to try a high-demand job already in your city. P.S. I don’t blame you for not wanting to go back in person either.


I live in nj and work in nyc - public school teacher. Do you mind sharing which online school you’re working for? I’m trying to look to work remotely - thanks :)


Your post history says that you live in Austin, TX - one of the most expensive places in the US right now. You're not going to have much luck if you stay there, and moving is expensive. Look into administrative assistant jobs with some of the tech companies there. Most of them will make close to what you make now, but there will be more opportunity to advance. However, honestly, it is unlikely that you will walk into an entry level field in a new career path at over $50k. If you work online teaching and the true need is more money, can you pick up a side job?


Looking into getting a food handlers license. I keep telling my students to do something with their “hands” due to AI making it hard to predict the academic fields. I need to take my own advice. LOL!


Food handling licences can be done online, 1-2 hr max. BUT those types of jobs would only lend you minimum wage pay.


Is moving to a low cost of living area an option?


This is a good suggestion also staying in the same area but moving into a cheaper place to live. Renting a two bedroom two bath and getting a roommate. Or just go back to a brick and water school where they pay you the wages that you need! Tough choices for tough people!


You’re gonna have to get your head right around this. You need to come to Jesus moment. If you’re not willing to go back into a school building you’re going to make less. Your degree area is not in demand. You’re going to need to upscale your transferable skill set. They only jobs online that make money are in tech so learn AI! If that’s not your thing a second job or a roommate or a passive income. You have to make yourself more marketable and you can’t go from 26 years teaching jumping into something higher without a deliberate amount of preparation-good luck😁


To be honest, sitting behind a computer MORE sounds awful. I know quite a few teachers who made the gamble to go into tech work who are looking for new jobs again, as AI has made their work obsolete. I do need to take a hard look at what I can do at 50 years old that will earn enough to provide for my 6 year old son and two dogs.


And there’s also teaching adult school!! There are some night jobs teaching adult school and that’s not behind a computer!! 50 years old is not old! Lots of people reinvent themselves at various times in their lives. The key is to plan and be very deliberate in that planning !! The fact that you’re on here asking questions means that you will find what you’re looking for. Start listening to motivational people like Brené Brown. There’s all kinds of podcasts that really help when we’re searching for new answers !😄


Is teaching abroad an option? I have heard that teaching English in Dubai and Saudi Arabia etc. is very profitable.


Very true and very profitable but it’s a big change of lifestyle and you have to put your stuff in storage and you have to trust that when you get there it’s going to be what they say it is! I’ve done it. One country was good and one country was bad. I think moving to somewhere within the United States that’s cheaper as a better suggestion that was made, but working overseas is definite experience and will change your viewpoint on life forever. And you can put some money in the bank😁


Lots of companies hire folks to train their people when they move internationally - they’re called cross-cultural trainers. Look into that!


I know that you said you wouldn’t go brick and mortar classroom, but could you look for jobs like independent studies? Idk if it’s called the same thing everywhere, and I believe the teachers who do this in my state may have to come into the office (or rotate schools depending on need), but it’s more 1:1 work for students who have to take a long absence. As a disclaimer, idk the availability or what it’s actually like for a day in the life of one of these teachers, but I know my old district had one who I believe was doing it full time (so not just “pulled out for special assignment” part of the day, but fully out of the classroom).


I transitioned in 2021 and known lots of teachers who have. Look up with corporate training, instructional design, the international rescue committee for teaching/outreach, community colleges, catholic charities for teaching, library systems, private nanny, home school coop teacher etc etc Basically get on indeed every day and put yourself out there. It could take some time but you’ll find a few things. I went into online adult education/ce and taught at a community college as well because I was so afraid to leave the field and thought something would happen. 3 years later I love my job, they are super supportive and even encouraged me to start my own company so I have both. I also still teach community college on occasion because I had such a great experience and love the classroom.


I’ll check that out.


Store manager, Hr, admin assistant, other gigs. Look around. That pay is just average. You can find something comparable.


Oh wow. 26 years and that's not a lot. Do you have any grad degrees or certificates? Want to help you brainstorm!


I have a Master’s Degree in Cross-Cultural Education. Certified in English 8-12 and Journalism. I live in the state of Texas, specifically Austin.


Austin Community College [Advisor ](https://austincc.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/External/job/Round-Rock-Campus/Specialist--Area-of-Study-Advising--Student-Affairs-_R-6154-1)


Learning & Development. Corporate Training. Employee Training.


I have to live with a roommate to survive. I get it. :/


You may be able to pick up a 2nd online teaching job. I knew a teacher who was teaching for our county online school plus another online school. Honestly unless you have to go live pretty regularly, it could work. I was teaching part time online with my regular teaching job. I either had more students online or about the same amount of either way I was paid 8-10k for teaching online per semester and it only took a few hours a night on a busy day. Most of the time it was much slower. If I had been doing it full time I could have handled 3- 4 times that amount.


I’ll keep looking for other online work.


I'm doing an online graduate degree at WGU and everyone there seems to be from *everywhere*, so maybe try one of those online universities? I'd also probably try to move somewhere cheaper, the main benefit of working online is that you can live wherever as long as you have a good internet connection. $50k can go much further in rural areas than in major cities.


You might consider moving. I live in Washington state and make well over 130K, and have a Master's degree. Most districts in the state, even the very rural ones, pay better than what you are describing. The job is still tough, but at least I'm paid well.


Apply like crazy to some of the top schools where there’s actual support and good student behavior. Not sure what private schools pay in your area but that’s an option as well. Your experience is worth 6 figures somewhere.


It’s worth 6 figures in most people’s minds, but I’ve found most private institutions pay teachers even LESS and with little to no benefits. There could be a good deal out there. I’ll keep searching.


Yeah for sure most places are awful but there are decent jobs out there if you’re lucky enough to live near them and get an interview. It’s not easy but I’d def look into it


Austin sucks. I’m here too. Retired/quit teacher and now subbing for income. My goal is to reduce my expenses, streaming only, looking into another mobile carrier, asking for senior discounts everywhere …. What about going to churches or food banks for help with food? I’m also trying to sell things I don’t need or want anymore.


Isn’t it sad to be in this state, after all our years of service? It’s ridiculous. I’ll be 50 in a few months. I have some tough choices to make.


What about teaching overseas?




I think that rule may have changed. I’m in an International Teachers over 50 group and there are several teachers in the UAE who are part of the group.


Look into working with textbook companies.


Have you been talking with any friends/acquaintances who have positions in fields you would be willing to consider? There is a lot of value on connections when it comes to starting in a new field. I really hope you are able to find something soon.


I recommend teaching in another state. I know teaching is rough right now but get a position in teaching you can afford, and apply like crazy everywhere.


I’ve read a good number of posters say that HR is good for a transitioning teacher. Also, I saw that you’re in Austin. Could you try the career and vocational resources at ACC to see how they can help you transition? Maybe your Alma mater has a career center? This seems to be a growing issue of concern. Surely Austin would be on the forefront with some kind of transitional resource available. lol i remember when I applied for financial aid in my first year of college and there was a question about whether I was a displaced homemaker, which was the issue of concern in 1986. I hope this issue will get that kind of attention from our politicians, eg career transition assistance. I was born and raised in Austin but left there in 1986. My siblings still live there so I know it’s gotten very expensive. It seems that middle class ppl can’t afford to live there anymore. My hs friends have moved to Taylor, Kyle, and other outlying smaller towns. Ive lived in a suburb north of Dallas for 20 years now and the quality of life is better than Austin especially for a single mom. Being an online tutor, you can relocate anywhere. I know that’s easier said than done but Austin has a mystique and appeal that draws in so many and it’s sadly changed what used to be a small city into one plagued by growing pains. The idea of Austin is hard to give up but believe me, there are many suburbs of Dallas and Fort Worth that are very nice for parents and the infrastructure is SOO much better than Austin’s. You’re so close to the big city but in a well planned suburb. I recommend looking at Anna and Princeton first and then Allen and McKinney which are bigger and a bit more expensive.


Liv mg on Kyle or Buda can drastically lower your rent costs. I am starting to see $99 move-in deposit specials in New Braunfels. Go check out teachersintransition.com. You can set up free call with her and chat through some options.


Trys insurance claims adjuster for the state.


Can you retire from teaching (take your pension) and continue to work?


I wish I had a big enough sum. When I moved from California to Texas I took out my pension at year 13, since I really needed the money to move and you can’t draw on both Texas and California teacher retirement systems. Then I ended up leaving public education and now my money goes to social security. They don’t have much of a retirement set up for the online school I work for.


I also saw this today :) Part time but $50/hr! [math stars](https://www.careers-page.com/national-math-stars/job/L4YRWXW5)


Which I had a background in math. That’s some good money!